The Pathogenesis of Rift Valley Fever
:1. Introduction
2. Pathogenesis of RVF in Humans and Animals
2.1. Human
2.1.1. Self-Limiting Febrile Illness
2.1.2. Neurological Disorders
2.1.3. Vision Loss
2.1.4. Hemorrhagic Fever
2.1.5. Thrombosis
2.1.6. Possible Vertical Infection
2.2. Mouse
2.3. Rat
2.4. Hamster
2.5. Gerbil
2.6. Nonhuman Primates
2.7. Sheep
3. Viral Determinants of Virulence
3.1. Virus Life Cycle
3.2. Role of NSm Protein in Viral Virulence
3.3. Role of NSs Protein in Viral Virulence
3.4. Other Virulence Factors
4. Host Determinants of Virulence
4.1. Host Defense via Infection Route
4.2. Host Susceptibility
5. Conclusions
References and Notes
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Model | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Mouse |
Rat |
Hamster |
Gerbil |
Rhesus monkey |
Adult sheep, ewe |
Lamb |
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Ikegami, T.; Makino, S. The Pathogenesis of Rift Valley Fever. Viruses 2011, 3, 493-519.
Ikegami T, Makino S. The Pathogenesis of Rift Valley Fever. Viruses. 2011; 3(5):493-519.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIkegami, Tetsuro, and Shinji Makino. 2011. "The Pathogenesis of Rift Valley Fever" Viruses 3, no. 5: 493-519.
APA StyleIkegami, T., & Makino, S. (2011). The Pathogenesis of Rift Valley Fever. Viruses, 3(5), 493-519.