3.1. Breakthrough Curves
The cadmium concentrations in the GSH varied according to the proportion of raw material (giant squid by-product), where the amount (%) of digestive glands had a relevant influence on the content of cadmium during the process (
Table 1), with a correlation coefficient (R
2) of 0.975.
Figure 3a displays the breakthrough curves constructed at different cadmium concentrations present in the GSH. The adsorption breakthrough curves showed two clearly differentiated phases. As the concentration of cadmium in the GSH increased, the column saturated more quickly. The earliest breakthrough point at a higher cadmium content in the GSH (48.37 mg L
−1) was observed at 45 min. The binding sites became more quickly saturated in the column and this indicated that an increase in the cadmium GSH inlet concentration could modify the adsorption rate through the bed [
14]. On the other hand, when the cadmium content in the GSH was the lowest (3.26 mg L
−1), the column saturation was three times slower (135 min).
In this context, Nazari et al. [
15] observed that a high concentration gradient can increase the intensity of transport inside the pores (i.e., diffusion coefficient), thereby accelerating the adsorption process and saturation. A gradual saturation of binding sites was also observed by Sasaki et al. [
4], where the cadmium concentration of a fish sauce increased linearly with elution volume passed through a resin with ethylenediamine as the functional group.
3.2. Thomas Modeling in Columns Assays
The experimental adsorption breakthrough curves for cadmium were constructed and compared using the breakthrough curves predicted according to the Thomas model, as represented by
Figure 3a by dotted lines.
Figure 3b presents the linearization of the Thomas model and the experimental data, where high correlation coefficients (R
2) were obtained with values of 0.972, 0.977, 0.979, and 0.908 for 48.37, 20.97, 12.13, and 3.26 mg L
−1 cadmium concentrations in the GSH, respectively (
Table 2).
Table 2 provides the Thomas model parameters and a comparison of the quantity adsorbed (experimental and theoretical) at different initial concentrations of cadmium in GSH solutions. In general, the maximum experimental adsorption of cadmium (q
total) was similar to the predicted maximum adsorption of cadmium (q
max) by the model, where the highest value of cadmium adsorbed onto the resin was for an initial concentration of 48.37 mg L
−1 of cadmium in the GSH solution, with a q
total of 1015.3 mg g
−1 and q
max of 1137.4 mg g
−1, thus demonstrating a major affinity of the resin for cadmium at elevated cadmium concentrations in the GSH.
With respect to the adsorption capacity, Sasaki et al. [
4] obtained an estimated value of maximum capacity of 0.3 mg g
−1 for a fish sauce with a cadmium concentration of 300 mg L
−1 and a flow rate of 5 mL h
−1 with chelate resin as the adsorbent according to their experimental results. Xiong and Yao [
6] achieved a maximum capacity of 349 mg g
−1; however, different conditions of cadmium concentration (200 mg L
−1), influent flow rate, and type of eluted sample were used.
Regarding the Thomas rate constant (K
T) shown in
Table 2, an inverse relation between the cadmium concentration in the GSH and the rate constant (K
T) was observed. Values of K
T were 0.0014 and 0.0055 L min mg
−1 for 48.37 and 3.26 mg L
−1, respectively. The same value of K
T of the GSH with a cadmium concentration of 48.37 mg L
−1 and 20.97 mg L
−1 was obtained. Thus, as the cadmium concentration increased, the K
T value decreased, which means that the resistance to the mass transference of the pollutant into the resin was decreased. This enhanced the adsorption capacity of the resin and, therefore, favored the intra-particular diffusion from the solution up to the solute. At the same time, the opposite effect was observed at lower cadmium concentrations in the GSH solution, which reduces the adsorption capacity (
q0) of the resin and increased its resistance to the mass transference of cations.
3.3. Desorption and Reusability System
The regeneration of the adsorbents is one of the key factors used to assess their potential utilization in industrial scale applications, which would save operation costs for a removal system.
The desorption system was evaluated in order to test the reusability of the resin. In this context, HCl (1 M) allowed for the removal of the cadmium chelated to the surface of the resin and was effective as a desorption agent after saturation (
Figure 4a).
