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Saved by the Shell: Molecular Analysis Detects the Cryptic Sea Hare, Aplysia concava G. B. Sowerby I, 1833 (Mollusca: Heterobranchia: Aplysiidae), from Oceania, with a Redescription

National Marine Science Centre, Southern Cross University, Bay Drive, Coffs Harbour 2450, New South Wales, Australia
Collections & Research, Western Australian Museum, 49 Kew Street, Welshpool 6106, Western Australia, Australia
School of Biological Sciences, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley 6009, Western Australia, Australia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Taxonomy 2021, 1(2), 48-59;
Submission received: 13 March 2021 / Revised: 2 April 2021 / Accepted: 7 April 2021 / Published: 9 April 2021


A recent taxonomic revision split the circumglobal sea hare Aplysia parvula into 10 constituent taxa, of which only three are likely to be found in the Southern Pacific. This prompted an investigation of animals previously identified as A. parvula from Australia. Specimens collected from Eastern Australia and Hunter Island, east of New Caledonia, could not be satisfactorily identified with any of the currently accepted taxa based on morphological diagnostic features listed in the revision; however, the presence of a highly concave shell is diagnostic. Quantification of genetic divergence using Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) supports the delineation of this species as a distinct taxon, and a phylogenetic reconstruction based on concatenated COI, 16S and H3 markers reveals a sister relationship with the newly described Aplysia ghanimii from the Atlantic and Western Indian Oceans and an undescribed species from Japan. As a result, the name Aplysia concava G. B. Sowerby, I, 1833 is resurrected for this species. As the original description was based solely on a shell, a redescription is provided here with photographs of living animals and microscope images of internal anatomical structures.

1. Introduction

Many sea slug species previously thought to have wide, almost circumglobal distributions have been revised based on contemporary species delimitation methods using molecular data (e.g., Valdés et al. [1]; Krug et al. [2]). In most cases, these taxa were found to be complexes of cryptic species with allopatric distributions. A recent revision of the putatively circumtropical Aplysia parvula sensu lato Mörch, 1863 by Golestani et al. [3] split this species into ten separate taxa in four distinct genetic lineages. In doing so, the name Aplysia parvula sensu stricto was retained for an Atlantic taxon, four names were resurrected for species from the Pacific and Indian Oceans, two species were described for the first time and two remain undescribed [3]. Some of these taxa are short-range endemics, e.g., Aplysia elongata (Pease, 1860), which is only known from the Hawaiian Islands, or Aplysia japonica G. B. Sowerby II, 1869 from Japan and the Korean Peninsula, whereas Aplysia ghanimii Golestani, Crocetta, Padula, Camacho, Langeneck, Poursanidis, Pola, Yokeş, Cervera, Jung, Gosliner, Araya, Hooker, Schrödl and Valdés, 2019 has a broad but disjunct range in the Atlantic and Western Indian Oceans [3].
