Nutritional Status of Wood Melick (Melica uniflora Retz.) in a Natural Forest Stand in South-Western Poland
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area Characteristics
2.1.1. Weather Conditions
2.1.2. Soil Conditions
2.2. Collection and Analysis of Plant Material
2.3. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Weather Conditions
3.2. Soil Conditions
3.3. Chemical Composition
3.4. Forage Quality Parameters
3.5. Correlation between Nutrients
4. Discussion
4.1. Impact of the Study Year
4.2. Impact of Harvest Date
4.3. Impact of Location
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Site No. | Geographical Coordinates | Altitude | Exposition | Location |
M | ||||
1 | 50°53′16.7″ N 16°43′56.5″ E | 335 | N-E | Mount Wieżyca (another name for Mount Kościuszko) |
2 | 50°53′13.3″ N 16°43′44.4″ E | 411 | N | Mount Wieżyca |
3 | 50°53′13.1″ N 16°43′44.4″ E | 413 | N | Mount Wieżyca |
4 | 50°53′10.3″ N 16°43′43.5″ E | 414 | S | Mount Wieżyca |
5 | 50°53′02.5″ N 16°43′44.1″ E | 381 | N | Mount Bartoszek |
6 | 50°52′51.7″ N 16°43′30.0″ E | 389 | S-W | Mount Bartoszek |
7 | 50°52′51.4″ N 16°43′30.1″ E | 390 | S-W | Mount Bartoszek |
8 | 50°52′56.3″ N 16°43′47.4″ E | 368 | S-E | Mount Bartoszek |
9 | 50°52′′56.5″ N 16°43′49.6″ E | 367 | S-E | Mount Bartoszek |
10 | 50°52′57.7″ N 16°43′55.8″ E | 358 | S-E | Mount Bartoszek |
Year/Month | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X |
2021 | 1.6 | 2.8 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.0 | 0.6 | 0.2 |
2022 | 1.6 | 1.3 | 1.2 | 0.6 | 1.7 | 1.2 | 0.2 |
Site No. | Soil Reaction | N | P | K | Mg | Ca |
pH | g·100 g−1 Soil | g·100 g−1 Soil | g·100 g−1 Soil | g·100 g−1 Soil | g·100 g−1 Soil | |
1 | 3.6 | 0.507 | 0.016 | 0.005 | 0.013 | 0.071 |
2 | 4.9 | 0.678 | 0.030 | 0.005 | 0.047 | 0.334 |
3 | 3.8 | 0.971 | 0.010 | 0.004 | 0.016 | 0.305 |
4 | 4.1 | 0.332 | 0.021 | 0.003 | 0.017 | 0.044 |
5 | 3.9 | 0.635 | 0.020 | 0.004 | 0.020 | 0.049 |
6 | 2.4 | 0.727 | 0.027 | 0.005 | 0.007 | 0.019 |
7 | 3.5 | 0.724 | 0.038 | 0.004 | 0.011 | 0.085 |
8 | 5.8 | 0.764 | 0.014 | 0.004 | 0.033 | 0.379 |
9 | 6.1 | 0.501 | 0.014 | 0.003 | 0.037 | 0.430 |
10 | 3.9 | 0.209 | 0.011 | 0.003 | 0.016 | 0.019 |
Factors | |||||||
Item | Y | HT | L | Y*HT | HT*L | Y*L | Y*HT*L |
p-value | |||||||
DM g·kg−1 FM | 0.043 | <0.001 | 0.054 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.153 | <0.001 |
CP g·kg−1 DM | 0.563 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.005 | <0.001 |
CA g·kg−1 DM | 0.124 | <0.001 | 0.026 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.054 | <0.001 |
CL g·kg−1 DM | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.002 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
