Tell Me about Loneliness: Interviews with Young People about What Loneliness Is and How to Cope with It
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
2.2. Data Collection
2.3. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Loneliness Comes from Within
“that you, that that is someone who is alone, that he has no one around him. [hmhm] And that [pause] is separated from the rest or something” (Belgian, male, 14 years).
“When people feel lonely, they are usually sad because they feel excluded [because no one wants to play with them]” (Belgian, Female, 10 years).
“Maybe when the group of friends doesn’t accept you for something, like that, or when there are no friends around to help you” (Belgian, male, 9 years).
“well feeling lonely can be… you think that nobody wants you for some reason, but instead there are a lot of people who want you, even if you tend to be alone” (Italian, male, 12 years).
“being lonely is something you feel, but maybe...and…you’re not and instead being alone is that you’re alone and you have no one” (Italian, male, 9 years).
“to feel lonely is anyway…that you have someone think I don’t help you, but instead it’s not true like...” (Italian, female, 12 years).
3.2. Loneliness as Missing Out
3.2.1. A Lack of Desired Relationships
“for example, if you are in class and everyone has a few groups of girlfriends and friends and you don’t belong to any group [hmhm] […]” (Belgian, female, 13 years).
“being alone when maybe you don’t have any friends. Feeling lonely when maybe you have friends but it’s not that…that is you don’t feel included in the group” (Italian, female, 12 years).
“when you have no friends or when your friends play with each other and don’t invite you, you feel lonely” (Italian, male, 12 years).
“[they feel lonely when] others exclude them, let’s say from the group, from the games…like if I talk to you, I exclude another girl, she feels lonely” (Italian, female, 9 years).
“if your friend was maybe playing with another friend on the playground and you weren’t allowed to play” (Belgian, female, 8 years).
“erm, if he sends, for example, to a friend ‘can we meet up’ but they constantly ignore them […]” (Belgian, male 13 years).
3.2.2. Difficulty Connecting with Others
“I think they see people who they like, but are afraid to talk to them. because they are there, because they fear they will not like that person or that they will have a negative influence on you” (Belgian, female, 13 years).
“[…] not daring to say much in a group project because you don’t feel comfortable” (Belgian, female, 14 years).
“if there are a lot of kids playing and you sit there alone. Someone who is lonely would just sit there. […]” (Belgian, male, 8 years).
“they stay aside because maybe they don’t want to be heard in the group…and they think that nobody wants them” (Italian, female, 12 years).
“when they feel lonely, they feel sad so, they try even more to be alone to avoid being even sadder. They isolate themselves” (Italian, male, 12 years).
“It’s not having anyone, not having support, not having a person to rely on” (Italian, female, 12 years).
“Maybe when their parents yell at them because they did something they shouldn’t have done, and they think they are alone. When their parents actually love them because they are their children” (Italian, male, 12 years).
3.3. Loneliness and Thinking Negatively
3.3.1. Thinking Negatively about One’s Self
“they think, because they are alone, if they are about to do something wrong or if they have done something wrong […] (Italian, male, 9 years).
“maybe they think, also because of their character or physical appearance […] other people think they are different and then they tend to marginalise them and then they may feel bad” (Italian, male, 12 years).
“that nobody likes him, and that it’s all his fault”(Belgian, male, 14 years).
3.3.2. Thinking Negatively about Others
“Erm, for example being jealous that they are popular and have lots of friends [as opposed to you]” (Belgian, Male, 13 years).
“Angry at others. Why don’t they want to play with me now? Why can’t I play? Why can’t I make friends? Is it because of me or is it them?” (Belgian, male, 9–10 years).
3.4. Loneliness as a Transient Experience
3.4.1. The Influence of Situational Changes
“maybe you can still have friends, but still cannot say anything to them or often cannot do anything with them [hmhm] for example, those who are in another country or something, have moved” (Belgian, male, 13 years).
“for example, that he lives with someone else in the family because his parents have been killed in an accident or something, and that things go worse at school as a result” (Belgian, male, 14 years).
“with me, when I’m lonely, in that one big fight, I usually go to the toilet cubicle. When I feel lonely it is usually because everyone is against me even if there are some on my side” (Belgian, male, 9–10 years).
“[…] sometimes when I have a fight we don’t play for a while. When the fight is over, you don’t feel lonely anymore” (Belgian, female, 9–10 years).
“usually, if I am sad then yes. That is not at home, but at school, I always go to the toilet in the cubicle and then I sit there alone. That is really only when it is bad” (Belgian, male, 9–10 years).
