The Loyalty of Tourism in Synagogues: The Special Case of the Synagogue of Córdoba
:1. Introduction
2. Synagogues and Heritage Tourism
3. Theoretical Foundation: Expected and Perceived Quality, Perceived Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty
4. Hypothesis
5. Methodology
5.1. Data Collection and Sampling
5.2. Measures and Methodology
6. Results
7. Discussion
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Reference | Dimension | Indicators |
[77,97,98,99] | Expectations (EQ) | (EXP3) Degree of mass tourism in the city (EXP8) Safety in general (EXP10 Safety in the synagogue’s surroundings (EXP13 Prestige of the Synagogue (EXP16) Accommodation on offer in the city |
[62,100,101] | Satisfaction (S) | (S3) Service received from Synagogue workers (S5) Price for visiting the Synagogue (S7) Degree of satisfaction for additional services |
[67,72,76,81,102,103] | Loyalty (L) | (R1) I would recommend friends and family to visit Córdoba (R2) I will return to visit Córdoba during next holidays (R3) I will return to visit Córdoba soon |
[61,79,80,104,105,106,107] | Perceived quality (PQ) | (CAL18) Dining offer in the Synagogue surroundings (CAL17) Travel offer to reach the city (CAL16) Safety in the Synagogue surroundings (CAL9) Information and signposting (CAL19) Accommodation offer in the Synagogue surroundings (CAL8) Time waiting to enter the Synagogue (CAL3) Hospitality/Service (CAL12) Information and signposting on reaching the Synagogue |
[61,88,101] | Perceived value (PV) | (CP16) Accommodation offer in the city (CP18) Dining offer in the Synagogue surroundings (CP7) Preservation of the Synagogue (CP6) Prestige of the Synagogue |
Latent Variable | Observed Variable | Standardized Coefficient |
Expected Quality | EXP3 Degree of mass tourism in the city | 0.333 |
EXP8 Safety in general | 0.421 | |
EXP10 Safety in the synagogue’s surroundings | 0.564 | |
EXP13 Prestige of the Synagogue | 0.633 | |
EXP16 Accommodation on offer in the city | 0.680 | |
Perceived Quality | CAL18 Dining offer in the Synagogue surroundings | 0.657 |
CAL17 Travel offer to reach the city | 0.6 | |
CAL16 Safety in the Synagogue surroundings | 0.476 | |
CAL9 Information and signposting | 0.612 | |
CAL19 Accommodation offer in the Synagogue surroundings | 0.675 | |
CAL8 Time waiting to enter the Synagogue | 0.614 | |
CAL3 Hospitality/Service | 0.423 | |
CAL12 Information and signposting on reaching the Synagogue | 0.328 | |
Perceived Value | CP16 Accommodation offer in the city | 0.239 |
CP18 Dining offer in the Synagogue surroundings | 0.671 | |
CP7 Preservation of the Synagogue | 0.548 | |
CP6 Prestige of the Synagogue | 0.639 | |
Satisfaction | S3 Service received from Synagogue workers | 0.585 |
S5 Price for visiting the Synagogue | 0.587 | |
S7 Degree of satisfaction for additional services | 0.639 | |
Loyalty | R1 I would recommend friends and family to visit Córdoba | 0.513 |
R2 I will return to visit Córdoba during next holidays | 0.646 | |
R3 I will return to visit Córdoba soon | 0.657 |
Hypothesis | Latent Variable | Latent Variable | Standardized Coefficient | p Value |
H1 | Expected quality | Perceived value | 0.759 | 0.000 |
H2 | Expected quality | Perceived quality | 1.015 | 0.000 |
H3 | Perceived quality | Satisfaction | 0.468 | 0.010 |
H4 | Perceived value | Satisfaction | 0.451 | 0.016 |
H5 | Satisfaction | Loyalty | 0.653 | 0.001 |
Fit of the Model | Value |
Measures of Absolute Fit | |
Chi-square/DF | 0.932 |
GFI | 0.896 |
RMSEA | 0.001 |
RMR | 0.069 |
Measures of Incremental Fit | |
AGFI | 0.858 |
Measures of Parsimonious Fit | |
PNFI | 0.685 |
PCFI | 0.798 |
Latent Variable Index (IVL) | Likert Scale | Percentage |
Expected Quality Index | 5392 | 77.04% |
Perceived Quality Index | 6166 | 88.09% |
Perceived Value Index | 5603 | 80.05% |
Satisfaction Index | 5502 | 78.60% |
Loyalty Index | 4602 | 65.74% |
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Share and Cite
Jimber del Río, J.A.; Hernández-Rojas, R.D.; Navajas-Romero, V.; Hidalgo-Fernández, A. The Loyalty of Tourism in Synagogues: The Special Case of the Synagogue of Córdoba. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 4212.
Jimber del Río JA, Hernández-Rojas RD, Navajas-Romero V, Hidalgo-Fernández A. The Loyalty of Tourism in Synagogues: The Special Case of the Synagogue of Córdoba. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(12):4212.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJimber del Río, Juan Antonio, Ricardo David Hernández-Rojas, Virginia Navajas-Romero, and Amalia Hidalgo-Fernández. 2020. "The Loyalty of Tourism in Synagogues: The Special Case of the Synagogue of Córdoba" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 12: 4212.