1. Introduction
Land-use changes, the abandonment of traditional forest uses, and climate change are increasing the frequency of large forest fires [
1] as well as their economic impacts and suppression costs [
2]. According to the policy of excluding fire [
3], fire agencies devote their efforts to forest fire prevention activities using traditional fuel treatments such as brushing, clearing, thinning, pruning, chipping, mastication, controlled burnings, and prescribed fires. Fuel treatments are aimed at surface fuel reduction and the increase of vertical distance between surface fuel and canopy base height [
4]. However, all these treatments may not be effective under extreme weather conditions, large fire fronts, eruptive behavior, and atmospheric downburst phenomena [
The use of prescribed fires as a preventive management tool is indeed an uncertain and controversial situation [
6]. Some authors [
10] have pointed to prescribed fires as a promising tool to mitigate wildfire impacts in forests and settlements. In this sense, an upward trend in prescribed fires has begun due to its low cost and additional firefighter training [
9]. Although prescribed fires can be an effective treatment for fuel load reduction in Southern Europe, the actual application of this technique can be rather reduced in size, and, consequently, its effectiveness in relation to large fire suppression and confinement is limited [
The effectiveness of prescribed fires can only be guaranteed in the short term due to fast postfire recovery [
14]. Nevertheless, differences can be found based on vegetation growth and fuel load accumulation according to the burning season [
3]. While a rotation length of two years has been required by some ecosystems [
15], the rotation length of
Pinus pinaster Ait. in Southern Europe has been established between two and four years [
P. pinaster, which is widely distributed in the Mediterranean Basin [
17], is adapted to low- and moderate-intensity fires [
18]. Some studies have increased the rotation length of pine stands not only based on surface fuel reduction but also tree growth. In this sense, a rotation length between four and six years to achieve suitable surface fuel reduction and to avoid the loss of
P. ponderosa growth has been suggested [
19]. Other authors [
20] have suggested a rotation length of seven years in conifers, according to the prescribed fire effectiveness.
Surface fuel reduction or undergrowth reduction using prescribed fires decreases the risk of crown fire combustion [
21]. However, the major or minor prescribed fire effectiveness depends on the fuel model, fuel availability, the fire ignition pattern, and the composition and structure of the ecosystems. In other words, the prescribed fire effectiveness or the useful life of the prescribed fire depends on burn windows [
22]. In Southern Europe,
Cistus ladanifer L. is frequently the dominant understory species, mainly in low canopy closure forests with a high canopy gap presence. It is a pioneer species with an extensive soil seed bank that increases the germination percentage with fire heat transference [
23]. The use of prescribed fires can promote fuel dynamics changes, tree regeneration patterns, and even the modification of understory composition [
24]. If tree crowns are too much affected by thermal pruning or even tree mortality, these changes can be pronounced. Nevertheless, some researchers [
25] have pointed out the lack of differences between brushing clearing and prescribed fire in
Cistus spp. ecosystems from the fourth year.
The aim of this research is the identification of the useful life of 11 maritime pine prescribed fires in Southern Europe. The useful life of a prescribed fire is defined as the effective rotation length based on fire behavior to prevent crown fire transition. In this sense, fire-line intensities below the critical surface intensity for crown combustion are needed. The analysis of prescribed fire effectiveness requires stand characterization, burning implementation conditions, and postfire surface and aerial fuel dynamics. Fuel characterization is based on a prefire inventory and periodical postfire inventories, including dynamic variables such as fuel load and canopy base height. Periodical fire behavior and the threshold for transition from surface fire to crown fire will be simulated according to the field inventory variables to identify the useful life of each prescribed fire. The knowledge of fuel dynamics, based on initial stand characteristics and burn window conditions, allows us to improve time–space fuel treatment efficiency and to manage the potential fuel dynamics of each stand according to their initial characteristics.
4. Discussion
Nowadays, the relative effects of mechanical thinning and the combination of thinning and prescribed fire are unclear. Some researchers have shown a higher efficiency with the combination of thinning and prescribed fire than with the use of only one of them [
41]. Despite the uncertainties about the use of prescribed fires as a silvicultural treatment [
25], it has been proven to be a useful fuel treatment for TFL reduction and to increase the vertical distance between surface and crown layers [
9]. These two aspects have great importance in avoiding the transition from surface fire to crown fire [
38] and, consequently, the mitigation of energetic fire behavior and suppression difficulty against forest fire occurrence [
31]. Nevertheless, the efficiency of the fuel treatment combination depends on thinning intensity, burning severity, and stand characteristics [
According to our prefire inventories, significant differences could be found based on the biomass harvesting method (tree skidding operations or tree forwarding operations) and the mechanical harvesting system (full tree harvesting or cut-to-length logging). However, after biomass harvesting, our sampling plots were burnt without significant differences in fuel load reduction based on the biomass harvesting method and the mechanical harvesting system. In this sense, postburn data were fit to a baseline equation for fuel buildup and then examined as to the effect of other variables. The T value has already been identified as a keystone factor in postburn fuel dynamics [
16]. Our findings do not indicate a suitable adjustment of an asymptotic exponential model using only T. This fact could be related to the number of prescribed fires, the period of study (7 years), and the previous implementation of biomass harvesting. Further studies could find higher goodness of fit according to a longer period of study from the burning and a higher number of prescribed fires.