“maybe they are more lonely at school because they have no friends, but not at home because they get along well with their mum and dad” (Belgian, female, 8 years).
“If you are excluded or if you are not allowed to participate somewhere. Or if my sister, mom and dad are angry with me. Then I start to feel lonely.” (Belgian, male, 8 years).
3.4.2. Loneliness According to Gender
“because we are all human beings anyway and I don’t think there’s much difference” (Italian, female, 12 years).
“If the boys are bullied, they sometimes get angry and ask for a few boys. If they are angry with each other then they ask those boys to attack them; and girls, if they are excluded then go alone or play with someone else” (Belgian, female, 9–10 years).
“[…] boys don’t show their feelings as much, much less than girls, so maybe it is more noticeable with girls than with boys” (Belgian, female, 14 years).
3.4.3. Loneliness Changes as You Age
“maybe when we grow up, we feel new emotions” (Italian, female, 12 years).
“children have another way of feeling things, a child’s heart is much more fantastic than an adults, because it develops, becomes smarter and you forget the things you like” (Italian, male, 9 years).
“because you have no one here to play with. I think that’s worse than telling my secrets [not being able to tell secrets].” (Belgian, male, 8 years).
“because it is not quite the same. Because telling secrets is harder. Those are things that you should really not tell. When playing it is a child who just wants to have some fun and then that is something else” (Belgian, male, 10–11 years).
“I personally think not being able to share your secrets with anyone [is worse]. Because you sometimes need that, otherwise everything will be bottled up like that. [hmhm, yes] into one sphere.” (Belgian, male, 13 years).
“If those, like that, are really really deep secrets that you really can’t talk to anyone except that one person you miss, [hmhm] I think you can feel more unhappy, because then I guess you can still do nice things with people, but you don’t tell them everything” (Belgian, female, 13 years).
3.5. Coping Strategies That Aim to Alleviate the Negative Emotional Impact of Loneliness
3.5.1. Positive Alone Time
“they might like to go buy themselves some games and play with them, so they don’t have to think about it” (Italian, male, 12 years).
3.5.2. Expressing Thoughts for Themselves
“For example, write in a book, write down thoughts like that, or draw or go cycling or walking [yes] to be able to do something”.
“He has to write his secret in his diary. Then he is not concerned anymore. And then the problem has actually already been solved. He should not tell other children because some people cannot trust you if you do not yet have one. He’s not allowed to say that. Or if I’m alone, say it out loud to get it out” (Belgian, female, 9–10 years).
“gosh for example, making a drawing or something in which you express your feelings and then show it to that adult” (Belgian, male, 13 years).
3.5.3. Parents as a Source of Comfort
“if he really doesn’t have anyone to talk to, he might as well talk to his parents, who would definitely listen to him” Italian, male, 12 years).
“I think, especially as a parent of a child [hmhm] and when you know that your child feels lonely, you really pay attention to that he or she doesn’t feel lonely at home. By giving them a lot of attention, or by doing fun things with them. And also have a chat, talk with them” (Belgian, female, 14 years).
3.6. Coping Strategies That Aid Social Reconnection
3.6.1. Changing the Way You Act
“try to make friends, talk to them, invite them, take initiative” (Belgian, male, 14 years).
“make more friends and always make sure you invite someone over to do something, and if they can’t, ask someone else so that if you really want to do something you can still do” (Belgian, female, 14 years).
“try to always be yourself […] try to open up a little bit more, but not too much because if not afterwards maybe you can seem too exuberant or too impulsive and […] not too much or too little, that’s the middle ground” (Italian, female, 12 years).
“maybe if they have a class to go and talk to someone, maybe even in group work expose themselves and not stand there in silence and look at the void” (Italian, female, 12 years).
“Not easy to make new friends because you are lonely. Then you may not know how to address someone” (Belgian, female, 8 years)
“No [not easy] because you were just thinking ‘that won’t work anymore’. Then I just won’t ask that anymore [to make friends]” (Belgian, male, 8 years).
3.6.2. Peer Efforts toward Inclusion
“go there to the lonely person and…invite them to come with me […] I would play with them, take away the sadness they have!” (Italian, male, 12 years).
“yes, go and talk to them, and say that that person can join you and sit with you and stuff” (Belgian, female, 13 years).
“um for example at work, for example having a coffee together during the break, or just cycling along in the morning or something” (Belgian, male, 13 years).
