State-of-the-Art Report: The Self-Healing Capability of Alkali-Activated Slag (AAS) Concrete
:1. Introduction
2. Concrete with Slag Basis
3. Self-Healing Mechanisms
3.1. Autogenous Self-Healing
3.2. Autonomous Self-Healing
3.2.1. Chemical Self-Healing Process
Hollow Pipette and Vessel Networks Containing Glue
Encapsulated Glue
3.2.2. Biological Self-Healing Process
4. Self-Healing Alkali-Activated Concrete
5. Conclusions
- The natural self-healing mechanism could occur due to any of the following reasons: formation of calcium hydroxide or calcium carbonate, further hydration of the unreacted particles of cement, swelling of the hydrated cementitious matrix (C-S-H) in the crack flanks, or blocking of cracks by impurities in the curing water. More than one of the mentioned causes may occur.
- Clinker content in cement, hydration age, crack geometry, exposure condition, and addition of fiber or additives could enhance the efficiency of autogenous crack healing.
- Innovative techniques of chemical and biological self-healing have been proposed. The mentioned strategies are hollow vessels, encapsulation, and immobilization of bacteria. The idea of these methods is to prompt the intrinsic self-healing property of concrete to produce calcium ions and supply the cementitious matrix with external chemical or functional materials to provide better healing capacity.
- Bacterial-based bio-concrete is a remarkable solution because it showed enhanced results and an eco-friendly practical process. Nevertheless, the efficiency of the healing process depends on the proportion of the unreacted matrix that will respond to the introduced healing agent, and crack geometry and size play a vital role in predicting effective healing.
- From the available limited literature, it seems feasible to prompt the production of alkali-activated self-healing composites with a good crack-healing ratio and improved mechanical properties.
6. Future Research and Recommendation
- Curing methods, including cycling air and wet methods, wetting and drying for just 24 h, wetting and air drying for 3 h, air drying, and oven drying. To date it is not clear which curing method would be suitable.
- Although it was stated that sodium concentration is a parameter, limited studies have mentioned the possibility for bacteria to die before activation; however, none of them mentioned the concentration percentage at which the bacteria will not be influenced.
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AAS | Alkali-activated slag |
OPC | Ordinary Portland cement |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide gas |
CaCO3 | Calcium carbonate |
C-S-H | Calcium silicate hydrates |
C-S-A-H | Calcium silicate aluminate hydrates |
RH | Relative humidity |
CSA | Calcium sulfoaluminate |
CA | Crystalline additive |
Ca(OH)2 | Calcium hydroxide |
PVA | Polyvinyl alcohol |
PE | Polyethylene |
MICP | Microbial-induced calcite precipitation |
SEM | Scanning electron microscopy |
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Factors | Action | Mechanical Properties | Durability (Shrinkage) | References | |
Alkali activator | Alkaline activator type | Decreasing the alkali activator modulus alkaline content | Reduces the autogenous and drying shrinkage | [31,32,33] | |
Increasing alkali dosage within the practical range of 2–8% by slag silicate modulus | High compressive strength | [24,26] | |||
Concentration | Reduces the concentration | Reduces the compressive and tensile strengths | Lowers the proportion of medium capillaries and pores Increases large capillaries that reduce the capillary tensile stress | [7,26] | |
Mineral Admixtures | Partial replacement of slag by: lime | Fly ash | Weakens the strength development Decreases strength | Reduces the shrinkage of AAS | [34,35] |
Silica fume | |||||
Metakaolin | Slightly decreases the compressive strength | Improves shrinkage | [36] | ||
Lime | Reduction of 66% in the compressive strength | Alleviates shrinkage | [37] | ||
Chemical admixture | Chemical additives such as shrinkage-reducing admixture, expansive agents, and superabsorbent polymers | Enhances the AAS shrinkage | [7,26] | ||
Fiber reinforcement | The appropriate fiber range is 0.5–1.0% | Enhances the flexural and compressive strengths | Reduces shrinkage | [13,16,38] | |
Curing conditions | Elevated temperature curing | Decreases the shrinkage of AAS systems | [26] |
Technique | Crack Width (µm) | Crack Depth (mm) | Reference |
Autogenous healing | 6 | - | [42,43] |
Bacteria | 970 | 27.5 | [44,45,46] |
Encapsulation | 970 | 35 | [47,48] |
Supplementary cementitious materials | 200 | - | [41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49] |
Other chemical and biological methods | 220 | - | [50] |
Polymer | 0.138 | - | [3] |
Factor | Influence |
Chemical composition of the binding material | The ratio of Ca/Si indicates the intensity of producing C-S-H or CaCO3 as healing materials; however, the content of calcium is more crucial for precipitating calcium carbonate, considered the main healing product. |
Concrete age | Autogenous self-healing is a time-dependent process. The early age of concrete is more important due to the presence of more unhydrated bonding particles and its higher ability to form new C-S-H gel. |
Crack shape and size | Geometrically, crack dimensions (width, length, and depth), as well as a crack pattern (branched or accumulated), indicate the extent of autogenous healing. The wider the crack (>200 µm), the easier the access for water and carbon dioxide. The overall closure of narrower cracks (around 50 µm) tends to be higher due to the easier filling. |