Golestani et al. [3] provided a list of taxa inquirenda arising from their review of the literature. Many of the available names were based on descriptions of shells that, in most cases, are inadequate for use in contemporary identifications, a problem common among the sea hares [3], [4]. One exception, among the Aplysia parvula s. l., is Aplysia concava G. B. Sowerby I, 1833, redrawn later by von Clessin [5] and Pilsbry [6], from “Australia”, which has a distinctive, deeply concave shell (Figure 1A–D). It was synonymised with Aplysia parvula s. str. in the 20th century [7]. Aplysia concava was not recognised amongst the samples studied by Golestani et al. [3]; however, this is probably the result of opportunistic geographic sampling. Indeed, samples from Australia or New Zealand were not included in their analysis, although material from nearby Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and Indonesia was.
Eastern Australia, particularly the Tasman Sea, is a globally important hotspot for sea hare diversity [4], with 16 species reported from Central New South Wales (NSW) alone, including animals previously identified as Aplysia parvula s. l. Of the species described or re-erected by Golestani et al. [3], three are putatively found in the Southern Indo-Pacific: A. atromarginata Bergh, 1905, A. nigrocincta Von Martens, 1880 and an undescribed species, Aplysia sp. 2, in Golestani et al. [3]. Although defining characteristics (molecular, morphological and geographic) were provided for each of these species, some Eastern Australian animals cannot be satisfactorily identified as being any of these three species. Thus, in light of the cryptic diversity now confirmed to exist among A. parvula s. l., it is probable that there remains undiscovered or previously unrecognised diversity among Australian animals. Nevertheless, some specimens of Aplysia parvula s. l. from Eastern Australia, while not able to be reconciled to any of the newly defined taxa, have distinctive, highly concave shells, resembling that illustrated for Aplysia concava G. B. Sowerby I, 1833. Although A. concava was reported from Cloudy Bay Lagoon, Bruni (sic) Island, Tasmania by Tenison-Woods [8], who described the shell as “small, horny, very concave and strongly incurved, sub-auriculate on both sides of the apex, not very common” there have been few references to this species in the literature since.
The aim of this study is to examine and redescribe Aplysia concava specimens using modern imaging techniques and to explore its phylogenetic relationship with other species among Aplysia parvula s. l. using data from partial Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI), 16S ribosomal DNA (16S) and Histone 3 (H3) gene sequences. Several specimens exhibiting the species’ characteristic shell were sampled from Eastern Australia, along with museum specimens identified using molecular analysis. The present paper provides clarification of the work of G. B. Sowerby I by including details not provided in the original description.