3.6.3. Teachers Encouragement of a Cohesive School Environment
“yes, I think if the person in the classroom sees that someone is alone or something, that they will put that person with other people, such as working more often in groups so that that person can also make friends” (Belgian, female, 14 years).
“there we had to take off our shoe and put it with our group of friends. And then the teacher said, ‘are we going to try a little bit to play with Marie’” (Belgian, male, 9–10 years).
“tell the teacher that she feels lonely and no one wants to play with her. Then the teacher can do something about it, talk to she feels a bit more secure” (Belgian, female, 10–11 years).
3.7. Secondary Analysis to Explore Gender Differences in Coping Strategies
3.8. Secondary Analysis to Explore Age Differences in How Experiences of Loneliness Are Conceptualised
4. Discussion
4.1. What Young People Thought Constituted Loneliness and What Did Not
4.2. Gender Differences in Loneliness
4.3. Types of Loneliness
4.4. Loneliness and Difficulty Connecting with Others
4.5. Situations in Which Loneliness Occurs
4.6. Overcoming Loneliness
4.7. Measures of Loneliness
4.8. Strengths and Limitations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
- Putting the participant at ease (familiarise the participant with the interview setting):
- ○
- “What class did you just have?”
- ○
- “Did you like the class/lesson?”
- ○
- “What subject are they teaching here?”
- ○
- “I can see you looking around, do you know this room?”
- ○
- “Do you know why I am here?”
- ○
- “Thank you for taking the time to think about the questions I am about to ask you. Your parents have agreed to allow you to talk with me.
- Go over the participant information sheet with the child and give them the opportunity to ask questions. When the child consents and wants to participate in the study, ask them to sign the consent form.
- −
- General information about confidentiality:
- ○
- “Before we start, I want to tell you some important things. I am going to ask you some questions, which you may answer. You may recognise that this is called an interview. Like the people on television that ask questions. You can stop with the interview whenever you want, and you don’t need to tell me why you want to stop. It’s no problem if you want to stop or take a break. Also, only me and the other researchers of this study will get to know your answers. We will not tell your answers to anyone else, unless we think you might be in danger.”
- ○
- “To keep your answers private, we should choose a pretend name to call you, shall we choose that together now? Or I can choose one for you…”
- •
- Audio recorder:
- ○
- Putting the participant at ease: Perhaps try out the recorder, record something and listen back to it.
- ○
- “When I use the audio recorder, I can look at and listen to you much better. After our conversation, I can re-listen to everything very carefully.”
- ○
- “I am learning myself. It is possible that I ask some weird questions. You can tell me if you find the suggestions a bit strange.”
- ○
- “When I re-listen to our conversation, I can learn about what you told me and get to know more about loneliness and write up the conversation. The conversation gets deleted 4 months after it has been written up.”
- −
- Start:
- ○
- “Are you a bit nervous?”
- ■
- Yes: “That is no problem and very normal. A little bit of nerves can help us to think better. I think it’s good to hear your ideas, opinions and experiences so there are no right or wrong answers, all answers are good ones. Taking part in the interview may help other boys and girls your age.”
- ■
- Is there anything else you’d like to know before we start?”
- −
- The focus of our interview today is going to be “loneliness”. First let’s start by imagining you meet a group of aliens who have just landed on Earth. These aliens don’t know very much about life on Earth. They don’t know how and what a person feels and thinks. Can you explain to them what loneliness is?
- ○
- “Thanks for telling this so comprehensive!”
- ○
- “You have given me plenty ideas about the words we can use to explain loneliness.”
- ○
- “Thanks, those are a lot of new words, ideas and examples.”
- ○
- “Now I can explain loneliness much better to the aliens. Thank you!”
- ○
- “Would you tell the aliens if there is a difference between boys and girls who feel lonely?”
- −
- How do you think someone, who is lonely, feels?
- −
- How do you think someone, who is lonely, thinks?
- −
- How do you think someone, who is lonely acts?
- ○
- “Why do you think he/she…”
- •
- When do kids feel lonely?
- ○
- “What can happen when kids feel lonely?”
- ■
- (to see if they recognise the different types of loneliness and ask further questions)
- −
- Researchers would tell the aliens that there are two types of loneliness. Some children feel lonely because they don’t have anyone to tell everything to or share secrets with. Other children feel lonely because they don’t have a lot or any friends to play with.
- ○
- “Imagine, a child feels lonely because he/she doesn’t have someone they can tell everything to or share secrets with. How would he/she feel?
- ○
- “Imagine, a child feels lonely because he/she misses other children to play or have fun with. How would he/she feel?
