Woman, Mother, Wet Nurse: Engine of Child Health Promotion in the Spanish Monarchy (1850–1910)
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Search Strategy
2.3. Review Process
2.4. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. The Rise of the Northern Wet Nurses
3.2. Physical and Moral Characteristics of Northern Wet Nurses
3.3. Origin of the Monarchical Wet Nurse
3.4. Legislation and Regulation of the Job of the Wet Nurse
3.5. Wet Nurse’s Costume: A Social Expression of Wealth
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Dialectical structural model of care | DSMC |
Functional unit | UF |
Functional framework | MF |
Functional element | EF |
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Legislation | Period | Observations |
Royal Jurisdiction of Castilla | 1252–1255 | Abandonment of children was punished. A person who let a child die for not feeding him was sentenced to death. |
“Partidas” “Novísima Recopilación” | 1805 | They reported on how to raise children. Prevents the way to proceed in cases of orphanhood. |
General Benefit Regulations | 27 December 1821 Art. 58–61 | Opening of a maternity home for breastfeeding. Two work periods for the wet nurses are established: two years of lactation and subsequent raising. |
Law of 23 January 1822 | Title III. Arts.41 y 50–70 | Regulation of the living conditions of orphaned children in Charity establishments. |
Law of 20 June 1848 | 1848 | Protection of foundlings, orphans and the homeless |
Regulations of 9 March 1862 | 1862 | General conditions that must have the external wet nurses in Alicante. |
Law of 12 August 1904 | 1904 | It extended its protection to all children under the age of ten, and the Higher Council for Children with Provincial and Local Boards was created as a regulatory body. |
Regulation 24 January 1908 | 1908 | |
Regulation 24 January 1908 | 1908 |
Database | Search Strategy | Limits | Points Extracted | Reference |
Pubmed Cochrane CINHAL Scopus Google Scholar Books | breastfeeding AND human milk human lactation AND breastfeeding breastfeeding OR human milk breastfeeding AND human lactation infant mortality AND child survival Intercultural care AND society historical research AND society breastfeeding OR health promotion wet nursing and breastfeeding nurse AND wet nursing infant care OR child survival | Title Article English/Spanish | Origin Start of the selection process Privileges of the royal wet nurses | [28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36] |
Wet nurse selection process Wet nurse’s salary | [37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46] | |||
Origin of the monarchical wet nurse | [47,48] | |||
Legislation | [49,50,51,52,53] | |||
Wet nurse’s costume (wealth) | [54] |
Author(s) | Type of Document/Study Year | Purpose | Characteristics | Results |
Siles-Gonzalez et al. [24] | Book 2016 | Educational Anthropology of Care | Ethnography and ethnology Context: interpretative paradigm | Culture Customs Society |
Barona, J.L. et al. [28] | Book 2008 | Spanish society’s health | Start of the selection process | Nutrition Infant feeding Breastfeeding |
Gustavo, C. [30] | Book 1999 | The costume in Cantabria (Santander) | Pasiega wet nurse’s clothes | White color: wealth Different dress: urban/rural area Gifts Jewelry: good work Added: white clothing accessories |
Gacho Santamaría, M.A. [31] | Journal (1995) | Doctors and wet nurses of the Spanish Court (1625–1830) | Names of physician-surgeons and wet nursing | Start of the selection process |
Gil, J.M.F. [32] | Journal (1995) | Wet nurses Peasant women in the city | The upper social classes hired wet nurses to breastfeed the infant | Privileges of the royal wet nurses |
