Dynamic Models for Exploring the Resilience in Territorial Scenarios
:1. Introduction
2. State of Art of Resilience and Urban Resilience
3. Dynamic Models in the Decision-Making Process
3.1. Urban Simulation Models
3.2. System Dynamics Model
3.2.1. Methodological Background and State of Art
- Exponential growth or decline, which is characterized by only positive or only negative feedbacks;
- Goal-seeking behavior, which is created by first-order negative feedback;
- S-shaped growth. This behavior, over time, is created by a combination of positive and negative feedback loops. In this case, both loops struggle for dominance until the struggle ends with a long-term equilibrium;
- Oscillations. This is one of the most common types of dynamic behaviors in the world and it can have different forms, such as (1) sustained oscillations; (2) damped oscillations; (3) exploded oscillations; (4) chaos. The structure that creates oscillations is a combination of negative feedback loops and delay.
3.2.2. Illustrative Example
- (1)
- “HWS” is the annual household’s waste emission;
- (2)
- “DSWE” is the domestic solid waste emission.
3.3. Lotka–Volterra Cooperative Systems
3.3.1. Methodological Background and State of Art
- if a12, a21 > 0, benefits from the presence of the second state variable , then Lotka–Volterra models are defined as “cooperative”;
- if a12, a21 < 0, the first state variable competes with the second state variable, then Lotka–Volterra models are “competitive”;
- if a12 < 0 (prey), a21 > 0 (predator), it means that the two variables are opposite, then Lotka–Volterra models are “prey/predator”.
a1 = b − c | b1 = −b | a12 = 0 | I1 = 0 |
a2 = d − f | b1 = −d | a21 = f | I2 = 0 |
3.3.2. Illustrative Example
4. How Can These Models Contribute for Building Resilient Systems?
- Nature highlights the different essence and characteristics of both dynamic models. On one hand, the Lotka–Volterra are models that aim to explore the dynamic functions of a given environmental system N, whereas the SDM models may be considered as a tool used to study and analyze the model or the system.
- Input is intended as the modalities to insert and deal with data at different spatial scales, as well as the possibility to integrate the participatory process. Generally, the considered dynamic models allow the insert of only quantitative data and the employment of different spatial scales (from local to regional and superior). As far as the participatory process is concerned in the SDM models, the decision makers may be integrated since the early phases of the process by using causal loops (Figure 1) that facilitate the interpretation of the system functioning and the integration of different stakeholders’ perspectives [14,50]. In the LV models, the participatory process may be integrated only by other evaluation procedures, such as the Multicriteria Analysis (MCA), by using a system of indicators and indices [79,87].
- Output refers to the final result produced through the considered dynamic models, such as the scenario simulation, the use of the time scale, the spatial scale, the graphical representation and the sensitivity analysis with the aim to validate the scenarios produced. Particularly, both SDM and LV models simulate possible future scenarios and these represent, generally, the final output through a graphic plot in that the linear function is represented. Unlike the LV models, the SDM models show, since the initial phase, a graphical representation of the relations between the considered variables and they allow to make, after the scenario simulation, a sensitivity analysis. These two DMs use, in different ways the time scale: the SDM model use a real time scale that may be traduced in months, years or centuries, whereas the LV model uses an arbitrary time scale that may be subdivided in an initial phase when the function starts with the state of art conditions (t0), transitory phase, when the linear function evolves in terms of growth or degrowth, and a final phase, when the linear function became stable. The arbitrary time scale may be traduced in a real time scale by considering the historical series of the analyzed parameters [74]. Sensitivity analysis is a valuable procedure for testing the model response with respect to the variation of parameter values, as well as to identify those parameters that have more impact than the others on the investigated phenomenon [88]. Sensitivity analysis can increase the reliability of the model and thus, reduce the uncertainty of parameters used in the models. A very common sensitivity test is the One-At-Time approach (OAT) [89] that is often used in Multicriteria Analysis as final tuning [75,90,91]. This, in fact, facilitates the scenarios’ assessment when actors and stakeholders are involved in a participatory decision-making process [92,93].
