Results of the SCADA measurements are first presented for the N-4 cluster for the purpose of quantifying the stability dependence of internal wakes and the propagation of these wakes downstream in the near field. In this situation, a typical model set-up would be a wake model with a DAWM approach without stability effects included, but here we consider the atmospheric stability part of the DAWM approach with respect to the SCADA results. Far-field wake effects in the SCADA measurements are then investigated in the N-5 cluster with the help of the ASM approach in Openwind. A discussion proceeds the presentation of results where we briefly discuss the very far field situation of wakes from N-4 on N-5, which has also been modelled with the ASM approach.
4.1. N-4 Cluster Wakes for Flow from the West
Figure 5a–f presents two-dimensional representations of the flow through the N-4 cluster at a freestream wind speed of 8 m/s according to the ASM approach for the wind directions of (a) 220
, (b) 235
, (c) 250
, (d) 295
, (e) 310
, and (f) 325
for (a, d) neutral (
), (b, e) stable (
), and (c, f) strongly stable (
) conditions. The different wind directions illustrate the wake impacting the southern row of the ABW wind farm (a–c, turbines 118 to 128) and the northern row of the NSO wind farm (d–f, turbines 1 to 8). The different stability classes illustrate the increasing wind speed deficit with increasing stability according to the ASM approach. With increasing atmospheric stability, internal wakes tend to blend into the integrated wind farm flow as evident in the disappearance of lighter shades (freestream wind speed) within the wind farms for
and 1.5.
Figure 5a,d show that the neutral flow simulated by standard wind turbine wake models [in this case the eddy viscosity model] [
17] would almost ignore the effect of the wake on the downstream wind farm, particularly in stable conditions.
Figure 5g–l show the SCADA energy ratios at the southern ABW row (g–i) and northern NSO row (j–l) for
, 0.5, and 1.5 at the wind directions 220
, 235
, 250
, 295
, 310
, and 325
, respectively. The numbers represent the positions of the turbines according to their labels shown below in
Figure 6 and
Figure 7. We will explain these figures before returning to the energy ratios shown in
Figure 5.
Figure 6 and
Figure 7 present, respectively, SCADA and Openwind (DAWM) energy ratios
R according to Equation (
1) in the form of partial polar plots at the relative positions of the wind turbines for wind directions 220–340
for data grouped in 15
bin widths. Hence, seven points are presented in each polar plot for Monin–Obukhov stability parameters of
(neutral, blue), 0.5 (stable, red), and 1.5 (strongly stable, yellow). All polar plots are normalized with respect to turbine 49, which is located at the north-west corner of the ABW farm, and thus the plot for turbine 49 is simply the arc of a unit circle from 220
to 340
. Summing over all points of the polar plot of turbine 49 equates to a value of 7 (because it is normalized with itself), but for the waked turbines within the ABW farm and downstream from the freestream turbines, the summed energy ratio is less than 7. Along the top row of ABW turbines (see the plots labelled 49–60), there is an increasing distortion of the polar plots in the south-western direction further into the wind farm. Heading south within the ABW farm beginning at turbine 59 (along turbines 71, 83, 95, 106, 117, 128), there is an increasing distortion of the energy ratio deeper into the wind farm but then a slight recovery along the southern ABW row in the south-western direction, corresponding to the Kaskasi Gap separating the ABW and NSO farms.
The panels positioned between the ABW and NSO wind farms give more detailed snapshots of the energy ratio for selected rows (a–d) or the overall wind farm (e, f). For example, panel e shows the summed values of all turbines from 1 to 128, with turbine 49 at the vertical line separating the two farms giving a summed energy ratio
. To the right of the vertical black line in (e) lie the ABW turbines (from 49 to 128), with the periodic peaks representing the westernmost column (turbines 61, 73, 85, 96, 107, 118) of the ABW farm in presumably freestream conditions for the westerly flows considered here. (Actually, there is a slight upstream blockage effect detected in this group of turbines). On the left side of panel e are turbines 1 to 48 representing the summed energy ratios for the NSO wind farm. Note that only polar plots for the first few northern rows of the NSO farm are displayed due to spatial constraints. The NSO peaks in panel e also represent the western row of the NSO farm in freestream conditions but reach higher values (=9.5), probably because of the more powerful NSO wind turbines (see the rated powers in
Table 1) with respect to the ABW turbines.
