Electric Vehicle Air Conditioning System and Its Optimization for Extended Range—A Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. History of AC
1.2. Winter Air Conditioning (Heating)
1.3. Vapor-Compression Refrigeration System
1.3.1. Solar Air Conditioning
1.3.2. Metal Hydride Air Conditioning
1.3.3. Thermoelectric System
2. Ways to Improve Performance of VCR Systems
2.1. Condenser
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- how to produce automated perfect control of output amount, pressure, and temperature of the refrigerant;
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- how to avoid backpressure due to the accumulation of refrigerant in the condenser;
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- how to produce a new separate control system for the quality of the refrigerant at the exit of the condenser; and
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- how to produce a reduction in size and weight with improved performance.
2.2. Compressor
2.3. Refrigerant
2.4. Thermal Expansion Valve
3. Air Conditioner Control Schemes
Speed of the Vehicle and Internal Temperature Distribution
4. Air Conditioner Load Reduction
4.1. Solar-Reflective Glazing
Sl No | Type | Effects |
1 | Solar-reflective glazing with a dielectric layer and silver [90] | Solar radiation was reduced by 14% Reduced compressor load by 11.3% |
2 | Advanced Sungate windshield [91] | Reduced the compressor power by 400 W Reduction in fuel consumption by 3.4% |
3 | Double panel glaze (glass and polycarbonate) coated with films [92] | 48% heat load can be reduced |
4 | Solar reflectivity glaze (Sungate-EP) with body insulation [93,94] | 33% thermal load can be reduced |
5 | Polycarbonate sheet [95,96] | 5.9–7.1% cooling load can be reduced |
6 | Bond of polyvinyl butyral between the glaze pieces [97] | Cabin temperature was reduced by 1 °C Air conditioner capacity was reduced by 4% Range improved by 0.7–1.5% |
7 | Solar intensity reduction glaze [98] | The surface temperature of the body was reduced by 2 °C Power consumption was reduced by 20% |
8 | 40%, 60% and 80% solar heat radiation reduction films [99] | Heat load reduction in 14%, 18% and29%, respectively Reduction in fuel consumption of 11.7%, 14.4% and 18%, respectively |
9 | IRR glasses and blinds [100] | Reduced the heat load |
10 | Photovoltachromic glazing [101,105] | Transmissibility was reduced by 75% 33% thermal load can be reduced |
4.2. Cabin Preconditioning
4.3. Recirculation Mode
4.4. Other Factors Influencing EV Range
5. Methodologies Identified
- Depending on the number of passengers, the volume of air to be conditioned can be reduced. Instead of conditioning the whole cabin space, only the surrounding space of the passengers is conditioned through localized/zonal cooling systems.
- The optimum amount of conditioned air should reach the breathing zone of the passenger at the required velocity, pressure, and temperature. The roles of the shape and position of the nozzle were considered.
5.1. Localized/Zonal Cooling
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- practical limitations to control the temperature of individual occupant zone;
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- the development of a thermal boundary layer around the occupant for non-thermal interaction with the rest of the cabin space;
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- effective temperature control of body parts which is in contact with the seat.
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- the mechanism of airflow and heat transfer through the seat;
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- effective distribution of conditioned air around the body parts according to the exact requirement;
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- control over the flow of conditioned air around the occupant, based on the temperature of different body parts;
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- comfort condition is based on the position of the air vent; the arrangement of air vents nearby the body will restrict the moment; high-speed air circulation is needed if the vent is arranged away from the body; the speed of the circulating air is one of the deciding factors of comfort;
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- airflow to the neck has to be controlled because the neck is more sensitive [99].
5.2. Nozzle
5.3. Nozzle Configuration
5.4. Position
6. Conclusions
- By utilizing the condensate water, a vaporized moisture presence around the tubes of the condenser can be created to improve the heat transfer rate. Effective utilization of the condenser leads to a power reduction of 7.3–35.5%.
