Annotated Checklist of the Lichenicolous Fungi of Hungary
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
List of Lichenicolous Fungi
- Abrothallus bertianus De Not., G. bot. ital. 2(1.1): 192 (1846)
- 2.
- Abrothallus caerulescens I. Kotte, Centbl. Bakt. ParasitKde, Abt. II 24: 86 (1909)
- 3.
- *Abrothallus cladoniae R. Sant. & D. Hawksw., in Hawksworth, Notes R. bot. Gdn Edinb. 46(3): 392 (1990)
- 4.
- *Abrothallus microspermus Tul., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3 17: 115 (1852)
- 5.
- Abrothallus parmeliarum (Sommerf.) Arnold, Flora, Regensburg 57: 102 (1874)
- 6.
- *Abrothallus prodiens (Harm.) Diederich & Hafellner, in Diederich, Mycotaxon 37: 300 (1990)
- 7.
- Abrothallus suecicus (Kirschst.) Nordin, Svensk bot. Tidskr. 58: 226 (1964)
- 8.
- Aposphaeria cladoniae Allesch. & Schnabl, in Allescher, Ber. bayer. bot. Ges. 4: 32 (1895)
- 9.
- Arthonia varians (Davies) Nyl., Lich. Scand. (Helsinki): 260 (1861)
- 10.
- Athelia arachnoidea (Berk.) Jülich, Willdenowia, Beih. 7: 53 (1972)
- 11.
- Bilimbia killiasii (Hepp) H. Olivier, Bull. Acad. Intern. Géogr. Bot. 15: 213 (1905)
- 12.
- Bryostigma apotheciorum (A. Massal.) S. Y. Kondr. & Hur, in Kondratyuk et al., Acta bot. hung. 62(1–2): 99 (2020)
- 13.
- *Bryostigma parietinarium (Hafellner & A. Fleischhacker) S. Y. Kondr. and Hur, in Kondratyuk et al., Acta bot. hung. 62(1–2): 100 (2020)
- 14.
- *Bryostigma phaeophysciae (Grube & Matzer) S. Y. Kondr. and Hur, in Kondratyuk et al., Acta bot. hung. 62(1–2): 100 (2020)
- 15.
- Burgoa angulosa Diederich, Lawrey, and Etayo, in Diederich and Lawrey, Mycol. Progr. 6(2): 66 (2007)
- 16.
- *Capronia suijae Tsurykau & Etayo, Lichenologist 49(1): 2 (2017)
- 17.
- Cercidospora epipolytropa (Mudd) Arnold, Flora, Regensburg 57(10): 154 (1874)
- 18.
- Cercidospora macrospora (Uloth) Hafellner & Nav.-Ros., Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region (Tempe) 2: 638 (2004)
- 19.
- Chaenothecopsis pusilla (Ach.) A. F. W. Schmidt, Mitt. Staatsinst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 13: 148 (1970)
- 20.
- Chaenothecopsis pusiola (Ach.) Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 57 (no. 1): 70 (1927)
- 21.
- Chaenothecopsis savonica (Räsänen) Tibell, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 666 (1984)
- 22.
- Chaenothecopsis subparoica (Nyl.) Tibell, in Tibell and Ryman, Nova Hedwigia 60(1–2): 215 (1995)
- 23.
- *Cladoniicola staurospora Diederich, van den Boom, & Aptroot, Belg. J. Bot. 134(2): 128 (2001)
- 24.
- *Clypeococcum hypocenomycis D. Hawksw., Notes R. bot. Gdn Edinb. 38(1): 167 (1980)
- 25.
- Corticifraga fuckelii (Rehm) D. Hawksw. and R. Sant., Bibl. Lichenol. 38: 125 (1990)
- 26.
- *Didymocyrtis cladoniicola (Diederich, Kocourk. & Etayo) Ertz & Diederich, in Ertz et al., Fungal Diversity 74: 67 (2015)
- 27.
- *Didymocyrtis epiphyscia Ertz & Diederich, in Ertz et al., Fungal Diversity 74: 71 (2015)
- 28.
- *Didymocyrtis foliaceiphila (Diederich, Kocourk. & Etayo) Ertz & Diederich, in Ertz et al., Fungal Diversity 74: 73 (2015)
- 29.
- *Didymocyrtis slaptonensis (D. Hawksw.) Hafellner & Ertz, in Ertz et al., Fungal Diversity 74: 80 (2015)
- 30.
