1. Introduction
Effective insulation degradation diagnosis is a key prerequisite for monitoring the integrity of any electrical system. An acceptable diagnostic method which has been used over the years is the measurement of partial discharges (PD) [
1]. Different parameters were employed for PD classification throughout the years. Some of the parameters include maximum discharge magnitude and number of discharges as a function of time, PD pulses on an elliptic time-base, phase of the positive half cycle of the PRPD patterns, features that were extracted using different dimensionality reduction techniques, the application of mixed Weibull functions and wavelet transform on discharge patterns. For the deep learning part, the parameters used are waveform spectrogram, time-domain waveform signal, and PRPD patterns. Okamoto and Tanaka were among the first to work on developing techniques to measure partial discharges in 1986 [
2]. Their work demonstrated the existence of a correlation between the distribution profile of the charge against the phase angle and the level of insulation degradation by analysing the skewness of the profile. Another approach for determining partial discharge sources was based on the analysis of different quantities of discharge as a function of time; these include maximum discharge magnitude, the number of discharges, and the inception voltage [
3]. By 1990s it was evident that distinctive characteristic behaviors such as increase, decrease, strong or weak fluctuations of these quantities can be correlated to discharge sources.
With the advancements in the field of pattern recognition, interest increased in automating partial discharge recognition and classification. In 1993, one of the first successful applications of neural networks for automatic recognition of any partial discharge source was reported [
4]. The input was extracted from commercial partial discharge detectors that would display PD pulses on an elliptic time-base. The phase position and the spread of the pulses were shown to be correlated with the nature of PD source, suggesting that PD pulses on an elliptic time-base provided important features for characterization. The rate of correct classification varied between 70% and 90% depending on the number of layers in the neural network and the classes to be classified. The choice of the neural network architecture has been an open question since that time. Poor generalization was recorded on real patterns compared to that on training synthesised patterns [
5]. In [
6], phase resolved partial discharge (PRPD) patterns were considered as inputs to the neural network wherein the phase of the positive half cycle was considered. The study proposed a way to separate superimposed charge-phase patterns which was based on separating contours before passing it to the neural network. The limitation of this method is that it required the patterns to be non-overlapping. More progress was done by Krivda who used dimensionality reduction techniques to derive low-dimensional representations of different partial discharge patterns [
7]. Krivda [
7] concluded that in order to decide on the right features, a balance should be set between the number of features and the time needed to compute the features; moreover, new types of neural network could yield better results. In [
8], the authors discussed automatic recognition of multiple PD sources. A stochastic method based on on applying mixed Weibull functions to the pulse-height distribution patterns was investigated. The study concluded that in case of partially or completely superimposed PD patterns, separation was impossible.
Up to the year 2000, automatic recognition of multiple PD sources was yet to be resolved. The authors in [
9] introduced the application of wavelet transform on PD detection proposing the use of Daubechies mother wavelet. Features were extracted from the third level reconstructed horizontal
H and vertical
V component images. A feature vector was composed by averaging the
H and
V images in the magnitude and phase directions resulting in 150 elements. The neural network used in this model had one hidden dense layer, and multiple source patterns were used while training. The overall classification accuracy was 88%. However, the authors concluded that further study of actual multiple source PD was required for more accurate assessment of the proposed method. In [
10], stochastic procedures and fuzzy classifier were implemented to identify different PD pulses; however, it was noted that the fuzzy classifier was not efficient when PD pulses had similar shapes.
Historically, the input data for any machine learning algorithm had to be pre-processed by using the user’s knowledge of the domain and assessment of which features are important for the specific problem. By 2006, automatic feature extraction became possible through the use of deep artificial neural networks which could accept raw data as input. The first application of deep learning on PD diagnosis was done in 2015 [
11]. In [
11], the authors recorded the PRPD patterns for six different PD defects in oil, where the patterns were treated as 50 × 64 dimensional images. The classification accuracy increased as the number of hidden layers increased reaching 86% for five hidden layers. The authors in [
12] were among the first to use a deep learning architecture called Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for the classification of PRPD patterns. Trials were performed to decide on the best values for the number of layers and number of power cycles. They achieved an accuracy of 96.62% that outperformed simple deep neural networks (with an accuracy of 93.01%) and traditional machine learning techniques using support vector machine (with an accuracy of 88.63%). Recently, a number of authors have reported the use of deep learning models, such as convolutional neural networks (CNN) for classifying PD sources [
15]. Among these works, various formats of input have been used for PD source identification; these inputs include: waveform spectrogram, time-domain waveform signal, and PRPD patterns. For the waveform spectrogram data, the authors in [
16] used CNN to detect PD signal with varying noise and interference signals. The input to the network was an image showing the time-frequency spectrum of sound clips, which were measurements recorded from a switch gear using the transient earth voltage method (TEV). CNN showed superior performance in terms of detection accuracy and detection time compared to other methods prevalent in the industry. In [
17], Che et al. used 2D- CNN to classify three PDs sources in XLPE cable which are internal PDs, corona PDs, surface PDs, in addition to noise. Acoustic signals were generated using an optical fiber distributed acoustic sensing system. The 1D-signals were converted to 2D spectral representation by applying mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients analysis (MFCC). For the time-domain waveform data, authors in [
18] used signals from an analog transformer model which consisted of impulse fault current waveforms for different fault conditions. Each waveform was represented by a 2500 dimensional vector. The training was performed using the PD data from sources co-occurring simultaneously at two different locations within the winding. This resulted into a total of 20,304 classes corresponding to the different fault conditions at different winding locations. The classification accuracy attained was 99.2%. Wang et al were interested in UHF signals for partial discharge detection in GIS [
19]. They collected time-series data from lab experiments and simulations using the finite- difference time-series method (FDTD). The input to the CNN were 64 by 64 images that were down sampled originally from a 600 by 438 time-resolved partial discharge (TRPD) image. The classification accracy was compared with conventional methods based on using statistical features as input. It was concluded that when CNN outperforms the traditional methods when the number of training examples is greater than 500. For the PRPD input data, the authors in [
20] obtained mixed onsite and experimental PRPD patterns for six different sources of partial discharge. The input data was represented as a 72 × 50 matrix. An accuracy of 89.7% was achieved. In [
21], the authors used CNN in order to detect the deterioration of the insulation in high voltage systems using PRPD images. Four classes were distinguished: start, middle, end and noise. The tested specimens were aged by undergoing high electric stress in a lab setup. Different architectures of the CNN were investigated by changing the hyper-parameters as the number and the size of the kernels. The results were reported in terms of the confusion matrix and the accuracy percentage. In [
22], an algorithm was presented to identify multi-source PDs based on a two-step logistic regression model.
