A Review on Failure Modes of Wind Turbine Components
:1. Introduction
2. Wind Turbine Components
3. Wind Turbine Blades
3.1. Wind Turbines Production
3.2. Wind Turbines Blade Damages
4. Materials for Wind Turbine Blades
4.1. Natural Fiber
4.2. Carbon and Glass Fibers
4.3. Basalt Fibers
4.4. Hybrid Composite
4.5. Matrix
4.5.1. Thermosets
4.5.2. Thermoplastics
4.5.3. Nano-Engineered Composites
4.6. Factors That Influence Damage of Fiber-Reinforced Composites
5. Failure Modes of Wind Turbine
5.1. Extension of Wind Turbine Blades
Pitch Control System
5.2. Gear Box Failures
5.3. Generator
5.4. Power Electronics and Electric Controls
5.5. Towers and Foundation
5.6. Summary of Wind Turbine Blade Failure Modes
- Buckling, massive deflection, crushing and folding are all caused by geometrical influences.
- Plasticity, ductile/brittle breakdown, rupture and splitting damage are also material considerations to consider.
- Original fabrication flaws, such as initial distortion, residual stresses or manufacturing flaws.
- Low temperatures are correlated with activity in cold climates, and high temperatures are associated with fire and fires.
- Dynamic factors (strain rate sensitivity, inertia influence, damage) linked to impact pressure caused by explosions, dropped artefacts or related events.
- Fatigue cracking is an example of age-related degradation.
5.7. Maintenance for Wind Turbines
- Oil Analysis (OA) is used to assess the consistency of oil within a wind turbine gearbox and whether debris contaminant is present due to harm to bearings and gearings [167].
- In a wind turbine, electrical results are added to electrical devices such as turbines, pumps and accumulators [167].
- The shock pulse system (SPM) is a technique for detecting bearing harm utilising transducers and signal reading [168].
- The below are the major NDT for wind turbine modules and subsystems:
- Ultrasonic monitoring techniques (UTTs), which are used to assess surface and subsurface structural deterioration on wind turbine towers and rotor blades [168].
- Visual inspection (VI) is an ancient condition monitoring method that is used to detect problems that other condition monitoring techniques fail to detect, such as loose bits, contacts, oil leaks, rust and chattering gears [167].
- Vibration analysis (VA) on WT parts such as shafts, bearings and rotor blades, as well as subsystems such as the gearbox [168]. Vibration sensors are applied to the surface of the inspected object, and data for the frequency of the component’s vibration is investigated.
- Strain measurement (SM), which uses strain gauges to calculate stress levels in situ and predict lifetime in a laboratory [168]. It is primarily used on wind turbine blades.
- To locate defects in gearboxes, bearings, shafts and blades, acoustic emission uses transducers and optic fiber displacement sensors [167].
- Infrared cameras are used to identify hot spots in electrical and mechanical devices, as well as rotor blades, in thermography [168].
- Using data such as strength, wind direction, rotor blade angle and rotor speed, performance analysis may be used as a wind turbine condition monitoring technique [168].
- X-ray imaging is used to expose close delaminations or cracks in a wind turbine part during radiographic inspection [168].
6. Overview on Cost of Wind Turbine
7. End of Life
7.1. Waste Management in a Composite Form
7.2. Composite Materials Recycling Approach
7.3. Mechanical Recycling
7.4. Thermal Recycling
7.4.1. Pyrolysis Recycling Technique
7.4.2. Fluidized Bed Combustion Recycling Process
7.4.3. Chemical Recycling Process
7.5. The Specific Sector
7.5.1. The Life Cycle Method
7.5.2. Materials
7.6. Extension of Life of Turbine Blades
7.7. Repowering
- The WF’s profitability is decreasing with time, as both performance and dependability deteriorate.
- Profit expectations for both life extension and the various repowering alternatives are discussed in detail.
- The cost–benefit ratio that repowering will provide as compared to the complete decommissioning of the wind farm and the recycling of the project’s components.
- The very same tower with a new, lower-capacity turbine: This option combines a smaller WT that may even generate lower electricity, requires less maintenance (resulting in higher availability) and has a nominal service life of an additional 25 years with the same tower that, because the turbine’s power has been reduced, will have fewer applied loads, hence a longer fatigue life.
- Same tower having higher-capacity turbine that will generate more energy and survive an additional 25 years is combined with the same tower, which will be subjected to larger loads as a result of the increased power of the turbine, and its structural integrity should be carefully evaluated. Consequently, unless the structural integrity of the tower will be adequate to meet the new standards, this choice will often be unfavourable in the majority of instances.