- Software refers to the availability of software and the modalities to solve the Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). On one hand, the SDM models are characterized by the use of specific software, such as STELLA, Venism and Powerism, that formulate themselves the ODEs from which the scenarios’ simulations are produced. On the other hand, LV models are generally employed through mathematical software, such as MatLab and Mathematica Software, and these need to write manually the ODEs to obtain the prediction of scenarios (Figure 6). In this sense, both the dynamic models use the ODEs as an output, but in different ways. From the point of view of the availability, both dynamic models may be written through specific packages in open programming languages, such “deSolve” for R, “Simupy” for Python, “Mat Cont for Matlab” and “Nova modeler” for ecological modelling.
- Integration refers to the capability of DMs to integrate different techniques and evaluation methodologies. For instance, the considered dynamic models are a suitable tool to being integrated with Multicriteria Analysis (MCA) [75], as well as with the Agent-Based Models (ABM) [94] and Hedonic Price Model (HPM) [95]. Specifically, MCA can be used at two different phases: (1) at the beginning, to support the problem articulation and the identification of the variables to be included in the model; (2) after the scenarios’ simulation to support the evaluation of the different performances through final score calculation or ranking elaboration. Shafiei et al. [96] integrate SDM and Agent-Based Models to better understand the effects, not only on the system but also on the agent of the transition to sustainable mobility.
- Mapping is intended as the possibility to visualize the scenarios using GIS-based methods and the possibility to interact the dynamic model and the GIS interface through a programming language (e.g., QGIS and Python). Actually, the integration of DMs simulation results into GIS is developed by users in specific plug-ins (e.g., PANDORA 3.0 [97]) or by using specific coding platforms (e.g., QGIS Python console) and to get a spatial visualization of the output. Despite the requirement of specific competences to manage DMs in GIS environment, the users may support decision makers in better interpreting certain dynamics related to urban resilience by visualizing spatially the output of the dynamic model in a final map and therefore, identifying specific policies and solutions.
- Scenario planning refers to the prediction of future scenarios and the definition for each scenario of objectives and strategies. Both SDM and LV models allow to predict the way variables evolve, starting from the state of art conditions (t0) [50]. In this sense, both the SDM and the LV models are useful supports for the decision makers for identifying the most critical areas and adopting specific policies and interventions.
- Scale refers to the application of dynamic models at different scales. Moreover, the SDM considers a system as a whole, analyzing and focusing on its components and sub-components. In fact, SDMs are mostly applied to municipal or metropolitan scales. LV models are generally employed to provincial and sub-regional scales and to those territories with a rural vocation.
5. Conclusions and Future Perspectives
- These DMs are currently considered as some of the most promising models for understanding multi-dimensional problems related to urban and territorial systems.
- If experiments are impossible in the real world, simulations become the main way we can learn effectively about the dynamics of complex systems. Dynamic models are the most appropriate techniques to simulate complex and dynamic systems with the aim of developing policy and learning to effectively manage the system [50,100].
- These models are able to predict the effects of the actions over time on the state of the system. For this reason, both the DMs considered can be applied to evaluate the possible effects of urban and territorial policies in order to enhance urban resilience.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Author | Field | Definition of Resilience | Static or Dynamic |
Holling, 1973 | Ecology | “The ability of these systems to absorb changes of states variables, driving variables, and parameters, and still persist” (p. 17). | Dynamic |
Pimm, 1984 | Ecology | “How fast the variables return towards their equilibrium following a perturbation” (p. 322). | Static |
Carpenter et al., 2001 | Social-ecological systems | “The magnitude of disturbance that can be tolerated before a socioecological system (SES) moves to a different region of state space controlled by a different set of processes” (p. 765). | Dynamic |
Adger, 2000 | Geography | “The ability of groups or communities to cope with external stresses and disturbances as a result of social, political and environmental change” (p. 347). | Dynamic |
Rose, 2007 | Economics | “The speed at which an entity or system recovers from a severe shock to achieve a desired state” (p. 384). | Dynamic |
Fiksel, 2006 | Systems engineering | “The capacity of a system to tolerate disturbances while retaining its structure and function” (p. 16). | Dynamic |
