Temporal Trend of Gestational Syphilis between 2008 and 2018 in Brazil: Association with Socioeconomic and Health Care Factors
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Outcomes | Concept | Data Source |
GS detection rate | Number of notified cases of GS, divided by total live births in a determined time and place, and multiplied by 1000. | SINAN, Information System of Live Births Number of notified cases of gestational syphilis. DATASUS → Health information (Tabnet) → Epidemiological and morbidity → Notifiable diseases and conditions—from 2007 onwards (SINAN) → gestational syphilis → Brazil by city → City of residence → Year of diagnosis → Period from 2008 to 2018 http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/tabcgi.exe?sinannet/cnv/sifilisgestantebr.def Accessed on 25 June 2021 Number of total live births DATASUS → Health information → Vital statistics → Live births—from 1994 to 2019 → Live births → Births per residence/mother http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/tabcgi.exe?sinasc/cnv/nvbr.def Accessed on 25 June 2021 |
HDI-M | Average income, education, and longevity. | PNUD AtlasBrasil → Collection → Library → Database → Demographic census 2010 https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABiV0mb1HeyuOxU&cid=124653557C0404EC&id=124653557C0404EC%2123017&parId=124653557C0404EC%2122899&action=locate Accessed on 29 June 2021 |
GINI Index | Measures the degree of inequality in the distribution of individuals according to household income per capita. Zero represents no inequality, whereas 1 indicates inequality. Limited to people who live in permanent private households. | PNUD AtlasBrasil → Collection → Library → Database → Demographic census 2010 https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABiV0mb1HeyuOxU&cid=124653557C0404EC&id=124653557C0404EC%2123017&parId=124653557C0404EC%2122899&action=locate Accessed on 29 June 2021 |
Illiteracy rate in women aged ≥ 15 years | Percentage of people aged ≥ 15 years who cannot read and write a simple note in a known language, considering the total number of residents of same age in a given geographic space and period. | DATASUS DATASUS → Health information → Demographic and socioeconomic → Educational level → Education of population aged 15 and over → Brazil by city → Women → period 2010 http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/tabcgi.exe?ibge/censo/cnv/alfbr.def Accessed on 29 July 2021 |
Proportion of doctors per inhabitant in the primary health care | Number of specific professionals in a given location and period, divided by the population of a specific location and period, and multiplied by 3500. Note: 3500 is the maximum number of people that a professional must cover according to the primary health care ordinance 2436/2017 | CNES DATASUS → Health information → Assistance network → CNES—Human resources from August 2007—Occupations classified by CBO 2002 Professionals → Doctor of Family Health Strategy, Doctor of Family and Community → Attend on SUS → December 2008, December 2009, December 2010, December 2011, December 2012, December 2013, December 2014, December 2015, December 2016, December 2017, December 2018 http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/tabcgi.exe?cnes/cnv/prid02br.def Accessed on 28 June 2021 |
Proportion of nurses per inhabitant in primary health care | Number of specific professionals in a given location and period, divided by the population of a specific location and period, and multiplied by 3500. Note: 3500 is the maximum number of people that a professional must cover according to the primary health care ordinance 2436/2017 | CNES DATASUS → Health information → Assistance network → CNES-Human resources from August 2007—Occupations classified by CBO 2002 → Professionals → Occupation with graduation → Nurse of the Family Health Strategy, Nurse of Family Health → December 2008, December 2009, December 2010, December 2011, December 2012, December 2013, December 2014, December 2015, December 2016, December 2017, December 2018 http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/tabcgi.exe?cnes/cnv/prid02br.def Accessed on 2 July 2021 |