- ○
- Depending on the answer:
- “Okay, so you think both children feel the same. I hear both, sometimes they feel the same sometimes they feel different.”
- “Okay, so you think both children feel different. I hear both, sometimes they feel the same, sometimes they feel different.”
- Asking further: examples, answers…
- •
- If someone in your class feels lonely:
- ○
- “What kind of advices/tips would you give him/her?”
- ○
- “How would you help him/her?”
- ○
- “Think about the child who feels lonely because he/she had no one to tell everything to and to share all their secrets with. What could he/she do to feel less lonely?”
- ○
- “Think about the child who feels lonely because he/she doesn’t have/know enough friends to play with. What could he/she do to feel less lonely?”
- ○
- “You gave them both the same/different tips? Would you like to explain this a bit? What do you think is the biggest difference between them?”
- −
- “What did you think of the interview?”
- −
- “Did you think it was difficult?”
- −
- “What did, or didn’t you find fun to talk about?”
- −
- “What did you find interesting?”
- −
- “Do you have some tips for me to talk to the other children?”
- −
- After care: follow-up letter
- −
- Thanking the child:
- •
- “Thank you for participating/helping by doing this interview”
- •
- “Here is a small gift as a thank you”
- −
- Guiding the child back to the class:
- •
- “What class do you have now?”
- •
- “What are your plans for this afternoon?”
- −
- Prompting neutral:
- •
- “Can you tell me some more about this?”
- •
- “Can you give me an example of...?”
- •
- “Could you show me?”
- •
- Repeat parts of their sentences for repeat some words very calmly while looking at them interrogatory.
- −
- Prompting to convince them:
- •
- “You are a very important source of information. You can help other children by answering these questions.”
- •
- “It is very nice that you wanted to free some of your time so we can discover this together. This helps other children too.”
- −
- Participant does not know the answer:
- •
- “That is fine, maybe something will later on…, you can always tell me then. I have another question for you.”
- •
- “There are no wrong answers”
- −
- Ask further:
- •
- “I listened very carefully, and you said ‘…’, would you mind explaining this a bit further?”
- •
- “Can you explain this to me, a bit slower with more details? Like how you would describe a movie to me. You can draw it as a little comic, if you would want to/this can help you.”
- •
- “Did I get this right? Is this what you meant?”
- •
- ‘What’ and ‘How’ questions
- −
- Ensuring that the adolescent feels at ease:
- •
- Where do you want us to sit?
- •
- Which class did you just have?
- •
- Do you know this (class-) room?
- •
- Do you know why I’m here?
- −
- Go over the participant information sheet with the adolescent and give them the opportunity to ask questions. When the adolescent consents and wants to participate in the study, ask to sign the informed consent.
- −
- Audio recorder: explain to the adolescent why recording the interview is useful and how it can help the interviewer later on.
- •
- When I use the audio recorder, I can really listen to you and to what you are saying.
- •
- It also helps me to hear what I say and do, and what I can do better. I’m still learning how to do this, so I might say silly things. If that happens, you can always tell me.
- −
- Start:
- •
- Are you a bit nervous? (if yes; “That’s okay and very normal. It actually helps for thinking). Interviewer will stress that all answers will be good answers, and that he/she is interested in the ideas, opinions, and experiences of the child/adolescent.
- •
- Before we start, I want to tell you that I really need to dig deep into what you think and feel about my questions. I will be asking a lot of questions, even when you have already given me an answer. It’s important to me that you know that that is not because I didn’t like your previous answer. As I said before, all answers are good.
- •
- Your answers will not be shared with anyone, including your teacher, parents or family unless we think you might be in danger. To keep your answers private, we should choose a pretend name to call you, shall we choose that together now? Or I can choose one for you…
- •
- Is there anything you’d like to know before we start?
- −
- Imagine someone were to ask you to write a dictionary. How would you describe loneliness?Would you say there is a difference for boys and girls?
- −
- Make sure to acknowledge the difference between lonely and alone:
- •
- Make sure they understand this.
- ∞
- Try to let them come up with an example of a situation where someone is alone but not lonely, and an example of a situation where someone is lonely but not alone.
- ∞
- If they cannot do this, provide them with examples:
- •
- Someone who is gaming, could be gaming alone, but is not necessarily lonely.
- •
- Someone who is at a party is not alone, but could feel lonely, for example when they don’t really know anyone there or have no one to talk or have fun with.
- •
- You gave me many new ideas about what words we can use to describe loneliness.
- •
- Thank you; those are a lot of new words, ideas and examples.