- The power supply controlled by the evaporator outlet temperature was reported to be the most effective. Cabin preconditioning with the help of grid power increased the range by 9.86%.
- The recirculation of cabin air leads to a power reduction of 48.8–60.8%. An optimum amount of recirculation ensures comfort.
- With the help of an effective glazing system, 11.3–48% of power consumption can be saved. A reduction in cooling load of 3.4–20% was reported.
- During idle/stationary conditions, when a battery-powered motor was used for the air conditioning system, it reduced the fuel consumption by 25–30% in the case of an IC engine vehicle.
- Battery-controlled variable displacement rotary compressors operated with the help of external control systems were developed. An effective compressor led to a power reduction of 3.3–30% compared to the IC engine-coupled compressor.
- An alternative refrigerant for R134a was studied, and CO2 and R1234yf were proposed by the researchers for extra power consumption. These refrigerants ensure environmental protection.
- Instead of circulating the conditioned air to the full cabin, systems could concentrate only on the occupant zone. This leads to a reduction in power consumption of 17.0–36.7%. These systems can also improve comfort due to individual concentration and reduced velocity of flow.
- Circular-shaped and double-cylinder type nozzles ensure the lengthy fresh air core of airflow to the breathing zone. A slightly inclined flow from the top of the cabin space to the nose provides better comfort to the passenger.
- Other methodologies were found to be less effective when compared to the above-mentioned methodologies
- the development of new refrigerants that are eco-friendly, stable and with good thermodynamic properties, and require low fuel consumption;
- alternative equipment for the compressor (such as adsorption) without any compromise on the COP;
- effective methods to reduce thermal soaking, including methods for cabin heat load reduction through the glass and shell, such as new material development that increases reflectance or arrests the heat penetration;
- the development of an automated control system to monitor and regulate the recirculated air for optimum energy consumption and comfort, and a simple mechanism to avoid the mixing of fresh air and recirculated air in the breathing zone;
- the position of the air vents to ensure a comfortable air velocity, when conditioned air reaches the human body;
- reduction in the size and weight of the system with improved performance;
- the optimization of nozzles for maximum comfort;
- the development of a digital twin for the automotive air conditioning system for diagnostics;
- practical limitations to control the temperature of the individual occupant zone;
- the development of a thermal boundary layer around the occupant for non-thermal interaction with the rest of the cabin space via the mechanism of airflow and heat transfer through the seat, including the effective distribution of conditioned air around the body parts according to the exact requirements.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
°C | Degree Celsius |
Cc | Cubic Capacity |
D | Dia of the pipe |
h | hour |
km | Kilometer |
kg | Kilogram |
km/h | Kilometer per hour |
L | Length |
L/s | Litters per Second |
MPa | Mega Pascal |
m/s | Meter per Second |
Nm | Newton Meter |
ppm | parts per million |
V | Volt |
W | Watt |
W/m2 | Flux |
ANFIS | Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System |
ASHRAE | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers |
ASTME | American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers |
AC | Air Conditioner |
CCOT | Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube |
CFD | Computational Fluid Dynamics |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide |
COP | Coefficient of Performance |
DC | Direct Current |
DSVC | Double-Swing Vane Compressor |
EEV | Electronic Control Expansion Valve |
EVDC | Externally Controlled Variable Displacement Compressor |
EV | Electric Vehicle |
FCC | Fixed Capacity Compressors |
FDC | Fixed Displacement Compressors |
FLC | Fuzzy Logic Control |
GM | General Motors |