It is noteworthy that all of the prior methods reported above depend on the availability of training data from multi-source PD inputs [
23]. There are a number of drawbacks associated with this choice. Such a training data is difficult to collect in practice, is time consuming, and, by its very combinatorial nature, precludes the collection of examples for all possible combinations of concurrently occurring defects. In this paper, to address these drawbacks, we propose a novel convolutional architecture for single-source PD and multi-source PD classification using training data with ground-truth available only at the level of single-source PDs. Our proposed architecture consists of a convolutional backbone feeding into multiple fully connected neural networks (FCNs). The input to the convolutional part of the network is the PRPD pattern matrix (
Section 2.1). The output of this CNN stage is a common feature representation which is broadcast to different FCNs, wherein each FCN is trained to output the probability of occurrence of a specific PD. Thus the proposed hybrid architecture moves from extracting general representations to more fine-tuned representation in a hierarchical fashion. The overall loss of the network is the combination of individual binary cross entropy losses from each of the FCNs. This loss is jointly optimized with respect to the parameters of the CNN stage and the FCNs. At testing time, our network produces a multi-label output vector signifying the probability of the presence of respective PDs. We show superior performance as compared to models trained independently on single-source PDs demonstrating the value of shared convolutional stage and joint optimization of the FCNs.
3. Performance Metrics
Since the model is trained using single PRPD patterns only, the generalization of the model is tested by evaluating the performance on a new hybrid dataset that includes PRPD patterns from single as well as from multiple partial discharge sources. In addition to that, samples with different charge magnitude specification on the Omicron software are tested. Different standard multi-label classification metrics have been used in the literature to evaluate the performance of trained models. Some of these metrics include mean average precision, 0-1 exact match, macro and micro F1, per class precision, per class recall, overall precision and overall recall [
36]. In this paper, the individual recall (Recall(k)) and the individual precision (Precision(k)) are calculated for each of the classes 1 to 7 by taking into account both single-source PDs and multiple-source PDs. The recall reflects the proportion of the positive examples that is correctly classified, and the precision reflects the proportion of the examples predicted to be positive that are actually positive. PCR and PCP represent the arithmetic mean of recall and precision respectively,
In addition, classification accuracy and false negative accuracy are evaluated for single as well as for multiple classes. The classification accuracy is calculated considering equal weights for all classes, while the false negative accuracy is calculated taking into consideration only the true class or classes that the sample truly belongs to. The importance of calculating the false negative accuracy metric in this context comes from the fact that it is of high importance to detect the correct source of PD in high voltage systems. Consistent false identification of a PD source will put the high voltage apparatus in failing condition, in addition to safety risk for employees working near this apparatus. The false negative accuracy reflects on the performance of the model by quantitatively evaluating single classes and multiple classes separately in comparison to the individual recall and precision. If a PRPD pattern belongs to classes one, four and six, then the ground truth is
. The classification accuracy is then calculated by checking the matching elements in each of the seven-element vector
. The classification accuracy for a single sample is calculated as
is equal to one when the element
k in the ground truth vector agrees with the prediction of the model for the corresponding class
k, and zero otherwise. The ideal classification accuracy is 100% and the worst is 0%.
The false negative accuracy for a single sample is calculated as:
equals one when the element
j in the ground truth vector which is equal to one does not agree with the prediction of the model for the corresponding class
j, and zero otherwise. In this metric, checking the matching prediction is performed only on the class or classes that the sample truly belongs to.
T is the number of classes that the sample truly belongs to. In our tested dataset,
T can be 1 for single-sourced PDs, 2 or 3 for multiple-sourced PDs. Hence, the ideal false negative accuracy is 0% and the worst is 100%. Calculating the classification and false negative accuracies over a number of samples is done by averaging (
5) and (
6) over the number of samples.