The mixed model using CBH, T, and P was the most reliable predictor of TFL for our prescribed fires (
Figure 8). This approach also includes six multiexponential models that could be of great value in useful-life identification, according to their simplicity and continuous scale. TFL dynamics is associated with stand variables, burning implementation conditions, and postburn meteorological characteristics. In this sense, the TFL dynamics model depends mainly on CBH, T, P, and FFMC (
Figure 4). All these variables were positively related; therefore, higher TFL is associated with a higher value of independent variables, except for CBH. The T and CBH values have already been identified as keystone factors in postburn fuel evolution [
16]. A lower CBH value is related to higher TFL due to thermal pruning effects. FFMC has already been established as an essential factor in the burn windows for
P. pinaster in Sierra Morena [
22]. A high volume of P influences the fuel load because of greater twig and branch elongation and a greater amount of new needle generation than in dry years [
42]. Not only do scorched needles fall on the ground, old branches, live needles, twigs, and the lowest branches, due to the light competence, will also fall. Other studies [
44] have shown that heavy precipitation can promote more notable effects in the amount of fuel beneath a forest canopy, mainly in stands with a low basal area. In this sense, our study stands were characterized by a low basal area, ranging from 9.6 (Viso D) to 31.13 m
2/ha (Puebla A). This low basal area could have emphasized the relative importance of postburn precipitation in our findings. Finally, a greater FFMC value during burning implementation is associated with a high TFL value due to the low FC.
TFL postfire reduction for our sampling plots (with the thermal pruning already incorporated) ranged from 38.14% (San Lorenzo A) to 92.18% (Viso B). This TFL reduction is directly related to FFMC. In this sense, an FFMC value lower than 9% was associated with an average TFL of 79.91%, FFMC values higher than 9% and less than 12%, with an average of 91.31%, FFMC values higher than 12% and less than 14%, with an average of 77.54%, and FFMC values higher than 14%, with an average of 38.14%. Although [
22] showed that burn windows would require FFM values from 9% to 15%, this approach only considered FFL consumption immediately postfire, without thermal pruning effects. The prescribed fire targets would be achieved with FFMC ranging from 9% to 12%, according to our findings and TFL reduction above 80%, which is generally established in the burn windows of the study area. If there is a high amount of 10- and 100-h time-lag fuels (>10 Mg/ha), TFL will be considerably reduced (64.19%). In these specific cases, a TFL reduction of 80% cannot be reached by a single burning as it could damage the trees. If a reduction target of 65% of TFL is established in these stands, we would prescribe a burn with FFMC ranging from 10.5% to 12%, using spot-heading fire to reduce the I value.
FFL dynamics is directly related to CBH, P, SD, and T (
Figure 4). In a similar way to TFL, a lower CBH value and a higher T value are associated with higher FFL. Reference [
20] indicated that the postburn fuel load is greater in lower-height stands due to higher thermal pruning. Similarly, higher SD is related to higher FFL because of the higher amount of fallen needles due to thermal pruning. With similar TFL values, a higher P value was associated with higher FFL due to a large amount of fallen needles and twigs [
43]. Regarding this fall, some studies [
45] have linked precipitation and the amount of annual fallen needles. The FFL evolution from the first year depends on CBH, SD, and P. Reference [
46] found a bigger number of needles during the first postburn months, which seems to corroborate this model for the first year.
