Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera (Hemiptera: Insecta) Distribution in Streams on the Cerrado–Amazon Ecotone in Headwaters of Xingu River
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Collection
2.2.1. Biological Sampling
2.2.2. Environmental Variables
2.2.3. Habitat Integrity Sample
2.2.4. Sample of Vegetation Index
- = Reflection of the top of the atmosphere;
- = Band-specific multiplicative scaling factor;
- = Band-specific additive scaling factor;
- = Calibrated standard product pixel;
- = Local elevation angle of the sun.
- NIR = Spectral band of near infrared;
- Red = Red spectral band.
- G = 2.5;
- C1 e C2 = Adjustment coefficients for the effect of aerosols in the atmosphere, being C1 = 6, C2 = 7.5;
- NIR = Spectral band of near infrared;
- Red = Red spectral band;
- Blue = Blue spectral band.
2.3. Data Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Infraorder/Family/Genus | Total | Forest | Agriculture |
Gerromorpha | |||
Gerridae | |||
Brachymetra Mayr, 1865 | 10 | × | |
Cylindrostethus Mayr, 1865 | 13 | × | × |
Limnogonus Stål, 1868 | 1 | × | |
Neogerris Matsumura, 1913 | 16 | × | × |
Hydrometridae | |||
Hydrometra Latreille, 1796 | 1 | × | |
Veliidae | |||
Euvelia Drake, 1957 | 9 | × | |
Rhagovelia Mayr, 1865 | 32 | × | × |
Stridulivelia Hungerford, 1929 | 2 | × | × |
Nepomorpha | |||
Belostomatidae | |||
Belostoma Latreille, 1807 | 3 | × | × |
Corixidae | |||
Tenagobia Bergroth, 1899 | 7 | × | × |
Naucoridae | |||
Ambrysus Stål, 1862 | 13 | × | × |
Ctenipocoris Montandon, 1897 | 1 | × | |
Limnocoris Stål, 1860 | 121 | × | × |
Pelocoris Stål, 1876 | 1 | × | |
Placomerus La Rivers, 1956 | 2 | × | |
Nepidae | |||
Curicta Stål, 1862 | 1 | × | |
Ranatra Fabricius, 1790 | 3 | × | |
Notonectidae | |||
Buenoa Kirkaldy, 1904 | 6 | × | |
Martarega White, 1879 | 20 | × | × |
Potomocorinae | 1 | × | |
Total | 263 |
Combinations of Environmental Variables | Correlation |
Dep | 0.409 |
Cond + Dep | 0.470 |
Cond+ Dep + Pho | 0.511 |
NDVI + Cond + Dep + Pho | 0.522 |
HII + NDVI + Cond + Turb + Dep | 0.524 |
HII+ EVI + Cond + Dep + Nitr + Pho | 0.522 |
HII+ EVI + Cond + AT + Dep + Nitr + Pho | 0.515 |
HII+ EVI + Cond + Turb + AT + Dep + Nitr + Pho | 0.511 |
HII+ EVI + NDVI + Cond + Turb + AT + Dep + Nitr + Pho | 0.490 |
HII+ EVI + NDVI + pH + Cond + Turb + AT + Dep + Nitr + Pho | 0.463 |
HII + EVI + NDVI + pH + Cond + Turb + AT + WT+ Dep+ Nitr + Pho | 0.436 |
HII + EVI + NDVI + pH + Cond + Turb + AT + WT + Prof + Wid + Nitr + Pho | 0.413 |
HII + EVI + NDVI + pH + Cond + Turb + AT + WT + DO + Dep + Wid + Nitr + Pho | 0.379 |
HII+ EVI + NDVI + pH + Cond +Turb + AT + WT + DO + Dep + Wid + Nitr + Pho + Mg | 0.345 |
HII + EVI + NDVI + pH + Cond + Turb + AT + WT + DO + Dep + Wid + Nitr + Pho + TH + Mg | 0.231 |
HII + EVI + NDVI + pH + Cond + Turb + AT + WT + DO + Dep + Wid + Nitr + Pho + TH + Ca + Mg | 0.088 |
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Silva-Costa, I.; Giehl, N.F.S.; Pozzobom, U.M.; Carvalho-Soares, A.A.; Oliveira-Junior, J.M.B.; Cabette, H.S.R.; Dias-Silva, K. Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera (Hemiptera: Insecta) Distribution in Streams on the Cerrado–Amazon Ecotone in Headwaters of Xingu River. Arthropoda 2023, 1, 13-24.
Silva-Costa I, Giehl NFS, Pozzobom UM, Carvalho-Soares AA, Oliveira-Junior JMB, Cabette HSR, Dias-Silva K. Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera (Hemiptera: Insecta) Distribution in Streams on the Cerrado–Amazon Ecotone in Headwaters of Xingu River. Arthropoda. 2023; 1(1):13-24.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSilva-Costa, Iluany, Nubia França Silva Giehl, Ully Mattilde Pozzobom, Anderson André Carvalho-Soares, José Max Barbosa Oliveira-Junior, Helena Soares Ramos Cabette, and Karina Dias-Silva. 2023. "Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera (Hemiptera: Insecta) Distribution in Streams on the Cerrado–Amazon Ecotone in Headwaters of Xingu River" Arthropoda 1, no. 1: 13-24.