Panels a–d in
Figure 6 and
Figure 7 present the energy ratio for selected series or rows of turbines as a function of the normalized downstream distance
in that particular wind direction as indicated in the title of each panel and highlighted previously in the turbine layouts in
Figure 2. The positions of the turbines along
for each plot are indicated by the numbers next to the neutral curve (in blue). Panel a presents the southernmost NSO internal wake row for a wind direction of 235
, panel b the ABW near-farm-wake southern row for a wind direction of 235
, panel c the internal ABW wake for a wind direction of 310
, and panel d the near-wake northern NSO row for a wind direction of 310
Figure 6a and
Figure 7a present the internal wake of the southern row of NSO for
(blue, neutral),
(red, stable), and
(yellow, strongly stable) for a flow from the south-west. This internal wake is from the NSO wind farm’s southernmost aligned row (oriented south-west–north-east) for this wind direction as depicted above in
Figure 5b. The NSO wind farm wake resulting from the cumulative effect of all internal wakes can be seen to partially impinge on the southern ABW row for a wind direction of 235
. The energy ratios of the southern ABW row are displayed in
Figure 6b and
Figure 7b for the SCADA results and DAWM set-up, respectively. An atmospheric stability dependence is evident in the internal wakes, which show the rapid reduction in energy from the first turbine, and decreasing toward 0.6 for
at turbines 127 and 128 on the eastern side of this row. The DAWM approach captures the overall internal wake effect, tending to about 0.6, with a stability dependence similar to the SCADA data detected.
A few kilometres downstream of the NSO wind farm is the waked ABW southern row (turbines 118 to 128). The neutral case in
Figure 6b reveals a reduction in energy beginning at turbine 124 as expected for a partially waked row for this wind direction direction. Because of the short distance downstream, an energy deficit is detected even in the neutral case whose wake length may extend from a few kilometres to approximately 15 km downstream (see also, e.g., [
47]). However, the energy deficit increases with increasing stability, reaching
Figure 7b reveals that there is a weaker stability dependence in the waked ABW row according to the DAWM approach with respect to the SCADA results. Because the internal wakes seem to be reasonably well captured by DAWM as seen from
Figure 7a, as well as in the summer NSO energy ratios in
Figure 7e (see to the left of the black vertical line), we infer that the stability-dependent wind-farm near-wake capability of this approach is limited.
Switching orientation from the south-west (NSO–> ABW) and focusing on a flow from the north-west (ABW–> NSO) allows consideration for the wake of the ABW on the NSO farm as depicted above in
Figure 5e for a wind direction of 310
. The energy ratio of the selected internal wake row depicted above in
Figure 2 cutting through the ABW farm for this wind direction is presented in
Figure 6c and
Figure 7c (see the ABW polar plots with the red dots) for the SCADA and ASM approach, respectively. Through the wind farm, there is an accumulated energy deficit of up to 65% (
) in the case of the SCADA data for
, and this has been underestimated by the DAWM approach, which gives
for the case
. We have mentioned above with respect to Equation (
4) that we currently expect wakes in very stable conditions to be underestimated by the DAWM set-up.
The energy ratio of the northern, partially waked NSO row due the ABW farm shown in
Figure 6d according to the SCADA results reveals slightly excess energy at the first few turbines (turbines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) of the NSO north row above the expected value of about 1.15 according to the DAWM in
Figure 7d (see turbine 1), but a clear energy deficit (<1) in the waked part of the row (turbines 7 & 8).
