Effectiveness of Horticultural Therapy in People with Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Search Strategy
2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.3. Selection of Articles
2.4. Quality Evaluation
2.5. Statistical Methods
2.5.1. Data Extraction
2.5.2. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Search Outcomes
3.2. Study Characteristics
3.3. Methodological Quality
3.4. Meta-Analysis Results
3.4.1. Symptoms
3.4.2. Rehabilitation Outcomes
3.4.3. Quality of Life
3.4.4. Social Functioning
4. Discussion
4.1. Outcomes and Processes of Horticultural Therapy
4.2. Contributions and Limitations of the Study
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Search Strategy | Details |
Inclusion criteria | P: People with schizophrenia |
I: Horticultural therapy | |
C: Medication and conventional workshop training | |
O: Symptoms, rehabilitation outcomes, quality of life, and social functioning | |
S: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-experimental studies | |
Exclusion criteria | S: Non-original papers (opinion papers, review articles, commentaries, letters, protocols, and reports without quantitative data) |
Language filter | English or Chinese |
Time filter | From January 2000 to December 2020 |
Database | PubMed, Cochrane Library, Embase, Science Direct, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure |
Author (Publication Year) | Country | Settings | Diagnostic Criteria | Subject | Intervention | Measurement and Outcomes | ||||||
Participants E/C | Age E/C | Male (%) | Performer of Intervention | Intervention Duration | Intervention-E | Intervention-C | Follow-Up (Months) | |||||
Ban (2001) [12] | China | Hospital | CCMD-2-R | 19/19 | 25–51 | 63.16 | Gardeners and nurses | 60 min per time/five times per week/12 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Planting flowers and making bonsai | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication and conventional work and entertainment treatment | 3 | BPRS and IPROS |
Huang (2017) [13] | China | Hospital | Not mentioned | 60/60 | 60–81 | 53.33 | Gardeners and nurses | Not mentioned | Horticultural therapy: planting flowers | Usual schizophrenia care: medication and conventional work and entertainment treatment | 3 | BPRS and IPROS |
Gao et al. (2016) [14] | China | The agricultural rehabilitation training institution | ICD-10 | 16/16 | 55.6 ± 2.3/56.3 ± 2.3 | 40.63 | Horticultural therapists | 60 min per time/four times/eight weeks | Horticultural therapy: Seed planting, plant appreciation, cutting propagation, flower pot planting, and taste grown vegetables | Usual schizophrenia care: Rehabilitation training, sanitation, self-care training and medication training | 2 | BPRS and IPROS |
Tang et al. (2010) [36] | China | The agricultural rehabilitation training institution | ICD-10 | 57/56 36/36 | 29–64 | 65.41 | Therapeutic specialists | 120–180 min per time/five times per week/40 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Planting vegetables, flowers, and fruits | Usual schizophrenia care: Watching TV, listening to music, singing, reading books, playing chess, playing cards, playing table tennis, and cleaning the room | 10 | SSPI |
Ban (2002) [37] | China | Hospital | CCMD-2-R | 76/76 | 40.0 ± 7.96/38.13 ± 9.24 | 63.16 | Gardeners and occupational staff | >300 min a week/12 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Planting flowers and making bonsai | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication | 3 | BPRS and IPROS |
Cao and Wu (2013) [38] | China | Hospital | ICD-10 | 30/30 | 42.4 ± 9.3/43.7 ± 9.0 | 72.88 | Three agronomy therapists | 90 min per time/once per week/24 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Planting corn | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication | 6 | PANSS and SSPI |
Chen and Jia (2013) [39] | China | The agricultural rehabilitation training institution | ICD-10 | 40/40 | 43.26 ± 10.26/45.21 ± 9.87 | 67.50 | Agricultural specialists | 8–12 h per week/96 weeks | Horticultural therapy | Usual schizophrenia care: Watching TV, listening to music, singing, reading books, playing chess, playing cards, playing table tennis, and cleaning the room | 24 | PANSS and SSPI |
Tao and Sun (2017) [40] | China | The agricultural rehabilitation training institution | ICD-10 | 90/90 | 41.5 ± 6.8/40.4 ± 7.5 | Not mentioned | Agricultural specialists, doctors, and nurses | 60–120 min per time/5–8 times per week/24 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Planting vegetables and fruits | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication and conventional work and entertainment treatment | 6 | SANS, IPROS, and PSP |
Oh et al. (2018) [10] | Korea | Farm | ICD-10 | 14/14 | 42.1 ± 13.0/33.4 ± 9.4 | 71.43 | Two horticultural therapists and one volunteer | 120 min per week/10 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Plant cultivating activities | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication, leisure activities, and exercise program | 2.5 | PANSS and BPRS |
Zhu et al. (2016) [11] | China | Hospital | ICD-10 | 55/55 | 48.2 | 43.64 | Two rehabilitative therapists | 90 min per time/three times per week/12 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Seeding, watering, fertilizing, weeding, and catching pests | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication | 3 | PANSS |
Hu et al. (2019) [41] | China | Hospital | ICD-10 | 58/58 | 45 ± 8/48 ± 7 | 64.66 | Horticultural specialists, doctors, and nurses | 60 min per session/twice a week/12 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Planting and making garden micro-landscape | Usual schizophrenia care | 3 | PANSS |
Zhu and Zhang (2019) [42] | China | Hospital | ICD-10 | 70/70 | 46.97 ± 11.48/46.96 ± 9.54 | Not mentioned | Therapeutic specialists, doctors, nurses, and agricultural specialists | 60–90 min per time/5–7 h a week/24 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Planting vegetables and raising animals | Usual schizophrenia care | 6 | PANSS |