- Modern tower with a new, greater-capacity turbine: This option involves the decommissioning of the tower and nacelle in preparation for the commissioning of a new WT later on.
7.8. Decommissioning
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Mode of Failure | Image | Classification | Reason for Failure |
Interlaminar failure | | V2–V3 | Brazier effect, bending moment |
Delamination–Faulty injection | | V1 | Wear |
Peeling/Wear | | V1 | Wear |
Erosion of the sealing of the root | V2 | Wear | |
Flaking of the topcoat | | V1 | Air bubbles from the manufacturing/poor quality |
Missing external parts | | V2–V3 | Flaking and external objects impact |
Fine cracks in topcoat | V1 | Low quality of material | |
Transverse cracks from trailing edge | V2–V3 | Poor design | |
Transverse cracks on blade surface | | V2–V3 | Poor design |
Front edge cracks (transverse and longitudinal) | | ||
Web failure | V3 | Brazier effect, bending moment, poor design | |
Fatigue failure in root connection | V3 | Poor design | |
Fatigue failure in root transition area | V1–V2 | ||
Fatigue failure in bond lines, longitudinal cracks in the trailing edge | | V1–V2 | Transversal shear distortion, deformation of trailing edge panels, trailing edge buckling |
UV effect on the fibers | V1 | Wear, flaking | |
Lightning damage | | V3 | Lightning |
Tower hit by blade | V3 | High tip deflection | |
Balsa/composite cracking (transverse and longitudinal) | |||
Transport damage | | V0–V3 | |
Complete separation | V0 |
Wind Turbine Subsystems | Composition | Potential Failures | Monitoring Technique | |
Rotor | Blades | Deterioration, cracking and adjustment error | Ultrasound, and active thermography | Torque, AE, SM and VI |
Bearings | Spalling, wear, defect of bearing shells and rolling element | Vibration, OA, AE, SPM and performance monitoring | ||
Shaft | Fatigue and crack formation | Vibration | ||
Drivetrain | Main shaft bearing | Wear and high vibration | Vibration, SPM, temperature and AE | Torque, power signal analysis, thermography, AE and performance monitoring |
Mechanical brake | Locking position | Temperature | ||
Gearbox | Wearing, fatigue, oil leakage, insufficient lubrication, braking in teeth, displacement and eccentricity of toothed wheels | Temperature, vibration, SPM, OA and AE | ||
Generator | Wearing, electrical problems, slip rigs, winding damage, rotor asymmetries, bar break, overheating and over speed | Generated effect, temperature, vibration, SPM, torque, power signal analysis, electrical effects, performance monitoring and thermography | ||
Auxiliary system | Pitch system | Pitch motor problem | - | |
Hydraulic system | Pump motor problems and oil leakage | Performance monitoring | ||
Sensors | Broken and wrong indication | Thermography | ||
Electrical system | Control system | Short circuit, component fault and bad connection | Current consumption and temperature | Arc guard, temperature |
Power electronics | Short circuit, component fault and bad connection | Current consumption and temperature | ||
High Voltage | Contamination and arcs | Arc guard, temperature | ||
Tower | Nacelle | Fire and yaw error | Smoke, heat, flame detection | Vibration, SPM, SM and VI |
Tower | Crack formation, fatigue, vibration and foundation weakness | - | ||
System transformer | Problem with contamination, breakers, disconnectors and isolators | Thermography |
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Olabi, A.G.; Wilberforce, T.; Elsaid, K.; Sayed, E.T.; Salameh, T.; Abdelkareem, M.A.; Baroutaji, A. A Review on Failure Modes of Wind Turbine Components. Energies 2021, 14, 5241. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14175241
Olabi AG, Wilberforce T, Elsaid K, Sayed ET, Salameh T, Abdelkareem MA, Baroutaji A. A Review on Failure Modes of Wind Turbine Components. Energies. 2021; 14(17):5241. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14175241
Chicago/Turabian StyleOlabi, Abdul Ghani, Tabbi Wilberforce, Khaled Elsaid, Enas Taha Sayed, Tareq Salameh, Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem, and Ahmad Baroutaji. 2021. "A Review on Failure Modes of Wind Turbine Components" Energies 14, no. 17: 5241. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14175241
APA StyleOlabi, A. G., Wilberforce, T., Elsaid, K., Sayed, E. T., Salameh, T., Abdelkareem, M. A., & Baroutaji, A. (2021). A Review on Failure Modes of Wind Turbine Components. Energies, 14(17), 5241. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14175241