Design of Relay Switching to Combat an Eavesdropper in IoT-NOMA Wireless Networks
:1. Introduction
- (i)
- This study designed a green-and-cooperative IoT wireless network, where IoT relays and IoT devices are powered by solar and communicate using RF.
- (ii)
- To prolong IoT network lifetime, this study adopted SWIPT for EH at coupled relays by applying PS protocol. In particular, the study optimized OP performance of legitimate IoT devices by PS factor optimization in the first-half transmission block time period.
- (iii)
- In the second-half transmission block time period, the EH at the rest IoT relay intercepts the confidential information being exchanged between legitimate IoT devices. For clarity, the study proposed a selected IoT relay for forwarding signal to legitimate IoT devices using EH while another IoT relay for transmitting jamming signals to illegitimate device using EH as well. In this way, the study reached IP performance at an illegitimate device tending to one.
2. System Model and Formulation
2.1. Signal Transmission Block Time Period
Algorithm 1 Algorithm for switching relay selection |
Input: ; |
; |
; |
; |
; |
Output: The selected relay forwarded legitimate signals while the other relay transmitted jamming signals. |
1: while true do |
2: if then |
3: Function_Information_Processing(); |
4: Function_Forwarding_Signal(); |
5: Function_Jamming_Signal(); |
6: ; |
7: else |
8: ; |
9: ; |
10: end if |
11: end while |
2.2. Relay Selection Strategy
- (i)
- If variable is non-zero, it means that an IoT relay has been selected. The selected IoT relay has to process legitimate information and then forward legitimate information after, while the non-selected IoT relay has to transmit a jamming signal. We counted down variable .
- (ii)
- If variable is zero, it means that the selected IoT relay finishing its obligation. Algorithm 1 swaps obligations between IoT relays and resets variable .
2.3. Formulations
3. System Performance Analysis
3.1. Outage Probability
Algorithm 2 The algorithm for investigation OP at IoT relay for in transmission block |
Input: Initialize the parameters as distances and ( and ), path-loss exponent factor , PA factors as (9), randomly generate samples for each fading channel over Rayleigh distribution; |
Output: Simulation (Sim) results of OP at the relay (). |
1: Calculate SINR at IoT relay by applying (12)–(15); |
2: Calculate achievable bit-rate at IoT relay by applying (16) or (17); |
3: Find the minimum of achievable data rate by applying (18) or (19); |
4: Initialize variable ; |
5: for to samples do |
6: if then |
7: ; |
8: end if |
9: end for |
10: return OP at the IoT relay in transmission block as given . |
Algorithm 3 Algorithm for investigation OP at IoT device in a transmission block |
Input: Initialize the parameters as in Algorithm 2; |
Output: Simulation (Sim) results of OP at the IoT device ; |
1: Calculate SINR at relay by applying (12) and (13) for or (14) and (15) for ; |
2: Calculate achievable bit-rate at relay as (16) for or (17) for ; |
3: Find the minimum of achievable data rate ; |
4: Calculate SINR at device applying (22) and (23) for or (24) and (25) for ; |
5: Calculate achievable bit-rate at device by applying (26) for or (27) for ; |
6: Find the minimum of achievable data rate ; |
7: Initialize variable ; |
8: for to samples do |
9: if then |
10: ; |
11: end if |
12: end for |
13: return OP at device in transmission block as given ; |
3.2. IP at Eavesdropper
3.3. System Throughput Maximization
3.4. PS Factor Optimization and IP Maximization
4. Numerical Results
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Proof of Theorem 1
Appendix B. Proof of Theorem 2
Appendix C. Proof of Theorem 3
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Studies | Number of Relays | RS | Number of Devices | SWIPT | Jamming Signal |
[21] | 0 | no | 2 | no | no |
[18] | 1 | no | 2 | yes | no |
[25] | 0 | no | K | no | yes |
[20] | 1 | no | 2 | no | yes |
[33] | 1 | no | 1 | no | yes |
[35] | K | yes | 1 | yes | no |
This study | 2 | yes | N | yes | yes |
Number of devices | |
Distances | m, m, m, m, m |
Path-loss exponent | |
Channel gains | , , , , |
Fixed bit-rate thresholds | b/s/Hz |
Optimal bit-rate thresholds | b/s/Hz as given by (54) with tolerance factor for |
Fixed PS factor | |
PS factor | as given by (55) |
PA factors | , , and as given by [21,37] |
SNRs | dB |
Status of jamming signal |
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Share and Cite
Tran, T.-N.; Ho, V.-C.; Vo, T.P.; Tran, K.N.N.; Voznak, M. Design of Relay Switching to Combat an Eavesdropper in IoT-NOMA Wireless Networks. Future Internet 2022, 14, 71.
Tran T-N, Ho V-C, Vo TP, Tran KNN, Voznak M. Design of Relay Switching to Combat an Eavesdropper in IoT-NOMA Wireless Networks. Future Internet. 2022; 14(3):71.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTran, Thanh-Nam, Van-Cuu Ho, Thoai Phu Vo, Khanh Ngo Nhu Tran, and Miroslav Voznak. 2022. "Design of Relay Switching to Combat an Eavesdropper in IoT-NOMA Wireless Networks" Future Internet 14, no. 3: 71.
APA StyleTran, T.-N., Ho, V.-C., Vo, T. P., Tran, K. N. N., & Voznak, M. (2022). Design of Relay Switching to Combat an Eavesdropper in IoT-NOMA Wireless Networks. Future Internet, 14(3), 71.