Transforming Development and Disaster Risk
:1. Introduction
2. Conceptualizing Transformation
3. Opportunities for Transformation
3.1. Exposing Development-Disaster Risk Trade-Offs in Development Policy and Decision-Making
3.2. Prioritizing Equity and Social Justice in Approaches to Secure Resilience
3.3. Enabling Transformation through Adaptive Governance
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Transformation Framing | Attributes | Conditions | Outcomes | Key References |
Social-ecological System (SES) Transformation | Recombining existing elements of an SES in fundamentally novel ways to create a new SES Phases: Prepare for SES change (window of opportunity); navigate the transition (selecting, learning and adoption); build resilience of the new regime; institutionalize the trajectory; and routinize new feedbacks | Triggers: Crises; untenable systems; changing environmental or socio-economic conditions Enablers: Novelty and innovation; resilience; all forms of capital; diversity of institutions; self-organizing groups and networks; leadership; learning platforms; strengthening cross-scale relationships in the governance structure | A development trajectory and SESs that ensure the sustained well-being of humans and ecosystem services | [32,33,34,35,36] |
Transformational Adaptation | Physical and/or qualitative, non-linear radical or step changes in form, structure or meaning-making that include changes in regime management and functioning, behavior, values and perceptions Indicators: Adaptations at a larger scale or intensity; new to a context or system; or that transform places and shift locations | Triggers: Extreme climate events; multiple stresses Enablers: Transdisciplinary approaches; value- and place-based approaches; deep inquiry into structures of meaning-making, power relations and root causes of current failures; social networks across scales; local leadership and accountability; incentives; resources; communications technologies | Greater justice, equity, long-term resilience and sustainable development | [24,25,37,38,39,40,41] |
Transformative DRR | A fundamental qualitative change, or a change in composition or structure that is often associated with changes in goals, perspectives, governance regimes or initial conditions, towards a different risk management status quo Pathway characteristics: competition; experimentation; scale effects; lock-in | Triggers: Major disasters Enablers: Critical reflexivity and inclusion in disaster risk decision-making; innovation; participatory learning; self-organizing groups and networks beyond established institutions; narrative analysis; adaptive co-management; anticipatory planning and behavior beyond coping | Reduced disaster risk; enhanced resilience; sustainability | [12,13,18,42,43] |
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Thomalla, F.; Boyland, M.; Johnson, K.; Ensor, J.; Tuhkanen, H.; Gerger Swartling, Å.; Han, G.; Forrester, J.; Wahl, D. Transforming Development and Disaster Risk. Sustainability 2018, 10, 1458.
Thomalla F, Boyland M, Johnson K, Ensor J, Tuhkanen H, Gerger Swartling Å, Han G, Forrester J, Wahl D. Transforming Development and Disaster Risk. Sustainability. 2018; 10(5):1458.
Chicago/Turabian StyleThomalla, Frank, Michael Boyland, Karlee Johnson, Jonathan Ensor, Heidi Tuhkanen, Åsa Gerger Swartling, Guoyi Han, John Forrester, and Darin Wahl. 2018. "Transforming Development and Disaster Risk" Sustainability 10, no. 5: 1458.
APA StyleThomalla, F., Boyland, M., Johnson, K., Ensor, J., Tuhkanen, H., Gerger Swartling, Å., Han, G., Forrester, J., & Wahl, D. (2018). Transforming Development and Disaster Risk. Sustainability, 10(5), 1458.