Convergent Double Auction Mechanism for a Prosumers’ Decentralized Smart Grid
:1. Introduction
1.1. Prosumers’ Decentralized Smart Grid
1.2. Market-Based Demand-Side Management (DSM)
1.3. Convergent Double Auction Mechanism
Characteristics | RTP-DDSG | LFS-DA | CLFS-DA |
Fully decentralized | - | √ | √ |
Balance of demand and supply | - | √ | √ |
Convergence | √ | - | √ |
2. Model and Conventional Real-Time Pricing (RTP)
2.1. Basic Assumptions of i-Rene
2.2. Primal Problem
2.3. Dual Decomposition (DD)
2.3.1. Dual Problem
2.3.2. Sub-Problems
2.3.3. Master Problem
2.3.4. Real-Time Pricing based on a Dual Decomposition with a Sub-Gradient Method (RTP-DDSG)
3. Convergent Linear Function Submission-Based Double-Auction (CLFS-DA)
3.1. Overview
3.2. Transactions with the Convergent Linear Function Submission-Based Double-Auction (CLFS-DA)
Algorithm 1 Iterative update in the CLFS-DA. |
Initialize the price profile and the state vectors . |
Each agent submits to the market. |
until a predefined stopping criterion is satisfied. |
return Transact with as a price profile. |
3.3. Iterative Process of the Convergent Linear Function Submission-Based Double-Auction (CLFS-DA)
3.4. Convergence Proof of the Convergent Linear Function Submission-Based Double-Auction (CLFS-DA)
3.5. Simple Convergent Linear Function Submission-Based Double-Auction (CLFS-DA)
4. Experiment
4.1. Experimental Conditions
4.2. Results
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
☐ Variables controlled by each agent (output) | |
Electric energy consumption profile | |
Electric energy generation profile | |
Battery charge profile | |
Battery discharge profile | |
Profile of electric energy sold to the local electricity market | |
Profile of electric energy bought from the local electricity market | |
Profile of electric energy sold to the outside grid | |
Profile of electric energy bought from the outside grid | |
Profile of state vector | |
Profile of the state of charge (SOC) of the battery | |
Constant term of parameters of the bidding function | |
Initial slope of the bidding function, i.e., | |
☐ Variables determined by the market (output) | |
Primary coefficient term of parameters of the bidding function | |
Price profile | |
☐ Fixed parameters and functions for each agent (input) | |
Storage efficiency | |
Cost function for generating electric energy | |
Utility function for consuming electric energy | |
Individual utility function | |
Individual welfare function | |
☐ Fixed parameters for the electricity network (input) | |
Electricity transmission efficiency | |
Price of electricity sold to the outside grid | |
Price of electricity bought from the outside grid |
A. Convergence Proof of the RTP-DDSG
Conflicts of Interest
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Taniguchi, T.; Takata, T.; Fukui, Y.; Kawasaki, K. Convergent Double Auction Mechanism for a Prosumers’ Decentralized Smart Grid. Energies 2015, 8, 12342-12361.
Taniguchi T, Takata T, Fukui Y, Kawasaki K. Convergent Double Auction Mechanism for a Prosumers’ Decentralized Smart Grid. Energies. 2015; 8(11):12342-12361.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTaniguchi, Tadahiro, Tomohiro Takata, Yoshiro Fukui, and Koki Kawasaki. 2015. "Convergent Double Auction Mechanism for a Prosumers’ Decentralized Smart Grid" Energies 8, no. 11: 12342-12361.
APA StyleTaniguchi, T., Takata, T., Fukui, Y., & Kawasaki, K. (2015). Convergent Double Auction Mechanism for a Prosumers’ Decentralized Smart Grid. Energies, 8(11), 12342-12361.