Template for Rapid Iterative Consensus of Experts (TRICE)
:1. Introduction
1.1. Behavioural Science and the COVID-19 Pandemic
1.2. Consensus Methods
1.3. Template for Rapid Iterative Consensus of Experts (TRICE)
2. The TRICE Method, Participants and Outputs
2.1. Stage 1: Identify Need
2.2. Stage 2: Evaluate Capacity and Identify Stakeholders
2.3. Stage 3: Recruit to the Working Group
2.4. Stage 4: Iteration Task 1
- (1)
- Priorities for guidance are informed by the needs of stakeholders;
- (2)
- The expert group themselves generate, distil and judge the evidence-based content to use in guidance documents
- (3)
- All work uses a shared theoretical framework
- (4)
- Guidance is checked with stakeholders prior to publication
2.5. Stage 5: Iteration Task 2
2.6. Stage 6: Final Draft Review
2.7. Stage 7: Implementation
2.8. Stage 8: Evaluation
3. Discussion
3.1. Strengths
3.2. Challenges
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
- Chater, A.; Whittaker, E.; Lewis, L.; Arden, M.A.; Byrne-Davis, L.; Chadwick, P.; Drury, J.; Epton, T.; Hart, J.; Kamal, A.; et al. Health psychology, behavioural science, and Covid-19 disease prevention. Health Psychol. Update 2020, 29, 3–9. Available online: https://uobrep.openrepository.com/handle/10547/624801 (accessed on 13 August 2021).
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- Epton, T.; Ghio, D.; Keyworth, C.; Whittaker, E.; Armitage, C.J.; Hart, J.; O’Connor, D.; Shorter, G.; Perriard-Abdoh, S.; Lewis, L.; et al. Delivering Effective Public Health Campaigns during COVID-19; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2020; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Delivering%20effective%20public%20health%20campaigns%20during%20Covid-19.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021).
- Byrne-Davis, L.M.; Bull, E.R.; Burton, A.; Dharni, N.; Gillison, F.; Maltinsky, W.; Mason, C.; Sharma, N.; Armitage, C.J.; Johnston, M.; et al. How behavioural science can contribute to health partnerships: The case of The Change Exchange. Glob. Health 2017, 13, 1–8. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version]
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- Arden, M.A.; Armitage, C.; Lewis, L.; Whittaker, E.; Hart, J.; O’Connor, D.; Chadwick, P.; Drury, J.; Swanson, V.; Byrne-Davis, L.; et al. Encouraging Self-Isolation to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2020; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Encouraging%20self-isolation%20to%20prevent%20the%20spread%20of%20Covid-19.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021).
- Byrne-Davis, L.; Chater, A.; Arden, M.; Armitage, C.; Chadwick, P.; Drury, J.; Epton, T.; Hart, J.; Kamal, A.; Lewis, L.; et al. Encouraging Hand Hygiene in the Community; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2020; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Encouraging%20hand%20hygiene%20in%20the%20community.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021).
- Byrne-Davis, L.; Chater, A.; Arden, M.; Armitage, C.; Chadwick, P.; Drury, J.; Epton, T.; Hart, J.; Kamal, A.; Lewis, L.; et al. The Psychology of Hand Washing; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2020; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/coronavirus-resources/public/handwashing (accessed on 13 August 2021).
- Chater, A.; Abdin, S.; Dryden, J.; Lewis, L.; Shorter, G.; Arden, M.A.; Chadwick, P.; Hart, J.; Armitage, C.; Byrne-Davis, L.; et al. COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Physical Activity; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2020; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20%E2%80%93%20Physical%20activity.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021).
- Chater, A.; Abdin, S.; Shorter, G.; Lewis, L.; Hart, J.; Armitage, C.; Epton, T.; Byrne-Davis, L.; Arden, M.A.; Chadwick, P.; et al. COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Sedentary Behaviour; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2020; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20-%20Sedentary%20behaviour.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021).
- Whittaker, E.; Howlett, N.; Abdi, S.; Chadwick, P.; Shorter, G.; Hart, J.; Armitage, C.; Epton, T.; Byrne-Davis, L.; Arden, M.A.; et al. COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Eating Behaviour; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2020; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20-%20Eating%20behaviour.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021).
- Knowles, N.; Chater, A.; Lewis, L.; Jenkinson, E.; Byrne-Davis, L.; Hart, J.; Armitage, C.; Epton, T.; Arden, M.A.; Kamal, A.; et al. COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Stopping Smoking; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2020; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20-%20Stopping%20smoking.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021).
- Shorter, G.; Knowles, N.; Abdin, S.; Jenkinson, E.; Armitage, C.; Epton, T.; Hart, J.; Kamal, A.; Byrne-Davis, L.; Arden, M.A.; et al. COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Alcohol Consumption; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2020; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20-%20Alcohol%20consumption.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021).