Cortés Echanove. [33] | Book (1958) | Birth and upbringing of real people in the court of Spain | Contact of the monarchy with the town councils and districts, which oversaw notifying the future wet nurses | Women with more than one child; Important figure of Spanish royalty |
Buldain, B. [34] | Book (1958) | Contemporary History of Spain, 1808–1923 | Good family health (woman, man, children) | Social perspective era: predominant functional unit |
Espasa, H.d.J. [35] | Book (1958) | Universal Illustrated European-American Encyclopedia | Amount of hair Skin infections Digestive disorders Appropriate age of wet nurses | Anatomical and physical features a wet nurse |
A.C.d. [36] | Notebook (1889) | Wet nurse’s notebook | Notebook, where the contracts and dismissals of the different families in which they worked were sealed | Possession of the notebook was mandatory for performing wet nurse’s work |
Aguilar Cordero, M. [37] | Book (2005) | Breastfeeding | Ruggedness, loose clothes | Assessment test: vigorous, no breathing problems |
Iberti, J. [38] | Manual (1789) | Artificial method of raising newborn children and giving them a good physical education | Associated features witchcraft | First moments attention child; Breeding mothers Exercise of the wet nurse |
Siles, J. et al. [39] | Journal (1998) | The biological link in the history of health care, the case of wet nurses: An anthropological view of nursing | Arrival: medical contingency for oral transmission: priest, neighbors; Official mother’s document Official Certification | Number of the wet-nurse’s children with whom she lived, when her last child was born, her work, and her husband’s one, vaccination card, proof of good health, milk analysis, and good morals |
Junceda Avello, E. [40] | Book (1995) | Gynecology and intimate life of the queens of Spain | Checking the quality of the milk Quota for finding a wet nurse | Rich in sugars, fats- Milk quality assessment equipment |
Toquero Sandoval, C. [41] | Manual (1617) | Rules for choosing wet nurses and milk | Wet nurses with at least two children The children must breastfeed for at least two months | Exclusion for defects |
Zabía Lasala, M.P. [42] | Dictionary (1999) | Dictionary of Juan Alonso and the Ruyzes de Fontecha | Milk quality testing equipment Reasons to hire a wet nurse | Scales of the time; Delegating breastfeeding to wet nurses; It was believed that breastfeeding shortened the life of the biological mother and worsened her health |
Amezcua, M. [43] | Journal (2000) | The esthetics of the wet nurses | Wet nurse selection process Wet nurse’s salary | Difficulties of the first-time wet nurse: poorer quality milk |
Sarasúa, C. [44] | Journal (1994) | Domestic service in the formation of the Madrid job market, 1758–1868 | Economic retribution and lifetime pay | Christian morality, values and correct customs |
Fildes, V. [45] | Book (1986) | Breasts, bottles, and babies—a history of infant feeding | Wet nurse selection process Wet nurse’s salary | Improvement of the economic situation of the family |
Pérez, T.G. [46] | Journal (2012) | Study of the role of the pasiega wet nurse in Spanish in the 19th and early 20th centuries | Symbology of clothing Sociocultural changes | Black and white dress, wet nurse; Improves the health of real infants Increased survival of wet nurse’s children |
Castells, I. [47] | Book (2003) | Origins of liberalism; University, politics, economy | Origin of the monarchical wet nurse | Political reforms; Health Promotion |
Soler, E. [48] | Book (2010) | Milk brothers and social mobility; The pasiega wet nurse; Families | Refusal to breastfeed by biological mother Relationship: rural/urban woman | Lack of knowledge about breastfeeding Gifts to wet nurse for milk quality: Objectivity of good breastfeeding: teething |
Orzes, M.d.C.C. [50] | Journal (2007) | Nurses and mercenary breastfeeding in Spain during the first third of the 20th century | Health problems of the biological mother | Medical disorders (mastitis) |
