Robot System Assistant (RoSA): Towards Intuitive Multi-Modal and Multi-Device Human-Robot Interaction
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Framework Overview
3.1. Concept
3.2. Features
4. System Setup
4.1. Hardware
4.2. Middleware
5. Modules
5.1. Scene Module
5.1.1. Skeleton
5.1.2. Spot
5.1.3. Visual Feedback
5.1.4. User
5.2. Robot Module
- Abort: Motion is aborted;
- Home: Robot goes to initial position;
- Sleep: Robot goes to idling position;
- Toggle gripper: Opens or closes the gripper;
- Greet: Robot performs nodding motion.
5.3. Cubes Module
5.3.1. Physical Cube
5.3.2. Cube Detection
5.3.3. Cube Logic
Src. | { | letter | [], | color | [], | position | [0,0,-1] | } |
Dst. | { | letter | [], | color | [], | position | [12,12,1] | }. |
Src. | { | letter | "A", | color | "black", | position | [4,8,1] | } |
Dst. | { | letter | "B", | color | [], | position | [6,10,2] | }. |
5.4. Face Module
5.4.1. Detection Part
5.4.2. Recognition Part
5.5. Attention Module
5.6. Gesture Module
5.7. Speech Module
5.7.1. Wake-Word Detection
5.7.2. Voice Activity Detection (VAD)
5.7.3. Speech-to-Text (STT)
5.7.4. Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
Src. | { | letter | "A", | color | "white" | position | [] | } |
Dst. | { | letter | [], | color | [], | position | [0,0,99] | }. |
Src. | { | letter | "A", | color | "black", | position | [] | } |
Dst. | { | letter | "spot", | color | [], | position | [] | }. |
Src. | { | letter | "spot", | color | [], | position | [] | } |
Dst. | { | letter | [], | color | [], | position | [0,0,99] | }. |
5.7.5. Text-to-Speech (TTS)
- Audio Pitch: Determines the pitch (relative height or depth) of the speech synthesis.
- Include sentence boundary metadata: Determines whether sentence boundary metadata is added to a SpeechSynthesisStream object.
- Punctuation silence: Length of silence added after punctuation in SpeechSynthesis before another utterance begins.
- Speech rate: Sets the tempo, including pauses of the speech synthesis.
5.8. Interaction Module
5.8.1. WS1: Cubes and Cobot
5.8.2. WS2: Registration
6. Experimental Studies
- Informed consent;
- WS2: Registration and collection of sociodemographic data;
- WS1: Collaborative tasks with robot;
- Have RoSA give you a block.
- Spell a specific word with alternating color of blocks.
- Build a 3-2-1-Pyramid with black-white-black layers.
- WS2: Questionnaires;
- WS1: Benchmark: Data collection for module assessment.
7. Results
7.1. Time
7.2. Questionnaires
7.3. Modules
7.4. Speech Module Evaluation
7.5. Gesture Module Evaluation
8. Discussion
8.1. Efficiency
8.2. Usability
8.3. Modules
9. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Stream | Feature | Description | Methods |
Face | Face embedding Facial expression Face box Face center Facial landmark No. detected faces Face Id | 512 features 7 features 4 features for each (in pixels) 1 features for each (in pixels) 5 features for each (in pixels) 1 feature 1 feature | ArcFace [23] Residual Masking Network [24] RetinaFace [25] post processed RetinaFace [25] post processed post processed (cosine similarity) |
Head | Head angles | 3 features [yaw, pitch, roll] (in degrees) | Im2pose [25] |
Gaze | Gaze direction Attention visual | 2 features [yaw, pitch] (in degrees) 1 feature | Gaze360 [25] post processed |
Speech | Wakeword Voice Activity Detection Speech-to-text Natural Language Processing | 1 feature 1 feature n features ∈“spoken text” 2 features ∈ [intent, entity] | Piccovoice [26] Deepspeech [27] WebRCT [28] RASA [29] |
Distance | 3D head position Face distance | 3 features [x, y, z] 1 feature (in meter) | post processing using kinect post processed |
Gesture | Hand Pose | 4 Features (Open, Closed, Finger, None) | Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 |
Body | Body Joints | 26 Features [x, y, z] | Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 |
Object | Cube Location | 4 Features (Letter, Color, Bounding Box, Angle) | CubeDetector [30] |
Variables | Fastest | Slowest | Mean |
Task 1 | 00:00:16 | 00:04:30 | 00:01:21 |
Task 2 | 00:02:51 | 00:26:36 | 00:12:56 |
Task 3 | 00:02:36 | 00:36:39 | 00:11:06 |
Total | 00:06:07 | 01:07:24 | 00:25:20 |
Variablen | SUS [55] | UMUX [56] | PSSUQ [57] | ASQ [58] |
Answer Range | 1–5 | 1–7 | 1–7, NA | 1–7, NA |
Score Range | 0–100 | 0–100 | 1–7 | 1–7 |
No. of Questions | 10 | 4 | 16 | 3 |
Normalized Score | 72.27 | 57.57 | 62.90 | 64.06 |
Total Avg. Score: 64.2 |
Variables | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 | Total |
Results | 00:01:21 | 00:12:56 | 00:11:06 | 00:25:20 |
WoZ study [6] | 00:01:46 | 00:07:57 | 00:09:52 | 00:19:35 |
Deviation | 00:00:25 | −00:04:59 | −00:01:08 | −00:05:45 |
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Share and Cite
Strazdas, D.; Hintz, J.; Khalifa, A.; Abdelrahman, A.A.; Hempel, T.; Al-Hamadi, A. Robot System Assistant (RoSA): Towards Intuitive Multi-Modal and Multi-Device Human-Robot Interaction. Sensors 2022, 22, 923.
Strazdas D, Hintz J, Khalifa A, Abdelrahman AA, Hempel T, Al-Hamadi A. Robot System Assistant (RoSA): Towards Intuitive Multi-Modal and Multi-Device Human-Robot Interaction. Sensors. 2022; 22(3):923.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStrazdas, Dominykas, Jan Hintz, Aly Khalifa, Ahmed A. Abdelrahman, Thorsten Hempel, and Ayoub Al-Hamadi. 2022. "Robot System Assistant (RoSA): Towards Intuitive Multi-Modal and Multi-Device Human-Robot Interaction" Sensors 22, no. 3: 923.
APA StyleStrazdas, D., Hintz, J., Khalifa, A., Abdelrahman, A. A., Hempel, T., & Al-Hamadi, A. (2022). Robot System Assistant (RoSA): Towards Intuitive Multi-Modal and Multi-Device Human-Robot Interaction. Sensors, 22(3), 923.