- *Epicladonia sandstedei D. Hawksw., Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., Bot. 9(1): 16 (1981)
- 31.
- *Epithamnolia xanthoriae (Brackel) Diederich & Suija, Mycologia 109(6): 896 (2017)
- 32.
- Erythricium aurantiacum (Lasch) D. Hawksw. & A. Henrici, Field Mycology 16(1): 16 (2015) (=Marchandiomyces a.)
- 33.
- Halosporademinuta (Arnold) Tomas. & Cif., Archo. bot. ital. 28: 11 (1952) (=Merismatium deminutum)
- 34.
- Hanseniaspora osmophila (Niehaus) Phaff, M. W. Mill. & Shifrine, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 22: 147 (1956)
- 35.
- *Heterocephalacria bachmannii (Diederich and M. S. Christ.) Millanes & Wedin, in Liu et al., Stud. Mycol. 81: 120 (2015)
- 36.
- *Heterocephalacria physciacearum (Diederich) Millanes & Wedin, in Liu et al., Stud. Mycol. 81: 120 (2015)
- 37.
- Illosporiopsis christiansenii (B. L. Brady & D. Hawksw.) D. Hawksw., in Sikaroodi et al., Mycol. Res. 105(4): 457 (2001)
- 38.
- *Illosporium roseum Mart., Fl. crypt. erlang. (Nürnberg): 325 (1817)
- 39.
- *Intralichen christiansenii (D. Hawksw.) D. Hawksw. & M. S. Cole, Fungal Diversity 11: 90 (2002)
- 40.
- *Karschia talcophila (Ach.) Körb., Parerga lichenol. (Breslau) 5: 460 (1865)
- 41.
- *Lichenochora obscuroides (Linds.) Triebel & Rambold, Bibl. Lichenol. 48: 168 (1992)
- 42.
- Lichenoconium erodens M. S. Christ. & D. Hawksw., in Hawksworth, Persoonia 9(2): 174 (1977)
- 43.
- Lichenoconium lecanorae (Jaap) D. Hawksw., Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., Bot. 6(3): 270 (1979)
- 44.
- *Lichenoconium pyxidatae (Oudem.) Petr. & Syd., Feddes Repert., Beih. 42: 135 (1927)
- 45.
- *Lichenoconium usneae (Anzi) D. Hawksw., Persoonia 9(2): 185 (1977)
- 46.
- *Lichenoconium xanthoriae M. S. Christ., Friesia 5(3–5): 212 (1956)
- 47.
- *Lichenodiplis lecanorae (Vouaux) Dyko & D. Hawksw., in Hawksworth and Dyko, Lichenologist 11(1): 52 (1979)
- 48.
- Lichenopeltella cetrariicola (Nyl.) R. Sant., Nordic J. Bot. 9(1): 99 (1989)
- 49.
- *Lichenopuccinia poeltii D. Hawksw. & Hafellner, in Hawksworth, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 374 (1984)
- 50.
- Lichenostigma cosmopolites Hafellner & Calat., Mycotaxon 72: 108 (1999)
- 51.
- Lichenostigma elongatum Nav.-Ros. & Hafellner, Mycotaxon 57: 213 (1996)
- 52.
- *Lichenostigma rouxii Nav.-Ros., Calat. & Hafellner, in Calatayud et al., Mycol. Res. 106(10): 1237 (2002)
- 53.
- *Lichenothelia rugosa (G. Thor) Ertz & Diederich, Fungal Diversity 66: 135 (2014)
- 54.
- Lichenozyma pisutiana Černajová & Škaloud, Fungal Biology 123(9): 634 (2019)
- 55.
- Marchandiomyces corallinus (Roberge) Diederich & D. Hawksw., in Diederich, Mycotaxon 37: 312 (1990)
- 56.
- Melaspilea leciographoides Vouaux, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 29: 472 (1913)
- 57.
- *Microcalicium disseminatum (Ach.) Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna Flora fenn. 57(no. 1): 77 (1927)
- 58.
- *Monodictys epilepraria Kukwa & Diederich, Lichenologist 37(3): 217 (2005)
- 59.
- *Muellerella hospitans Stizenb., Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. German. Nat. Cur. 30(no. 3): 51 (1863)
- 60.