- −
- Someone who is lonely, how do you think he or she feels?
- −
- Someone who is lonely, what do you think he or she thinks?
- −
- Someone who is lonely, how do you think he or she acts?
- •
- How and what questions:
- −
- When might someone feel lonely?
- −
- Before, we talked about how you would describe loneliness in a dictionary. Some people would say there are two kinds of loneliness. Some people feel lonely because they don’t have someone who they can talk to about everything and with whom they can share their secrets. Other people feel lonely because they don’t have someone with whom they can do fun activities.
- •
- Say, someone feels lonely because they don’t have someone who they can talk to about everything and with whom they can share their secrets. How would they feel?
- •
- Say, someone feels lonely because they don’t have someone with whom they can do fun activities, like friends, neighbors or cousins. How would they feel?
- •
- Depending on the answer: You think these two people would feel the same? … that these people feel differently (ask further questions). … I understand that they sometimes feel the same and sometimes feel different,…
- •
- Try to get them to concretise their answers, let them give examples of possible reactions,…
- −
- When someone in your class feels lonely,
- •
- What advice would you give them?
- •
- How could you help them?
- •
- Before we talked about how someone who felt lonely because they didn’t have anyone to say everything to and share his or her secrets might feel. What could they do to feel less lonely?
- •
- Remember we talked about how someone who felt lonely because they didn’t have anyone to do fun activities with might feel. What could they do to feel less lonely?
- What did you learn or discover here today?
- What do you want to remember and what do you want to leave in this room?
- Do you have any tips for me? Can you tell me something I did well?
- Thank the adolescent:
- ∞
- Thank you for helping by doing this interview
- ∞
- As a thank you, here is a little present.
- Do you have any questions left? Is something bothering you?
- Reintegrate.
- What else are you going to do at school today?
- Which course do you have next? Do you like it?
- −
- Prompting neutral:
- •
- Could you tell me more about that?
- •
- Could you give an example?
- −
- Prompting persuasive:
- •
- You adolescents are an important source of information. You can help other children and adolescents with this.
- •
- It’s very nice that you took the time to help me and that we can go through this together. It will surely help other people.
- −
- Give compliments through engaging communication:
- •
- Thank them, for specific behaviour, for a specific answer. Add that they contributed to your need, instead of rewarding them for “good behaviour”.
- ∞
- Thank you, you explained that very clearly.
- ∞
- I can tell you are really thinking about this, thank you.
- ∞
- Thank you for telling me this much.
- −
- The participant does not know the answer:
- •
- That’s no problem, maybe when you think about this later, you can still tell me. I have another question for you.
- •
- That’s no problem, maybe something will come to your mind in a bit.
- −
- Asking supplementary questions:
- •
- I listened very well to what you told me, you said … can you explain that a little bit more? I want to make sure I really understand everything
- ∞
- I listened very well to what you told me, but I don’t quite get it yet. Can you explain again for me, please?
- •
- Can you expand that for me, like you would describe a movie?
- •
- Do I understand this correctly? Is this what you mean?
- •
- What and how questions, to elaborate and to deepen, avoid why questions.
- •
- When asking supplementary questions about feelings, refer to them as someone else’s feelings, not their own.