HCL g·kg−1 DM | 0.495 | 0.926 | <0.001 | 0.069 | 0.001 | 0.002 | <0.001 |
ADL g·kg−1 DM | 0.014 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
WSC g·kg−1 DM | 0.048 | 0.013 | 0.048 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
NDF g·kg−1 DM | 0.007 | <0.001 | 0.003 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
ADF g·kg−1 DM | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.002 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
DDM % of DM | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.002 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
DMI % of body weight | 0.007 | <0.001 | 0.002 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
RFV | 0.001 | <0.001 | 0.002 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Factors | Level of Factors | DM | CP | CA | CL | HCL | ADL | WSC |
g·kg−1 FM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | ||
Y | 2021 | 482.1 b | 73.2 a | 117.7 a | 362.0 b | 228.5 a | 56.2 a | 22.5 a |
2022 | 465.4 a | 77.2 a | 126.3 a | 337.0 a | 231.5 a | 59.8 b | 29.3 b | |
HT | I | 380.8 a | 102.1 b | 97.2 a | 331.6 a | 230.2 a | 53.3 a | 30.1 b |
II | 566.7 b | 48.2 a | 146.8 b | 367.4 b | 229.8 a | 62.7 b | 21.7 a | |
L | 1 | 389.8 a | 105.0 f | 128.1 cd | 318.2 a | 216.2 ab | 50.2 a | 37.0 b |
2 | 472.8 a | 88.2 cde | 116.1 b | 349.0 abc | 230.2 abc | 60.8 cd | 27.9 ab | |
3 | 506.8 a | 77.2 bcd | 104.3 a | 355.5 abc | 218.6 abc | 64.1 d | 20.3 a | |
4 | 507.5 a | 70.9 bc | 102.8 a | 354.6 abc | 246.8 c | 59.6 cd | 24.9 ab | |
5 | 491.0 a | 39.2 a | 121.2 bc | 373.8 c | 240.9 abc | 61.0 cd | 38.7 b | |
6 | 409.6 a | 81.1 bcd | 134.8 de | 344.8 abc | 234.6 abc | 53.9 ab | 19.1 a | |
7 | 439.6 a | 97.6 ef | 127.8 cd | 333.5 ab | 234.3 abc | 54.7 ab | 19.3 a | |
8 | 499.9 a | 63.6 b | 140.0 e | 352.0 abc | 219.1 a | 57.8 bc | 27.4 ab | |
9 | 512.2 a | 62.9 b | 131.0 d | 361.9 bc | 215.3 a | 61.2 cd | 19.8 a | |
10 | 508.4 a | 65.9 b | 113.9 b | 352.0 abc | 244.1 bc | 56.9 bc | 24.6 ab | |
Average | 473.8 | 75.2 | 122.0 | 349.5 | 230.0 | 58.0 | 25.9 |
Y | HT | DM | CP | CA | CL | HCL | ADL | WSC |
g·kg−1 FM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | ||
2021 | I | 393.0 a | 96.8 b | 97.7 a | 345.4 b | 223.2 a | 55.8 b | 2.20 a |
II | 571.2 b | 49.6 a | 137.8 b | 378.6 c | 233.8 a | 63.9 d | 2.30 a | |
2022 | I | 368.7 a | 107.5 b | 96.8 a | 317.8 a | 237.2 a | 50.9 a | 3.82 b |
II | 562.1 b | 46.8 a | 155.8 c | 356.3 b | 225.8 a | 61.6 c | 2.03 a |
HT | L | DM | CP | CA | CL | HCL | ADL | WSC |
g·kg−1 FM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | ||
I | 1 | 337.0 a | 120.4 e | 103.5 abcde | 309.3 a | 222.1 ab | 48.5 a | 38.7 ab |
2 | 379.0 ab | 117.5 e | 88.1 ab | 328.9 abc | 239.2 ab | 54.7 abcd | 14.4 a | |