Zhu and Ruth, 2013 | Industrial ecology | “The ability [for industrial ecosystems] to maintain their defining feature of eco-efficient material and energy flows under disruptions” (p. 74). | Dynamic |
Zeng and colleagues, 2013 | Networks | “The critical threshold at which a phase transition occurs from normal state to collapse” (p. 12). | Static |
Ouyang, 2014 | Engineering | “The joint ability of a system to resist (prevent and withstand) any possible hazards, absorb the initial damage, and recover to normal operation” (p. 53). | Static |
Adger, 2000 | Social resilience | “Ability of groups or communities to cope with external stresses and disturbances as a result of social, political and environmental change” (p. 347). | Static |
Authors and Year | Definition | Field |
Meerow et al., 2016 | “Urban resilience refers to the ability of an urban system—and all its constituent socio-ecological and socio-technical networks across temporal and spatial scales—to maintain or rapidly return to desired functions in the face of a disturbance, to adapt to change, and to quickly transform systems that limit current or future adaptive capacity” (p. 39). | Academic |
100 Resilient City Campaign, 2013 | “Urban resilience is the capacity of individuals, communities, institutions, businesses, and systems within a city to survive, adapt, and grow no matter what kinds of chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience” (p. 10). | Political |
UN-Habitat | “Urban resilience is the measurable ability of any urban system, with its inhabitants, to maintain continuity through all shocks and stresses, while positively adapting and transforming toward sustainability” (p. 5). | Political |
Urbact, 2004 | “Urban resilience is the capacity of urban systems, communities, individuals, organisations and businesses to recover, maintain their function and thrive in the aftermath of a shock or a stress, regardless its impact, frequency or magnitude” (p. 6). | Political |
Desouza and Flanery, 2013 | “Urban resilience is the ability to absorb, adapt and respond to changes in urban systems” (p. 89). | Academic |
Hamilton, 2009 | “Urban resilience is the ability to recover and continue to provide their main functions of living, commerce, industry, government and social gathering in the face of calamities and other hazards” (p. 109). | Academic |
Lu and Stead, 2013 | “Urban resilience is the ability of a city to absorb disturbance while maintaining its functions and structures” (p. 200). | Academic |
Thornbush et al., 2013 | “Urban resilience is a general quality of the city’s social, economic, and natural systems to be sufficiently future-proof” (p. 2). | Academic |
Leichenko, 2011 | “Urban resilience is the ability to withstand a wide array of shocks and stresses” (p. 164). | Academic |
Romeo—Lankao and Gnatz, 2013 | “Urban resilience is a capacity of urban populations and systems to endure a wide array of hazards and stresses” (p. 358). | Academic |
OECD, 2016 | “Resilient cities are cities that have the ability to absorb, recover and prepare for future shocks (economic, environmental, social and institutional). Resilient cities promote sustainable development, well-being and inclusive growth” (p. 3). | Political |
Resilience Alliance, 2002 | “A resilient city is one that has developed capacities to help absorb future shocks and stresses to its social, economic and technical systems and infrastructures, so as to still be able to maintain essentially the same functions, structures, systems and identity” (p. 4). | Political |
ICLEI, 2015 | “A resilient city is prepared to absorb and recover from any shocks or stress while maintaining its essential functions, structures and identity as well as adapting and thriving in the face of continual change. Building resilience requires identifying and assessing hazard risks, reducing vulnerability and exposure, and lastly, increasing resistance, adaptive capacity and emergency preparedness!” (p. 1). | Political |
C40, 2017 | “Cities are the forefront of experiencing a host of climate impacts, including coastal and inland flooding, heat waves, droughts, and wildfire. As a result, there is widespread need for municipal agencies to understand and mitigate climate risks to urban infrastructure and services and the communities they serve” (p. 1). | Political |
Urban Resilience HUB, 2015 | “The measurable ability of any urban system, with its inhabitants, to maintain continuity through all shocks and stresses, while positively adapting and transforming toward sustainability” (p. 6). | Political |
UNISDR, 2015 | “The ability of a system, community or society exposed to hazards, to resist, absorb, accommodate, adapt to, transform and recover from its effects in a timely and efficient manner, including through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures and functions through risk management” (p. 3). | Political |
Model | Field of Application | Types of Data | Treatment of Space | Treatment of Time | Uncertainty |
Bayesian networks | Decision-making and management, Social learning, System understanding, Prediction | Qualitative and quantitative | Non-spatial | Non-temporal | Structural learning from data and knowledge is possible |