CFL depends on CBH, U
2, and FFMC (
Figure 4). In a similar way to TFL and FFL, a lower CBH value and a higher FFMC value was associated with higher CFL. Some authors [
20] have pointed out that higher postfire CFL is based on needles and twigs that have fallen from the forest canopy and the suppressed tree mortality. Higher FFMC is related to lower coarse fuel consumption [
22]. High CFL corresponds to low U
2 and, consequently, a lower I value, which promotes much lower coarse fuel consumption [
22]. Generally, the FC differences in these fuel model types are associated with coarse fuel consumption, given the elevated level of fine fuel consumption [
LFL dynamics from the second year depend to a large extent on CC. LFL was increased mainly from the second year for stands with low CC. This is mainly explained by the high gap colonization of the dominant understory species (
C. ladanifer) because of its wide seed bank and its high germination percentage after its exposure to a heat source [
25]. Many differences between Villaviciosa A and Villaviciosa B were observed (
Figure 9) due to their CC difference (
Table 2). The inventory carried out after 36 months and 48 months showed a difference of 82.14% and 67.89%, respectively, in the LFL evolution between them. The time elapsed from the burning reduced the effective difference due to fuel dynamics. According to the periodical inventories of the 11 prescribed fires, LFL was not generated after four years with stands where CC was over 75%. With CC values lower than 75%, LFL was generated between the second and the third year. The fuel model was converted from litter-slash fuel to litter-slash-understory, mainly from the third year, for stands where their CC values were under 50%. This fuel modification promotes an increase in FL, which should be considered in the useful life of the prescribed fire. Regarding stands with CC values lower than 50%, suppression difficulties could be found using direct attack with hand tools under the 95% percentile scenario [
32]. Therefore, the traditional burn windows used by fire agencies of the study areas usually established an upper threshold of 1.5 m in FL. Consequent to the TFL dynamic, the burn windows would be limited from the fourth year onward in
P. pinaster stands where CC is lower than 50%, not reaching the expected results of TFL consumption.
A tree decision tool for the maritime pine stands of Sierra Morena (
Figure 10) was built based on fuel load dynamics (Groups I to V) and its useful life (Groups A to D). Two preburn fuel models were established according to the biomass harvesting slash: <20 Mg/ha (full tree harvesting system and tree forwarding) and >20 Mg/ha (cut-to-length logging system and tree skidding). Once the prescribed fire is implemented, useful life depends on CC. With CC values lower than 50% (Group III-A), the burning is only effective for 2–3 years due to the high colonization of
C. ladanifer. This effective rotation length is in line with [
47] in Canada and [
16] in maritime pine stands in the south of Europe. With CC values between 50% and 65%, the useful life is increased by up to 3–4 years. With over 65% in CC values, prescribed fire effectiveness is at least 4 years (Groups I-B and II-B), similar to previous research [
48]. The prescribed fires with TFL higher than 20 Mg/ha have shown uneven results (
Figure 8). In the case of stands with less than 2.5 m CBH (Groups IV-D and V-D), the burning did not achieve the mitigation of the threshold for transition from surface fire to crown fire. These stands required a second prescribed fire in the following 1 or 2 years to reach fuel treatment effectiveness. Between 2.5 and 4 m CBH (Group II-A), the useful life of the prescribed fire is increased by up to 2–3 years according to FFMC. Finally, with more than 4 m CBH (Group I-A), the useful life of the prescribed fire rises to at least 4 years, similar to other studies [
Prescribed fires are an interesting silvicultural treatment for fire behavior mitigation and, therefore, for forest fire hazard reduction [
42]. According to our useful-life findings, prescribed fires have been identified as a very effective prevention tool for maritime pine stands with TFL values over 20 Mg/ha and CBH values higher than 2.6 m, mainly in stands with CBH values higher than 4 m. The monitoring and methodological framework to useful-life identification can be extrapolated to any territory and spatial scale; only periodical field inventories and fire behavior simulations would be needed. The very efficient use of prescribed fire is required according to its uncertainty of use perspective [
11], budget constraints [
16], and meteorological or burn window limitations [
22]. Further studies are encouraged to evaluate the effects of repeated prescribed fires [
8] in stands with TFL values higher than 20 Mg/ha and CBH values lower than 2.5 m. Similarly, a comparative analysis of postburn fuel dynamics and the useful life of prescribed fire, according to different season implementation [
3], would be encouraged. Nevertheless, the study area managers consider spring to be the best season for prescribed fire implementation due to the low availability of fuel in autumn and winter, according to precipitation and local fog. In summer, regional governments of the study areas prohibit the implementation of prescribed fires.
The combinative implementation of thinning for biomass harvesting and prescribed fire for fuel load maintenance is an interesting opportunity for
P. pinaster management of stands in the Mediterranean Basin. On the one hand, thinning provides an economic benefit and reduces the ROS value in a crown fire [
49]. Thinning is also a tool to increase the resistance and resilience of forests [
50] to climate change in the southern Iberian Peninsula [
51]. The lower SD would reduce tree competence, mainly in periods of extreme drought [
52]. On the other hand, prescribed fire implementation would regularly reduce TFL, pointing to fire intensity reduction for the transition from surface fire to crown fire [
38], the severity of forest fire [
14], suppression difficulty [
31], and socioeconomic impacts and suppression costs [
P. pinaster has a high resistance to low and moderate prescribed fire intensities [
18]. Therefore, it would not present any problems from the point of view of ecological impact or tree mortality [
16]. Furthermore, prescribed burning is a much cheaper fuel treatment than mechanical treatments [
53], showing no differences between them after the fourth year in dominated
Cistus spp. ecosystems [
25]. Finally, it should be noted that prescribed fire use implies an advantage over other forest treatments from the point of view of firefighter training [