3 | 454.0 bc | 94.6 de | 77.6 a | 342.6 abcd | 231.4 ab | 58.7 abcdef | 30.5 ab | |
4 | 455.5 bc | 91.9 de | 77.3 a | 342.2 abcd | 249.6 b | 55.4 abcd | 27.4 ab | |
5 | 376.5 ab | 63.8 bcd | 91.9 abc | 348.2 abcd | 232.8 ab | 53.3 abcd | 53.2 b | |
6 | 317.5 a | 118.5 e | 107.3 bcdef | 325.0 abc | 228.8 ab | 51.0 ab | 20.7 ab | |
7 | 340.5 a | 124.2 e | 100.3 abcd | 316.4 ab | 240.9 ab | 50.2 ab | 23.5 ab | |
8 | 400.0 ab | 97.8 de | 119.4 cdefg | 330.8 abc | 210.6 ab | 53.2 abcd | 40.5 ab | |
9 | 362.2 ab | 98.4 de | 112.0 bcdef | 336.1 abc | 207.0 ab | 55.3 abcd | 27.9 ab | |
10 | 386.2 ab | 94.1 de | 95.1 abc | 336.5 abc | 239.7 ab | 53.1 abcd | 24.4 ab | |
II | 1 | 443.0 bc | 89.6 de | 152.6 hij | 327.1 abc | 210.2 ab | 51.9 abc | 35.4 ab |
2 | 566.5 efg | 59.0 bcd | 144.1 ghij | 369.0 cde | 221.2 ab | 66.8 ef | 41.4 ab | |
3 | 559.3 de | 59.8 bcd | 130.9 efgh | 368.4 cde | 205.7 a | 69.6 f | 10.1 a | |
4 | 559.8 de | 49.8 abc | 128.3 defgh | 367.0 cde | 243.9 ab | 63.9 def | 22.4 ab | |
5 | 605.3 fg | 14.5 a | 150.6 hij | 399.4 e | 249.1 ab | 68.7 f | 24.2 ab | |
6 | 501.5 cd | 43.8 abc | 162.4 j | 364.5 bcde | 240.5 ab | 56.9 abcde | 17.5 a | |
7 | 538.7 cde | 71.0 cd | 155.4 hij | 350.5 abcd | 227.7 ab | 59.2 abcdef | 15.1 a | |
8 | 599.5 efg | 29.4 ab | 160.7 ij | 373.2 cde | 227.6 ab | 62.5 cdef | 14.4 a | |
9 | 662.5 g | 27.4 ab | 149.9 hij | 387.7 de | 223.7 ab | 67.0 ef | 11.7 a | |
10 | 630.5 fg | 37.7 abc | 132.8 fghi | 367.4 cde | 248.5 ab | 60.7 bcdef | 24.7 ab |
Y | L | DM | CP | CA | CL | HCL | ADL | WSC |
g·kg−1 FM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | ||
2021 | 1 | 374.5 a | 121.2 c | 120.6 ab | 326.0 abcd | 208.5 a | 53.3 abcd | 18.8 a |
2 | 535.5 a | 68.9 abc | 109.5 ab | 382.1 fg | 230.1 ab | 67.2 de | 41.2 ab | |
3 | 552.0 a | 71.1 abc | 84.3 a | 380.5 efg | 229.7 ab | 68.7 e | 13.5 a | |
4 | 522.5 a | 72.9 abc | 103.3 ab | 356.8 abcdefg | 237.8 ab | 58.8 abcde | 14.9 a | |
5 | 517.5 a | 38.7 a | 123.2 ab | 393.8 g | 240.2 ab | 66.2 cde | 32.1 ab | |
6 | 370.0 a | 82.3 abc | 126.0 ab | 354.1 abcdefg | 233.5 ab | 55.5 abcde | 15.4 a | |
7 | 436.5 a | 83.9 abc | 129.2 ab | 354.4 abcdefg | 238.6 ab | 57.3 abcde | 16.8 a | |
8 | 518.5 a | 60.3 abc | 126.4 ab | 364.2 cdefg | 222.0 ab | 59.3 abcde | 25.3 ab | |
9 | 505.0 a | 59.4 abc | 136.3 ab | 366.9 defg | 214.1 ab | 58.9 abcde | 19.6 a | |
10 | 488.8 a | 72.8 abc | 118.3 ab | 341.2 abcdef | 230.8 ab | 53.2 abc | 27.7 ab | |
2022 | 1 | 405.5 a | 88.8 abc | 135.5 ab | 310.4 a | 223.8 ab | 47.2 a | 55.3 b |
2 | 410.0 a | 107.6 abc | 122.7 ab | 315.9 abc | 230.3 ab | 54.4 abcd | 14.6 a | |
3 | 461.3 a | 83.3 abc | 124.3 ab | 330.5 abcde | 207.5 a | 59.6 abcde | 27.0 ab | |
