Buying Time: Preliminary Assessment of Biocontrol in the Recovery of Native Forest Vegetation in the Aftermath of the Invasive Emerald Ash Borer
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Sites
2.2. Biocontrol Releases
2.3. Vegetation Sampling
2.4. Environmental and Land Cover Data
2.5. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Results from the Ash Sapling Submodel
3.2. Results from the Invasive and Weedy Species Submodel
3.3 Results from the Native Seedlings Submodel
4. Discussion
4.1. Do Biocontrol Agents Affect Ash Sapling Density?
4.2. What Are the Variable Driving the Establishment of Invasive and Weedy Saplings in This System?
4.3. Is the Density of Invasive and Weedy Species Associated with Native Seedling Density?
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Mean ± SD | 95% CI | ||
Ash saplings submodel: | ||||
α1 | intercept | −0.382 ± 0.002 | −0.385 | −0.377 |
α2 | forest cover | 0.406 ± 0.003 | 0.398 | 0.412 |
α3 | number of T. planipennesis released | 0.001736 ± 0.0000019 | 0.001734 | 0.001737 |
Invasive and weedy species submodel: | ||||
β1 | intercept | 0.8999 ± 0.00015 | 0.8996 | 0.9002 |
β2 | ash saplings | −1.506 ± 0.005 | −1.512 | −1.492 |
β3 | forest cover | 0.2737 ± 0.0015 | 0.2715 | 0.2753 |
Native seedlings submodel: | ||||
γ1 | intercept | 1.97 ± 0.19 | −2.31 | −1.64 |
γ2 | basal area | 3830 ± 3.62 | 3822 | 3835 |
γ3 | invasive and weedy saplings | −4.95 ± 0.05 | −5.04 | −4.86 |
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Share and Cite
Margulies, E.; Bauer, L.; Ibáñez, I. Buying Time: Preliminary Assessment of Biocontrol in the Recovery of Native Forest Vegetation in the Aftermath of the Invasive Emerald Ash Borer. Forests 2017, 8, 369.
Margulies E, Bauer L, Ibáñez I. Buying Time: Preliminary Assessment of Biocontrol in the Recovery of Native Forest Vegetation in the Aftermath of the Invasive Emerald Ash Borer. Forests. 2017; 8(10):369.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMargulies, Elan, Leah Bauer, and Inés Ibáñez. 2017. "Buying Time: Preliminary Assessment of Biocontrol in the Recovery of Native Forest Vegetation in the Aftermath of the Invasive Emerald Ash Borer" Forests 8, no. 10: 369.
APA StyleMargulies, E., Bauer, L., & Ibáñez, I. (2017). Buying Time: Preliminary Assessment of Biocontrol in the Recovery of Native Forest Vegetation in the Aftermath of the Invasive Emerald Ash Borer. Forests, 8(10), 369.