ADAR Enzyme and miRNA Story: A Nucleotide that Can Make the Difference
:1. Introduction
2. ADAR Family
2.1. ADAR1
2.2. ADAR2
2.3. ADAR3
3. ADAR Substrates
4. miRNA World Machinery Overview
4.1. miRNA Biogenesis and Processing into the Nucleus
4.2. miRNA Processing into the Cytoplasm
5. ADAR-Dependent Effects on miRNA Pathway
5.1. ADAR-Dependent Effects on Pri-miRs
5.2. ADAR-Dependent Effects on Pre-miRs
5.3. ADAR-Dependent Effects on RISC-Loading
5.4. ADAR-Dependent Effects on Retargeting
5.5. ADAR-Dependent Effects on Target 3′ UTRs
5.6. ADAR-Mediated Editing-Independent Effects on miRNAs
6. Large-Scale Surveys
7. Stimulative Role of ADAR1
8. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Tomaselli, S.; Bonamassa, B.; Alisi, A.; Nobili, V.; Locatelli, F.; Gallo, A. ADAR Enzyme and miRNA Story: A Nucleotide that Can Make the Difference. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2013, 14, 22796-22816.
Tomaselli S, Bonamassa B, Alisi A, Nobili V, Locatelli F, Gallo A. ADAR Enzyme and miRNA Story: A Nucleotide that Can Make the Difference. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2013; 14(11):22796-22816.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTomaselli, Sara, Barbara Bonamassa, Anna Alisi, Valerio Nobili, Franco Locatelli, and Angela Gallo. 2013. "ADAR Enzyme and miRNA Story: A Nucleotide that Can Make the Difference" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14, no. 11: 22796-22816.
APA StyleTomaselli, S., Bonamassa, B., Alisi, A., Nobili, V., Locatelli, F., & Gallo, A. (2013). ADAR Enzyme and miRNA Story: A Nucleotide that Can Make the Difference. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14(11), 22796-22816.