Appendix B
Stage | Description | Approach |
1. Transcription | Transcribing the audio recordings into text files. | Interviews were conducted in the interviewees own language (Dutch or Italian) and then transcribed. Those transcriptions were translated into English in order for the UK team to be involved in analysis. Idiosyncracies in translations were checked and corrected by members of the research team who spoke both English and Dutch or Italian. |
2. Familiarisation | A process of becoming familiar with the data set. | The UK team read and summarised all transcripts, including listing potential initial codes; the Belgian team did the same for the Belgian transcripts. Both teams came together to discuss that process and any initial patterns in the data. |
3. Open coding | Developing an initial set of codes to be trialled and refined. | The UK team created an initial chart of the data according to those potential codes identified through familiarisation and created a further refined list of codes based on that. The Belgian team continued the familiarisation process by rereading the transcripts and creating a separate list of initial codes. We then brought those codes together and refined both lists into one. |
4. Developing an analytical framework | Organising codes according to categories and trialling and redefining the organised coding framework until the coding framework reflects the whole data set. | The refined list produced from open coding was organised into a framework that grouped codes into categories collaboratively by the UK and Belgian teams. The framework was trialled independently by both teams on a selection of two transcripts, and then redefined to better suit the data based on the coders’ findings. That process was repeated three times until the framework was considered to reflect the dataset as a whole. |
5. Applying the analytical framework | Using the finalised analytical framework to code the dataset. | The finalised framework was applied to the dataset; the Belgian team coded the Belgian transcripts, and the UK team coded the Italian transcripts. The Belgian team coded the transcripts in Dutch for ease of understanding but used the English framework. The Italian transcripts were coded in English. |
6. Charting the data into a framework matrix | Inputting the coded data into a framework matrix that is organised by category and code for each participant. Coded data are inputted through a mixture of summarisation and direct quotations. | Data were input into an Excel file that was organised by participant, category and codes. Italian transcript data were input in English and Belgian transcript data were input in Dutch, and then translated to English to that the whole team could interpret the data. |
7. Interpreting the data | Developing a set of themes through identifying the salient issues covered in the data. | Both teams examined the framework matrix independently to create initial lists of potential themes by identifying salient issues that were evident in the data. Themes were discussed and continually reappraised alongside the coded data until they were considered to accurately depict the meaning relayed by the dataset as a whole whilst remaining interpretive as opposed to descriptive. |
1. Cognitions associated with loneliness—the things that young people perceived that young people experiencing loneliness would think about | |
1a. Imagining interactions that they are missing out on | Fantasising about fun they could have if they had friends, and what they might be missing out on |
1b. Considering how the future may look | Thinking about how the future might look for them, sometimes feeling that things might get better or feeling a lack of hope about their future |
1c. Thinking negatively about themselves | Blaming themselves for how they feel, or for not being able to join in with peers and make friends. This is where the interviewee notes that young people may think of themselves as responsible for their loneliness |
1d. Lack of trust in others | Finding it difficult to trust people enough to build connections |
1e. Attempting to think positively | Trying to think of happy situations in order to lift their negative mood |
1f. Thinking negatively about having less friends/confidants | Young people described how someone who is lonely may feel sad if they think that they have deficits in their relationships in comparison to their peers |
1g. Negative thoughts and feelings directed at peers | Directing negative emotions such as anger and jealousy, towards peers |
2. Recognisable personal characteristics of someone who is experiencing loneliness—young people described personal attributes that they thought someone experiencing loneliness would have | |
2a. Emotions associated with loneliness | Emotions that young people use to describe the feelings of those experiencing loneliness |
2b. Bottling things up/not expressing self | Describing how someone feeling lonely keeps their emotions to themselves |
2c. Sensitive to negativity | Describing how someone feeling lonely may be more easily upset by things their peers say to them, or to fall outs and conflict than their peers who are not experiencing loneliness |
3. Recognisable social characteristics of someone who is experiencing loneliness—ways a young person experiencing loneliness is said to act in social situations | |
3a. Spending time away from others | Describing how someone feeling lonely keeps themselves separate from others such as by sitting alone at playtimes |
3b. Has difficulty socialising | Describing how someone feeling lonely is seen to struggle connecting and building friendships with others. They might be seen as unusual to others and struggle with social skills, e.g., looking at people directly when talking to them, etc. |
3c. Enjoys being alone | Describing how someone who is feeling lonely may enjoy being alone |
3d. Searching for company | Describing how someone experiencing loneliness may spend time searching for friends |
4. Contexts and situations in which loneliness arises—what young people considered to be the things that triggered the experience of loneliness | |
4a. Being bullied or picked on at school | Stating that being the victim of bullying is a situation where someone might feel lonely |
4b. Being excluded from socialising with peers | Being purposefully left out or avoided by peers stated as a reason why someone might feel lonely e.g., excluded from conversations, or games |
4c. Having no, or little, family | Feelings of loneliness at home being attributed to not having family members, or having few family members to spend time with, play with, or to provide support at home |
