On Power Line Positioning Systems
:1. Introduction
2. Power Line Positioning Systems: Characteristics, Properties and Categories
2.1. Positioning Reference Signals
2.2. Collecting the Features
2.3. Computing the Position Estimate
2.4. System Categories
2.5. PLPS Examples
3. Infra-Less Target-Based (Self) PLPS
3.1. Examples
3.1.1. Autonomous Plugging-In
3.1.2. Autonomous Pearching
3.1.3. AC EMR Fingerprinting Positioning
3.2. Positioning Features
3.3. Sensors to Embark
3.4. Resolving the Position
3.5. Applications
4. Infra-Based Target-Obtuse (Unobtrusive) PLPS
4.1. An Example
4.2. System Model
4.3. Positioning Features
4.4. Resolving the Position
4.5. Applications
5. Infra-Based Target-Based PLPS
5.1. Examples
5.2. System Model
5.3. Positioning Features
5.4. IBTB PLPS Using PLC
5.5. Sensing the PLCWC
5.6. Resolving the Position
5.7. Hybrid PLPS Using PLC Technology
5.7.1. PLC–IPS Using Magnetic Beacons
5.7.2. PLC–Wireless Integration
5.7.3. PLC–VLC Integration
5.8. Applications
6. Some Comments on the Deployment of PLPS and Application Scenarios
6.1. Unobtrusive PLPS Using PLC
6.2. Positioning in Ships
6.3. Underground Mines
6.4. Industry 4.0
6.5. Hybrid and Fusion PLPS
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AC | Alternate Current |
ARIB | Association of Radio Industries and Business |
BB | Broad Band |
BPSK | Binary Phase Shift Keying |
CENELEC | European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization |
CM | Common Mode |
CSI | Channel State Information |
DC | Direct Current |
EMF | Electromagnetic Field |
EMR | Electromagnetic Radiation |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
GPS | Global Positioning Systems |
HPCLWC | Hybrid PLC-Wireless Channel |
HV | High Voltage |
IBTB | Infra-Based Target-Based |
IBTO | Infra-Based Target-Obtuse |
ILTB | Infra-Less Target-Based |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers |
IFFT | Inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
IPS | Indoor Positioning System |
LAN | Local Area Networks |
LC | Locality Classification |
LV | Low Voltage |
OFDM | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing |
MB | Medium Band |
MV | Medium Voltage |
NB | Narrow Band |
PAM | Pulse Amplitude Modulation |
PLC | Power Line Communication |
PLCWC | PLC Wireless Channel |
PLPS | Power Line Positioning System |
QAM | Quadrature Amplitude Modulation |
QPSK | Quadrature Phase Shift Keying |
RF | Radio Frequency |
SLaM | Simultaneous Localization and Mapping |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UNB | Ultra Narrow Band |
VLC | Visible Light Communication |
VLP | Visible Light Positioning |
Appendix A. PLC Categories
Forward Error Correction | Turbo-convolutional coding | Reed–Solomon coding |
Convolutional coding | ||
Concatenated coding | ||
Low-Density Parity-Check convolutional coding (optional) | ||
Primary Modulation | BPSK, QPSK, 8-QAM to | 2-PAM to 16-PAM, 32-PAM (optional) |
1024-QAM, 4096-QAM (optional) | ||
Subchannels (C) | 4096 (917 active) | 512, 1024, 2048 |
Prototype Filter Length (2qC) | – | q = 2, 3, 4 |
Frequency Band | 1.8–50 MHz | 1.8 MHz–28 MHz, 1.8 MHz–50 MHz (optional) |
Symbol Length (μs) | 40.96 | 8.192, 16.384 (optional), 32.768 (optional) |
Appendix A.1. Broadband-PLC
Appendix A.2. Medium-Band-PLC
Appendix A.3. Narrowband-PLC
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Category | Characteristics | Application Scenarios | ||||||
Reference Signals | Sensor Location | Position Computation | Self-Positioning | Unobtrusive | Transparent | |||
Exist | PLC-born | Where | Cooperation | |||||
Infra-less Target-based (ILTB) | No | No | Target | Target | No | Yes | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Infra-based Target-obtuse (IBTO) | Yes | Possible | Infra | Infra | No | No | Yes | Possible |
Infra-based Target-based (IBTB) | Yes | Possible | Target | Infra or Target | Possible | No | No | Yes |
Purpose | Category | Feature Principle | Feature Source | Instrument/Sensor | Reach | Utilization | PLC Band | Ref. |
Robot plugging-in (Self-positioning) | ILTB | EMR | AC carrier, LV | E-filed detector | cm | Outlet detection from the E-field | None | [42] |
Robot plugging-in (Self-positioning) | ILTB | Image processing | Outlet Image | Camera | mm | Outlet alignment using image processing | Not applicable | [42] |
Robot plugging-in (Self-positioning) | ILTB | EMR | AC carrier, LV | Copper foil | cm | Outlet detection detection from the E-field | None | [32] |
Robot plugging-in (Self-positioning) | ILTB | EMR | AC carrier, LV | Ground prong | mm | Outlet alignment detection using the E-field | None | [32] |
UAV perching (Self-positioning) | ILTB | EMR | AC carrier, MV | Magnetometer | cm and m | Relative distance | None | [43,44] |
SLaM (Self-positioning) | ILTB | EMR | AC carrier, LV | Tank circuit and microphone | m | Fingerprint positioning | None | [45] |
Locality classification (Unobtrusive) | IBTO | Body-wiring coupling | 70 MHz carrier | Voltage peak detector | m | Fingerprint positioning | Greater than BB-PLC | [35,46] |
IPS | IBTB | EMR | 30 and 447 kHz carriers | Tank circuit | m | Fingerprint positioning | NB-PLC | [24] |
IPS | IBTB | EMR | 44 carriers (0.447–20 MHz) | Loop antenna of 1 m | m | Fingerprint positioning | MB-PLC BB-PLC | [47] |
IPS | IBTB | Induced voltage | 24, 125, 189 kHz | Coils and resonators | cm and m | Ranging and multilateration | NB-PLC | [48,49,50] |
Eavesdropping | None (IBTB) | EMR | 1–40 MHz band | Loop antennas of 10 and 30 cm | m | Channel response (CSI) | MB-PLC BB-PLC | [51,52] |
Capacity evaluation | None (IBTB) | EMR | 1.7–100 MHz band | Monopole antenna | m | Channel response (CSI) | MB/BB-PLC | [53] |
Capacity evaluation | None (IBTB) | EMR | 10–30 MHz band | Coupled inductors | cm | Channel response (CSI) | BB-PLC | [54] |
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Lovisolo, L.; Cruz-Roldán, F.; Blanco-Velasco, M. On Power Line Positioning Systems. Sensors 2022, 22, 7827. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22207827
Lovisolo L, Cruz-Roldán F, Blanco-Velasco M. On Power Line Positioning Systems. Sensors. 2022; 22(20):7827. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22207827
Chicago/Turabian StyleLovisolo, Lisandro, Fernando Cruz-Roldán, and Manuel Blanco-Velasco. 2022. "On Power Line Positioning Systems" Sensors 22, no. 20: 7827. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22207827
APA StyleLovisolo, L., Cruz-Roldán, F., & Blanco-Velasco, M. (2022). On Power Line Positioning Systems. Sensors, 22(20), 7827. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22207827