4 | 492.8 a | 68.9 abc | 102.3 ab | 352.4 abcdefg | 255.8 b | 60.4 abcde | 34.9 ab | |
5 | 464.3 a | 39.6 ab | 119.3 ab | 353.9 abcdefg | 241.7 ab | 55.9 abcde | 45.3 ab | |
6 | 449.0 a | 80.0 abc | 143.7 ab | 335.4 abcdef | 235.7 ab | 52.4 abc | 22.8 ab | |
7 | 442.7 a | 111.3 bc | 126.5 ab | 312.5 ab | 230.0 ab | 52.1 ab | 21.7 ab | |
8 | 481.0 a | 66.9 abc | 153.7 b | 339.8 abcdef | 216.2 ab | 56.4 abcde | 29.6 ab | |
9 | 519.6 a | 66.3 abc | 125.7 ab | 356.8 abcdefg | 216.6 ab | 63.4 bcde | 20.0 a | |
10 | 527.8 a | 58.9 abc | 109.6 ab | 362.7 bcdefg | 257.3 b | 60.5 abcde | 21.4 ab |
Factors | Level of Factors | NDF g·kg−1 DM | ADF g·kg−1 DM | DDM % | DMI % of Body Weight | RFV | Quality Class |
Y | 2021 | 650.4 b | 421.8 b | 55.5 a | 1.86 a | 80 a | 4th |
2022 | 624.7 a | 393.3 a | 57.7 b | 1.93 b | 87 b | 3rd | |
HT | I | 615.2 a | 385.0 a | 58.4 b | 1.96 b | 89 b | 3rd |
II | 659.9 b | 430.1 b | 54.9 a | 1.83 a | 78 a | 4th | |
L | 1 | 584.6 a | 368.4 a | 59.6 b | 2.06 b | 95 b | 3rd |
2 | 640.0 bc | 409.7 cde | 56.4 ab | 1.89 ab | 83 ab | 4th | |
3 | 638.2 bc | 419.6 def | 55.7 ab | 1.89 ab | 82 a | 4th | |
4 | 661.0 bc | 414.2 def | 56.1 ab | 1.82 a | 79 a | 4th | |
5 | 675.8 c | 434.9 f | 54.5 a | 1.79 a | 76 a | 4th | |
6 | 633.3 bc | 398.7 bc | 57.3 ab | 1.90 ab | 85 ab | 4th | |
7 | 622.4 ab | 388.2 ab | 58.1 ab | 1.94 ab | 87 ab | 3rd | |
8 | 629.0 abc | 409.9 cde | 56.4 ab | 1.92 ab | 84 ab | 4th | |
9 | 638.4 bc | 423.0 ef | 55.4 a | 1.89 ab | 82 a | 4th | |
10 | 652.9 bc | 408.8 cde | 56.5 ab | 1.85 a | 81 a | 4th | |
Average | 637.6 | 407.5 | 56.6 | 1.89 | 83 | 4th |
Y | HT | NDF | ADF | DDM | DMI | RFV |
g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | % | % of Body Weight | |||
2021 | I | 624.5 ab | 401.2 b | 57.6 b | 1.93 bc | 86 a |
II | 676.3 c | 442.5 c | 54.4 a | 1.78 a | 76 b | |
2022 | I | 605.9 a | 368.7 a | 60.2 c | 1.99 c | 93 c |
II | 643.6 b | 417.8 b | 56.4 b | 1.88 b | 82 a |
HT | L | NDF | ADF | DDM | DMI | RFV |
g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | % | % of Body Weight | |||
I | 1 | 580.0 a | 357.8 a | 61.0 f | 2.07 d | 98.1 d |
2 | 622.9 ab | 383.7 abcd | 59.0 cdef | 1.93 abcd | 88.7 bcd | |
3 | 632.7 abc | 401.3 abcde | 57.6 bcdef | 1.90 abcd | 85.3 abcd | |
4 | 647.1 abc | 397.5 abcde | 57.9 bcdef | 1.86 abcd | 83.6 abcd | |
5 | 634.3 abc | 401.5 abcde | 57.6 bcdef | 1.90 abcd | 84.9 abcd | |
6 | 604.8 ab | 376.0 abc | 59.6 def | 1.99 bcd | 92.0 cd | |
7 | 607.6 ab | 366.6 ab | 60.3 ef | 1.98 bcd | 92.8 cd | |
8 | 594.6 ab | 384.0 abcd | 59.0 cdef | 2.02 bcd | 92.6 cd | |
9 | 598.4 ab | 391.4 abcd | 58.4 cdef | 2.01 bcd | 91.1 bcd | |
10 | 629.3 abc | 389.6 abcd | 58.5 cdef | 1.91 abcd | 86.9 bcd | |
II | 1 | 589.2 ab | 379.1 abcd | 59.4 cdef | 2.04 cd | 94.0 cd |
