Robust Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks for Networked Control Systems
:1. Introduction
- Recent low-power mesh networks provide loss rates in the range of one percent [9,10,11]. Even though the high end-to-end reliability possibly supports the closed-loop control systems of the slow dynamical systems, the control stability not only depends on the reliability, but also the traffic generation interval and delay [1]. The complex interactions of the reliability, delay, and traffic load leads to difficult problems even in simple WNCS scenarios [12]. For instance, the retransmissions improve the reliability at the cost of increasing jitter performance. The jitter is difficult to compensate for, especially, if the delay variability is large in the control systems. Furthermore, outdated packets are not generally useful for critical control applications [13].
- The wireless networks are inherently exposed to network faults such as link and node failures. The network must detect and repair the faults over a lossy network since the control algorithm is not strong enough to guarantee the deterministic robustness of WNCS. In fact, the fundamental problem is due to the node level programming of WSANs since the set of control tasks is associated with the unreliable embedded node [14]. This is one of the key reasons of the lack of robustness in WNCSs.
- Since the computing resources on embedded nodes are limited [1], the calculations necessary to implement the protocol must be computationally light. Furthermore, the protocol should be scalable to the large network since the number of embedded sensors is significantly increasing due to the evolution of the microelectromechanical systems and the computing hardware [1]. Scalability means the efficient load balancing and network resource management to guarantee the network robustness in this paper. In addition, the tractable analytical model of the network is quite useful for the overall control system design.
2. Related Works
3. System Model and Assumption
4. Robust Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network
4.1. Control Stability Requirement
4.2. Hierarchical Cluster-Based Network
4.3. Time and Channel Diversity
4.4. Control Task Share between Cluster Heads
5. Network Resource Management
5.1. Frame Structure
5.1.1. Intra-Cluster Subframe
5.1.2. Inter-Cluster Subframe
5.2. Clustering
5.2.1. Clustering Optimization Problem
5.2.2. Clustering Algorithm
Algorithm 1: Clustering algorithm of GC. |
Input: Clustering weight of plants with vector of size , where Output: Binary decision matrix of size , = Sort () ; // priority index of sorted plant weight in descending order Zero vector of size , ; // cumulative cluster cost of CHs for to do |
5.2.3. Clustering Validation
5.3. Scheduling
Slot Scheduling
Algorithm 2: Scheduling algorithm of CH j. |
Input: where Output: Scheduling vector of plants, ; ; Vector of size , where ; Vector of size , where ; ; // array of plant index of sorted in descending order if any () then |
5.4. Critical Control Task
6. Performance Evaluation
6.1. Effect of Intra-Cluster Failure
6.2. Effect of Inter-Cluster Failure
6.3. Histogram of Delay and Transfer Interval
6.4. Effect of Number of Plants
6.5. Effect of Number of CHs
6.6. Effect of Heterogeneous Plant
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Link Model | Meaning | Value |
Deployed range | 100 m × 100 m | |
Number of plants, | ||
Number of sensors of each plant, | 1 | |
Number of actuators of each plant, | 1 | |
Time slot duration | 10 ms | |
Clustering update interval, | 5 | |
Number of intra-cluster subframe per superframe, | 5 | |
Minimum length of CAP, | 3 slots | |
Threshold to activate additional scheduler , | ||
Channel access probability, | ||
MATI, MAD | 120 slots | |
Homogeneous link | Gain exponent of sensor, | |
Gain exponent of CH, | ||
Gain exponent of GC, | ||
Heterogeneous link | Gain exponent of sensor, | |
Gain exponent of CH, | ||
Gain exponent of GC, | ||
Burst link | Gain exponent of sensor at good state, | |
Gain exponent of sensor at bad state, | ||
Gain exponent of CH at good state, | ||
Gain exponent of CH at bad state, | ||
Gain exponent of GC at good state, | ||
Gain exponent of GC at bad state, | ||
Transitional probability, |
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Park, B.; Nah, J.; Choi, J.-Y.; Yoon, I.-J.; Park, P. Robust Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks for Networked Control Systems. Sensors 2019, 19, 1535.
Park B, Nah J, Choi J-Y, Yoon I-J, Park P. Robust Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks for Networked Control Systems. Sensors. 2019; 19(7):1535.
Chicago/Turabian StylePark, Bongsang, Junghyo Nah, Jang-Young Choi, Ick-Jae Yoon, and Pangun Park. 2019. "Robust Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks for Networked Control Systems" Sensors 19, no. 7: 1535.
APA StylePark, B., Nah, J., Choi, J.-Y., Yoon, I.-J., & Park, P. (2019). Robust Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks for Networked Control Systems. Sensors, 19(7), 1535.