On the Dynamical Instability of Monatomic Fluid Spheres in (N + 1)-Dimensional Spacetime
:1. Introduction
2. (N + 1)-Dimensional Spacetime of Spherical Symmetry
2.1. Linear Radial Perturbation and the Adiabatic Index
2.2. The Adiabatic Index of an Ideal Monatomic Fluid
2.3. The Pulsation Equation and the Critical Adiabatic Index
2.4. The Effect of Cosmological Constant
3. Homogeneous Fluid Solutions
4. Numerical Results
4.1. Fluid Spheres in (3 + 1) and Higher-Dimensional Spacetime
4.2. Fluid Disks in (2 + 1)-Dimensional Spacetime
5. Discussions and Implications
- First law of thermodynamics and equipartition theorem hold;
- Mass–energy dispersion relation is valid;
- Einstein equations hold in (N + 1) dimensions.
- Baby universe emerges from collapsing matter in a black hole;
- Spacetime dimensionality reshuffles in the reign of quantum gravity.
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Thermodynamic Identity
Appendix B. Ideal Monatomic Fluid in N-Dimensional Space
Appendix C. The Critical Adiabatic Index in Newtonian Gravity
Appendix D. The Orthogonality Relation and Rayleigh–Ritz Principle
Appendix E. A Rigorous Proof on the Buchdahl Bound
- The energy density is finite and monotonically non-increasing, i.e., ;
- and are positive definite, thus no horizon is present inside the fluid sphere.
Appendix F. Various Tables for N=2
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Feng, W.-X. On the Dynamical Instability of Monatomic Fluid Spheres in (N + 1)-Dimensional Spacetime. Astronomy 2023, 2, 22-46. https://doi.org/10.3390/astronomy2010004
Feng W-X. On the Dynamical Instability of Monatomic Fluid Spheres in (N + 1)-Dimensional Spacetime. Astronomy. 2023; 2(1):22-46. https://doi.org/10.3390/astronomy2010004
Chicago/Turabian StyleFeng, Wei-Xiang. 2023. "On the Dynamical Instability of Monatomic Fluid Spheres in (N + 1)-Dimensional Spacetime" Astronomy 2, no. 1: 22-46. https://doi.org/10.3390/astronomy2010004
APA StyleFeng, W.-X. (2023). On the Dynamical Instability of Monatomic Fluid Spheres in (N + 1)-Dimensional Spacetime. Astronomy, 2(1), 22-46. https://doi.org/10.3390/astronomy2010004