A Reflection on Paradoxes and Double Binds in the Workplace in the Era of Super-Diversity
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Context of Occupational Health and Safety
1.2. Expanding the Concept of Occupational Health and Safety
1.3. General Overview of the Paradox and Double Bind Theory
- An asymmetrical power relationship between at least two people (one of them is in a position of authority) [13];
- An absence of a safe space for open communication and dialogue (revealing or addressing the issue at stake in the paradox could be seen as insubordination) [14].
- There is no way to escape this paradox, given the characteristics of the workplace and the (abusive or authoritarian) power relationships that underlie it [28].
1.4. Paradoxes and Double Binds: How Do They Differ?
1.5. Documenting Double Binds in the Workplace
2. Discussion
2.1. Types of Double Binds
What Do We Already Know about Typologies?
2.2. The Effect of Paradoxes and Double Binds on Certain Categories of Workers
2.2.1. Type of Employment: Precariousness and Other Contexts of Vulnerability
2.2.2. Type of Organisation: Power Structure and Management Model
2.2.3. When Paradoxes Strengthen the Stigma Effect
2.3. Super-Diversity, Paradoxes, and Double Binds: So, What Is the Connection?
2.4. How to Fix the Double Bind: Building Resilient Work Environments
2.5. Future Directions for Research and Avenues for Action
2.5.1. Hierarchical Structure, Bureaucracy, and the Power Dimension
2.5.2. Interaction, Interpersonal Communication, and Operationalisation of Policies and Strategic Plans
3. Conclusions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dimensions | Type of Paradox or Double Bind |
Power dynamics and patterns | Coercion |
Manipulation | |
Domination | |
Subjectification | |
Performance and productivity | Intensity–quality paradox |
Flexibility paradox | |
Management and (self-)regulation | Autonomy–control paradox and variation in decentralisation–central control paradox |
Acceleration–deceleration paradox | |
General orientation and mission | Change–stability paradox |
Exploration–exploitation paradox |
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Côté, D. A Reflection on Paradoxes and Double Binds in the Workplace in the Era of Super-Diversity. Humans 2024, 4, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/humans4010001
Côté D. A Reflection on Paradoxes and Double Binds in the Workplace in the Era of Super-Diversity. Humans. 2024; 4(1):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/humans4010001
Chicago/Turabian StyleCôté, Daniel. 2024. "A Reflection on Paradoxes and Double Binds in the Workplace in the Era of Super-Diversity" Humans 4, no. 1: 1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/humans4010001
APA StyleCôté, D. (2024). A Reflection on Paradoxes and Double Binds in the Workplace in the Era of Super-Diversity. Humans, 4(1), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/humans4010001