Smoking Status and the Five-Factor Model of Personality: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in Poland
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sampling
2.2. Measures
2.2.1. Personality Assessment
2.2.2. Assessment of Smoking Behavior
2.3. Participants
2.4. Statistical Analyses
2.5. Ethical Approval
3. Results
Personality Traits
4. Discussion
Strengths and Limitations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Never Smokers (n = 294) | Former Smokers (n = 277) | Current Smokers (n = 333) | |
Gender * | |||
Female (%) | 192 (65.3) | 150 (54.1) | 217 (65.2) |
Male (%) | 102 (34.7) | 127 (45.9) | 116 (34.8) |
Age: in years (M ± SD) * | 43.5 ± 11.18 | 48.1 ± 10.34 | 45.4 ± 10.19 |
Age range | 19–84 | 22–69 | 20–75 |
Education * | |||
Basic and Vocational (%) | 28 (9.6) | 56 (20.2) | 74 (22.2) |
Secondary (%) | 101 (34.4) | 111 (40) | 146 (43.8) |
Higher (%) | 164 (56) | 110 (39.8) | 113 (33.9) |
NEO-PI-R Scales | Never Smokers n = 294 | Former Smokers n = 277 | Current Smokers n = 333 | ||||
M | SD | M | SD | M | SD | p | |
Neuroticism | 50.40 | 10.31 | 49.51 | 9.58 | 50.05 | 10.06 | ns |
Extraversion | 48.98 | 10.56 | 50.14 | 9.41 | 50.77 | 9.90 | 0.026 a |
Openness | 50.77 | 9.88 | 49.47 | 10.33 | 49.75 | 9.77 | ns |
Agreeableness | 50.36 | 10.57 | 49.77 | 9.23 | 49.87 | 10.10 | ns |
Conscientiousness | 50.55 | 9.58 | 50.52 | 10.19 | 49.08 | 10.15 | ns |
N1: Anxiety | 50.41 | 9.82 | 49.68 | 9.75 | 49.90 | 10.35 | ns |
N2: Angry Hostility | 49.80 | 10.38 | 49.58 | 9.85 | 50.51 | 9.76 | ns |
N3: Depression | 50.44 | 10.36 | 49.76 | 9.77 | 49.80 | 9.85 | ns |
N4: Self-consciousness | 51.23 | 10.43 | 49.50 | 9.50 | 49.30 | 9.93 | <0.05 a,b |
N5: Impulsiveness | 49.64 | 9.73 | 49.94 | 10.04 | 50.35 | 10.19 | ns |
N6: Vulnerability | 50.49 | 10.25 | 49.38 | 9.67 | 50.07 | 10.02 | ns |
E1: Warmth | 50.30 | 10.51 | 50.05 | 9.15 | 49.68 | 10.21 | ns |
E2: Gregariousness | 49.78 | 10.02 | 49.56 | 9.66 | 50.55 | 10.24 | ns |
E3: Assertiveness | 49.37 | 10.76 | 50.48 | 9.40 | 50.14 | 9.75 | ns |
E4: Activity | 48.78 | 9.81 | 50.30 | 9.53 | 50.83 | 10.44 | 0.01 a |
E5: Excitement-Seeking | 48.87 | 10.15 | 49.44 | 9.37 | 51.47 | 10.21 | <0.02 a,c |
E6: Positive Emotions | 49.73 | 10.26 | 49.56 | 9.68 | 50.60 | 10.00 | ns |
O1: Fantasy | 50.50 | 10.56 | 49.61 | 9.69 | 49.87 | 9.72 | ns |
O2: Aesthetics | 50.76 | 9.53 | 50.01 | 9.94 | 49.30 | 10.40 | ns |
O3: Feelings | 50.44 | 9.95 | 49.98 | 10.31 | 49.62 | 9.76 | ns |
O4: Actions | 49.80 | 10.07 | 49.68 | 9.99 | 50.43 | 9.92 | ns |
O5: Ideas | 50.80 | 10.13 | 49.49 | 9.51 | 49.71 | 10.24 | ns |
O6: Values | 50.08 | 9.82 | 49.33 | 10.12 | 50.48 | 10.03 | ns |
A1: Trust | 49.98 | 9.98 | 50.27 | 9.21 | 49.78 | 10.63 | ns |
A2: Straightforwardness | 50.46 | 9.81 | 50.28 | 9.43 | 49.35 | 10.58 | ns |
A3: Altruism | 50.35 | 10.50 | 50.02 | 9.18 | 49.66 | 10.19 | ns |
A4: Compliance | 51.36 | 10.06 | 49.09 | 9.23 | 49.55 | 10.44 | <0.03 a,b |
A5: Modesty | 49.27 | 10.46 | 50.18 | 9.47 | 50.49 | 9.98 | ns |
A6: Tender-mindedness | 49.66 | 10.18 | 50.14 | 9.36 | 50.17 | 10.34 | ns |
C1: Competence | 50.09 | 9.93 | 50.52 | 9.81 | 49.48 | 10.19 | ns |
C2: Order | 50.42 | 9.77 | 50.47 | 9.67 | 49.23 | 10.41 | ns |
C3: Dutifulness | 50.43 | 10.03 | 50.71 | 9.85 | 49.02 | 10.03 | 0.04 c |
C4: Achievement Striving | 50.16 | 10.00 | 50.02 | 10.33 | 49.83 | 9.71 | ns |
C5: Self-Discipline | 49.44 | 9.92 | 50.40 | 10.31 | 50.14 | 9.78 | ns |
C6: Deliberation | 51.56 | 9.23 | 50.33 | 9.99 | 48.35 | 10.41 | <0.02 a |
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Share and Cite
Buczkowski, K.; Basinska, M.A.; Ratajska, A.; Lewandowska, K.; Luszkiewicz, D.; Sieminska, A. Smoking Status and the Five-Factor Model of Personality: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in Poland. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 126.
Buczkowski K, Basinska MA, Ratajska A, Lewandowska K, Luszkiewicz D, Sieminska A. Smoking Status and the Five-Factor Model of Personality: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in Poland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017; 14(2):126.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBuczkowski, Krzysztof, Małgorzata A. Basinska, Anna Ratajska, Katarzyna Lewandowska, Dorota Luszkiewicz, and Alicja Sieminska. 2017. "Smoking Status and the Five-Factor Model of Personality: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in Poland" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, no. 2: 126.
APA StyleBuczkowski, K., Basinska, M. A., Ratajska, A., Lewandowska, K., Luszkiewicz, D., & Sieminska, A. (2017). Smoking Status and the Five-Factor Model of Personality: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in Poland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(2), 126.