Status of Deep Borehole Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Germany
:1. Introduction
2. Regulatory Framework in Germany as of 2019
2.1. General
2.2. Site Selection Act
2.2.1. Actors in the Site Selection
- German Parliament
- Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
- Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BfE)
- Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BGE)
- National Accompanying Body (NBG)
2.2.2. Phases of the Site Selection Process
- Phase 1: Identification of possible regions
- Phase 2: Exploration from the surface
- Phase 3: Underground explorations and decision for a site
2.2.3. Containment Providing Rock Zone and Deep Borehole Disposal
2.2.4. Requirements, Criteria, Indicators
2.3. Safety Requirements and Safety Analyses
3. Geology in Germany
4. Inventory of High Level Radioactive Waste (HLRW) in Germany
5. Drilling Technology and Its Consequences on the Disposal Concepts
6. Outline of a Concept for Deep Borehole Disposal in Germany
6.1. Safety Concept
- Clay rock: bedded clay which can ensure retardation and containment.
- Salt rock: bedded salt with high sealing capacity and self-sealing ability based on its visco-plastic characteristics.
6.2. Other Aspects for Concepts in Germany
- Disposal zone where containers are supposed to be disposed of
- Retention zone, which is the containment providing rock zone (CPRZ)
- Transfer zone to which the container must pass.
7. Discussion
8. Summary and Conclusions
9. Outlook
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Requirement | Comments by the Authors Regarding DBD | |
1. | No or slow transport with groundwater in the CPRZ | Achievable |
2. | Favorable configuration of rock body, host rock and CPRZ | Achievable |
3. | Good spatial characterization | Tools to characterize host rock properties are available for greater depths but may pose a larger effort compared to lower depth. The volume of rock to be characterized for a CPRZ for DBD may be lower than for a repository depending on the concept. |
4. | Good predictability of the long-term stability of favorable conditions | Achievable |
Requirement | Comment by the Author Regarding DBD | |
1. | Favorable rock mechanics | Achievable |
2. | Low tendency to generation of groundwater flows in host rock and CPRZ | Achievable |
Requirement | Comment Regarding DBD | |
1. | Protective composition of overlying rocks | Achievable |
2. | Good conditions to avoid or minimize gas generation | The draft concept for container and casing is using steel, which will inevitably lead to gas generation. Gas generation may be minimized or slowed down by choice of suitable borehole fluid or cementation of containers. A future concept may also minimize the use of steel or may provide physical gas traps. Gas generation cannot be completely avoided. |
3. | Good temperature compatibility | The temperature in the disposal zone will be higher than 100 °C due to the depth. Any safety analyses must consider the temperatures and its compatibility for DBD. |
4. | High radionuclide retention capability of CPRZ | Achievable |
5. | Favorable hydrochemistry | Achievable |
Concept # | 1 * [10] | 2 [10] | 3 [36,37] |
Diameter of borehole | 17.5″/44.5 cm | 35.4″/90 cm | 29.5″/75 cm |
Maximum depth of borehole | 5000 m | 5000 m | 3500 m |
Disposal zone | 3000–5000 m | 3000–5000 m | 1500–3500 m |
Space for cementation | 44.5 mm | 44 mm | 25 mm |
Outer diameter of casing | 14″/356 mm | 32″/812 mm | 27.6″/700 mm |
Wall thickness of casing | 21.6 mm | 63.5 mm | 62.5 mm |
Space between casing and container | 24 mm | 25 mm | 25 mm |
Outer diameter of container | 265 mm | 635 mm | 525 mm |
Inner diameter of container | 175 mm | 435 mm | 435 mm |
Wall thickness of container | 45 mm | 100 mm | 45 mm |
Length of container | 5.6 m | 5.6 m | 5.6 m |
Number of containers | 27,000 | 11,000 | 11,000 |
Number of containers per borehole | 180 | 356 | 356 |
Minimum number of boreholes | 150 | 31 | 31 |
Task | Number | Costs | Sum |
Feasibility Demonstration | 1 | 500 Mio €/each | 0.50 billion € |
Site Selection and Exploration | 5 | 200 Mio €/each | 1.00 billion € |
Borehole | 35 | 50 Mio €/each | 1.75 billion € |
Containers | 11,000 | 0.1 Mio €/each | 1.10 billion € |
Reconditioning | 1 | 1 Billion € | 1.00 billion € |
Installation and Operating Costs | 35/2 years | 50 Mio €/each | 3.50 billion € |
Licensing/safety analyses | 35 | 5 Mio € /each | 0.175 billion € |
Total | - | - | 9.025 billion € |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Bracke, G.; Kudla, W.; Rosenzweig, T. Status of Deep Borehole Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Germany. Energies 2019, 12, 2580.
Bracke G, Kudla W, Rosenzweig T. Status of Deep Borehole Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Germany. Energies. 2019; 12(13):2580.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBracke, Guido, Wolfram Kudla, and Tino Rosenzweig. 2019. "Status of Deep Borehole Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Germany" Energies 12, no. 13: 2580.
APA StyleBracke, G., Kudla, W., & Rosenzweig, T. (2019). Status of Deep Borehole Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Germany. Energies, 12(13), 2580.