Cadmium desorption from a saturated column with the GSH solution at 20.97 mg L
−1 was achieved after 18 min, removing 97% of the cadmium adsorbed in the resin. These results were corroborated by Saleh et al. [
16] with a desorption efficiency between 92–100% using HCl at 0.3 M for cadmium adsorbed by a chelate resin. Additionally, and according to previous assays, better efficiency of desorption and subsequent saturation was achieved when the resin was converted to the Na form. Similarly, Taha et al. [
17] achieved the best desorption efficiency with HCl and H
4 (1 M) as desorption agents, showing 98.9% and 100% cadmium removal, respectively, from saturated sulfonic and amino-phosphonic resins.
On the other hand, similar breakthrough points (
C0 = 0.8) were observed in each cycle after the desorption and regeneration process (
Figure 4b). Saturation was achieved at similar times (100 min) and no significant differences (
p-value > 0.05) were observed between each cycle of saturation–desorption–regeneration. The resin was able to remove cadmium from the GSH solution, desorbing the cadmium and regenerating correctly in five consecutive cycles.
The adsorption capacity (q0) was evaluated in each cycle, where no significant differences were observed (p > 0.05). Moreover, an average qmax value of 945 mg g−1 between the five cycles was obtained. In terms of the loss in the adsorption capacity of the resin for cadmium removal, no losses were detected after each cycle. This might be due to the unremarkable mass of adsorbent lost during the adsorption–desorption process. These results indicated that the iminodiacetic resin packed in a fixed-bed column offers the potential to be used repeatedly in cadmium adsorption studies without any detectable loss in the total adsorption capacity over five consecutive cycles. It should be noted that there have been no reusability studies performed with iminodiacetic resin removing cadmium from this type of matrix (GSH).
3.4. In-Series Columns System Evaluation
Three columns connected
in series were packed with resin and the cadmium removal from the GSH solution at 20.97 mg L
−1 of cadmium was evaluated and is shown in
Figure 5. After the first column operated for 60 min, the cadmium concentration decreased from 20.97 to 9.0 mg L
−1, followed by the second column with a decrease from 9.0 to 4.8 mg L
−1 and a decrease of cadmium concentration of GSH after the third column from 4.8 to 2.1 mg L
−1 (
Figure 5)). Regarding the total removal, the three columns reduced the cadmium concentration of the GSH from 20.97 mg L
−1 to 2.10 mg L
−1. In this sense, the three steps resulted in a better cadmium removal system than one, with a total removal of 90%. Accordingly, triple the resin in one column could be used as another alternative. In this regard, resins allowed for the removal of higher volumes of the pollutant and may be reused several times. Otherwise, the first column favors the cadmium removal, where the cadmium concentration fed in the column was higher. This can be explained by changes in the surface adsorption properties during the binding of ions on the inner and outer surfaces, which is more intensive at higher initial concentrations [
18]. Speciation of the metal at pH 6.2 also favors cadmium entrapment by the 2Na
+ present in the resin structure (iminodiacetic acid).
On the other hand, results of 98% and 99% cadmium removal were obtained by Elbadawy et al. [
19] from a standard solution, where the column method was considered more efficient and economical than the batch process for practical applications. However, high cadmium removal was achieved using an ideal matrix (standard cadmium solution) and lower flow rate conditions with a standard cadmium solution of 18.24 mg L
−1 and 1.5 mL min
−1, respectively.
3.5. GSH Characterization
The chemical characterization of the liquid GSH samples from batch 2, which was obtained after the centrifugation step, before and after the adsorption in fixed-bed columns is shown in
Table 3. The total protein content, soluble protein, and digestibility did not change significantly (
p > 0.05) due to the total adsorption process. The main difference between the before and after the total adsorption process was related to the fat (23%) and salt (5.5%) contents (
p < 0.05). The fat retained on the resin surface acted as a waterproofing agent, where it was able to block the surface and the active sites of the resin. In fact, the polymeric matrix of the resin (styrene-divinylbenzene) is able to capture lipophilic compounds and this resin is generally used as a package of chromatographic columns for the retention of antibiotics, toxins, etc.
