
19 April 2024
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Therapeutics

We are recruiting Editorial Board Members for Therapeutics (ISSN: 2813-9909). You can learn more about the existing Editorial Board Members by visiting the following link:

Therapeutics is an international open access journal on both modern and established traditional therapeutic techniques. Therapeutics aims to publish cutting edge research focused on the prevention and treatment of human disease. Therapeutics publishes reviews, original research, guidelines, communications, etc. More information about the journal is available at the following link:


  • Diet and nutrition;
  • Biological therapy and stem-cell therapy;
  • Drug therapy;
  • Radiation and other nonsurgical therapeutic strategies;
  • Palliative care and physical therapy;
  • Multimodal therapy.

The main responsibilities of Editorial Board Members are as follows:

  • Pre-screening and making decisions on new submissions related to your research interests;
  • Setting up at least one Special Issue during your term on a topic related to your research interests (or supervising Special Issues related to your research field);
  • Providing input or feedback regarding journal policies;
  • Helping to promote the journal among your peers or at conferences;
  • Attending Board meetings to suggest journal development strategies;
  • Reviewing manuscripts;
  • Helping to attract suitable expert authors and inviting young scholars to join the Topical Advisory Panel.

The benefits of being an Editorial Board Member are as follows:

  • Contributing to open science and exchange;
  • Increasing your knowledge of your research field by exposure to new research and the research of your peers;
  • Expanding your research network by collaborating with other Editorial Board Members of the journal;
  • Advancing your career by being active in your research field through your contribution to the journal;
  • Receiving one full waiver on publication per year once accepted by the journal;
  • Supporting discounts for fields with low funding levels or authors from low- and middle-income countries.

If you are interested in joining us, please provide your academic CV or official website and a list of keywords related to your research interests to the Editorial Office.

Therapeutics Editorial Office

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