- *Muellerella lichenicola (Sommerf.) D. Hawksw., Bot. Notiser 132(3): 289 (1979)
- 61.
- Neolamya peltigerae (Mont.) Theiss. & Syd., Ann. Mycol. 16(1–2): 29 (1918)
- 62.
- Opegrapha rupestris Pers., Ann. Bot. (Usteri) 5: 20 (1794)
- 63.
- *Penttilamyces lichenicola (Thorn, Malloch & Ginns) Zmitr., Kalinovskaya & Myasnikov, Folia Cryptog. Petropol. (St.-Peterburg) 7: 8 (2019)
- 64.
- Plectocarpon lichenum (Sommerf.) D. Hawksw., in Hawksworth and Galloway, Lichenologist 16(1): 86 (1984) (=Celidium lichenum)
- 65.
- *Pleospora xanthoriae Khodos. & Darmostuk, Opusc. Philolich. 15: 8 (2016)
- 66.
- Polycoccum marmoratum (Kremp.) D. Hawksw., in Hawksworth et al., Lichenologist 12(1): 107 (1980) (=Microthelia marmorata)
- 67.
- Polycoccum microsticticum (Leight.) Arnold, Ber. bayer. bot. Ges. 1(Anhang): 132 (1891) (=Didymosphaeria microstictica)
- 68.
- *Polycoccum pulvinatum (Eitner) R. Sant., Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi of Sweden and Norway (Lund): 175 (1993)
- 69.
- Pronectria robergei (Mont. & Desm.) Lowen, Mycotaxon 39: 462 (1990)
- 70.
- Punctelia oxyspora (Tul.) Divakar, A. Crespo & Lumbsch, in Divakar et al., Fungal Diversity 84: 114 (2017) (=Nesolechia oxyspora)
- 71.
- Pyrenochaeta xanthoriae Diederich, Mycotaxon 37: 318 (1990)
- 72.
- Rhagadostoma lichenicola (De Not.) Keissl., Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl., Edn 2 (Leipzig) 8: 320 (1930)
- 73.
- Rhizocarpon advenulum (Leight.) Hafellner & Poelt, Herzogia 4(1–2): 10 (1976)
- 74.
- *Roselliniella cladoniae (Anzi) Matzer & Hafellner, Bibl. Lichenol. 37: 59 (1990)
- 75.
- Sarcopyrenia gibba (Nyl.) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Acad. Maine Loire 4: 69 (1858)
- 76.
- *Sclerococcum epicladonia Zhurb., in Zhurbenko and Pino-Bodas, Opusc. Philolich. 16: 235 (2017)
- 77.
- *Sclerococcum lobariellum (Nyl.) Ertz & Diederich, in Diederich et al., Bryologist 121(3): 398 (2018)
- 78.
- Sclerococcum parasiticum (Flörke) Ertz & Diederich, in Diederich et al., Bryologist 121(3): 399 (2018)
- 79.
- Sclerococcum parellarium (Nyl.) Ertz and Diederich, in Diederich et al., Bryologist 121(3): 399 (2018)
- 80.
- Scutula epiblastematica (Wallr.) Rehm, Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl., Edn 2 (Leipzig) 1.3(lief. 32): 322 (1890) (1896)
- 81.
- *Scutula tuberculosa (Th. Fr.) Rehm, in Saccardo and Saccardo, Syll. fung. (Abellini) 18: 174 (1906)
- 82.
- *Sphinctrina leucopoda Nyl., Flora, Regensburg 42: 44 (1859)
- 83.
- *Sphinctrina tubaeformis A. Massal., Memor. Lich.: 155 (1853)
- 84.
- Sphinctrina turbinata Fr., Syst. orb. veg. (Lundae) 1: 121 (1825)
- 85.
- *Spirographa lichenicola (D. Hawksw. & B. Sutton) Flakus, Etayo and Miądl., in Flakus et al., Plant and Fungal Systematics 64(2): 328 (2019)
- 86.
- Stigmidium congestum (Körb.) Triebel, Mycotaxon 42: 290 (1991)
- 87.
- *Stigmidium eucline (Nyl.) Vězda, Česká Mykol. 24(4): 228 (1970)
- 88.
- *Stigmidium microspilum (Körb.) D. Hawksw., Kew Bull. 30(1): 201 (1975)
- 89.
