16 March 2018
Professor Antonio Lazcano Appointed Editor-in-Chief of Life

We are pleased to announce that Professor Antonio Lazcano has been appointed as the Editor-in-Chief of Life (ISSN 2075-1729). Antonio Lazcano is a Professor at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and a member of the Colegio Nacional. A distinguished Latin American evolutionist and a world-leading authority on the study of the origins and early evolution of life. He has worked on prebiotic synthese, and has pioneered the use of databases in the reconstruction of very early stages of cell evolution. His book Origins of Life (in Spanish) has sold more than 800,000 copies, and after being the first to call attention to the growing risk of creationism in Latin American countries, he is working on ways of improving education in evolutionary biology.

We warmly welcome Prof. Lazcano as our Editor-in-Chief and look forward to his valuable input for the continued success of Life.

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