2 | 657.0 abc | 435.8 def | 55.0 abc | 1.84 abcd | 78.9 abc | |
3 | 643.7 abc | 438.0 def | 54.8 abc | 1.88 abcd | 80.2 abc | |
4 | 674.9 bc | 430.9 cdef | 55.3 abcd | 1.78 abc | 76.5 abc | |
5 | 717.3 c | 468.2 f | 52.4 a | 1.68 a | 68.5 a | |
6 | 661.9 abc | 421.4 bcdef | 56.1 abcde | 1.82 abcd | 79.1 abc | |
7 | 637.3 abc | 409.7 abcdef | 57.0 abcdef | 1.89 abcd | 83.9 abcd | |
8 | 663.3 abc | 435.7 def | 55.0 abc | 1.82 abcd | 77.6 abc | |
9 | 678.3 bc | 454.7 ef | 53.5 ab | 1.77 ab | 73.6 ab | |
10 | 676.5 bc | 428.1 cdef | 55.6 abcd | 1.78 abc | 77.0 abc |
Y | L | NDF | ADF | DDM | DMI | RFV |
g·kg−1 DM | g·kg−1 DM | % | % of Body Weight | |||
2021 | 1 | 587.9 ab | 379.4 ab | 59.3 cd | 2.05 c | 94.2 cd |
2 | 679.3 bc | 449.2 cd | 53.9 ab | 1.77 ab | 74.3 ab | |
3 | 678.9 bc | 449.2 cd | 53.9 ab | 1.77 ab | 74.2 ab | |
4 | 653.3 abc | 415.6 abcd | 56.5 abcd | 1.84 abc | 80.8 abcd | |
5 | 700.2 c | 460.0 d | 53.1 a | 1.73 a | 71.4 a | |
6 | 643.1 abc | 409.6 abcd | 57.0 abcd | 1.87 abc | 83.0 abcd | |
7 | 650.3 abc | 411.7 abcd | 56.8 abcd | 1.85 abc | 81.8 abcd | |
8 | 645.6 abc | 423.5 bcd | 55.9 abc | 1.87 abc | 81.5 abcd | |
9 | 639.9 abc | 425.9 bcd | 55.7 abc | 1.89 abc | 81.9 abcd | |
10 | 625.2 abc | 394.4 abc | 58.2 bcd | 1.92 abc | 86.7 abcd | |
2022 | 1 | 581.3 a | 357.5 a | 61.0 d | 2.07 c | 97.9 d |
2 | 600.6 ab | 370.3 ab | 60.1 cd | 2.00 bc | 93.2 cd | |
3 | 597.5 ab | 390.0 abc | 58.5 bcd | 2.01 bc | 91.3 bcd | |
4 | 668.7 abc | 412.9 abcd | 56.7 abcd | 1.80 abc | 79.4 abc | |
5 | 651.4 abc | 409.8 abcd | 57.0 abcd | 1.85 abc | 82.0 abcd | |
6 | 623.6 abc | 387.8 abc | 58.7 bcd | 1.93 abc | 88.1 abcd | |
7 | 594.6 ab | 364.6 ab | 60.5 cd | 2.02 bc | 94.9 cd | |
8 | 612.4 abc | 396.2 abcd | 58.0 abcd | 1.97 abc | 88.6 abcd | |
9 | 636.8 abc | 420.2 abcd | 56.2 abcd | 1.90 abc | 82.8 abcd | |
10 | 680.6 bc | 423.3 bcd | 55.9 abc | 1.77 ab | 77.2 abc |
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Paszkiewicz-Jasińska, A.; Wróbel, B.; Stopa, W.; Jakubowska, Z.; Steinhoff-Wrześniewska, A.; Zielewicz, W. Nutritional Status of Wood Melick (Melica uniflora Retz.) in a Natural Forest Stand in South-Western Poland. Forests 2023, 14, 1605.
Paszkiewicz-Jasińska A, Wróbel B, Stopa W, Jakubowska Z, Steinhoff-Wrześniewska A, Zielewicz W. Nutritional Status of Wood Melick (Melica uniflora Retz.) in a Natural Forest Stand in South-Western Poland. Forests. 2023; 14(8):1605.
Chicago/Turabian StylePaszkiewicz-Jasińska, Anna, Barbara Wróbel, Wojciech Stopa, Zuzanna Jakubowska, Aleksandra Steinhoff-Wrześniewska, and Waldemar Zielewicz. 2023. "Nutritional Status of Wood Melick (Melica uniflora Retz.) in a Natural Forest Stand in South-Western Poland" Forests 14, no. 8: 1605.