GWP | Global Warming Potential |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning |
IC | Internal Combustion |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
ODP | Ozone Depletion Potential |
PTC | Positive Temperature Coefficient |
PV | Personalized Ventilation |
rpm | Rotation per Minute |
UN | United Nations |
USA | United States of America |
VCR | Vapor-Compression Refrigeration |
VCC | Variable Capacity Compressors |
ZT | Figure of Merit |
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Sl No | Type | Power Reduction |
1 | Combined water- and air-cooled [35] | 7.5% |
2 | A moist layer surrounds the tubes [36] | 35.5% |
Condenser Type | Operation | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Combined air-and water-cooled [35] | First, water cooling; then, air cooling |
| A separate circuit is required for the water-cooling system Weight is high due to the presence of a separate water-cooling system |
A moist layer surrounded the condenser tubes [36] | Atomized water is circulated through the condensing tube |
| A separate system is required for atomization The presence of water has to be ensured Extra power is required for the atomization of water and circulation of mister |
Sl No | Arrangement | Effect |
1 | Refrigerant by-pass and controlled air circulated through the evaporator [42] | 29% of compressor energy saved |
2 | Scrolltype with sinusoidal inverter [48,49,50,51,54,59] | Efficiency improved by 7% 24–30% power saving compared to reciprocating compressor Low power consumption |
3 | Variable-capacity compressor [44,45] | Continuous and smooth operation with good fuel economy |
4 | Electric-driven instead of engine-driven compressor [41] | Fuel consumption reduced from 3.03 to 14.69% |
5 | Two motors are placed coaxially for the vehicle and AC [59] | Range increased by 8.2% |
6 | Double-swing vane compressor [53,54] | Increased mechanical efficiency of 92.8% at 3000 rpm |
7 | Externally controlled variable displacement compressor [47] | Steady output properties (temperature and pressure), irrespective of the ambient conditions |
Type of Compressor | Advantages |
Scroll-type compressor compared with reciprocating compressor [13] | Reduced fuel consumption of 24–30% reciprocating compressor Smooth compression process Re-expansion chances are less Less frictional losses Good temperature distribution in the compressor High reliability and efficiency Light in weight, and compact |
Variable swash plate to fixed swash plate [13] | 6.1–8.6% reduction in fuel consumption in variable swash plate compared to fixed swash plate compressor |
Electric-driven compressor instead of an engine-driven compressor [40] | Reduced the power consumption, 3.03–14.69% Maintenance and installation are easy Ensured stability in mass flow |
Variable capacity compressors to fixed capacity compressors [42] | Reduced hunting of the engine Fast response to the cooling demand Reduced fuel consumption Smooth starting |
Demand capacity-controlled compressor [43] | External controller used to control the amount of the refrigerant 29% compressor power saved 22% fuel savings Temperature fluctuation was reduced by 37%. |
Externally controlled variable displacement compressor (EVDC) [47] | Steady output properties (temperature and pressure) Sudden response to the variations of outside conditions |
Hermetic scroll compressor [56,57] | Improved volumetric efficiency Compressor useless energy |
Sinusoidal inverter scroll compressor [58] | Efficiency improvement of up to 7% Light in weight Reduced noise and vibration Volume was reduced by 17% |
Efficient synergy drive [59] | The range of the vehicle was increased by 8.2% |
Refrigerant | Fuel Consumption for Operation | Fuel Consumption to Carry the AC System in Liters |
R744 | 133.62 | 17.03 |
R134a | 77.6 | 11.35 |
Particulars of Heat Load | Heat Load Details based on the Data [105] | Heat Load Details based on the Data [106] | Self-Calculated Average Sized SUV Car | Heat Load Details based on the Data [107] | |||
Load (kW) | Percentage | Load (W) | Percentage | Load (W) | Percentage | Percentage | |
Metabolic heat load | 0.24 | 5.6 | 0.852 | 12.8 | 0.116 | 2.2 | --- |
Blower heat load | 0.21 | 4.9 | 0.202 | 3.8 | --- | ||
Infiltration heat load | 0.71 | 16.6 | 0.808 | 12.1 | 0.571 | 10.6 | 10 |