2. Experimental Section

2.1. Source of Material

Eleven specimens from Eastern Australian and one from Hunter Island (east of New Caledonia) were used in this study. These comprised tissue from seven specimens sourced from the collection of the Australian Museum, Sydney (AMS), and four whole specimens collected from various locations in northern NSW by MN (Table 1; Figure 6).

2.2. Molecular Study

DNA was extracted from ~10 mg of foot tissue from each ethanol-preserved specimen using a Qiagen DNeasy 96 Blood and Tissue DNA extraction kit and the supplied protocol. Partial COI sequences were amplified using degenerate primers [9] (jgLCO1490 5′- TITCIACIAAYCAYAARGAYATTGG-3′, jgHCO2198 5′-TAIACYTCIGGRTGICCRAARAAYCA-3′). Universal primers were used to amplify 16S rDNA [10] (16SarL 5′-CGCCTGTTTAACAAAAACAT-3′, 16SbrH 5′-CCGGTCTGAACTCAGATCACGT-3′); and universal primers were used to amplify H3 sequences [11] (H3AF 5′-ATGGCTCGTACCAAGCAGACVGC-3′. H3AR 5′-ATATCCTTRGGCATRATRGTGAC-3′). For each of these, a master mix was prepared using 5.0 µL of MyTaq X 5 PCR buffer, 0.2 µL MyTaq, 0.8 µL primer 1, 0.8 µL primer 2, 16.8 µL molecular-grade H2O and 1.5 µL of extracted DNA. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) cycling was carried out using a Bio-Rad T100 thermal cycler. Thermo cycler conditions for PCR amplification of the COI marker were as follows: initial denaturation at 95 °C for 3 min, 8 cycles of denaturation at 95 °C for 30 s, annealing at 50 °C for 30 s and extension at 72 °C for 45 s with another 32 cycles of 95 °C for 30 s, annealing at 48 °C for 30 s and extension at 72 °C for 45 s. Finally, elongation was carried out at 72 °C for 5 min. For the 16S and H3 markers, PCR conditions were as follows: initial denaturation at 95 °C for 5 min, 35 cycles of further denaturation at 95 °C for 30 s, annealing at 50 °C for 30 s and extension at 72 °C for 45 s, with a final elongation at 72 °C for 10 min. Visualisation of PCR products was carried out using an Invitrogen E-gel 96, 2% agarose plate to determine the approximate base pair lengths (bp) of COI (658 bp), 16S (422 bp) and H3 (328 bp). PCR products were sequenced at the Australian Genomic Research Facility (AGRF), Perth, WA.
Sequences were de novo assembled using Geneious 11.1.5 [12] and edited by eye. Consensus sequences were then exported and combined with additional sequence data retrieved from GenBank. This includes data from Golestani et al. [3], where COI, 16S and H3 sequences were available for each specimen, and a COI sequence listed as A. parvula but identified using BLAST as a match for Aplysia atromarginata from French Polynesia (Table 2). Sequences were aligned using the MAFFT plugin [13] using default settings and primers were trimmed from the alignment. Data quality checks were carried out with MEGABLAST [14] and protein translation for COI. An alignment of 16S sequences was uploaded to the online version of GBlocks [15] and processed using relaxed settings to remove ambiguous regions (i.e., containing gaps and/or poorly aligned) [16]. The gene alignments of COI, gblocked 16S and H3 were then concatenated using Geneious.
A phylogenetic tree was produced using W-IQ-Tree [17,18] using default settings and partitioned by gene [19]. W-IQ-Tree incorporates ModelTest [20], which selected HKY + F + G4 as the best-fit model for the first partition, which is scored according to the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and automatically applied. Trees were visualised using FigTree 1.4.4. Dolabella auricularia (Lightfoot, 1786) was used to root trees for analysis as it is sister to Aplysia [3,21].
Species hypotheses were also explored using COI sequence data. Within- and between-species mean distances were calculated using MEGA V7.0.26 [22] using the Tamura–Nei substitution model [23]. The Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) algorithm was used to examine the potential for new species [24]. This employs a distance-based analysis of the distribution of pairwise distances in the alignment of barcode COI sequences. As recommended by Puillandre et al. [24], a pairwise distance matrix was developed in MEGA 7, which also selects a best-fit evolutionary model, and this matrix was uploaded to the ABGD webserver (without the outgroup) and processed using the default settings. Haplotype networks were constructed using the TCS network algorithm [25] in PopART [26] software.

2.3. Morphological Study

Animals were photographed alive either in situ or in aquaria. Preserved specimens were dissected by a ventral or right lateral incision just above the margin of the foot. Internal anatomy was examined using a Leica Zoom 2000 dissecting microscope. The buccal mass was removed and placed in 10% NaOH for four hours to separate the radula. The radula, penis and shell were isolated from the tissues, rinsed in seawater, critical point dried using a graded ethanol series and mounted for imagery using a Hitachi TM4000plus desktop scanning electron microscope (SEM). The reproductive system was examined and photographed using an Olympus S2 × 7 binocular microscope with an Olympus DP26 overhead-mounted digital camera. Field-collected specimens have been deposited with the Australian Museum, Sydney (AMS) and Western Australian Museum (WAM).

