Microstructure and Deformation Response of TRIP-Steel Syntactic Foams to Quasi-Static and Dynamic Compressive Loads
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials and Processing
2.2. Testing Procedure and Fundamentals
3. Results
3.1. Characterization of the As-Sintered State
3.2. Mechanical Properties
3.3. Microstructure Investigations
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- (i)
- While the Fillite 106 cenospheres retain their initial shape, the S60HS glass microspheres undergo disintegration during processing accompanied with the formation of pre-cracked irregular glass inclusions and occurring chemical reactions with the surrounding steel matrix. Only the usage of cenospheres led to a strictly syntactic foam structure.
- (ii)
- The stress-strain response of the TRIP-steel syntactic foams under compression is indicated by a linear-elastic regime, a smooth transition to plastic yielding, a plateau-like region with a gradual increase in stress and a region of structure densification. Their mean stress level decreases with rising volume content of microspheres and porosity. Since the cenospheres offer an enhanced resistance against the plastic flow of the steel matrix, the AISI304L/Fillite 106 SFs exhibit a higher mean stress level (expressed by the yield stress and the plateau strength) and a higher energy absorption capability than the S60HS-containing variants.
- (iii)
- The deformation and failure behavior of the TRIP-steel syntactic foams is controlled by hardening/softening mechanisms and the strain-induced martensitic phase transformation (TRIP effect) of the austenitic steel matrix as well as the failure of the hollow particles or inclusions. Visible cracks within the secondary component were formed when achieving the elastic-plastic transition. At high strain levels collapsed cenospheres were rearranged and aligned to chain-like clusters within the shear-cross region of the specimen. Broken S60HS glass spheres and inclusions acted as initiators for matrix crack formation.
- (iv)
- Dynamic impact compression of the MMSFs causes an initial strengthening followed by softening of the steel matrix (main factor = strain-rate sensitivity of the matrix) at higher strains as a consequence of quasi-adiabatic heating, the gradual decrease in strain rate during plastic deformation and the enhanced degree of damage.
- (v)
- The -martensite phase evolution is affected by material composition, strain rate and deformation temperature. The highest ferromagnetic -martensite phase fractions were determined for the AISI 304L/S60HS SFs and the lowest for the pure TRIP-steel bulk material. Differences in matrix composition (varying C content), chemical reactions between S60HS particles and the steel matrix, and lower constraints against matrix deformation originating from the glass microspheres/inclusions should be the reasons for this behavior. The quasi-adiabatic sample heating under dynamic impact loading and at high strains initiates thermally-activated dislocation glide processes within the matrix which are finally preferred to -martensite formation.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Material Property | 3MTM S60HS | Omya Fillite® FG 106 |
Sphere density (g·cm−3) | 0.570–0.630 | 0.600–0.850 |
Sphere size (µm) | 15 (), 30 (), 50 () | 5.0–106 |
Transient temperature (°C) | 600 (softening point) | 1200–1350 (melting point) |
Isostatic crush strength (bar) | 1241 | 103–207 |
Component elements of shell | SiO2 (70–80%), B2O3 (2–6%), Na2O (3–8%), CaO (8–15%) | Al2O3 (27–33%), SiO2 (55–65%), Fe2O3 (≤6%) |
AISI 304L | AISI 304L/S60HS | AISI 304L/Fillite 106 | |||||
T0 | T2G | T4G | T6G | T2C | T4C | T6C | |
vol % spheres | 0 | 20 | 40 | 60 | 20 | 40 | 60 |
wt % spheres | 0 | 1.84 | 4.76 | 10.11 | 1.90 | 4.91 | 10.41 |
wt % matrix | 100 | 98.16 | 95.24 | 89.89 | 98.10 | 95.09 | 89.59 |
Batch | Density/g·cm−3 | C-Content in wt % |
304L-powder | - | 0.024 * |
T0 | 7.42 | 0.067 |
T2C | 6.60 | - |
T4C | 5.73 | 0.042 |
T6C | 4.58 | 0.023 |
T2G | 6.39 | - |
T4G | 5.27 | 0.013 |
T6G | 4.25 | 0.015 |
Batch | Strain Rate/s−1 | /MPa | /MPa | SEA/kJ·kg−1 | |||
T0 | 0.01 200 | 334 450 | ±3 ±9 | 1487 1398 | ±15 ±4 | 55.3 68.9 | ±0.1 ±0.6 |
T2C | 0.01 200 | 250 379 | ±2 ±15 | 1163 1131 | ±3 ±9 | 49.2 52.2 | ±0.4 ±5.4 |
T4C | 0.01 200 | 221 387 | ±8 ±8 | 891 913 | ±5 ±2 | 44.9 53.8 | ±0.1 ±0.6 |
T6C | 0.01 200 | 185 296 | ±5 ±20 | 533 529 | ±11 ±1 | 38.1 40.8 | ±0.1 ±0.2 |
T2G | 0.01 200 | 242 295 | ±3 ±11 | 1106 1012 | ±4 ±10 | 48.8 51.2 | ±0.2 ±0.9 |
T4G | 0.01 200 | 142 165 | ±4 ±6 | 726 710 | ±7 ±6 | 40.2 43.5 | ±0.3 ±0.7 |
T6G | 0.01 200 | 89 180 | ±8 ±21 | 344 537 | ±12 ±10 | 26.5 47.2 | ±0.4 ±2.7 |
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Share and Cite
Ehinger, D.; Weise, J.; Baumeister, J.; Funk, A.; Waske, A.; Krüger, L.; Martin, U. Microstructure and Deformation Response of TRIP-Steel Syntactic Foams to Quasi-Static and Dynamic Compressive Loads. Materials 2018, 11, 656. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11050656
Ehinger D, Weise J, Baumeister J, Funk A, Waske A, Krüger L, Martin U. Microstructure and Deformation Response of TRIP-Steel Syntactic Foams to Quasi-Static and Dynamic Compressive Loads. Materials. 2018; 11(5):656. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11050656
Chicago/Turabian StyleEhinger, David, Jörg Weise, Joachim Baumeister, Alexander Funk, Anja Waske, Lutz Krüger, and Ulrich Martin. 2018. "Microstructure and Deformation Response of TRIP-Steel Syntactic Foams to Quasi-Static and Dynamic Compressive Loads" Materials 11, no. 5: 656. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11050656
APA StyleEhinger, D., Weise, J., Baumeister, J., Funk, A., Waske, A., Krüger, L., & Martin, U. (2018). Microstructure and Deformation Response of TRIP-Steel Syntactic Foams to Quasi-Static and Dynamic Compressive Loads. Materials, 11(5), 656. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11050656