Cell Lines for Honey Bee Virus Research
:1. Introduction
2. Establishment of Hymenopteran Cell Lines
2.1. Primary Cell Lines
2.2. Continuous Cell Lines Derived from Hymenoptera
2.3. A Systematic Iterative Protocol to Establish Tissue-Derived Insect Cell Lines from Honey Bees and Other Challenging Insect Species: Recent Results from BCIRL
3. Cell Lines for Honey Bee Virus Studies
4. Establishment of Virus-Free Cell Lines
4.1. Use of Antiviral Drugs to Establish Virus-Free Insect Cell Lines
4.2. Subcloning to Establish a Virus-Free Cell Line
4.3. Potential Use of CRISPR/Cas13 for Establishing Virus-Free Cell Lines
5. Potential Applications of Honey Bee Cell Lines
5.1. Screening of Antiviral Compounds for Use in Apiaries
5.2. Elucidation of Molecular Virus–Honey Bee Interactions
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Species | Tissue | Longevity | Medium | Incubation | Year | Ref |
Pseudomyrmex triplarinus | Venom glands | 1 year | PTM-1CC | 28 °C | 1985 | [26] |
Apis mellifera | Antennal lobes | ~1 month | 5+4 and A2 | 29 °C | 1991 | [30] |
Apis mellifera | Pupal honey bee brain | Three weeks | L-15 | 29 °C | 1992 | [31] |
Mormoniella vitripennis | Eggs | 3 months | Grace | 28 °C | 1993 | [29] |
Apis mellifera | Mushroom body | NA | L-15 | NA | 1994 | [32] |
Apis mellifera | Kenyon cells | Up to 10 days | L-15 | 29°C | 1994 | [33] |
Apis mellifera | Antennal lobe | NA | 5+4 | NA | 1994 | [34] |
Apis mellifera | Antennal flagella | Several weeks | 5+4 | 30 °C | 1994 | [35] |
Apis mellifera | Kenyon cells | Up to 6 weeks | L-15 | 26 °C | 1999 | [36] |
Apis mellifera | Antennal motor neurons | NA | L-15 | 28 °C | 1999 | [37] |
Apis mellifera | Kenyon cells and projection neurons | NA | L-15 | 26 °C | 2003 | [38] |
Apis mellifera | Mushroom bodies neuroblasts | NA | L-15 | 26 °C | 2003 | [39] |
Apis mellifera | Antennal lobes | ~1 month | L-15 | 26 °C | 2008 | [40] |
Apis mellifera | Pre-gastrulastage embryos | More than 3 months | Grace | 30 °C | 2006 | [44] |
Apis mellifera | Eggs | Four months | Grace’s or Schneider’s | 32 °C with 5% CO2 | 2010 | [45] |
Apis mellifera | Pupae | At least 8 days | WH2 | 22 °C | 2010 | [47] |
Apis mellifera | Gut | At least 6 days | L-15 | 33 °C | 2012 | [46] |
Apis mellifera | Midgut | 15 days | WH2 | 27 °C | 2012 | [41] |
Apis mellifera | Eggs | ~135 day | L-15 | 30 °C | 2015 | [43] |
Species | Stage | Medium | Outcome | Year | Reference |
Neodiprion lecontei | Embryos | Supplemented Grace’s | 10 cell lines | 1981 | [53] |
Trichogramma pretiosum | Embryos | IPL-52B + IPL-76 (3:1) | 1 cell line | 1986 | [54] |
Trichogramma confusum | Embryos | modified IPL-52B | 1 cell line | 1991 | [55] |
Trichogramma exiguum | Embryos | modified IPL-52B | 1 cell line | 1991 | [55] |
Hyposter didymator | Pupae | HdM medium | 4 cell lines | 2004 | [56] |
Apis mellifera | Larvae | Supplemented Grace’s | 1 cell line (with c-myc gene) | 2011 | [57] |
Apis mellifera | Embryos | HB-1 (modified L-15) | 1 cell line | 2013 | [58] |
Basal Medium 1 | Supplier | Results 2 |
EX-CELL 420 | Millipore Sigma, St Louis, MO | + |
TNM-FH | Caisson | +/++ |
Schneider’s | Caisson | +/++ |
L-15 | Caisson | - |
IPL41 | Caisson | - |
Shields and Sang | Caisson, Smithfield, UT | 0/+ |
DMEM | Millipore Sigma | NT3 |
RPMI-1640 | Millipore Sigma | NT |
Medium Supplements | ||
9% FBS (heat inactivated) | Millipore Sigma | +++ |
2% Insect medium supplement (IMS) | Millipore Sigma | -/0/+ |
1% MEM non-essential amino acids (NEA) | Millipore Sigma | -/0/+ |
10% Yeast extract | ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA | + |
Royal jelly (RJ) | Made in-house 4 | ++/+++ |
10 µM 20-hydroxyecdysone | Cayman Chemical, Ann Arbor, MI | 0 |
Medium Mixtures | Reference (If Applicable) | |
HB-1 | [58] | +/++ |
WH5 | [47] | + |
Kimura’s | [71] | + |
EX-CELL 420 + L-15, 1:1 (CLG#2) | [67] | ++/+++ |
TnMFH + IPL41, 1:1 (CLG#4) | N/A | + |
Schneider’s + TnMFH + L-15, 1:1:1 (CLG#5) | N/A | + |
L-15 + EXCELL 420, 3:1 (HZ#1) | N/A | + |
RPMI-1640 + EXCELL 420, 1:1 (HZ#2) | N/A | ++/+++ |
DMEM+EXCELL 420, 1:1 (HZ#3) | N/A | -/0 |
CLG#2 + RPMI1640 + DMEM, 2:1:1 (HZ#4) | N/A | -/0 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Guo, Y.; Goodman, C.L.; Stanley, D.W.; Bonning, B.C. Cell Lines for Honey Bee Virus Research. Viruses 2020, 12, 236. https://doi.org/10.3390/v12020236
Guo Y, Goodman CL, Stanley DW, Bonning BC. Cell Lines for Honey Bee Virus Research. Viruses. 2020; 12(2):236. https://doi.org/10.3390/v12020236
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuo, Ya, Cynthia L. Goodman, David W. Stanley, and Bryony C. Bonning. 2020. "Cell Lines for Honey Bee Virus Research" Viruses 12, no. 2: 236. https://doi.org/10.3390/v12020236
APA StyleGuo, Y., Goodman, C. L., Stanley, D. W., & Bonning, B. C. (2020). Cell Lines for Honey Bee Virus Research. Viruses, 12(2), 236. https://doi.org/10.3390/v12020236