Possible Tests of Fundamental Physics with GINGER
:1. Introduction
- The RLG is a specific kind of interferometer built as a closed path optical cavity, usually defined by four mirrors located at the vertices of a square: two counter-propagating laser beams are excited inside the cavity. Interference of the beams transmitted by each mirror gives information on the non-reciprocal effects experienced by the two counter-propagating beams caused by the geometry or the laser dynamics. Since the interferometer has two equal paths, the differences due to such non-reciprocity effects are extremely small. However, there are other non-reciprocal effects related to the spacetime structure or to fundamental asymmetries, which make RLGs suitable for fundamental physics investigations.
2. Ring Laser
3. GINGER: Fundamental Physics Issues
- The detection of effects due to spacetime curvature around the Earth (de Sitter effect) and Earth mass rotation (Lense–Thirring effect). This measurement requires comparing the IERS Earth rotation vector with the corresponding GINGER rotation vector. Testing extensions/modifications of general relativity by using PPN formalism [14,33]. Some expected measurements could be seen as upper limits; thus, any enhancement in sensitivity and accuracy may pave the way for further theoretical insights beyond general relativity in gravitational theories. The interplay between gravitomagnetism and fundamental physics tests has a large impact; recent reviews about gravitomagnetism and related theories and tests are now available [26,34].
- In principle, tests could also be performed on metric-affine theories, e.g.; teleparallel gravity [35] theories, which assume that the connection on the spacetime manifold constitutes a fundamental field variable and that is independent from the metric.
- Testing Lorentz violations described by the standard model extension (SME) [15,36]. It has been highlighted that SME terms with dimensions d = 4 and d = 5 can disrupt symmetry for counter-propagating beams in a RLG, and GINGER could significantly contribute to the quest for Lorentz violation. In this case, the signal could also be inferred by comparing GINGER with IERS data. Notably, this test is based on observations at fixed frequency rather than a DC level, so high accuracy is not imperative.
- Investigating whether fluctuations stemming from spacetime granularity could potentially exhibit observable signatures in high-frequency RLG spectra [37,38]. Intuitively, the natural length and time scales linked with spacetime quantum nature are the Planck length, and its fluctuations generate white noise, which is investigable using a frequency comb with harmonics at integer multiples of the RLG free spectral range. This point is linked more to the development of RLG, interferometers very different from the ones based on the Michelson scheme.
- Gravitational waves might excite Earth’s normal modes. Detecting such signals seems feasible theoretically, provided the sensitivity exceeds rad/s. Recently, in a proposal, Marletto and Vedral highlighted the possibility of exploring, via a quantum version of the Sagnac interferometer, the quantum nature of gravity, assuming the validity of the equivalence principle in its quantum version [39].
- The unification of GR and quantum mechanics remains an unresolved issue in contemporary physics. Experimental techniques in quantum optics have recently achieved the precision necessary to investigate quantum systems under the influence of non-inertial motion, such as being stationary in gravitational fields or experiencing uniform accelerations. In this context, exploring entanglement phenomena or quantum mechanics tests in non-inertial reference frames would be intriguing [37,42].
- Mechanical rotation modifies the manifestation of photon entanglement [42].
- The impact of light scalars coupled conformally and disformally to matter on the geodetic and frame-dragging has been recently evaluated [43]. This has shown that GINGER could provide measurements of ∼ eV.
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | UGGS is part of the research center of Camerino, project STRIC, approved in 2022. https://sisma2016.gov.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Ordinanza-n.-33-del-30.06.2022-PNC-Sisma_signed.pdf (accessed on 21 February 2024). |
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Di Somma, G.; Altucci, C.; Bajardi, F.; Basti, A.; Beverini, N.; Capozziello, S.; Carelli, G.; Castellano, S.; Ciampini, D.; De Luca, G.; et al. Possible Tests of Fundamental Physics with GINGER. Astronomy 2024, 3, 21-28. https://doi.org/10.3390/astronomy3010003
Di Somma G, Altucci C, Bajardi F, Basti A, Beverini N, Capozziello S, Carelli G, Castellano S, Ciampini D, De Luca G, et al. Possible Tests of Fundamental Physics with GINGER. Astronomy. 2024; 3(1):21-28. https://doi.org/10.3390/astronomy3010003
Chicago/Turabian StyleDi Somma, Giuseppe, Carlo Altucci, Francesco Bajardi, Andrea Basti, Nicolò Beverini, Salvatore Capozziello, Giorgio Carelli, Simone Castellano, Donatella Ciampini, Gaetano De Luca, and et al. 2024. "Possible Tests of Fundamental Physics with GINGER" Astronomy 3, no. 1: 21-28. https://doi.org/10.3390/astronomy3010003
APA StyleDi Somma, G., Altucci, C., Bajardi, F., Basti, A., Beverini, N., Capozziello, S., Carelli, G., Castellano, S., Ciampini, D., De Luca, G., Di Virgilio, A. D. V., Fuso, F., Giovinetti, F., Maccioni, E., Marsili, P., Ortolan, A., Porzio, A., Ruggiero, M. L., & Velotta, R. (2024). Possible Tests of Fundamental Physics with GINGER. Astronomy, 3(1), 21-28. https://doi.org/10.3390/astronomy3010003