- Jenkinson, E.; Ellis, J.; Chater, A.; Whittaker, E.; Hart, J.; Byrne-Davis, L.; Armitage, C.; Kamal, A.; Epton, T.; Arden, M.A.; et al. COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Sleep Hygiene; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2020; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20-%20Sleep%20hygiene.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021).
- Arden, M.A.; Armitage, C.; Lewis, L.; Whittaker, E.; Hart, J.; O’Connor, D.; Swanson, V.; Epton, T.; Byrne-Davis, L.; Shorter, G.; et al. Guidance Following First Vaccination Dose; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2021; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Guidance%20following%20your%20first%20vaccination%20dose.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021).
- Epton, T.; Lawes-Wickwar, S.; Ghio, D.; Shorter, G.; Whittaker, E.; Arden, M.; Armitage, C.J.; Byrne-Davis, L.; Chadwick, P.; Drury, J.; et al. Optimising Vaccination Uptake for COVID-19; British Psychological Society: Leicester, UK, 2020; Available online: https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Optimising%20vaccine%20uptake.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021).
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Target | Process | Considerations | Example |
BSDP Taskforce Member | Affiliation and Brief Biography |
Professor Angel Marie Chater | Registered Health Psychologist (HCPC) and Professor in Health Psychology and Behaviour Change, University of Bedfordshire, UK. Director of the Institute for Sport and Physical Activity Research and Lead of the Centre for Health, Wellbeing and Behaviour Change, University of Bedfordshire. Associate to the University College London Centre for Behaviour Change. Chair of the British Psychological Society’s (BPS) Division of Health Psychology (Jul 2019–Jun 2021). Co-founder of the Behavioural Science and Public Health Network (BSPHN) and inaugural Chair. Co-founder of the Health Psychology Exchange (HPX). Consulting Editor of Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine and Behavioural Science and Public Health journals. Lead of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Dr Gillian W Shorter | Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Queen’s University Belfast. Co-Director of Drug and Alcohol Research Network, Queen’s University Belfast. Public Health Agency Northern Ireland Behaviour Change Cell, North South Alcohol Policy Advisory Board. New Strategic Direction Alcohol and Drugs Advisory Board member. Chair of Digital Interventions Interest Group (Health Informatics) in the MRC/NIHR Trials Methodology Research Partnership. Research Lead for the BPS Division of Health Psychology (2020–2021). Academic Editor/Editorial Board PLoS ONE, Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy. Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Dr Vivien Swanson | Registered Health Psychologist (HCPC). Reader in Health Psychology and Professional Doctorate Programme Director at the University of Stirling, Scotland, UK. Programme Lead for Health Psychology Professional Practice, NHS Education for Scotland. Member and Past-Chair BPS Division of Health Psychology, Scotland, and member of BPS Qualifications Board (Health Psychology). Founding partner of the Change Exchange Hub at the University of Stirling. Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Dr Atiya Kamal | Registered Health Psychologist (HCPC) and Senior Lecturer at Birmingham City University, UK. Participant of SPI-B, the behavioural science subgroup of SAGE, the Ethnicity sub-group of SAGE and the International Best Practice Advisory Group, which provides expert input to the analysis of international responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Conference Lead for the BPS Division of Health Psychology. Founding partner of The Change Exchange hub at Birmingham City University. Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Dr Tracy Epton | Lecturer in Health Psychology, University of Manchester, UK. Member of the Health Psychology Exchange responsible for coordinating crowd-sourced rapid reviews. Communications Lead for the BPS Division of Health Psychology (2020–2024). Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Professor Madelynne A Arden | Registered Health Psychologist (HCPC) and Professor of Health Psychology at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Director of the Centre for Behavioural Science and Applied Psychology and the Behavioural Science Consortium. Co-Editor of the British Journal of Health Psychology. Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. Co-chair of the Behavioural Science Hub of the Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Network. Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Professor Jo Hart | Registered Health Psychologist (HCPC), Professor of Health Professional Education and Head of the Division of Medical Education, University of Manchester, UK. Co-founder of The Change Exchange and the Health Psychology Exchange. Works with Health Education England and Public Health England. Past Chair of the BPS Division of Health Psychology (Chair: 2017–2019). Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society and the Academy of Social Sciences. Principal Fellow of Advance HE. Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Professor Lucie MT Byrne-Davis | Registered Health Psychologist (HCPC) and Professor of Health Psychology, University of Manchester, UK. Chair of the British Psychological Society’s (BPS) Division of Health Psychology (Jun 2021–Jun 2023). Chair of the European Health Psychology Society’s United Nations Committee. Psychological Professions Network North-West Workforce Council Board Member for health psychology. Co-founder of The Change Exchange and The Health Psychology Exchange. Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Professor John Drury | Social Psychologist, University of Sussex, UK. Specialises in collective behaviour, including behaviour in emergencies and disasters. Advisor on UK government expert groups (since 2010) on public behaviour in emergencies, including participating in SPI-B and the behavioural subgroup of SAGE during the COVID-19 pandemic. Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Dr Ellie Whittaker | Health Improvement Officer in the Public Health Team, North Yorkshire County Council. Co-chair of Health Psychology Exchange Public Health Forum. Health Psychology Champion on BPS Division of Health Psychology Committee (2021–2022). Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Mrs Lesley J M Lewis | Health Psychologist in Training, Staffordshire University and Registered Public Health Practitioner (UKPHR). Behaviour change specialist, Public Health Wales. Co-chair of Health Psychology Exchange Public Health Forum. Assistant Publication Editor on Behavioural Science and Public Health Network Committee. Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Dr Emily McBride | Registered Health Psychologist (HCPC) and Senior Research Fellow, Department of Behavioural Science and Health at University College London (UCL), UK. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Fellow. Policy Lead for the BPS Division of Health Psychology (Jul 2019–Jun 2022). Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Dr Paul Chadwick | Registered Clinical and Health Psychologist (HCPC). Associate Professor of Behaviour Change, University College London Centre for Behaviour Change, UK. Lead for the Behavioural and Social Science Strategy in Public Health England. Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Professor Daryl B O’Connor | Registered Health Psychologist (HCPC) and Professor of Psychology at the University of Leeds, UK. Deputy Chair of the BPS COVID-19 Core Coordinating Group and Co-lead of the BPS COVID-19 Research Priorities Group (2020–21). Chair of the BPS Research Board (2015–2021), BPS Trustee (2015–2021) and Chair of the European Federation of Psychology Associations (EFPA) Board of Scientific Affairs (2017–2021). Past Chair of the BPS Division of Health Psychology and BPS Psychobiology Section. Editor-in-Chief, Cogent Psychology and past joint Editor-in-Chief, Psychology and Health (2011–2019). Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. |
Professor Christopher J Armitage | Registered Health Psychologist (HCPC), Professor of Health Psychology and Research Director of the Manchester Centre for Health Psychology, University of Manchester, UK. Behavioural Science Research Lead for the NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre. Past Chair of the British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology. Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. Associate Editor, Psychology and Health (2008-present). Co-lead of the BPS COVID-19 Research Priorities Group (2020–21). Invited member of the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce |
Type of Document | Authors, Title and Link | Date Started | Date Published | Days to Publish (Incl. Weekend) | N of Experts | N of Meetings | N of Drafts Incl. Production |
Guidance [10] | Chater et al., (2020).Behavioural science and disease prevention: Psychological guidance. https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Behavioural%20science%20and%20disease%20prevention%20-%20Psychological%20guidance%20for%20optimising%20policies%20and%20communication.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 29-03-20 | 14-04-20 | 16 | 13 | 2 | 7 |
Evidence synthesis [24] | Thorneloe et al., (2020).Scoping review of mobile phone app uptake and engagement to inform digital contact tracing tools for COVID-19.https://psyarxiv.com/qe9b6/ (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 21-04-20 | 25-04-20 (preprint) | 4 | 17 | 6 | 2 |
Guidance [25] | Arden et al., (2020).Behavioural science and success of the proposed UK digital contact tracing application for Covid-19. https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Behavioural%20science%20-%20digital%20contact%20tracing%20for%20Covid-19.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 15-05-20 | 04-06-20 | 20 | 15 | 2 | 5 |
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Guidance [30] | Arden et al., (2020).Encouraging self-isolation to prevent the spread of COVID-19. https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Encouraging%20self-isolation%20to%20prevent%20the%20spread%20of%20Covid-19.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 04-06-20 | 07-09-20 | 95 | 16 | 9 | 11 |
Guidance [31] | Byrne-Davis, et al., (2020a).Encouraging hand hygiene in the community.https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Encouraging%20hand%20hygiene%20in%20the%20community.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 26-06-20 | 24-07-20 | 28 | 18 | 4 | 11 |
Guidance [32] | Byrne-Davis, et al., (2020b).The Psychology of Hand Washing. https://www.bps.org.uk/coronavirus-resources/public/handwashing (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 01-07-20 | 06-08-20 | 36 | 18 | 6 | 6 |
Guidance [33] | Chater, Abdin, Dryden, et al., (2020).COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Physical Activity.https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20%E2%80%93%20Physical%20activity.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 28-05-20 | 27-10-20 | 155 (linked series) | 19 | 2 | 10 |
