Sustainability of Tourism Development in the Mediterranean—Interregional Similarities and Differences
:1. Introduction
2. The Need for Indicators of Sustainable Tourism Development
DPSIR Framework
3. The Empirical Analysis
3.1. Methodology
3.2. Choice of Indicators and the Research Sample
3.3. Factor Analysis
3.4. MED Regions Cluster Maps (MRCMs)
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Code | Indicator | Source of Data |
B8r | Price competitiveness | WEF, own calculation |
C10r | Air transport infrastructure | WEF, own calculation |
C11r | Ground and port infrastructure | WEF, own calculation |
C12_01r | The capacity of collective tourist accommodation | Eurostat |
D14_03r | Sport and leisure facilities | ESPON Database |
Gdpipo | GDP per inhabitant PPS | TOURMEDASSETS database |
AN2_05ipo | Monuments and other tourist sights | TOURMEDASSETS database |
AN2_15ipo | Number of beds in hotels and similar establishments per inhabitant | TOURMEDASSETS database |
AN2_23ipo | Accessibility | TOURMEDASSETS database |
EH2_44ipo | Share of employment in wholesale, retail, hotel and restaurants | TOURMEDASSETS database |
arr_nripo | Arrivals in hotels and similar establishments: nonresidents | TOURMEDASSETS database |
arr_ripo | Arrivals in hotels and similar establishments: residents | TOURMEDASSETS database |
arr_r2ipo | Arrivals in other establishments: residents | TOURMEDASSETS database |
MM2_64ipo | Airport rank | TOURMEDASSETS database |
B9_03r | Arrivals of tourists/km2, Nights spent/km2, Arrivals of tourists/1000 people, Nights spent/1000 people | Eurostat |
D14_04r | Number of congresses held in the region | ESPON Database |
STATE | ||
A2r | Safety and security | WEF, own calculation |
D13_05 | Quality of the natural environment | WEF, own calculation |
D13_05r | Quality of preservation of natural landscape based on Natura 2000 sites | ESPON Database |
SC2_02ipo | Satisfied residents | TOURMEDASSETS |
B9_03 | Sustainability of travel and tourism industry development | TOURMEDASSETS |
B6_01 | Government prioritization of the travel and tourism industry | WEF, own calculation |
B6_02 | T&T government expenditure | WEF, own calculation |
B6_03 | Effectiveness of marketing and branding to attract tourists | WEF, own calculation |
B6_04 | The comprehensiveness of annual T&T dana | WEF, own calculation |
B6_05 | Timeliness of providing monthly/quarterly T&T dana | WEF, own calculation |
B6_06 | Country brand strategy rating | WEF, own calculation |
B9_01r | The coverage rate of municipal waste collection by NUTS 2 regions | Eurostat (Data were not available for GR and CY, MED area average was used) |
B9_02 | Enforcement of environmental regulations | WEF, own calculation |
CODE | Country | NUTS 2 | Name of the Region | CODE | Country | NUTS 2 | Name of the Region | ||
1. | CY | Cyprus | CY00 | Cyprus | 28. | HR | Croatia | HR03 | Jadranska Hrvatska |
2. | ES | Spain | ES51 | Cataluña | 29. | HR | Croatia | HR04 | Kontinentalna Hrvatska |
3. | ES | Spain | ES53 | Illes Balears | 30. | IT | Italy | ITH3 | Veneto |
4. | ES | Spain | ES52 | Comunidad Valenciana | 31 | IT | Italy | ITI4 | Lazio |
5. | ES | Spain | ES24 | Aragón | 32. | IT | Italy | ITI1 | Toscana |
6. | ES | Spain | ES61 | Andalucía | 33. | IT | Italy | ITH5 | Emilia-Romagna |
7. | ES | Spain | ES64 | Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla | 34. | IT | Italy | ITC4 | Lombardia |
8. | ES | Spain | ES63 | Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta | 35. | IT | Italy | ITC3 | Liguria |
9. | ES | Spain | ES62 | Región de Murcia | 36. | IT | Italy | ITC1 | Piemonte |
10. | FR | France | FR82 | Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur | 37. | IT | Italy | ITI2 | Umbria |
11. | FR | France | FR71 | Rhône-Alpes | 38. | IT | Italy | ITH4 | Friuli-Venezia Giulia |
12. | FR | France | FR81 | Languedoc-Roussillon | 39. | IT | Italy | ITF3 | Campania |
13. | FR | France | FR83 | Corse | 40. | IT | Italy | ITC2 | Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste |
14. | FR | France | FR62 | Midi-Pyrénées | 41. | IT | Italy | ITI3 | Marche |
15. | GR | Greece | EL42 | Notio Aigaio | 42. | IT | Italy | ITG2 | Sardegna |
16. | GR | Greece | EL43 | Kriti | 43. | IT | Italy | ITG1 | Sicilia |
17. | GR | Greece | EL30 | Attiki | 44. | IT | Italy | ITF1 | Abruzzo |
18. | GR | Greece | EL62 | Ionia Nisia | 45. | IT | Italy | ITF2 | Molise |
19. | GR | Greece | EL41 | Voreio Aigaio | 46. | IT | Italy | ITF4 | Puglia |
20. | GR | Greece | EL61 | Thessalia | 47. | IT | Italy | ITF6 | Calabria |
21. | GR | Greece | EL54 | Ipeiros | 48. | IT | Italy | ITF5 | Basilicata |
22. | GR | Greece | EL52 | Kentriki Makedonia | 49. | MT | Malta | MT00 | Malta |