4d. Not having friends/being part of a group | Not having friends, or satisfying friendships as a reason for feeling lonely |
4e. Having no one to rely on | Young people thought that someone might feel lonely if they had no one to support them, or confide in. |
4f. Loneliness takes place at school | Loneliness was discussed as taking place at school |
4g. Bereavement | Experiencing the passing of a family member, or someone close. |
4h. A lack of opportunity to engage in positive activities | Feeling lonely due to a lack of opportunities to socialise, or do the things you enjoy e.g., sports teams, afterschool classes, etc. |
4i. The influence of situational changes | Where loneliness is arises due to a change in circumstances such as parents going out and leaving them on their own, moving away, moving schools, friends moving away, etc. |
4j. Conflict with those close to them | Young people said that loneliness may occur when someone is in conflict with their family, or others who are close to them. |
5. Relational problem solving behaviours to lessen loneliness—young people made suggestions about how people could support someone who is feeling lonely to feel less lonely | |
5a. Peers can approach first | Peers can help those who are feeling lonely by inviting them to talk or join in with games |
5b. Peers can give advice | Young people talked about how they would talk to a lonely peer about how to make friends |
5c. Teachers as problem solvers | Teachers can help lessen loneliness by giving advice on how to overcome issues with peers |
5d. Teachers encourage socialisation | Teachers can help lessen loneliness by providing opportunities for young people to make friends such as through group work or encouraging the class to let the person who experiencing loneliness join in |
5e. Parents provide comfort | Young people talk about how parents can lessen loneliness by providing hugs and a security |
5f. Parents provide encouragement | Parents can encourage young people to socialise with peers |
5g. Parents act as confidant | Young people talk about how they can confide in parents, or parents can encourage them to talk about their issues |
5h. Peers can provide opportunities to engage in positive activities | Where peers organise an event for those experiencing loneliness to attend. This is where rather than inviting someone to join in with an already existing activity they organise something specifically for that person for example taking them for a coffee |
6. Personal coping strategies— young people made suggestions about strategies someone feeling lonely could engage in to lessen loneliness | |
6a. Reaching out to others | Young people experiencing loneliness can approach others to and ask to talk, join in with games, for support, etc. |
6b. Isolating themselves | Young people talked about how someone feeling lonely might isolate themselves further to avoid feeling saddened by difficulties making friends |
6c. Solitary activities | Young people experiencing loneliness can try to find activities to do alone that could make them feel better such as walking, cycling, playing video games, etc. |
6d. Ways to express self without the need for a confidant | Young people experiencing loneliness can find ways to express themselves that do not require someone else such as writing in a diary, talking to a teddy, etc. |
6e. Changing the way you act | Young people suggested a young person experiencing loneliness may benefit from changing the way they act in social situations, i.e., act in a more authentic way, try not to be too over the top, make more of an effort to engage with others |
6f. Barriers to engaging in coping strategies | Young people recognised that some individuals experiencing loneliness may find it difficult to cope. For example, reaching out to others and building friendships with others can take a long time, and/or be overwhelming for some |
7. Differences between the two types of loneliness—young people recognised how the two types of loneliness; social and emotional, might impact young people | |
7a. Considering the type of loneliness that is worse to experience | Young people considered how individuals experiencing social, or emotional loneliness might feel, and if they thought it would be worse to be socially or emotionally lonely |
7b. Reasons why a type of loneliness seemed worse | Young people talked about the reasons why they were more concerned with experiencing a certain type of loneliness |
8. Understanding of what determines experiences of loneliness—young people discussed what they thought loneliness was and the factors involved in experiences of loneliness that would be important to young people | |
8a. Gender differences in loneliness | Young people considered the ways boys and girls may experience loneliness |
8b. Difficulty recognising that loneliness is different to being alone | Some young people found it difficult to differentiate between loneliness and being alone. Code used to identify where difficulties are identified |
8c. Loneliness comes from within | Young people talked about loneliness as a feeling that occurred even in the presence of others because it begins internally |
8d. Loneliness develops as you age | Young people thought that loneliness could develop as a result of your emotions becoming more complex with age |
- Theme 1.
- Loneliness Comes from Within
- Underpinning codes: loneliness comes from within, enjoys being alone, emotions associated with loneliness.
- Theme 2.
- Loneliness as Missing Out
- Subtheme:
- A Lack of Desired Relationships
- Underpinning codes: lack of trust in others, not having friends or being part of a group, imagining interactions they are missing out on, sensitive to negativity.
- Subtheme:
- Difficulty Connecting with Others
- Underpinning codes: has difficulty socialising, spending time away from others, bottling things up/not expressing self.
- Subtheme:
- A Lack of Support
- Underpinning codes: being excluded, conflict with those close to them, having little or no family, having no one to rely on.
- Theme 3.
- Loneliness and Thinking Negatively
- Subtheme:
- Thinking Negatively about One’s Self
- Underpinning codes: thinking negatively about themselves, thinking negatively about having less friends or confidants, considering how the future may look.
- Subtheme:
- Thinking Negatively about Others
- Underpinning codes: negative thoughts and feelings directed at peers.
- Theme 4.
- Loneliness as a Transient Experience
- Subtheme:
- Loneliness According to Gender
- Underpinning codes: gender differences.
- Subtheme:
- Loneliness Changes as you Age
- Underpinning codes: loneliness develops as you age.