That the DAWM approach gives an increasing energy deficit with stability for almost the entire northern NSO row (turbines 2 to 8 in
Figure 7d) is suggestive of the SCADA data revealing wind speed-up around the ABW wind farm resulting in an enhanced energy ratio at the first western few wind turbines of the northern NSO row. The energy-ratio ‘dip’ at turbine 7, which is also partially waked by turbine 6, in the SCADA data on panel d is not captured by the DAWM approach.
When considering the overall stability dependence for the entire cluster (except the MSO farm),
Figure 6f and
Figure 7f show a reduction in total power with increasing stability for both the SCADA data and the DAWM approach. The total power here is the summation of all power in
Figure 6e and
Figure 7e for each stability class, which also show a stability dependence. However, it can be seen that the power reduction from
(red) to
(yellow) is probably underestimated by the DAWM approach, illustrating once more a constraint of that model for strongly stable conditions.
Returning now to the energy ratios presented originally in
Figure 5g–r, we can reveal a clear stability dependence downstream of both N-4 wind farms considered here. The energy ratio according to the SCADA data for a wind direction of 220
(g) indicates that the western edge of the row is largely unaffected by the NSO wake at turbines 118 and 119. These energy ratios at turbines 118 and 119 are, however, less than 1 (=0.9), which suggests perhaps there is an induction effect not accounted for in the model which depicts energy ratios of approximately 1 for those turbines. There is a drop-off in energy ratio along turbines 120–125 in the expected wake region (compare the image in panel a with the plot in panel g) before a flattening in the energy ratio in the middle of NSO’s wake at turbines 126–128. In contrast, the DAWM results at 220
reveal a monotonic reduction in energy ratio
for increasing
and independent of stability. The image in panel a depicts an instantaneous snapshot of the flow from a precise wind direction of 220
according to the ASM results, although the SCADA and DAWM lines have been drawn from data of bin width 15
. The 235
results are repeated in
Figure 6b and
Figure 7b and are represented in
Figure 5 to show the evolution of the near-wake with wind direction. For example, the ABW south row should be almost fully waked by NSO at 220
, only partially waked by 235
, and not waked at 250
. At 250
we see the internal wakes of DAWM having the predominant effect, with turbine 118 acting as the upstream wind turbine giving a freestream energy ratio of 1. As the wake progresses westward along the NSO north row for increasingly northern wind directions of 295
, 310
, and 325
, there are unwaked turbines to the west, a drop in energy ratio, and a flattening in the middle of the wake. The DAWM approach seems to do a better job here compared with the south-western flow of capturing the qualitative wake shape evident in the SCADA data, including the stability dependence. The SCADA data are suggestive of flow speed-up in the western turbines. That there is speed-up around the ABW farm evident in the “freestream” turbines and not the NSO farm may be a consequence of the greater turbine spatial density in ABW. A flow speed-up in stable conditions at the border of the ABW farm was particularly evident in the large-eddy simulations (LESs) of Cañadillas et al. [
37] at the N-4 cluster. Hence, an LES model for different wind directions would be required to investigate speed-up more fully.
4.2. N-5 Cluster Wakes for Flow from the West
The SCADA results for the N-4 cluster suggest a clear stability-dependent near-wind-farm wake region that is also evident in the stability-dependent wakes produced by the Openwind results. The N-5 cluster, consisting of the SAB and DAT wind farms, the latter in the wake of the former for flow from the west, is ideal for extending this investigation for far wakes of length of up to 30 km depending on the wind direction. To what extent the far-wake stability dependence is evident in the N-5 SCADA data is addressed here.
Figure 8a–f present ASM modelled two-dimensional wind speeds of the flow through the SAB wind farm whose wakes impact the DAT wind farm for a freestream wind speed of 8 m/s and Monin–Obukhov stability parameters of
(a, d),
(b, e), and
(c, f).