23. | GR | Greece | EL64 | Sterea Ellada | 50. | PT | Portugal | PT17 | Área Metropolitana de Lisboa |
24. | GR | Greece | EL65 | Peloponnisos | 51. | PT | Portugal | PT15 | Algarve |
25. | GR | Greece | EL51 | Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki | 52. | PT | Portugal | PT18 | Alentejo |
26. | GR | Greece | EL63 | Dytiki Ellada | 53. | SI | Slovenia | SI04 | Zahodna Slovenija |
27. | GR | Greece | EL53 | Dytiki Makedonia | 54. | SI | Slovenia | SI03 | Vzhodna Slovenija |
Number of Items Retained in the Analysis * | Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy | Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity | |||
Approx. Chi-Square | df | Sig. | |||
Driving Forces | 7 | 0.673 | 161.071 | 21 | 0.000 |
Pressures | 6 | 0.779 | 168.954 | 15 | 0.000 |
State | 5 | 0.551 | 75.129 | 10 | 0.000 |
Responses | 6 | 0.557 | 352.540 | 15 | 0.000 |
Factors | Indicator Code | Indicator Description | Factor Loadings | Percentage of Variance Explained | |
Driving Forces | Basic tourism resources and facilities | zC12_01 rzAN2_15ipo zEH2_44ipo | Tourist service infrastructure Monuments and other tourist sights Share of employment in wholesale, retail, hotel and restaurants | 0.797 0.908 0.827 | 66.47 |
Tourism development preconditions | zC11r zgdpipo zAN2_05ipo zAN2_23ipo | Ground and port infrastructure GDP per capita Number of beds in hotels and similar establishments per inhabitant Accessibility | 0.500 0.797 0.742 0.709 | ||
Pressures | Tourist demand | zarr_nripo zarr_ripo zarr_r2ipo zD14_04r | Arrivals in hotels and similar establishments: nonresidents Arrivals in hotels and similar establishments: residents Arrivals in other establishments: residents Sport and leisure facilities | 0.659 0.918 0.854 0.780 | 76.17 |
Tourism spatial pressures | zMM2_64ipo zB9_03r | Airport rank Arrivals of tourists/km2, Nights spent/km2, Arrivals of tourists/1000 people, Nights spent/1000 people | 0.747 0.902 | ||
State | Environment quality and sustainability | zD13_05r zB9_03 – zD13_05 | Quality of preservation of natural landscape based on Natura 2000 sites Sustainability of travel and tourism industry development Quality of the natural environment | 0.878 0.668 0.933 | 65.31 |
Life quality and safety | zA2r zSC2_02ipo | Safety and security Satisfied residents | 0.750 0.721 | ||
Responses | Policy efficacy in creating preconditions for tourism attractiveness | zB6_05 zB6_06 zB9_02 | Timeliness of providing monthly/quarterly T&T data Country brand strategy rating Enforcement of environmental regulations | 0.891 0.894 0.916 | 87.01 |
Strategic orientation towards T&T industry | zB6_01 zB6_02 zB6_03 | Government prioritization of the travel and tourism industry T&T government expenditure Effectiveness of marketing and branding to attract tourists | 0.960 0.853 0.867 |
COMPONENT | Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | ||
DRIVING FORCES | F1 | Between Groups | 35,510 | 2 | 17,755 | 51,775 | 000 |
Within Groups | 17,489 | 51 | 343 | ||||
Total | 53,000 | 53 | |||||
F2 | Between Groups | 38,000 | 2 | 19,000 | 64,600 | 000 | |
Within Groups | 15,000 | 51 | 294 | ||||
Total | 53,000 | 53 | 17,755 | ||||
PRESSURES | F1 | Between Groups | 35,510 | 2 | 17,755 | 51,775 | 000 |
Within Groups | 17,489 | 51 | 343 | ||||
Total | 53,000 | 53 | |||||
F2 | Between Groups | 38,000 | 2 | 19,000 | 64,600 | 000 | |
Within Groups | 15,000 | 51 | 294 | ||||
Total | 53,000 | 53 | |||||
STATE | F1 | Between Groups | 38,265 | 2 | 19,133 | 66,222 | 000 |
Within Groups | 14,735 | 51 | 289 | ||||
Total | 53,000 | 53 | |||||
F2 | Between Groups | 32,336 | 2 | 16,168 | 39,903 | 000 | |
Within Groups | 20,664 | 51 | 405 | ||||
Total | 53,000 | 53 | |||||
RESPONSES | F1 | Between Groups | 52,116 | 3 | 17,372 | 983,320 | 000 |
Within Groups | 883 | 50 | 018 | ||||
Total | 53,000 | 53 | |||||
F2 | Between Groups | 47,560 | 3 | 15,853 | 145,708 | 000 | |
Within Groups | 5440 | 50 | 109 | ||||
Total | 53,000 | 53 |
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Pivčević, S.; Petrić, L.; Mandić, A. Sustainability of Tourism Development in the Mediterranean—Interregional Similarities and Differences. Sustainability 2020, 12, 7641.
Pivčević S, Petrić L, Mandić A. Sustainability of Tourism Development in the Mediterranean—Interregional Similarities and Differences. Sustainability. 2020; 12(18):7641.
Chicago/Turabian StylePivčević, Smiljana, Lidija Petrić, and Ante Mandić. 2020. "Sustainability of Tourism Development in the Mediterranean—Interregional Similarities and Differences" Sustainability 12, no. 18: 7641.
APA StylePivčević, S., Petrić, L., & Mandić, A. (2020). Sustainability of Tourism Development in the Mediterranean—Interregional Similarities and Differences. Sustainability, 12(18), 7641.