Predicting the Helpfulness of Online Restaurant Reviews Using Different Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study of Yelp
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. The Role of eWOM in Promoting Business Sustainability
2.2. Studies on Review Helpfulness Prediction
2.3. Machine Learning for eWOM
3. Methodology
3.1. Data Collection
3.2. Data Analysis Process
3.2.1. Step 1: Data Preprocessing
3.2.2. Step 2: Restaurant Aspect Extraction
3.2.3. Step 3: Sentiment Detection
3.2.4. Step 4: Classifier Set Up
3.3. Measurements
4. Results
4.1. Descriptive Analysis of Online Reviews
4.2. LDA Results
4.3. Sentiment Results
4.4. Model Comparison
5. Concluding Remarks
5.1. Summary of Results and Discussion
5.2. Implications, Limitations, and Future Studies
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Author (Year) | Antecedents of Review Helpfulness/Usefulness | Review Platform | Number of Reviews | Targeted Location | Review Category | Methods | Main Conclusion |
Liu and Park [38] | Reviewer characteristics (identity disclosure; expertise; reputation); review content features (review star rating; review length; review readability; review sentiment) | Yelp | 5090 | New York City, London | Restaurant | Tobit regression model | A combination of both reviewer and review characteristics positively influence on the review helpfulness |
Qazi et al. [53] | Average number of concepts per sentence; number of concepts per review; review types | TripAdvisor | 1366 | NA | Hotel | Tobit regression model | The number of concepts contained in a review, the average number of concepts per sentence, and the review type contribute to the perceived helpfulness of online reviews |
Hu and Chen [54] | Review content; review sentiment; review author; review visibility | TripAdvisor | 349,582 | Las Vegas, Orlando | Hotel | Model Tree | Review visibility and interaction effect of hotel star class and review rating improve the prediction accuracy |
Fang et al. [55] | Review readability; review sentiment; reviewer mean rating; reviewer rating habit (skewness of rating distribution) | TripAdvisor | 19,674 | New Orleans | Attractions | Negative binomial regression and Tobit regression model | Text readability and reviewer characteristics affect preceived review helpfulness |
Kwok and Xie [34] | Number of words; number of sentences; reviewer gender; reviewer age; ratings; reviewer experience (status; membership; city visited) | TripAdvisor | 56,284 | Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio | Hotel | Linear Regression | The helpfulness of online hotel reviews is positively affected by manager response and reviewer status |
Lee et al. [56] | Negative emotional expressions | TripAdvisor | 520,668 | New York City | Hotel | Negative binomial regression | Negative reviews are more influential than positive reviews when potential customers read online hotel reviews for their future stay |
Yang et al. [57] | Heuristic attributes (reviewer location, reviewer level, reviewer helpful vote, review rating, review length, and review photo) | TripAdvisor | 1158 | New York City | Hotel (a single case) | Conjoint analysis | Review rating and reviewer helpful vote attributes are the two most important factors in predicting review helpfulness |
Hu et al. [58] | Review quality; review sentiment; reviewer characteristics | TripAdvisor | 1,434,004 | New York City, Las Vegas, Chicago, Orlando, Miami | Hotel | Linear regression, reduced error-pruning tree, random forest | Review rating and number of words predict review helpfulness across different users’ travel regions, travel seasons, and travel types |
Zhou and Guo [42] | Review order | Yelp | 70,610 | Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Washington, D.C. | Restaurant | Negative binomial regression | A review’s position in the sequence of reviews influences review helpfulness |
Gao et al. [59] | Reviewer characteristics (e.g., absolute rating bias; number of cities visited; total number of reviews); hotel rating | TripAdvisor | 8676 | New York City | Hotel | Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and ordered logistic regression | Reviews by reviewers with higher absolute bias in rating in the past influences helpfulness of future reviews |
Filieri et al. [60] | Extreme rating | TripAdvisor | 11,358 | France | Hotel | Tobit regression analysis | Extreme reviews that are long and accomopanied by the reviewers’ photos are perceived to be more helpful |
Ma et al. [61] | Textual content; visual content | TripAdvisor; Yelp | 37,392 | Orlando | Hotel | Decision tree, Support Vector Machine with linear kernel (SVM), logistic regression | Deep learning models combining both review texts and user-provided photos were more useful in predicting review helpfulness than other models |
Lee et al. [62] | Review quality; review sentiment; reviewer characteristics | TripAdvisor | 1,170,246 | New York City, Las Vegas, Chicago, Orlando, Miami | Hotel | Classification-based approach | Reviewer characteristics are good predictors of review helpfulness, whereas review quality and review sentiment are poor predictors of review helpfulness |
Li et al. [43] | Temporal cues (time related words); explanatory cues (causation-related words); sensory cues (see, hear, feel) | Yelp | 186,714 | Las Vegas | Restaurant | Negative binomial regression | Temporal cues have the strongest impact on review usefulness |
Liang et al. [63] | Review content quality (review depth; review extremity; review readability); reviewer characteristics (expertise; reputation; identity disclosure; cultural background); hotel features (ratings; ranking; number of rooms and photos) | TripAdvisor | 246,963 | Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong (China) | Hotel | Multilevel model | Informative and readable reviews accompanied by extreme ratings are perceived to be more helpful |
Wang et al. [15] | Emotional content; linguistic style | Yelp | 262,205 | San Diego, Philadelphia, Houston, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Miami, Anaheim, Chicago, New York City, and Orlando | Restaurant | Negative binomial regression | Joy, sadness, anger, fear, trust, disgust, and linguistic style matching impact review helpfulness |
City | Number of Reviews |
Las Vegas | 85,558 |
Los Angeles | 105,513 |
New York | 102,963 |
Grand Total | 294,034 |
Star Rating | Review Count | % |
1 | 22,802 | 7.76% |
2 | 17,356 | 5.90% |
3 | 29,240 | 9.94% |
4 | 66,974 | 22.78% |
5 | 157,662 | 53.62% |
Grand Total | 294,034 | 100% |
Model | F1 | Recall% | Precision% |
NB (Naïve Bayes) | 67.68 | 64.34 | 71.39 |
NB+SVM (Support Vector Machine) | 71.20 | 72.96 | 69.52 |
SVM_FDO (Fuzzy Domain Ontology) | 79.59 | 77.65 | 81.62 |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Luo, Y.; Xu, X. Predicting the Helpfulness of Online Restaurant Reviews Using Different Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study of Yelp. Sustainability 2019, 11, 5254.
Luo Y, Xu X. Predicting the Helpfulness of Online Restaurant Reviews Using Different Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study of Yelp. Sustainability. 2019; 11(19):5254.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLuo, Yi, and Xiaowei Xu. 2019. "Predicting the Helpfulness of Online Restaurant Reviews Using Different Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study of Yelp" Sustainability 11, no. 19: 5254.
APA StyleLuo, Y., & Xu, X. (2019). Predicting the Helpfulness of Online Restaurant Reviews Using Different Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study of Yelp. Sustainability, 11(19), 5254.