3.1. Velocity Profiles
Three different cases varying the inlet flow rate, and therefore the Reynolds number, were run, i.e., 16,420; 21,900; and 27,360. As the Reynolds numbers are close to each other, the analysis of the velocity profiles will only be performed for the intermediate value, as its behavior can be extended to the other two flow rates. The velocity profile was computed at a center-line positioned at 0.05 m on a plane positioned in the X-section at the center of the cyclone. It is worth noting here the importance of presenting mesh tests throughout the results. Since hybrid modeling has the potential for improvement over the RANS model in its ability to calculate a wider range of scales as the mesh is refined. It is expected that the greatest difference between both methods occurs for more refined meshes.
Figure 6 displays the tangential velocity profile for the three different meshes, named mesh 1, 2, and 3; i.e., 180,000; 400,000; and 800,000 volumes each, respectively, and the two different models employed in the present study, RSM and the hybrid model. It is evident that, in all cases, the tangential velocity profile exhibits positive values on the left side and negative values on the right side, indicating the rotational motion around the central axis, as anticipated.
Results from the RSM and the hybrid model are quite similar for the coarsest mesh; however, regarding meshes 2 and 3, there is a more pronounced difference between the closure models. For instance, the peak values for RANS are approximately 7 m/s, whereas for the hybrid modeling, they vary around 9.5 m/s. This discrepancy can be explained by the fact that the coarser grid is not refined enough to enable the hybrid model to employ the LES model extensively in the domain, resulting in the hybrid model working almost like the RSM.
Regarding the differences between the meshes employing the RSM, it can be noted that the velocity profiles are quite similar, demonstrating that improvement in results is not proportional to the mesh refinement for RANS modeling, since the filtering of temporal scales in this type of closure model is given by the mean operator and not a filter dependent on the calculated scales. However for the hybrid model, only meshes 2 and 3 were consistent, whereas the 180,000 grid yielded a lower result. This mainly indicates that for the RSM model, grid independence was attained, so increasing the refinement does not generate significant differences in the results. However, for the hybrid model, the coarser mesh does not enable the extensive use of the LES scheme in the domain, while the two most refined meshes allow it.
Figure 7 illustrates the variations of the RMS velocity along the analysis line, which indicates the fluctuations in the flow velocity field. It can be noted that the hybrid model generated higher values of RMS velocity than the RSM model, as expected since the RSM model models the mean velocity, while the hybrid model uses the LES in some regions, calculating a wider spectrum of velocity scales.
Figure 8 presents a similar analysis for the axial velocity component. Negative velocity values are found in the proximity of the walls. However, when the distance grows and the geometry center is approached, the velocity profile tends to rise and become positive, displaying an inverted W profile, as expected. The behavior of all six cases was analogous to that observed for the tangential velocity. With regard to the RSM, depicted in
Figure 9, the generated meshes yielded nearly identical results, while the hybrid model produced notably dissimilar results for the coarser mesh. Additionally, the hybrid model’s results were distant from the RSM for meshes consisting of 400,000 and 800,000 cells, whereas the mesh composed of 180,000 hexahedral cells generated similar outcomes in both models.
3.2. Turbulent Kinetic Energy
The decomposition of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) into modeled and resolved parts is significant in illustrating the concepts underlying the employed models. To analyze this parameter, only the most refined mesh (mesh 3) was used. On this basis, it is expected that the energy in the resolved scales will be higher and the LES closure model will be active in a larger portion of the domain. This highlights the significant differences between the RANS and hybrid methodologies. The TKE contour was extracted from the vertical plane cutting through the cyclone and passing through its center.
It is well known that the hybrid model employs LES in some regions of the domain, which solves equations for the large scales and models the subgrid-scales. In addition, the RSM model is known for modeling nearly all turbulent scales. In this regard,
Figure 10 and
Figure 11 display the TKE fields for the modeled and resolved scales, respectively, for both methodologies. For the hybrid model, the modeled portion only exhibits high values close to the wall, where
and the RSM is employed. In the outer flow region, the modeled portion is close to zero, indicating that only a few scales are modeled, while the resolved part demonstrates high values, indicating that most scales are resolved. In the pure RSM model (RANS), the modeled portion is high throughout the domain, and the resolved part is non-zero only in a small region at the gas outlet duct, demonstrating that this model models nearly all turbulent scales.