3. Results

3.1. Species Delimitation

PCR amplification and sequencing yielded 658bp of COI, 432 bp of 16S (sequence length reduced to 359 bp after gblock cleaning) and 327 bp of H3. MegaBLAST searches of the NCBI database identified best matches for all sequences to Aplysia ghanimii. ABGD analysis returned nine groups comprising the following taxa: 1. Aplysia ghanimii; 2. Aplysia sp. from Japan; 3. Aplysia sp. from St. Helena; 4. Aplysia parvula + Aplysia atromarginata; 5. Aplysia japonica; 6. Aplysia nigrocincta; 7. Aplysia hooveri; 8. Aplysia elongata and 9. Aplysia concava.
Interspecific genetic distances, based on the Tamura–Nei model, delimited Aplysia concava as a distinct taxon from all other known species in the Aplysia parvula complex with a divergence of 2%, whereas the minimum intraspecific divergence values were >4% for all other Aplysia used in this study (Table 3). Delimitation was further supported by a phylogenetic reconstruction based on maximum likelihood using concatenated COI, 16S and H3 markers, which recovered Aplysia concava as a maximally supported, monophyletic clade (approximate Bayes/ultrafast bootstrap value = 1/100), sister to Aplysia ghanimii + Aplysia sp., which comprise Golestani et al. [3] Species Complex 2 (Figure 2).
A haplotype network reconstructed using COI sequences for A. concava does not show marked geographic structure. Specimens from oceanic islands (Hunter Island, east of New Caledonia and Lord Howe Island, in the Tasman Sea) were separated from other, mainland haplotypes by three and four substitutions, respectively; however, this level of divergence is also present among other mainland Eastern Australian specimens (Figure 3).
Figure 3. TCS haplotype network based on COI sequence data for the Aplysia concava clade. Each circle represents one haplotype. Red circles = Oceanic Island, Blue circles = Mainland Eastern Australia.
Figure 3. TCS haplotype network based on COI sequence data for the Aplysia concava clade. Each circle represents one haplotype. Red circles = Oceanic Island, Blue circles = Mainland Eastern Australia.
Taxonomy 01 00006 g003
CLASS Gastropoda Cuvier, 1795.
ORDER Aplysiida.
FAMILY Aplysiidae Lamarck, 1809.
GENUS Aplysia Linnaeaus, 1767.
SUBGENUS Pruvotaplysia Engel, 1936.
Aplysia concava G. B. Sowerby, I, 1833.
(Figures 4 and 5).
Aplysia concava G. B. Sowerby I, 1843: v2, 243, pl. 235, Figure 3. Type locality by subsequent restriction: none given. Type: probably lost, not found at the Natural History Museum, London [3], or in collections at Australian Museums (pers. comm. I. Loch).
⸻Sowerby II, 1869: v. 17, pl. 6, Figure 24a,b. Locality: ‘Australia’.
⸻Pilsbry, 1895: v.16, pl. 43, Figure 27.
⸻von Clessin, 1899: 18, pl. 7, Figures 12 and 13.

3.2. Material Examined

Oceania, Hunter Island, east of New Caledonia, 1 spc (sequenced), AMS C,572080, L = 16 mm; Australia, Lord Howe Island, NSW, 1 spc (photographed, sequenced), AMS C.546630, L = 16 mm; Australia, Newcastle, NSW, 1 spc (dissected), AMS C.574820, L = 14 mm; Australia, Sandy Beach, NSW, 3 spcs (3 dissected, 3 sequenced), AMS C.574826 L = 7 mm, AMS C.574821 L = 8 mm AMS C.574818 L = 7 mm; Australia, Korff’s Islet, Coffs Harbour, NSW, 1 spc (dissected), WAM S.296298, L = 12 mm; Australia, Smoky Cape, NSW, 1 spc (dissected), AMS C.481313, L = 9 mm; Australia, Hastings Point, NSW, 3 spcs (3 sequenced), AMS C.481398-481400, L = 7–19 mm; Australia, Tweed Heads, NSW, 2 spcs (2 sequenced), AMS C.481462, 481573, L = 7–12 mm; Australia, Kingscliff, NSW, 1 spc (sequenced), AMS C.481686, L = 14 mm.

3.3. Description

3.3.1. External Morphology

Body elongated, with a distinct head and neck. Body widest at visceral region, tapering towards tail and narrowing slightly towards the head and neck. Paired, rolled rhinophores with tapered tips arise on top of the head, posterior to the eye spots. Paired, rolled cephalic tentacles project anterolaterally and may flare along their length, forming a flattened, posteriorly projecting flap. Parapodia do not meet anteriorly, fused high posteriorly, form a fold at their mid-length and do not meet above the mantle. Mantle foramen large, circular, not raised, opening on left side of mantle. Shell visible through foramen. In some, the top of the siphon is level with, in others, it projects above, the parapodia.