Salazar-Agulló, M. [51] | Book (2009) | Mother and childcare and gender issues in the program “At the Service of Spain and the Spanish Child” (1938–1963) | Individual wet nurse’s notebook reviewed by inspector | Change of address |
Scott, J. [52] | Journal (1993) | The working woman in the 19th century; Women’s History 1993 | Wet nurses’ agency: good health good milk quality, | Essential requirements for hiring |
Martín, A.M.R. [53] | Journal (2008) | The destiny of the children of the orphanage of Pontevedra, 1872–1903 | Nurse hiring management: multidisciplinary group | Mayor, pastor, Doctor |
Date of Birth | Name of the Children | Physician | Wet Nurse | Husband | Place of Origin |
12 July 1850 | Male: dies at birth due to childbirth problems | Pedro Castelló Marqués José Figuer y Cubero Doctor Pedro Gilly | Francisca Guadalupe María Pelayo Agustina de Larrañaga y Olave | Miguel González de Villegas Pedro Herrero Juan Bautista de Zabaleta | Valle de Toranzo (Santander) |
20 December 1851 | Mª Isabel Francisca de Asís | Jaime Drumen Dionisio Solís Francisco Alonso Rubio Francisco Alarcos | María Sabatés de Plavevall (retén) Nobody was chosen Cecilia Pastor (wet nurse chosen) Vicenta Valenciaga (2nd wet nurse) | Unknown — Facundo Montes Teodoro Celada | Vich (Barcelona) Santander, Navarra y Zaragoza Turégano (Segovia) Vasongadas |
5 January 1854 | Infanta Cristina (she died on 7 January 1854) | Alonso Rubio | Celestina de Diego (urgent choice for breastfeeding problem) | Dionisio Gómez | Valle del Pas |
11 November 1857 | Alfonso XII | Francisco Alonso Rubio Francisco Antoño Alarcós | María Gómez Josefa Ruíz Oria (2nd wet nurse) | Juan Mantecón Antonio Ruiz Navedas | Valle del Pas Valle del Pas |
26 December 1859 | Mª Concepción Francisca of Asís (she died before 2 years old) | Francisco Alonso Rubio Francisco Antoño Alarcós | Manuela Oria Ruiz Petra Arroyo (2nd wet nurse) | Agustín Gómez Ambrosio Vivar | Santander Burgos |
4 June 1861 | Mª Pilar Berengüela | Don Bruno Agüera | Juliana Revilla Araus (wet nurse chosen) Úrsula Leonor (2nd wet nurse) Manuela Cobo (wet nurse chosen) | Víctor Revilla González Unknown Unknown | Villamayor de los Montes (Burgos) Cabañas de Juarros (Burgos) San Roque de Rio Miera (Santander) |
23 June 1862 | Infanta Doña María de la Paz | Don Bruno Agüera | Cecilia García (2nd wet nurse) Andrea Aragón (wet nurse chosen) | Unknown Unknown | Cabañas de Juarros (Burgos) Carazo (Burgos) |
12 February 1864 | Doña Eulalia de Borbón | Don Manuel Izquierda | Lorenza García (2nd wet nurse) | Tomás Alonso | Carcero de Bureda (Burgos) |
14 February 1866 | Francisco de Asís Leopoldo (died within hours of birth) | - | - | - | - |
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Share and Cite
Siles-González, J.; Romera-Álvarez, L.; Dios-Aguado, M.; Ugarte-Gurrutxaga, M.I.; Gómez-Cantarino, S. Woman, Mother, Wet Nurse: Engine of Child Health Promotion in the Spanish Monarchy (1850–1910). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 9005. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17239005
Siles-González J, Romera-Álvarez L, Dios-Aguado M, Ugarte-Gurrutxaga MI, Gómez-Cantarino S. Woman, Mother, Wet Nurse: Engine of Child Health Promotion in the Spanish Monarchy (1850–1910). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(23):9005. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17239005
Chicago/Turabian StyleSiles-González, José, Laura Romera-Álvarez, Mercedes Dios-Aguado, Mª. Idioia Ugarte-Gurrutxaga, and Sagrario Gómez-Cantarino. 2020. "Woman, Mother, Wet Nurse: Engine of Child Health Promotion in the Spanish Monarchy (1850–1910)" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 23: 9005. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17239005