Guidance [34] | Chater, Abdin, Shorter, et al., (2020).COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Sedentary Behaviour.https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20-%20Sedentary%20behaviour.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 28-05-20 | 27-10-20 | 155 (linked series) | 18 | 2 | 10 |
Guidance [35] | Whittaker, et al., (2020).COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Eating Behaviour. https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20-%20Eating%20behaviour.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 28-05-20 | 27-10-20 | 155 (linked series) | 18 | 2 | 10 |
Guidance [36] | Knowles, et al., (2020).COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Stopping Smoking. https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20-%20Stopping%20smoking.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 28-05-20 | 27-10-20 | 155 (linked series) | 18 | 2 | 10 |
Guidance [37] | Shorter, et al., (2020).COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Alcohol Consumption. https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20-%20Alcohol%20consumption.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 28-05-20 | 27-10-20 | 155 (linked series) | 19 | 3 | 10 |
Guidance [38] | Jenkinson, et al., (2020).COVID-19 Public Health Road Map: Sleep Hygiene. https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Covid-19%20Public%20Health%20Road%20Map%20-%20Sleep%20hygiene.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 28-05-20 | 27-10-20 | 155 (linked series) | 18 | 3 | 10 |
Interim evaluation [2] | Chater et al., (2020). Health psychology, behavioural science, and Covid-19 disease prevention. Health Psychology Update, 29 SI, 3-9 | 23-06-20 | 19-07-20 | 26 | 15 | 3 | 3 |
Guidance [11] | Epton et al., (2020).Delivering effective public health campaigns during COVID-19. https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Delivering%20effective%20public%20health%20campaigns%20during%20Covid-19.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 21-09-20 | 17-11-20 | 57 | 19 | 3 | 10 |
Guidance [39] | Arden et al., (2021).Guidance following first vaccination dose. https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Guidance%20following%20your%20first%20vaccination%20dose.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 10-02-21 | 01-03-21 | 19 | 15 | 2 | 7 |
Guidance [40] | Epton et al., (2021).Optimising vaccination uptake for COVID-19 https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Optimising%20vaccine%20uptake.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 04-02-21 | 01-04-21 | 56 | 17 | 2 | 7 |
Guidance/Briefing [41] | McBride et al., (2021).Behavioural science investment needed to mitigate long-term health impacts of COVID-19 https://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Behavioural%20Science%20Investment%20Needed%20to%20Mitigate%20the%20Long-Term%20Health%20Impacts%20of%20Covid-19.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 11-01-21 | 16-06-21 | 156 | 15 | 5 | 4 |
Evidence synthesis [42] | Epton et al. (2021). Systematic review of interventions to promote the performance of physical distancing behaviours during pandemics/epidemics of infectious diseases spread via aerosols or droplets. https://psyarxiv.com/rn4vb/ (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 15-01-21 | 13-06-21 | 149 | 30 | 5 | 3 |
Guidance [43] | Hart et al., (2021).Optimising physical distancing o reduce the spread of Covid-19: Behavioural science and disease prevention guidance for public healthhttps://www.bps.org.uk/sites/www.bps.org.uk/files/Policy/Policy%20-%20Files/Optimising%20physical%20distancing%20to%20reduce%20the%20spread%20of%20Covid-19.pdf (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 19-05-21 | 02-08-21 | 6 | 16 | 4 | 7 |
Guidance/Thought piece [44] | Drury et al., (2021). The psychology of ‘Freedom Day’: How did the public behave https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/psychology-freedom-day (accessed on 13 August 2021) | 04-08-21 | 09-08-21 | 5 | 15 | 1 | 3 |
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Chater, A.M.; Shorter, G.W.; Swanson, V.; Kamal, A.; Epton, T.; Arden, M.A.; Hart, J.; Byrne-Davis, L.M.T.; Drury, J.; Whittaker, E.; et al. Template for Rapid Iterative Consensus of Experts (TRICE). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 10255. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910255
Chater AM, Shorter GW, Swanson V, Kamal A, Epton T, Arden MA, Hart J, Byrne-Davis LMT, Drury J, Whittaker E, et al. Template for Rapid Iterative Consensus of Experts (TRICE). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(19):10255. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910255
Chicago/Turabian StyleChater, Angel M., Gillian W. Shorter, Vivien Swanson, Atiya Kamal, Tracy Epton, Madelynne A. Arden, Jo Hart, Lucie M. T. Byrne-Davis, John Drury, Ellie Whittaker, and et al. 2021. "Template for Rapid Iterative Consensus of Experts (TRICE)" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 19: 10255. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910255
APA StyleChater, A. M., Shorter, G. W., Swanson, V., Kamal, A., Epton, T., Arden, M. A., Hart, J., Byrne-Davis, L. M. T., Drury, J., Whittaker, E., Lewis, L. J. M., McBride, E., Chadwick, P., O’Connor, D. B., & Armitage, C. J. (2021). Template for Rapid Iterative Consensus of Experts (TRICE). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 10255. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910255