3.3.2. Colour Variation

Aplysia concava is highly variable in colour, ranging from dark red to light brown to cream (Figure 4). There is a very fine white parapodial margin and a black submarginal band, which may be discontinuous in light brown to cream animals (Figure 4B–E). The black band may be broad in dark red animals and the marginal band, grey (Figure 4A,F). The foot margins, tips of the cephalic tentacles and rhinophores also exhibit a black margin that may also be discontinuous in some specimens (Figure 4B–E). The mantle foramen has a black margin in dark red animals; however, this is absent in light brown and cream animals. Fine white specks may cluster to form irregular spots all over the body; however, these are absent in dark red animals. The base of the siphon is opaque white in light brown animals.

3.3.3. Internal Morphology

The ovate-auriculate shell is characteristically concave (Figure 5I–K) and the protoconch is highly inflexed so as to be perpendicular to the rest of the shell (Figure 5I) and is consistent with that illustrated for A. concava by earlier authors (Figure 1).
Radula ribbon longer than wide (Figure 5E). Radular formula 27 × for a 12 mm preserved length specimen from Coffs Harbour, NSW (WAM S.29698) and 19 × for an 8 mm preserved specimen from Sandy Beach, NSW (AMS C.574821). Rachidian tooth bilaterally symmetrical with large, serrate central cusp and two smaller, serrate lateral cusps each side (Figure 5A,F). Inner lateral teeth asymmetrical with large, serrate cusp subtended by two smaller cusps distally (Figure 5B). Outer lateral teeth similar, but larger (Figure 5C). Three underdeveloped vestigial teeth lie outside functional outer laterals (Figure 5E). Jaw elements comprise numerous flattened rodlets with stoutly digitate tips (Figure 5G). Penis short, simple, unarmed, with broad, rounded tip. Seminal groove wide, shallow (Figure 5D,H,L).

4. Discussion

4.1. Diagnosis

Aplysia concava can be distinguished from other Aplysia by the presence of a solid or broken black marginal band on the foot, parapodia, rhinophores, cephalic tentacles and by its diminutive adult size. It may be separated from other Southwestern Pacific Aplysia parvula s. l. by the presence of a distinctively concave shell, and, depending on the activity of the living animal, the shell may cause the visceral mass to appear swollen (Figure 4C). The parapodia are not able to cover the mantle. In brown specimens, there is an opaque white patch at the base of the siphon (Figure 4B); however, this is absent in dark red specimens. The mantle aperture is large, circular and its margins are not raised.
Although it shares most of the external morphological features of the sister taxa in Golestani et al. [3] Species Complex 2, A. concava is allopatric in its distribution. Aplysia ghanimii is found in the Atlantic and Western Indian Oceans and Aplysia sp. 2 is so far only known in Japan. It can be separated from the potentially sympatric A. parvula s. l. species A. nigrocincta, which has characteristic white or light blue parapodial margins without submarginal black banding, and A. atromarginata, which exhibits a small, raised, “volcano-like” mantle aperture with dark margins and radiating white lines.

4.2. Range

Aplysia concava has a confirmed range in the Southwestern Pacific, extending south from New Caledonia to Eastern Australia (from the Queensland and NSW border south to the NSW mid-north coast) and east into the Tasman Sea. Its range may include the northern part of New Zealand (MN pers. obs) and, according to Tennyson Woods [8], it extends as far south as Southern Tasmania (Figure 6).

Author Contributions

M.J.N. and N.G.W. conceived and designed the research, contributed material and biological data, conducted molecular work, analysed data and wrote the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was undertaken as part of a project (MN) titled “Taxonomy and systematics of the Australian Aplysiidae (Mollusca: Heterobranchia)”, with funding from the Australian Government’s Australian Biological Resources Study National Taxonomy Research Grant Program.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are openly available in GenBank at (accessed on 9 April 2021).