Figure 8a (f) illustrates that the far wake of Sandbank for a wind direction of 240
) impacts the northern (southern) part of DanTysk, with the southern (northern) part in theoretically freestream conditions (assuming a homogeneous flow field). The wind direction wake of 285
Figure 8d in neutral conditions illustrates practically no effect on the downstream DAT wind farm consistent with our understanding that wind-farm far-wake lengths in neutral conditions amount to 15 km [
35]. If correct, energy capture models can neglect wind farms further than 15 km away if only neutral conditions are to be considered. We discuss the panels g–f once more further below after presenting
Figure 9 and
Figure 10.
Figure 9 presents a similar representation of cluster N-5 to that presented in
Figure 6 for cluster N-4 where partial polar plots of the energy ratio are placed in the layout of the farms. The energy ratios
R in all polar plots are normalized by the energy ratio of turbine number 1 located to the south-west of Sandbank, with this plot giving the arc of a unit circle for seven wind directions in 15
increments from 225
to 315
. Deviations from a unit arc are indicative of flow modifications due to wakes, upstream induction, or flow inhomogeneities. For example, the western row of Sandbank (turbines 1 to 19) are approximations to unit arcs assuming they see the freestream conditions in this wind direction sector equivalent to the flow seen by turbine number 1. In all plots, three curves are plotted to correspond to neutral (blue;
= 0), stable (red;
= 0.5), and strongly stable (yellow;
= 1.5) conditions. From the polar plots in both wind farms, the effect of waking with increasing stability is seen as one progresses deeper west–east into the wind farm with energy ratio deficits favouring particular wind directions aligned with the positions of the upstream wind turbines. One of those directions is the wind direction 255
(marked by the green circles on the corresponding polar plots) for Sandbank for which the energy ratios of a selected row are presented in
Figure 9e showing a reduction in power by 20% (
) after the front row for all stability classes. The ASM energy ratio in
Figure 10e is a similar value (
The partially waked western “front row” of DanTysk for this wind direction is presented in
Figure 9d for neutral (blue), stable (red), and strongly stable (yellow) conditions with the turbine numbers of the row indicated at the positions of the turbines near the neutral blue curve. The spatial coordinates are normalized with respect to the southernmost turbine 73 in this row (see the polar plots). For this wind direction a wake represented by an energy deficit should be evident if one progresses from south (
) to north beginning at about turbine 84 (
) according to the modelled wind speeds shown previously (
Figure 8b). Note that the value of the freestream energy ratio for the southern turbines is not unity because the DanTysk energy ratios are normalized with respect to turbine 1 located at Sandbank, which contains more powerful rated turbines (4 MW versus 3.6 MW; see
Table 1). Therefore, we seek energy deficits as
increases below an energy ratio of about
0.8–0.9, which is approximately DanTysk’s normalized freestream energy ratio with respect to Sandbank.
Figure 9d shows a stability dependence, with the neutral case remaining at roughly the expected freestream value along the entire row, while the energy ratio of the strongly stable case reduces to about 0.6 for
. The SCADA suggest a speed-up for the strongly stable case (yellow in panel d). Note that for this wind direction, turbine 85 is slightly waked by 84, which is responsible for the sharp dip in the curve seen at (
(for more northerly wind directions, turbine 85 is unwaked).
The second wind direction considered in more detail is 300
which should give the northern part of DanTysk in freestream conditions.
Figure 9c shows that the northernmost turbines in the front row of DanTysk for 300
are approximately of the magnitude of the freestream energy ratios of
0.8. Further to the south (
), the curves are quite ordered in a way suggestive of an increased effect of the Sandbank wake on DanTysk for increasing stability. The energy ratio for
tends to be about 0.7 at
and about 0.6 at
. Consequently, as parts of DanTysk’s front row suffer from an energy deficit due to the wake of Sandbank, and that deficit seems to propagate through the wind farm. For example,
Figure 9f shows a selected row through the Dan Tysk wind farm beginning at turbine 76. Here, the strengths of the internal wakes appear independent of stability because the curves have similar slopes, but the initial energy in the front row results in an overall energy deficit that increases with stability within the DanTysk wind farm. This may also be evident from the front-row energy deficits for north-westerly wind directions in stable conditions seen in the DanTysk polar plots.