- *Stigmidium pumilum (Lettau) Matzer & Hafellner, Bibl. Lichenol. 37: 115 (1990)
- 90.
- Stigmidium rouxianum Calat. & Triebel, Lichenologist 35(2): 109 (2003)
- 91.
- *Stigmidium solorinarium (Vain.) D. Hawksw., Lichenologist 15(1): 14 (1983)
- 92.
- *Stigmidium squamariae (B. de Lesd.) Cl. Roux & Triebel, Bull. Soc. linn. Provence 45: 511 (1994)
- 93.
- *Stigmidium tabacinae (Arnold) Triebel, Bibl. Lichenol. 35: 236 (1989)
- 94.
- *Stigmidium xanthoparmeliarum Hafellner, Bull. Soc. linn. Provence 44: 231 (1994)
- 95.
- *Syspastospora cladoniae Etayo, Cryptog. Mycol. 29(1): 88 (2008)
- 96.
- *Taeniolella phaeophysciae D. Hawksw., Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., Bot. 6(3): 255 (1979)
- 97.
- *Talpapellis beschiana (Diederich) Zhurb., U. Braun, Diederich and Heuchert, in Heuchert et al., Fungal Syst. Evol. 2: 231 (2018)
- 98.
- *Telogalla olivieri (Vouaux) Nik. Hoffm. & Hafellner, Bibl. Lichenol. 77: 109 (2000)
- 99.
- Tetramelas phaeophysciae A. Nordin & Tibell, Lichenologist 37(6): 495 (2005)
- 100.
- Tetramelas pulverulentus (Anzi) A. Nordin & Tibell, Lichenologist 37(6): 497 (2005)
- 101.
- *Thelocarpon epibolum Nyl., Not. Sällsk. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. Förh., Ny Ser. 8: 188 (1866)
- 102.
- *Vouauxiella lichenicola (Linds.) Petr. & Syd., Feddes Repert., Beih. 42: 484 (1927)
- 103.
- Xanthoriicola physciae (Kalchbr.) D. Hawksw., in Hawksworth and Punithalingam, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 61(1): 67 (1973) (=Coniosporium physciae)
- 104.
- Zwackhiomyces immersae (Arnold) Grube & Triebel, in Grube and Hafellner, Nova Hedwigia 51(3–4): 318 (1990)
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Country or Region | Lichenicolous Fungi | Lichens | LI 1 (Lichenicolous Index) | References |
Bavaria (Germany) | 399 | 1624 | 0.246 | [86] |
Great Britain | 384 | 1677 | 0.229 | [18,87] |
Belgium, Luxembourg, and N France | 201 | 930 | 0.216 | [88] |
Germany | 392 | 1946 | 0.201 | [89] |
Italy | 492 | 2565 | 0.192 | [90,91] |
France, 2020 | 592 | 3185 | 0.186 | [92] |
Fennoscandia | 430 | 2387 | 0.180 | [38] |
France, 2017 | 546 | 3082 | 0.177 | [93] |
France, 2014 | 513 | 3528 | 0.145 | [94] |
USA and Canada | 631 | 4880 | 0.129 | [95] |
Ukraine | 246 | 1910 | 0.129 | [96] |
Hungary | 104 | 926 | 0.112 | present paper |
World | 2000 | 19387 | 0.103 | [97,98] |
Albania | 38 | 398 | 0.095 | [21,22,26,27] |
Russia | 276 | 3388 | 0.081 | [99,100] |
Greece | 64 | 1353 | 0.047 | [101] |
Bulgaria | 45 | 1120 | 0.040 | [20] |
Romania | 40 | 1194 | 0.034 | [102] |
Serbia | 15 | 668 | 0.022 | [22,23,24,25] |
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Varga, N.; Lőkös, L.; Farkas, E. Annotated Checklist of the Lichenicolous Fungi of Hungary. Diversity 2021, 13, 557.
Varga N, Lőkös L, Farkas E. Annotated Checklist of the Lichenicolous Fungi of Hungary. Diversity. 2021; 13(11):557.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVarga, Nóra, László Lőkös, and Edit Farkas. 2021. "Annotated Checklist of the Lichenicolous Fungi of Hungary" Diversity 13, no. 11: 557.
APA StyleVarga, N., Lőkös, L., & Farkas, E. (2021). Annotated Checklist of the Lichenicolous Fungi of Hungary. Diversity, 13(11), 557.