Gratitude is extended to Mandy Reid of the Australian Museum, Sydney (AMS) and staff of the Western Australian Museum for assistance, particularly Mia Hillyer for sequencing assistance, Maxine Dawes from Southern Cross University (SCU) for help with SEM, Kirsten Benkendorff, Steve Smith and the SCU Marine Ecology Research Centre and Bob Burn from Museum Victoria. Specimens from NSW were collected under permit issued by NSW DPI (P14/0014-1.1). The authors gratefully acknowledge three reviewers who provided valuable feedback on this manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Historic illustrations of shells of Aplysia concava. (A) G. B. Sowerby I, 1833, the genera of recent and fossil shells for the use of students in conchology and geology, V. 2, Figure 3, pl. 235; (B) von Clessin, 1899, Die familie der Aplysiidae, in Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini and Chemnitz, pl. 7, Figures 12 and 13; (C) Reeve, 1870, Conchologia Iconica, V. 17, pl. 6, Figure 24a,b; and (D) Tryon, 1895, Manual of Conchology, V. 16, pl. 43, Figure 27.
Figure 1. Historic illustrations of shells of Aplysia concava. (A) G. B. Sowerby I, 1833, the genera of recent and fossil shells for the use of students in conchology and geology, V. 2, Figure 3, pl. 235; (B) von Clessin, 1899, Die familie der Aplysiidae, in Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini and Chemnitz, pl. 7, Figures 12 and 13; (C) Reeve, 1870, Conchologia Iconica, V. 17, pl. 6, Figure 24a,b; and (D) Tryon, 1895, Manual of Conchology, V. 16, pl. 43, Figure 27.
Taxonomy 01 00006 g001
Figure 2. Maximum likelihood tree of Aplysia parvula s. l. rooted with Dolabella auricularia based on concatenated COI, 16S and H3 markers. Numbers adjacent to branches are approximate Bayes/ultrafast bootstrap support values. Blue bars represent groups identified by ABGD analysis.
Figure 2. Maximum likelihood tree of Aplysia parvula s. l. rooted with Dolabella auricularia based on concatenated COI, 16S and H3 markers. Numbers adjacent to branches are approximate Bayes/ultrafast bootstrap support values. Blue bars represent groups identified by ABGD analysis.
Taxonomy 01 00006 g002
Figure 4. Some of the living animals used in this study: Aplysia concava. (A) AMS C.572080, Hunter Island, e. of New Caledonia; (B) AMS C.546630, Lord Howe Island, NSW; (C) AMS C.574820, Newcastle, NSW; (D) AMS C.574826, Sandy Beach, NSW; (E) AMS C.574821, Sandy Beach, NSW; (F) WAM S.29698, Korffs Islet, Coffs Harbour, NSW. Photos: A, B, Australian Museum; C, D, E, F Matt Nimbs.
Figure 4. Some of the living animals used in this study: Aplysia concava. (A) AMS C.572080, Hunter Island, e. of New Caledonia; (B) AMS C.546630, Lord Howe Island, NSW; (C) AMS C.574820, Newcastle, NSW; (D) AMS C.574826, Sandy Beach, NSW; (E) AMS C.574821, Sandy Beach, NSW; (F) WAM S.29698, Korffs Islet, Coffs Harbour, NSW. Photos: A, B, Australian Museum; C, D, E, F Matt Nimbs.
Taxonomy 01 00006 g004
Figure 5. Scanning electron microscope images of Aplysia concava: shell (A) ventral, (B) dorsal, (C) lateral view (WAM S.296298); (D) rachidian and first three lateral teeth, (E) inner laterals, (F) outer laterals (WAM S.296298); (G) entire anterior radula, (H) rachidian and first three lateral teeth, (I) tips of jaw rodlets (AMS C.574821); (J) penis tip, ventral (sg = sperm groove), (K) penis tip, dorsal (WAM S.296298); and (L) penis tip (AMS C.574821). Scale bars: a, b, c = 1 mm; d, e, f, g, h, j, k-100 µm; i = 10 µm; l = 150 µm.