Coupled component models | Prediction, Forecasting, System understanding, Decision-making and management | Mainly quantitative but qualitative are possible | Comprehensive set of options | Routine | Comprehensive discrimination tests between alternatives |
Agent-based models | Social learning, System understanding | Mainly quantitative | Limited | Limited | Comprehensive discrimination tests between alternatives |
Knowledge-based models | Decision-making and management, Prediction, Forecasting | Qualitative and quantitative | Non-spatial | Usually non- temporal | Comprehensive discrimination tests between alternatives |
Authors and Year | Territorial Scale | Method | Outcome |
Wu et al., 2018 | Metropolitan (Beijing, China) | System Dynamics Model System of urban sustainability indicators GIS (Geographic Information System) | Simulating different urban development scenarios to assess their possible effects both temporally and spatially. The objective is to choose the preferable development strategy. |
Pagano et al., 2017 | Municipal (L’Aquila, Italy) | System Dynamics Model System of performance criteria | Assessing the evolution of the resilience of a drinking water supply in case of natural disaster. |
Tan et al., 2018 | Metropolitan (Beijing, China) | System Dynamics Model System of indicators | Evaluating three different urban development scenarios considering their possible impacts over time on social, economic and environmental sectors. |
Guan et al., 2011 | Metropolitan (Chongqing, China) | System Dynamics Model GIS Analytic hierarchy Process (AHP) System of indicators and indices | Development of an integrated evaluation model to assess four different urban scenarios considering the dynamic evolution of considered indicators in both temporal and spatial dimensions. |
Park et al., 2013 | Metropolitan (Seoul, Korea) | System Dynamics Model | Quantitative analysis of self-sufficient urban development policies for assessing their impacts over time. |
Lotka–Volterra Models Applied to Territorial and Urban Planning | |||
Authors and Year | Territorial Scale | Method | Outcome |
Finotto and Monaco, 2010 | Municipal | Stability analysis for predicting the production and the time variation of bioenergy; Analysis of territorial characteristics using the ecological graph | Identification of interventions to guarantee the ecological functions of the environmental system with attention on the reduction of the urban sprawl. |
Gobattoni et al., 2012, 2014, 2016) | Provincial | PANDORA model | Stability analysis on ecological equilibria as future ecological scenarios. |
Assumma, Bottero and Monaco, 2016, 2019) | Sub-regional | Lotka–Volterra models; System of indicators and indices | Simulation of the population’s mobility with respect to the economic attractiveness. |
Assumma, Bottero, Monaco and Soares, 2018 | Supra-Municipal | Lotka–Volterra models; System of indicators and indices | Simulation of the population’s dynamics related to economic attractiveness and ecological states as resilience factor. |
Monaco, 2015 Monaco and Servente, 2006 | Provincial | Lotka–Volterra models; System of indicators and indices | Customer flow is intended as the attractiveness expressed by a system of Gross Leasable Areas (GLAs) by considering their degree of accessibility. |
Capello and Faggian, 2002 | Municipal | Lotka–Volterra models of prey–predator type | Urban population, urban rent and production profits are combined for understanding urban dynamics of Italian cities. |
Lotka–Volterra Models | System Dynamic Models | ||
Nature | Essence and characters * | | |
Input | Use of qualitative and quantitative data | | |
Participatory process | | | |
Use of different spatial scales | | | |
Output | Scenario simulation | | |
Time scale | | | |
Spatial scale | | | |
Graphical representation | | | |
Sensitivity analysis | | | |
Software | Availability | | |
Use of Ordinary Differential Equations | | | |
Integration | Integration with different techniques and methodologies | | |
Mapping | GIS visualization | | |
Interactivity | | | |
Scenario planning | Definition of objectives and strategies | | |
Prediction of future scenarios | | | |
Scale | Multiscale | | |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Assumma, V.; Bottero, M.; Datola, G.; De Angelis, E.; Monaco, R. Dynamic Models for Exploring the Resilience in Territorial Scenarios. Sustainability 2020, 12, 3. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12010003
Assumma V, Bottero M, Datola G, De Angelis E, Monaco R. Dynamic Models for Exploring the Resilience in Territorial Scenarios. Sustainability. 2020; 12(1):3. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12010003
Chicago/Turabian StyleAssumma, Vanessa, Marta Bottero, Giulia Datola, Elena De Angelis, and Roberto Monaco. 2020. "Dynamic Models for Exploring the Resilience in Territorial Scenarios" Sustainability 12, no. 1: 3. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12010003
APA StyleAssumma, V., Bottero, M., Datola, G., De Angelis, E., & Monaco, R. (2020). Dynamic Models for Exploring the Resilience in Territorial Scenarios. Sustainability, 12(1), 3. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12010003