Effect of exposure | Exposure to water is essential for initiating the chemical reaction and acting as a carrier medium for particles. Various water regimes induce different healing efficiencies. Water submergence appears to be the most effective exposure regime due to its higher ability for provoking the carbonation process and precipitating the CaCO3 compound. Nevertheless, a few studies have revealed that the wet and dry cycle works perfectly as compared to water submergence for self-healing because of the massive availability of carbon dioxide in the air. |
Temperature | Elevated temperatures were reported to have a positive effect on the processes of crack closure as the chemical reaction of the self-healing process is greatly stimulated by temperature. |
Effect of fiber | The influence of fibers on the healing mechanism is still not completely understood. Fibers could help in initiating the mechanism of self-healing. This assumption was based on spotting CaCO3 and C-S-H in mixes containing fibers during the healing process. This could be explained by the effect of fiber polarity on the chemical reaction. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is known for its higher polarity effect compared to other fiber types. Polarity strength is defined as the existence of OH− radicals that act as nucleation locations attracting calcium ions. |
Effect of additives | Mineral additives have a positive effect on the autogenous healing process. Studies revealed the better performance of the healing process with the presence of crystalline additive or expansive additive within the concrete matrix. Additives directly enhance the material porosity, leading to the concentration of the precipitated calcium carbonate on the tip of the crack. Additionally, they improve the specimens’ pH for more precipitation of calcium carbonate. |
Encapsulated Healing Agent | Reference |
Sodium silicate | [66,67,68,69] |
Epoxy | [40,64] |
Ca(NO3)2 | [70,71,72] |
Dicyclopentadiene | [66] |
Bacterial spores | [73] |
Methyl methacrylate | [43] |
Calcium sulfoaluminate | [74] |
Silica solution | [75] |
Minerals and expansive powders | [76] |
Capsule Shell | Reference |
Polyurethane/urea formaldehyde | [66,67,68,69] |
Silica | [43] |
Glass | [41,76] |
Ceramic | [41] |
Polystyrene resin | [47] |
Polyvinyl alcohol | [74] |
Bacteria | Base Binder | Compressive Strength | Permeability | Water Absorption | Chloride Penetration Resistance | References |
Sporosarcina pasteuri | Slag, fly ash, and cement | ↑ | ↓ | ↓ | ↑ | [88,89,90] |
Bacillus sphaericus | Cement | ↑ | ↓ | ↓ | ↑ | [46,91] |
Bacillus subtilis | Slag and cement | ↑ | ↓ | ↓ | ↑ | [92,93] |
Bacillus megaterium | Cement | ↑ | - | - | - | [3,93] |
Bacillus cohnii | Fly ash and cement | ↑ | - | ↓ | - | [89,94] |
Bacillus aerius | Rice husk ash | ↑ | ↓ | ↓ | ↑ | [95] |
Bacillus pseudofirmus | Blended cement | ↓ | - | - | - | [77] |
Diaphorobacter nitroreductase | Cement | ↓ | - | - | - | [96] |
Self-Healing Mechanism | Advantage | Disadvantage |
Autogenous | Natural, environmentally friendly method Mechanical property improvement Easy to implement | Microcracks (limited crack size) can be healed Its efficiency depends on the availability of unreacted cement particles A higher amount of cement could lead to a matrix more susceptible to shrinkage and cracking An increase in CO2 emission because of the higher amount of cement |
Active (external) hollow vessels | Healing agent leakage during cracking Mechanical property improvement Controllable quantity of healing agent | Complicated method and difficult to apply Needs verification for use in real projects Weakens the concrete and causes a decrease in mechanical properties with the usage of too many vessels |
Passive hollow vessels | Healing agent leakage during cracking Mechanical property improvement | Complicated method and difficult to apply No sufficient data available for assessment The possible difficulty of releasing the healing agent |
Encapsulation | Immediate response to cracking Less restoration of mechanical properties Medium amount of healing agent The capsule shell may not break due to insufficient magnitude of stresses created by cracking | Difficulty in preparing capsules Very limited amount of healing after filling the capsule A strong capsule shell is required to protect the healing agent during mixing and the hydration process The shell and matrix bond should be taken into consideration |
Bacteria | Natural eco-friendly biological activity Mechanical property improvement Easy to implement Bacterial nutrients slow down the hydration process, resulting in lower strength | Leakage may occur during the mixing Measures should be taken for protection of bacteria |
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Hammad, N.; Elnemr, A.; Shaaban, I.G. State-of-the-Art Report: The Self-Healing Capability of Alkali-Activated Slag (AAS) Concrete. Materials 2023, 16, 4394.
Hammad N, Elnemr A, Shaaban IG. State-of-the-Art Report: The Self-Healing Capability of Alkali-Activated Slag (AAS) Concrete. Materials. 2023; 16(12):4394.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHammad, Nancy, Amr Elnemr, and Ibrahim G. Shaaban. 2023. "State-of-the-Art Report: The Self-Healing Capability of Alkali-Activated Slag (AAS) Concrete" Materials 16, no. 12: 4394.
APA StyleHammad, N., Elnemr, A., & Shaaban, I. G. (2023). State-of-the-Art Report: The Self-Healing Capability of Alkali-Activated Slag (AAS) Concrete. Materials, 16(12), 4394.