- Subtheme:
- Influence of Situational Changes
- Underpinning codes: bereavement, the influence of situational change.
- Theme 5.
- Coping Strategies that Aim to Alleviate the Negative Emotional Impact of Loneliness
- Underpinning codes: barriers to engaging in coping strategies, isolating themselves.
- Subtheme:
- Expressing Thoughts to Self
- Underpinning codes: ways to express self without confidant.
- Subtheme:
- Solitary Activities to Distract
- Underpinning codes: solitary activities.
- Subtheme:
- Parents as a Source of Comfort
- Underpinning codes: parents provide comfort, parents provide encouragement.
- Theme 6.
- Coping Strategies that Aid Social Reconnection
- Subtheme:
- Changing the Way You Act
- Underpinning codes: changing the way you act, attempting to think positively, reaching out to others.
- Subtheme:
- Peer Efforts towards Inclusion
- Underpinning codes: peers approach first, peers provide opportunities to engage in positive activities, peers can give advice.
- Subtheme:
- Teacher Encouragement of a Cohesive School Environment
- Underpinning codes: teachers as problem solvers, teachers encourage socialisation.
Codes | Male | Female |
Confide in parents/family | 41.67%(5) | 33.33%(4) |
Spend time alone | - | 8.33% |
Isolate themselves | 16.67%(2) | 8.33%(1) |
Write down thoughts/feelings/secrets | 25%(3) | 33.33%(4) |
Talk to yourself | 16.67%(2) | 8.33%(1) |
Talk to a toy | - | 8.33%(1) |
Exercise | 8.33%(1) | - |
Distracting activities 1 | 16.67%(2) | 16.67%(2) |
Physical contact 2 |
Codes | Male | Female |
Peers inclusion | 66.67%(8) | 88.33%(10) |
Teachers offer help/encourage socialisation | 25%(3) | 41.67%(5) |
Change one’s attitude/behaviour | 8.33%(1) | 16.67%(2) |
Peers/adults give advice | 8.33%(1) | 16.67%(2) |
Peers listen/talk | 50%(6) | 16.67%(2) |
Peers organise social events | 8.33%(1) | 8.33%(1) |
Ask to join in with peers | 25%(3) | 50%(6) |
Find/make new friends | 41.67%(5) | 58.33%(7) |
Be more sociable | 33.33%(4) | 58.33%(7) |
Focus on existing friends | 16.67%(2) | - |
Talk to/seek help from a professional | 16.67%(2) | - |
Reach out for help from parents/family | 50%(6) | 41.67%(5) |
Parents can provide help/support | 8.33%(1) | 25%(3) |
Express feelings 1 | 8.33%(1) | -- |
Codes | 8–11 Years | 12–14 Years |
Social loneliness is worst 1 | 66.67%(4) | 33.33%(2) |
Emotional loneliness is worst 2 | 16.67%(1) | 66.67%(4) |
Both equal/same | 16.67%(1) | - |
Codes | 8–11 Years | 12–14 Years |
Prefer having people to play with over sharing secrets | 66.67%(4) | 16.67%(1) |
Importance placed on talking | - | 66.67%(4) |
Do not like sharing secrets | 16.67%(1) | - |
Playing with others is harder than talking | - | 16.67%(1) |
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Verity, L.; Schellekens, T.; Adam, T.; Sillis, F.; Majorano, M.; Wigelsworth, M.; Qualter, P.; Peters, B.; Stajniak, S.; Maes, M. Tell Me about Loneliness: Interviews with Young People about What Loneliness Is and How to Cope with It. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11904.
Verity L, Schellekens T, Adam T, Sillis F, Majorano M, Wigelsworth M, Qualter P, Peters B, Stajniak S, Maes M. Tell Me about Loneliness: Interviews with Young People about What Loneliness Is and How to Cope with It. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(22):11904.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVerity, Lily, Tine Schellekens, Tine Adam, Floor Sillis, Marinella Majorano, Michael Wigelsworth, Pamela Qualter, Beth Peters, Stephanie Stajniak, and Marlies Maes. 2021. "Tell Me about Loneliness: Interviews with Young People about What Loneliness Is and How to Cope with It" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 22: 11904.
APA StyleVerity, L., Schellekens, T., Adam, T., Sillis, F., Majorano, M., Wigelsworth, M., Qualter, P., Peters, B., Stajniak, S., & Maes, M. (2021). Tell Me about Loneliness: Interviews with Young People about What Loneliness Is and How to Cope with It. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 11904.