Shell heat load | 0.87 | 20.3 | 2.512 | 37.7 | 1.573 | 29.3 | 48 |
Glass heat load | 2.25 | 52.6 | 2.486 | 37.3 | 2.900 | 54.1 | 42 |
Total | 4.28 | 100 | 6.658 | 100 | 5.364 | 100 | 100 |
Sl No | Operation | Effect |
1 | Cabin preconditioning [108] | Improve the range by 9.86% |
2 | Solar Air conditioning with photovoltaic cells [28] | Up to 40% cooling load on the battery can be reduced |
3 | Metal hydride air conditioning [32] | Uses only 1/3rd of electrical energy compared to the conventional vapor-compression system |
4 | Hybrid of electric and IC engine; electric motor used in ideal conditions [86] | Fuel economy was improved by 25–30% |
5 | Thermoelectric system [34] | More effective in zonal air conditioning systems |
6 | Electronic control expansion valve [15,71] | 3 °C temperature difference can be achieved |
Sl No | Body Parts | Thermal Sensation |
1 | Back, pelvis, and chest [126] | High |
2 | Head, legs, andarms [126] | Medium |
3 | Feet and hands [126] | Low |
Sl No | Arrangement | Changes Produced |
1 | Increased exit temperature by arranging the nozzle nearby the passenger (20 to 24 °C) [123] | 22% Power saved |
2 | Increased exit temperature (24 to 28 °C) in PV [134] | 51% Power saved |
3 | Three nozzles nearby the steering wheel and one nozzle near the headrest and one along with the seatbelt [3] | A considerable amount of power savings |
4 | Two overhead nozzles, a separate dashboard vent for foot and lap, and one vent backside of the front seat [128] | 29% compressor power |
5 | Six nozzles for each passenger were arranged overhead and the dashboard [131] | Air supply was reduced by 41% to the chest and by 25% to the lap |
6 | The nozzle at the driver’s side and an additional vent were provided at the ceiling above the driver [132]:
| 57% 75% power saved |
7 | Vents at the ceiling, dashboard, and seats [133] | 36.6% power saved |
8 | Two vents are provided at the ceiling and front side [135] | 20.8–35% power saving |
9 | Three combinations of nozzles are directed towards the chest, face, and lap [129] | 70–50% of airflow per person can be reduced compared to conventional air conditioning systems |
10 | Reduced ageing with rearrangements of vents in room air conditioning [130] | Reduced 50% air supply |
Sl No | Parameter | Value |
1 | Flow velocity [126,136] | 0.15–0.3 m/s |
2 | Volume flow rate [136] | 10–20 L/s per person |
3 | Turbulence intensity [124] | 10% airflow turbulence (4 °C skin surface temperature reduction with 0.1 m/s flow rate) |
4 | Turbulence intensity [136] | 30–60% and the flow rate was 0.3 m/s |
Sl No | Conditions | Effect |
1 | Seat ventilation with individual control facilities [137] | 25.7–27% power saving |
2 | Alternate supply of air from the front left, and right sides [138,141] | Reduced CO2 concentration, improved cooling effect, improved effectiveness of ventilation to 77%, and thermal comfort to 0.88. |
3 | Reduction in inhaled air temperature and reduction in contaminated particles [125] | 80% |
Sl No | The Shape of the Nozzle | Specialities |
1 | Circular cross-section [126,144,145] |
2 | Rectangular cross-section [144] | Efficient for larger outlets |
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Share and Cite
Jose, S.S.; Chidambaram, R.K. Electric Vehicle Air Conditioning System and Its Optimization for Extended Range—A Review. World Electr. Veh. J. 2022, 13, 204. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj13110204
Jose SS, Chidambaram RK. Electric Vehicle Air Conditioning System and Its Optimization for Extended Range—A Review. World Electric Vehicle Journal. 2022; 13(11):204. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj13110204
Chicago/Turabian StyleJose, Sherin Sam, and Ramesh Kumar Chidambaram. 2022. "Electric Vehicle Air Conditioning System and Its Optimization for Extended Range—A Review" World Electric Vehicle Journal 13, no. 11: 204. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj13110204
APA StyleJose, S. S., & Chidambaram, R. K. (2022). Electric Vehicle Air Conditioning System and Its Optimization for Extended Range—A Review. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 13(11), 204. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj13110204