The summed energy for each wind turbine is presented in
Figure 9b beginning at turbine 1 in Sandbank to the left of that panel with a value of seven (the number of wind directions considered) and continuing to turbine 151 within DanTysk.
Figure 9b shows a consistent ordering with stability throughout the farms with more energy in neutral conditions, and energy decreasing for increasing stability. The total normalized energy shown in
Figure 9a representing all turbine energy ratios summed for all wind directions and both farms shown here, gives a reduction in overall power by about 5% and 10% for stable and strongly stable conditions, respectively, compared with the neutral case.
Figure 10 presents the ASM results as polar plots in the same form as the SCADA results in
Figure 9.
Figure 10a reveals a similar reduction in power along the aligned Sandbank wake row at the wind direction of 255
. Here, energy is reduced by about 20% of the freestream value for each stability, with the model giving a slight stability dependence.
Figure 10b presents the summed energy ratio for each turbine in the cluster. The apparent north-west–south-east energy bias evident in the SCADA data is absent in the ASM results as expected for a homogenous inflow (see the constant power along the western rows of Sandbank (e.g., turbines 1 to 19). As the domain area of any model increases, we expect non-homogeneity of the freestream conditions to introduce a more significant error than far wakes in energy assessments. The peaks seen in
Figure 10b (left of the vertical black line) are the turbines of Sandbank’s northern row (turbines 19, 39, 59, 72) and are less waked than the turbines further south and into the wind farm.
Figure 10c presents the energy ratio of the western Sandbank row for a 300
flow, where there is a weaker negative south–north gradient evident in the modelling results compared with the energy ratios calculated from the SCADA data in
Figure 9c. For a westerly flow, the SAB–DAT wind farm separation is about 20 km, whereas the north-west–south-east separation (between turbines 72 (SAB) and 73 (DAT) for example) extends to 30 km. The underestimated wake strength for the longer wake suggests the model could be improved. For
and a wind direction of 300
, the SCADA data tell us that the wake strength 30 km downstream from Sandbank is roughly 0.5/0.8 ≈ 63% (
Figure 9c) of the expected freestream wake strength, with 63% being conveniently the e-folding distance assuming an exponential downstream wind speed recovery: the wake will recover to 95% of the freestream value at a factor of three times the e-folding distance, giving a wake length of roughly 90 km, which is possibly longer than anything measured to date.
On the other hand, for the westerly flow (255
) in
Figure 10d, the ASM approach gives a stability dependence broadly consistent with the SCADA data. For example, the SCADA data for
Figure 9d give energy ratios approaching 0.65 for
but the ASM results proved energy ratios of about 0.7. Assuming freestream values are about 0.8, then we are detecting wake lengths in this direction in strongly stable conditions of about a length of 40 km assuming a full wind speed recovery to 95% of the freestream value. The weaker stability dependence is also evident in the modelled DAT wake results of
Figure 10f, showing a weaker separation of the stability lines compared with the SCADA data shown in
Figure 9f.
Returning to
Figure 8, western-row DAT energy ratios are presented in panels g–l (SCADA) and panels m–r (ASM) corresponding to the wind directions shown in panels a–f. Here the progression of the far-wake effect at the DAT front row from north at 240
to south at 315
is evident: first the northern part of DanTysk is waked for south-westerlies and then the southern part for north-westerlies. In all wind directions, the ASM tends to capture the qualitative shape of the energy ratio in the waked region, but the dependence on stability is quantitatively weaker than suggested by the SCADA data. For example, for the wind direction of 270
, there is a clear energy ratio deficit for about
as we see from the wind speeds in (c), although the ASM energy ratios have a weaker stability dependence than that of the SCADA data. Speed-up is once more possibly evident in strongly stable conditions for
(yellow curve). This is the consistent result of
Figure 8 which shows a qualitatively similar wake effect between the SCADA and ASM, corresponding to the wind speeds in panels a–f, but the stability effect has been underestimated, particularly for the wind direction of 315