Proportion of health units per inhabitant in primary health care | Number of health units + number of family health units + number of health centers in a given place and period, divided by the population of that place and period, and multiplied by 14,000. Note: Each health unit can absorb up to four teams to maintain effectiveness, according to the primary health care ordinance 2436/2017 | CNES DATASUS → Health information → Assistance network → Types of establishment → Type of establishment: Health center/health unit, health center, family health unit. Period: December 2008, December 2009, December 2010, December 2011, December 2012, December 2013, December 2014, December 2015, December 2016, December 2017, December 2018 http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/tabcgi.exe?cnes/cnv/estabbr.def Accessed on 2 July 2021 |
Percentage of coverage of the primary health care team | Estimated population coverage in primary health care (i.e., the percentage of population covered by family health strategy teams and equivalent traditional primary health care teams, normalized by the population estimative) | e-Gestor AB Primary care coverage → Options → Geographic unit by period → Cities → All regions, all states, all cities → Competence December 2008, December 2009, December 2010, December 2011, December 2012, December 2013, December 2014, December 2015, December 2016, December 2017, December 2018. https://egestorab.saude.gov.br/paginas/acessoPublico/relatorios/relHistoricoCoberturaAB.xhtml Accessed on 26 June 2021 |
Percentage of live births with no prenatal consultation | Number of live births with no prenatal consultation from a given location and period, divided by the number of total live births from the same location and period, and multiplied by 100. | SINASC DATASUS → Health information → Vital statistics → Live births—from 1994 to 2019 → No prenatal consultation → Birth by mother, by city, and by year of birth → Period from 2008 to 2018 http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/tabcgi.exe?sinasc/cnv/nvbr.def Accessed on 2 July 2021 |
Percentage of live births with one to three prenatal consultations | Number of live births with one to three prenatal consultations from a given location and period, divided by the number of total live births from the same location and period, and multiplied by 100. | SINASC DATASUS → Health information → Vital statistics → Live births—from 1994 to 2019 → One to three prenatal consultations → Birth by mother, by city, and by year of birth → Period from 2008 to 2018 http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/tabcgi.exe?sinasc/cnv/nvbr.def Accessed on 2 July 2021 |
Percentage of live births with four or more prenatal consultations | Number of live births with four or more prenatal consultations from a given location and period, divided by the number of total live births from the same location and period, and multiplied by 100. | SINASC DATASUS → Health information → Vital statistics → Live births—from 1994 to 2019 → Four to six prenatal consultations and seven or more prenatal consultations → Birth by mother, by city, and by year of birth → Period from 2008 to 2018 http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/tabcgi.exe?sinasc/cnv/nvbr.def Accessed on 29 July 2021 |
Percentage of live births with seven or more prenatal consultations | Number of live births with seven or more prenatal consultations from a given location and period, divided by the number of total live births from the same location and period, and multiplied by 100. | SINASC DATASUS → Health information → Vital statistics → Live births—from 1994 to 2019 → Four to six prenatal consultations and seven or more prenatal consultations → Birth by mother, by city, and by year of birth → Period from 2008 to 2018 http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/tabcgi.exe?sinasc/cnv/nvbr.def Accessed on 2 July 2021 |