On the other hand, solids also blocked the binding sites and could form a kind of fouling on the saturated resin.
Figure 6 shows the SEM images captured before and after the adsorption process. Before the adsorption process, a spherically shaped resin with an average diameter of 560 µm, a uniform morphology, and a smooth surface was observed (
Figure 6a). After the total adsorption process, the resin was coated with a film consisting of white spots, which was attributable to the presence of inorganic material, and a layer of lipid material on the surface of the resin (
Figure 6b). Calderon et al. [
11] showed that in a batch study, 44.9% of the fat content from GSH remained in resin after an adsorption treatment, meaning losses on the adsorption capacity of the resin and a faster resin saturation. In contrast, the use of adsorption fixed-bed columns connected
in series allowed us to treat the GSH more efficiently despite the lipid layer coating the resin. In this regard, the presence of undesirable compounds in the adsorption process for cadmium removal, such as other metals, salts, and fat content, interfered with and blocked the binding sites of the resin.
Table 4 shows the mineral profile of the liquid GSH before and after the adsorption process in the fixed-bed columns connected
in series. We can observe that the GSH had high sodium (Na) content (>16,000 mg kg
−1) followed by magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) (>600 mg kg
−1). Cadmium and copper (Cu) were present in the GSH at concentrations of 138.8 mg kg
−1 and 219 mg kg
−1, respectively, and zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) were present at concentrations of less than 80 mg kg
−1. Sodium was predominantly present as NaCl in the GSH due to the marine habitat of the species. After the total adsorption process, a high degree of cadmium removal was obtained (90%), followed by Fe, Cu, and Na (>81%). To a lesser extent, Zn and Mg were removed (78.63 and 68.4%, respectively), followed by Ca removal (34.28%) (
Table 4). In our study, no competition between cadmium and the other metals was observed, in contrast to data reported by other authors [
21], who evidenced competition for the active sites of adsorbents. According to the technical specifications of the commercial iminodiacetic resin, it is particularly suitable for the removal of heavy metals (as weakly acidic chelated complexes), which are held according to the following order of selectivity: Cu >> Ni > Zn ≥ Co ≥ Cd > Fe(II) > Mn > Ca. In our study, the adsorption sequence was as follows: Cd >> Cu > Na > Fe > Zn > Mg > Ca. The greater cadmium adsorption compared to copper and other metals can be explained by the pH of the GSH (6.2), which favors cadmium adsorption, which, according to the speciation, copper requires acidic conditions (pH 2–5) to be removed easily. Moreover, the result suggests that cadmium could be released from Cd–metallothionein (Cd–MT) during the enzymatic hydrolysis process to obtain the GSH, where protein is fractioned to achieve peptides with lower molecular weight, which could facilitate greater adsorption onto the resin than other metals. Despite the high level of monovalent element (Na) present in the GSH, no inhibition of cadmium adsorption onto the resin by Na was observed. This is consistent with the study performed by Sasaki et al. [
4], where they demonstrated that cadmium may bind iminodiacetic acids more strongly than Na, reflecting differences in the binding modes and spatial structures.
Regarding the nutritional or antinutritional properties of GSH as an ingredient intended for animal consumption, the elimination of other metals, such as copper, is beneficial. Copper is classified by the Association of Food Control Officials of the United States (AFFCO) as toxic, where levels between 10–40 ppm in a complete diet and levels between 100–1000 ppm are suggested for food ingredients. Low levels of toxic elements reinforce the idea of commercializing safe food. In contrast, elements such as zinc have an average requirement in diets of 50–100 ppm (depending on the species). In this sense, the decrease in this metal due to the effect of cadmium removal could imply that the formulator must supplement the deficiency. It should be noted that the addition of these protein hydrolysates such as GSH in diets does not exceed 5%; therefore, the contribution of contaminants and essential minerals will not be significant in the complete formulation.
