An Approach to Automated Fusion System Design and Adaptation
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
- technical sensor units (e.g., temperature, pressure, humidity sensors),
- multimodal sensor units (e.g., audio-visual camera systems),
- database systems (storing, e.g., past measurements, production plans),
- expert knowledge.
- availability of new sources through sub-system inclusion,
- utilisation of actuators as sensors (such as shared use of data for motion control and condition monitoring),
- exploitation of new data source concepts (e.g., utilisation of consumer-market smartphones for vibration measurements [10]).
2.1. Multilayer Attribute-Based Conflict-Reducing Observation (MACRO)
2.2. System Design and Configuration
3. Automated Fusion System Design
- It is equipped with one or more elementary sensors, memory, and one or more processor units, as well as communication interfaces.
- An intelligent sensor is self-adaptable, i.e., its parameters (measurement range, accuracy, etc.) change with respect to changes in the environment.
- The functionalities of an intelligent sensor are distributed over the following layers:
- –
- The application layer implements signal processing capabilities containing, among others, feature extraction on the basis of raw sensor data as well as SEFU/IFU implementations to generate high-level information.
- –
- The middleware layer abstracts the connectivity layer from the application layer, and includes a self-description that relies on a defined data structure and vocabulary from a shared knowledge base.
- –
- The connectivity layer implements the communication interfaces and fulfils the requirements for intelligent networking (auto-configuration, adaptability, etc.).
- The application’s requirements have to be fulfilled by a proper selection of sensors with respect to the measured quantity, the measurement range, and resolution. A general intelligent sensor according to Definition 5 is suggested that adapts to the actual condition and automatically operates in the optimal configuration. Furthermore, the intelligent sensor includes a self-description for automated fusion system design.
- The system designer should only be assisted in the design process and must remain as the final decision maker. Solutions for the design should, at most, be suggested such that the system designer can choose the most appropriate one.
- Each design of a SEFU/IFU system depends on the specific application. Nevertheless, partial solutions are reusable and should therefore be considered before identifying a completely new SEFU/IFU system design. Consequently, repositories for storage of problem formulations and solutions have to be available that hold information in a defined manner to identify similarities.
- Attributes of the MACRO system or their input signals include descriptive information to automatically generate, update, and destroy the attributes. Hence, available autoconfiguration mechanisms have to be extended by a fusion system design methodology in order to be able to process self-descriptive data that originates from intelligent sensors.
3.1. System Architecture
3.2. Rule-Based Systems
Algorithm 1: Forward Chaining Algorithm |
3.3. Orchestration
- Initialisation of attributes.
- Inference of features.
- Assignment of features to attributes.
3.3.1. Attribute Initialisation
- A Unique Identifier (UID),
- The attribute type (physical, module, quality, functional),
- An associated object,
- A set of physical phenomena ,
- A set of allowed features .
Algorithm 2: Initialisation of Module and Physical Attributes |
- 1.
- A module attribute that represents the module itself (inIT:attributes:press). This attribute consists of empty sets and .
- 2.
- A physical attribute for temperature. This attribute includes the module as an associated object (inIT:modules:press), the set of physical phenomena , and an empty set of suitable features .
3.3.2. Feature Assignment
3.3.3. Attribute Assignment
4. Implementation
4.1. Middleware
4.2. Fusion System Configuration and Adaptation
- The system manager detects available intelligent sensors.
- Semantic information is transferred to the KB.
- Fusion system configuration is automatically carried out.
- The system structure is observed to automatically adapt the fusion system.
4.3. Process Data Communication
5. Evaluation
5.1. Orchestration
5.2. Fusion System Update
5.3. Discussion
6. Conclusions and Outlook
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AutomationML | Automation Markup Language |
DL | Description Logic |
GSD | Generic Station Description |
KB | Knowledge Base |
LDS | Local Discovery Server |
MACRO | Multilayer Attribute-based Conflict-reducing Observation System |
MAS | Multi-Agent System |
OPC UA | Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture |
OWL | Web Ontology Language |
RTE | Real-Time Ethernet |
SAWSDL | Semantic Annotation for Webservices Description Language |
SEFU/IFU | Sensor and Information Fusion |
SensorML | Sensor Model Language |
SWS | Semantic Web Services |
UID | Unique Identifier |
XLink | XML Linking Language |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |
Appendix A. Implementation Specifications
Appendix A.1. Raspberry Pi
Appendix A.2. OPC UA
Appendix A.3. SensorML
Appendix A.4. Profinet Controller/Device Stack
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Characteristic | Occurrence | |
quantity | physical (pressure, temperature, speed, etc.) | non-physical (expert knowledge, manufacturing inventory, production rate, etc.) |
value domain | continuous | discrete |
codomain | binary, multi-valued | |
time domain | continuous | discrete |
sampling | — | equidistant, non-equidistant (including event-triggered) |
Solid Sensor | Physical Phenomenon | Dimensionality | Associated Object |
temperature | 1 | Motor 1 | |
temperature | 1 | Motor 2 | |
current consumption | 1 | Motor 1 | |
current consumption | 1 | Motor 2 | |
solid-borne sound | 1 | Wiping Cylinder | |
contact force | 1 | Wiping Cylinder | |
acoustic | 1 | System |
Algorithm | Type | Physical Phenomena | Input Dimensionality |
mean operator | temperature, current consumption | 1 | |
variance operator | acoustic, solid-borne sound, contact force | 1 |
Intelligent Sensor | Solid Sensors | Algorithms |
Intelligent Sensor 1 | ||
Intelligent Sensor 2 | ∅ | |
Intelligent Sensor 3 |
Feature | Sensor | Algorithm | Algorithm Type | Physical Phenomenon | Associated Object |
mean operator | temperature | Motor 1 | |||
mean operator | temperature | Motor 2 | |||
mean operator | current consumption | Motor 1 | |||
mean operator | current consumption | Motor 2 | |||
variance operator | solid-borne sound | Wiping Cylinder | |||
variance operator | contact force | Wiping Cylinder | |||
variance operator | acoustic | System |
Attribute | Attribute Type | Characteristic | Associated Object | |
physical | temperature | System | ||
physical | current consumption | System | ||
module | Wiping Cylinder | |||
module | Plate Cylinder | |||
functional | running smoothness | System |
Feature | Sensor | Algorithm | Associated Object |
Motor 1 | |||
Motor 2 | |||
Wiping Cylinder | |||
System |
Attribute | Attribute Type | Characteristic | Associated Object | |
physical | temperature | System | ||
functional | running smoothness | System |
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Fritze, A.; Mönks, U.; Holst, C.-A.; Lohweg, V. An Approach to Automated Fusion System Design and Adaptation. Sensors 2017, 17, 601.
Fritze A, Mönks U, Holst C-A, Lohweg V. An Approach to Automated Fusion System Design and Adaptation. Sensors. 2017; 17(3):601.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFritze, Alexander, Uwe Mönks, Christoph-Alexander Holst, and Volker Lohweg. 2017. "An Approach to Automated Fusion System Design and Adaptation" Sensors 17, no. 3: 601.
APA StyleFritze, A., Mönks, U., Holst, C.-A., & Lohweg, V. (2017). An Approach to Automated Fusion System Design and Adaptation. Sensors, 17(3), 601.