Learning to Adapt? Leave and Arrival as Major Psycho-Social Challenges for Newly Arrived Adolescent Immigrants in Germany
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Framework: Adolescent Learning in the Context of Leave and Arrival
3. Methods and Materials
4. Results
- Learning to be a migrant;
- Becoming normal;
- Learning to integrate and to achieve.
“Actually, my mother did not tell me why we come here. [I: mhm] But then one day she said to me uhm that we are flying to Germany [I: mhm], so she actually wants to visit other countries [I: mhm]… And that’s why we came here.”(Zola, 15)
“@…ehh…so@ my parents have lived here for a really long time, about fifteen years. And I came to Germany two years ago because I lived in Romania… with my grandma and grandpa… like my sister… and my parents wanted us to live together like a normal family because it was really hard to live without my parents. So that was about six years, I don’t know. (takes a deep breath) And then… I’ve been living in Germany for two years. That’s how I came to Germany.”(Elisabeth, 13)
“Yes oh so in the beginning it was so that my mother came to Germany [I: mhm] so she was alone here for a year. [I: mhm] Then I was alone with my little brother and with my grandmother [I: mhm] at our house. I came from Ukraine [before the war] [I: mhm]. And yes, we waited a year until we can drive to her… um. [I: mhm] And then we went to her and yes. Actually, this was all new to me and so I’ve never seen something like that. [I: mhm]”(Vladimir, 16)
“Um, so I didn’t talk at all, although I already know a bit of German, uh, so I could,… and I don’t know, later I started to—talk more,… uh… to get in touch more, uh… yes I think that was because I wanted to talk to people because,… I- it wasn’t so nice to be alone all the time. [I: mhm] and yes. I learned German to be able to communicate with my friends.”(Elisabeth, 13)
“But yes, I just had the feeling that I wouldn’t understand anything. (…)Yes, and I have no friends, I was at home all the time. And. there was I was really sad. [I: mhm] Yes I wanted to go outside (?) fresh air and I couldn’t make any friends. And because of that I had also lost 22 kilos in two months. (…)”(Janis, 16)
“And… yes, then I went to school, at the beginning of the beginning it was hard for me, because I cannot say a word, nothing. [I. mhm, mhm] And… yes got to know my friends there. And yes. So, I was in the beginning in a—what’s that again- prep class. And now I’m here for this school. For two years. [I: mhm, mhm.]”(Vladimir, 16)
“Well, my mother, she was an accountant and manager in Russia. [mhm] And now she’s learning German and then she wants to become a manager or an accountant. Um, my father, he’s in Russia? He works in a car company, I don’t know exactly, something with cars, I think. Uh, yes. And my stepfather, he, ehm, (.) eh, he separated from my mother and now there are, ehm, three of us here. Me and my little brother and my mother. My brother, his name is Manuel and [mhm] he has turned four? [mhm] and @ja@ goes to kindergarten and is also learning German there. [mhm]”(Peter, 14)
“Yes, [I: yes] I speak French, my mother tongue is Yoruba [I: yes] and they had another one but that—I can understand him when others speak, but I can’t yet—speak like that. [I: mhm, mhm.] And I know a little Arabic too. I’m a Muslim and we also read the Koran, so I can speak a little Arabic. And many of the languages of Benin. [I: mhm] I can still. [And German. [I: mhm] And a little English. [I: mhm] [laughs]”(Zola, 15)
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Wischmann, A. Learning to Adapt? Leave and Arrival as Major Psycho-Social Challenges for Newly Arrived Adolescent Immigrants in Germany. Youth 2023, 3, 809-822. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth3030052
Wischmann A. Learning to Adapt? Leave and Arrival as Major Psycho-Social Challenges for Newly Arrived Adolescent Immigrants in Germany. Youth. 2023; 3(3):809-822. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth3030052
Chicago/Turabian StyleWischmann, Anke. 2023. "Learning to Adapt? Leave and Arrival as Major Psycho-Social Challenges for Newly Arrived Adolescent Immigrants in Germany" Youth 3, no. 3: 809-822. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth3030052
APA StyleWischmann, A. (2023). Learning to Adapt? Leave and Arrival as Major Psycho-Social Challenges for Newly Arrived Adolescent Immigrants in Germany. Youth, 3(3), 809-822. https://doi.org/10.3390/youth3030052