Cadmium adsorption from the GSH placed onto fixed-bed columns connected
in series using the iminodiacetic resin as an adsorbent did not greatly affect the content of the GSH amino acids (
Table 5). On the other hand, the amino acid content did not interfere with the cadmium adsorption process. A similar result was reported by Sasaki et al. [
4] where the total free amino acids did not influence cadmium removal in a squid sauce using iminodiacetic resin. Moreover, we did not observe important interference by amino acids as part of metallothionein (MT). MT possesses a highly conserved amino acid sequence that is mainly composed of up to 20 cysteine (Cys) residues [
22] and metal-rich proteins containing sulfur-based metal clusters formed with Zn
2+, Cd
2+, and Cu
2+ ions. In the case of GSH, predominant amino acids, such as histidine, arginine, and lysine (
Table 5), have basic R groups. Therefore, they tend to bind protons, gaining a positive charge in the process, where the protonated forms predominate at physiological pH (about 7). Thus, the pH of GSH (6.2) also favors some competition for the cadmium binding between amino acids and resin.
3.6. Mass Balance and Analysis Data for Simulation
The design of cadmium removal columns for scaling up to an industrial scale involves several restrictions for the process to achieve the maximum cadmium removal. The columns connected
in series removed 90% of cadmium from the GSH with a cadmium concentration of 20.97 mg L
−1. This result, along with those obtained from the Thomas model for the maximum adsorption capacity (
q0) and others provided by the industry, were used for a general prospecting of a technology on an industrial scale. In this sense, a simulation of a series of three columns was carried out on an industrial scale, feeding the columns connected
in series with GSH at 2.8 m
3 h
−1 in order to observe the removal capacity of cadmium per unit of time. The amount of cadmium to be treated as waste from the process and the level of exhaustion of the resin are shown in
Table 6.
Following the removal of 90% of cadmium from liquid GSH, a GSH with a cadmium concentration of 13.8 mg kg−1 (d.w) was obtained. In this regard, cadmium was not removed enough to comply with European regulations, where Directive 2002/32/EC establishes a maximum concentration of 2 mg kg−1 adjusted to a moisture content of 12% for feed ingredients. However, according to AFFCO’s official guidelines for contaminants in individual food ingredients, the suggested cadmium levels are between 5 and 500 ppm. As an example, if GSH is included as 5% of the diet, with 13 ppm of cadmium it would contribute 0.7 ppm of cadmium in the diet versus 7.0 ppm without any treatment for cadmium removal. In this sense, the decrease in cadmium levels will be beneficial by providing a competitive advantage relative to other products.
Figure 7 shows that the effluent after the treatment had a mass of cadmium of 5871.6 mg h
−1 and that it retained 52,844.4 mg h
−1 of the total resin (420 kg for the three columns).
The process described in this paper generated waste effluents in the form of the HCl and NaOH washing solutions, which were contaminated with cadmium, as well as lipids, proteins, and other heavy metals. Therefore, additional treatment for the removal of cadmium, as well as the other impurities, should be considered for the wastewater of food processing plants, which will use the GSH treatment described here. In this sense, cadmium removal from wastewater has hardly been studied, and the most common technology for wastewater purification has been coagulation and flocculation, followed by sedimentation and filtration. These are also used to remove heavy metals from aqueous solutions, where coagulation destabilizes colloids by neutralizing the forces that keep cadmium apart. On the other hand, a low-cost alternative was proposed by Levío-Raiman et al. [
23], where an organic biomixture packed in columns was considered a good alternative to remove metal ions.
Level of exhaustion resulted by the relation of the mass of cadmium removed by the resin used by 20 h per day and the cation exchange capacity provided by the resin supplier. In this context, the level of cadmium exhaustion in the resin reached 0.589%. On the other hand, 142 days would be necessary to saturate the column only with cadmium. This could be attributed to the presence of other metals, proteins, amino acids, and lipids due to the complexity of the GSH, which interferes with the cadmium adsorption by the resin. Physical blockage instead of chemical exhaustion via any excess of cations was observed. Another reason for the low capacity (as compared with the maximum possible cadmium sorption capacity) was the use of the columns in series, where the saturation was undesirable in order to keep the adsorption in equilibrium during the 60 min of operation.