3.3. Collection Efficiency
The particle collection efficiency depicts the impact of numerical models and grid refinement on particle motion calculation. To examine this variable, the numerical results of the current paper were compared with experimental data from Xiang et al. [
16]. To determine the collected particles, the underflow was defined as a wall, and all the particles that touched it were considered as collected.
Figure 12,
Figure 13 and
Figure 14 exhibit the variation in the collection efficiency for the three flow rates studied, namely 30, 40, and 50 l/min, respectively. Each figure displays six S-shaped curves with computed values from the two studied closure models for the three examined meshes.
Table 5,
Table 6 and
Table 7 show a comparision between the experimental result and the predictions from the RSM and hybrid models with the three different meshes for a small, a medium, and a high particle diameter.
Regarding the differences between the turbulence models, the results for the hybrid model are noticeably close to the experimental data, as can be shown. For small particles, that is, for diameters less than 1.5
m, it is evidenced that all models predict values higher than the experimental ones. However, as the particles increase in size, the models tend to exhibit divergent results. Furthermore, there is a reversal of behavior, and the numerical values for collection efficiency become lower than the data from Xiang et al. [
Once again, the hybrid model was the one that most closely approximated the expected results across the entire particle size range, particularly for medium sizes. This fact can be explained by the sensitivity of particles to small-wavelength fluctuations, as these fluctuations are taken into account only in the regions where LES is applied. That is, in the wall regions, the two models exhibit similar behaviors, and in the outer parts, for the hybrid model, the particles experience velocity fluctuation effects. This does not occur for the RANS modeling.
Moreover, the hybrid model reached higher velocity values, as demonstrated in the velocity profiles, which generated greater centrifugal force on the particles. This caused more particles to be carried to the wall and, consequently, to the underflow, increasing the collection efficiency. However, a higher velocity increases turbulence, which causes the reentrainment of particles that would otherwise be collected and disturbs the separation efficiency, as shown by Souza et al. [
2]. The combination of these factors caused an increase in the collection efficiency calculated by the hybrid model compared to the RSM.
Regarding the influence of the mesh refinement, for a flow rate of 30 l/min, all results for the RSM model were very close to each other, especially for diameters greater than 4 m. For the hybrid model, the results for mesh 1 deviated from those acquired using the 400,000 and 800,000 cells, which demonstrated high similarity to each other and the experimental data. This pattern was also presented in the velocity field, where values from the two finer meshes closely resembled each other and substantially diverged from the coarser mesh data. For flow rates of 40 l/min and 50 l/min, a larger discrepancy existed between the RSM model’s results with the three meshes. This suggested that minor variations in fluid flow significantly impacted particle motion. Regarding the hybrid model, it was observed that the values obtained for meshes 2 and 3 were further apart, while the results of mesh 1 and 2 were more closely aligned in comparison to the 30 l/min case. Additionally, the finer mesh produced outcomes that more closely approximated the experimental data, as anticipated.
In order to provide further evidence of the accuracy and robustness of the proposed hybrid model the mean deviation evaluated for each prediction of the collection efficiency is assessed. This information is obtained by the root mean square deviation (RMSD), which measures the difference between values predicted by a model and the experimental values, and is presented in
Table 8. It can be noted that in all simulated cases, the results obtained by the hybrid model have a lower RMSD than the RSM results, indicating that they are in better agreement with the experimental data.
By analyzing the computational times presented in
Table 9, it is noted that the simulations with the hybrid model generated an increase of about 2% in the calculation time when compared to the simulations using the RSM model. This indicates that using the hybrid model causes a low increase in the computational cost while causing a great improvement in the accuracy in predicting particle collection efficiency, as shown by
Table 5,
Table 6 and
Table 7.