Figure 5. Scanning electron microscope images of Aplysia concava: shell (A) ventral, (B) dorsal, (C) lateral view (WAM S.296298); (D) rachidian and first three lateral teeth, (E) inner laterals, (F) outer laterals (WAM S.296298); (G) entire anterior radula, (H) rachidian and first three lateral teeth, (I) tips of jaw rodlets (AMS C.574821); (J) penis tip, ventral (sg = sperm groove), (K) penis tip, dorsal (WAM S.296298); and (L) penis tip (AMS C.574821). Scale bars: a, b, c = 1 mm; d, e, f, g, h, j, k-100 µm; i = 10 µm; l = 150 µm.
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Figure 6. Map of Southern Oceania showing observation and sampling locations of Aplysia concava used in this study.
Figure 6. Map of Southern Oceania showing observation and sampling locations of Aplysia concava used in this study.
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Table 1. Details of specimens used in this study.
Table 1. Details of specimens used in this study.
VoucherLocalityDateCollected byLength (mm)GenBank Accession
AMS C.481313Smoky Cape, NSW, Australia30 February 2014J.H. Waterhouse, A.C. Miller, F. Noss, D. Holmes9---
AMS C.481398Hastings Point, NSW, Australia27 February 2014J.H. Waterhouse, A.C. Miller, F. Noss, D. Holmes7MT107263MT108945MW854246
AMS C.481399Hastings Point, NSW, Australia27 February 2014J.H. Waterhouse, A.C. Miller, F. Noss, D. Holmes19MT107259MT108948MW854247
AMS C.481400Hastings Point, NSW, Australia27 February 2014J.H. Waterhouse, A.C. Miller, F. Noss, D. Holmes16MT107267MT108950MW854248
AMS C.481462Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia28 February 2014J.H. Waterhouse, A.C. Miller, F. Noss, D. Holmes7MT107262MT108947MW854249
AMS C.481573Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia28 February 2014J.H. Waterhouse, A.C. Miller, F. Noss, D. Holmes12MT107265MT108951MW854250
AMS C.481686Kingscliff, NSW, Australia03 March 2014J.H. Waterhouse, A.C. Miller, F. Noss, D. Holmes14MT107264MT108944MW854251
AMS C.546630Lord Howe Island, NSW, Australia04 April 2017K. Layton, A. Reid9MT107268MT108943MW854252
AMS C.572080Hunter Island, e. of New Caledonia04 August 2017S. Hannam, A. Reid, E.K. Kupriyanova, L. Vogel, I. Middleton16MT107261MT108949MW854253
AMS C.574818Sandy Beach, NSW, Australia04 March 2016S. D. A. Smith7MT107260MT108946MW854254
AMS C.574821Sandy Beach, NSW, Australia06 April 2016M. Nimbs8MT107266MT108953MW854255
AMS C.574820Newcastle, NSW, Australia14 December 2016S. D. A. Smith14---
AMS C.574826Sandy Beach, NSW, Australia08 January 2019M. Nimbs7MT107269MT108942MW854256
WAM S.29698Korff’s Islet, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia24 May 2019M. Nimbs12---
Table 2. Details of sequence data retrieved from GenBank used in this study.
Table 2. Details of sequence data retrieved from GenBank used in this study.
SpeciesLocalityDateVoucherGenBank Accession Number
Aplysia atromarginataMoorea, French Polynesia--KJ522466--
Aplysia atromarginataMadang, Papua New Guinea06 December 2012CPIC 00821MK422836MK422738MK422627