Lei et al. (2019) [15] | China | Hospital | ICD-10 | 47/47 | 36.04 ± 9.52/35.45 ± 7.91 | 55.32 | Agricultural specialists and nurses | 60 min per time/once every two days/48 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Turning the ground, sowing, watering, and fertilizing, removing insects, weeding, picking vegetables | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication and conventional work and entertainment treatment, such as music therapy and physical training, group games | 12 | SANS and GQOLI-74 |
Liu (2018) [43] | China | The agricultural rehabilitation training institution | ICD-10 | 30/30 | 41.4 ± 11.6/40.9 ± 11.3 | 75.00 | Staff | More than 60 min per time/5–8 h per week/24 weeks | Horticultural therapy | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication | 6 | PANSS and PSP |
Yang et al. [44] | China | The agricultural rehabilitation training institution | DSM-IV-TR | 46/46 | 37.72 ± 6.16/38.44 ± 6.76 | Not mentioned | Agricultural specialists and staff | 60 min per time/seven times per week/24 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Watering, weeding, sowing vegetables, and fertilizing | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication | 6 | SDSS |
Xie (2018) [45] | China | The agricultural rehabilitation training institution | ICD-10 | 40/40 | 44.89 ± 4.96/45.03 ± 4.82 | 56.25 | Therapeutic specialists | 120 min per time/24 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Planting, pulling weeds, hoeing, watering, and picking fruits | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication and rehabilitation knowledge training, life and social skills training, psychotherapy | 6 | SSPI, SQLS, and IPROS |
Xu et al. (2018) [46] | China | Community | ICD-10 | 12/16 | 44.33 ± 9.71/44.19 ± 8.12 | Not mentioned | Psychiatrists, nurses, psychological counselors, public health physicians, rehabilitation specialists, social workers, disabled workers with agricultural skills, and family members | More than 60 min per time/twice per week/24 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Turning the ground, sowing, and maintaining and picking vegetables and fruits | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication and conventional work and entertainment treatment | 6 | PANSS |
Liu et al. (2017) [47] | China | The agricultural rehabilitation training institution | ICD-10 | 30/30 | 46.4 ± 8.5/46.5 ± 8.2 | 65.00 | Agricultural specialists | More than 60 min per time/5–8 h per week/48 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Fertilizing, sowing, watering, weeding, planting, and harvesting | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication | 12 | PANSS, IPROS, and SSPI |
Zhang et al. (2015) [48] | China | Hospital | DSM-IV | 45/38 | 42.25 ± 9.25/43.26 ± 8.91 | 100.00 | Therapeutic specialists and agricultural specialists | 120 min per time/once every two days/24 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Planting, weeding, and fertilizing | Usual schizophrenia care | 6 | PSP |
Zhang et al. (2014) [49] | China | Hospital | ICD-10 | 42/44 | 35.42 ± 7.21/38.20 ± 5.41 | 100.00 | Nurses | One hour per day/48 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Breeding, planting vegetables, studying forest and fruit technology, and cultivating flowers | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication | 12 | PANSS |
Lu and Wang (2010) [50] | China | Hospital | ICD-10 | 34/34 | 42 ± 12/40 ± 11 | 61.76 | Agricultural specialists | 60 min per time/once every two weeks/48 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Planting, weeding, and fertilizing | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication and conventional work and entertainment treatment | 12 | PANSS |
Liang et al. (2019) [51] | China | Hospital | ICD-10 | 30/30 | 36.78 ± 8.50/36.73 ± 8.34 | 66.67 | Horticultural therapists | 120 min per time/five times per week/12 weeks | Horticultural therapy: Planting | Usual schizophrenia care: medication | 3 | IPROS and GQOLI-74 |
Xie and Cao (2019) [52] | China | Hospital | Not mentioned | 36/36 | 45.43 ± 5.14/45.12 ± 5.23 | 56.94 | Agricultural specialists and nurses | Not mentioned | Horticultural therapy: | Usual schizophrenia care: Medication and social function exercise, and psychotherapy | 6 | SSPI and IPROS |
Included Study | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Ban (2002) [37] | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Gao (2016) [14] | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Liu et al. (2017) [47] | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Oh et al. (2018) [10] | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Xu et al. (2018) [46] | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Zhang et al. (2014) [48] | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
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Share and Cite
Lu, S.; Zhao, Y.; Liu, J.; Xu, F.; Wang, Z. Effectiveness of Horticultural Therapy in People with Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 964. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18030964
Lu S, Zhao Y, Liu J, Xu F, Wang Z. Effectiveness of Horticultural Therapy in People with Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(3):964. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18030964
Chicago/Turabian StyleLu, Shan, Yajie Zhao, Jianjiao Liu, Feng Xu, and Zhiwen Wang. 2021. "Effectiveness of Horticultural Therapy in People with Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 3: 964. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18030964
APA StyleLu, S., Zhao, Y., Liu, J., Xu, F., & Wang, Z. (2021). Effectiveness of Horticultural Therapy in People with Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 964. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18030964