17 January 2025
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Vision in 2024

The editorial team at Vision extends our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated reviewers whose expertise and commitment have been key to the journal's success in 2024. Last year, Vision received 354 review reports from 224 reviewers representing 36 countries and regions worldwide.

To recognize the invaluable time, effort, and attention to detail that each reviewer dedicates, Vision expresses its sincere gratitude through an annual acknowledgment of reviewers.

We are honored to recognize the reviewers who allowed us to publish their names each year. The names of these reviewers are listed below in alphabetical order by first name:

Alessio Facchin Michael B. Hoffmann
Amirmasoud Ahmadi Mihaela Ionescu
António Cardoso Paul Hibbard
António Miguel Morgado Peter Lunt
Benedetto Falsini Qing-Wei Chen
Branka Spehar Radu Gabriel Danescu
Carl Bassi Rizwan Ali Naqvi
Daniel Josef Lindegger Sandeep Dhallu
Daniele Corbo Sandrine Gil
Dorota Szumny Sawides Lucie
Eleftherios Anastasopoulos Seema Banerjee
Elvira Orduna-Hospital Siyi Chen
Ferdinando Cione Sunny Chi Lik Au
Giancarlo Montani Sylvère Störmann
Gunta Krumina Tibor Guzsvinecz
Hugo Pena-Verdeal Timo Eppig
Hyun Jin Shin Tiong Peng Yap
Isain Zapata Uwe Ilg
Ivan Potapenko Vasileios Toulis
Jameel Rizwana Hussaindeen Victor Constantin
Jelena Juri Mandić Vladimir J. Kefalov
Jiapeng Liu Wolfgang Müller-Lierheim
Keith Schneider Wolfgang Trapp
Kunal Pal Yogeshwari Sanjayrao Ambekar
Larry Allen Abel Yu-Jen Wang
Maciej Gawęcki Zahra Heidari
Makhmudov Fazliddin Zobeir Raisi
Matt Cavanaugh

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