Year | Northeast | North | Midwest | South | Southeast | Brazil | |
OUTCOMES Gestational syphilis detection rate a | |||||||
2008 | 1.98 | 3.92 | 4.99 | 1.88 | 2.19 | 2.49 | |
2018 | 17.19 | 17.54 | 18.14 | 21.47 | 22.73 | 20.04 | |
OUTCOMES HDI-M b | |||||||
2010 | 0.6510 | 0.6564 | 0.7449 | 0.7508 | 0.7594 | 0.724 | |
OUTCOMES GINI c | |||||||
2010 | 0.5555 | 0.5781 | 0.5389 | 0.4874 | 0.5220 | 0.5322 | |
OUTCOMES Illiteracy rate in women aged > 15 years d | |||||||
2010 | 22.9045 | 11.1934 | 12.0883 | 8.8289 | 8.8270 | 13.0334 | |
OUTCOMES Percentage of primary health care coverage e | |||||||
2008 | 90.9014 | 72.8213 | 88.6699 | 83.1240 | 79.4361 | 84.1578 | |
2018 | 96.5358 | 87.7937 | 93.1030 | 91.8167 | 88.7517 | 92.2017 | |
OUTCOMES Proportion of doctors in primary health care per inhabitants f | |||||||
2008 | 0.4020 | 0.2861 | 0.2614 | 0.2698 | 0.2415 | 0.2955 | |
2018 | 0.5215 | 0.4473 | 0.4510 | 0.4969 | 0.4004 | 0.4551 | |
OUTCOMES Proportion of nurses in primary health care per inhabitants g | |||||||
2008 2018 | 0.7391 0.9021 | 0.5559 0.6651 | 0.5443 0.6724 | 0.5803 0.7326 | 0.4231 0.5845 | 0.5537 0.7059 | |
OUTCOMES Proportion of BHU in primary health care per inhabitants h | |||||||
2008 | 4.0532 | 3.3692 | 2.9848 | 3.4804 | 2.2160 | 3.0644 | |
2018 | 4.4228 | 3.1581 | 2.8296 | 3.3620 | 2.2188 | 3.1108 | |
OUTCOMES Percentage of newborns with no prenatal consultation i | |||||||
2008 | 2.0568 | 4.3783 | 1.2571 | 1.0719 | 1.2143 | 1.8016 | |
2018 | 2.1175 | 3.7860 | 1.2113 | 0.9344 | 1.0969 | 1.6660 | |
OUTCOMES Percentage of newborns with one to three prenatal consultation j | |||||||
2008 | 10.5624 | 15.9385 | 5.7654 | 4.4991 | 4.5661 | 7.7112 | |
2018 | 6.6496 | 12.2511 | 5.7075 | 3.3251 | 3.9109 | 5.6640 | |
OUTCOMES Percentage of newborns with four or more consultation l | |||||||
2008 | 87.3808 | 79.6834 | 92.9775 | 94.4290 | 86.8963 | 90.4872 | |
2018 | 91.2329 | 83.9629 | 93.0812 | 95.7405 | 87.7669 | 92.6700 |
Outcomes | Correlation Coefficient | p |
GINI Index | −0.0090 | 0.8431 |
HDI-M | 0.3168 | <0.0001 |
Illiteracy rate in women aged > 15 years | 0.3466 | <0.0001 |
Percentage of newborns with no prenatal consultation | 0.0029 | 0.9487 |
Percentage of newborns with one to three prenatal consultations | 0.0539 | 0.2373 |
Percentage of newborns with four or more prenatal consultations | −0.0517 | 0.2572 |
Percentage of primary health care coverage | −0.2304 | <0.0001 |
Proportion of doctors in primary health care per inhabitant | −0.3127 | <0.0001 |
Proportion of nurses in primary health care per inhabitant | −0.3911 | <0.0001 |
Proportion of BHU in primary health care per inhabitant | −0.3842 | <0.0001 |
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Share and Cite
Dantas, J.d.C.; Marinho, C.d.S.R.; Pinheiro, Y.T.; Silva, R.A.R.d. Temporal Trend of Gestational Syphilis between 2008 and 2018 in Brazil: Association with Socioeconomic and Health Care Factors. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 16456. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192416456
Dantas JdC, Marinho CdSR, Pinheiro YT, Silva RARd. Temporal Trend of Gestational Syphilis between 2008 and 2018 in Brazil: Association with Socioeconomic and Health Care Factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(24):16456. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192416456
Chicago/Turabian StyleDantas, Janmilli da Costa, Cristiane da Silva Ramos Marinho, Yago Tavares Pinheiro, and Richardson Augusto Rosendo da Silva. 2022. "Temporal Trend of Gestational Syphilis between 2008 and 2018 in Brazil: Association with Socioeconomic and Health Care Factors" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 24: 16456. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192416456