Aplysia elongataMaliko Bay, Maui, Hawaii, USA16 January 2011CPIC 00333MK422876MK422773MK422669
Aplysia elongataMaliko Bay, Maui, Hawaii, USA18 June 2011CPIC 00363MK422875MK422772MK422668
Aplysia ghanimiiFlorida, USA14 April 2013CPIC 01375MK422853MK422752MK422645
Aplysia ghanimiiMozambique CPIC 01384MK422856MK422755MK422648
Aplysia ghanimiiPort d’Ehoala, Madagascar15 May 2010CPIC 01370MK422857MK422756MK422649
Aplysia ghanimiiPort d’Ehoala, MadagascarMay 2010CPIC 01372MK422858MK422757MK422650
Aplysia ghanimiiRio de Janeiro, Brazil29 November 2002ZSM Mol 20040138MK422863MK422761MK422655
Aplysia ghanimiiStocking Island, Bahamas19 January 2007CPIC 00039MK422848MK422750MK422639
Aplysia ghanimiiStocking Island, Bahamas19 January 2007CPIC 00041MK422847MK422749MK422638
Aplysia hooveriBaja California, Mexico01 September 2015CPIC 01845MK422878MK422777MK422673
Aplysia hooveriBaja California, Mexico01 September 2015CPIC 01851MK422877MK422776MK422672
Aplysia japonica,Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea24 August 2011CPIC 02175MK422869MK422764MK422661
Aplysia japonicaHokkaido, Japan12 September 2014CPIC 01849MK422867MK422763MK422659
Aplysia japonicaJeju-do, Korea28 April 2013CPIC 02176MK422870MK422765MK422662
Aplysia nigrocinctaLatang, Indonesia11 March 2014CPIC 01415MK422888MK422788MK422687
Aplysia nigrocinctaLatang, Indonesia11 March 2014CPIC 01416MK422889MK422789MK422688
Aplysia nigrocinctaMozambique CPIC 01380MK422885MK422785MK422684
Aplysia nigrocinctaMozambique CPIC 01382MK422886MK422786MK422685
Aplysia parvulaSt. John, U.S. Virgin Is.15 April 2006CPIC 00140MK422834MK422735MK422625
Aplysia parvulaSt. Peter and St. Paul Is., Brazil03 May 2011MZSP 104103MK422835MK422737MK422626
Aplysia sp. 1Buoys Hole, St. Helena02 October 2013ZSM Mol 20190050MK422838MK422740MK422629
Aplysia sp. 1Lots Wife Ponds, St. Helena22 January 2014ZSM Mol 20180052MK422840MK422742MK422631
Aplysia sp. 1Lots Wife Ponds, St. Helena22 January 2014ZSM Mol 20180053MK422841MK422743MK422632
Aplysia sp. 1Manati Bay, St. Helena14 October 2013ZSM Mol 20180051MK422839MK422741MK422630
Aplysia sp. 2Okinawa, Japan15 March 1987HG99MK422864MK422762MK422656
Dolabella auriculariaNapili Bay, Maui, Hawaii, USA15 June 2011CPIC 00327MF669619MF669573MF669657
Table 3. Maximum intraspecific and minimum interspecific genetic distances calculated using the Tamura–Nei substitution model. Intraspecific distances in bold.
Table 3. Maximum intraspecific and minimum interspecific genetic distances calculated using the Tamura–Nei substitution model. Intraspecific distances in bold.
Aplysia sp. 2Aplysia sp. 1A. parvulaA. nigrocinctaA. japonicaA. hooveriA. ghanimiiA. elongataA. concavaA. atromarginata
Aplysia sp. 20.03
Aplysia sp. 10.110.01
A. parvula0.120.060.02
A. nigrocincta0.
A. japonica0.
A. hooveri0.
A. ghanimii0.
A. elongata0.
A. concava0.
A. atromarginata0.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Nimbs, M.J.; Wilson, N.G. Saved by the Shell: Molecular Analysis Detects the Cryptic Sea Hare, Aplysia concava G. B. Sowerby I, 1833 (Mollusca: Heterobranchia: Aplysiidae), from Oceania, with a Redescription. Taxonomy 2021, 1, 48-59.

AMA Style

Nimbs MJ, Wilson NG. Saved by the Shell: Molecular Analysis Detects the Cryptic Sea Hare, Aplysia concava G. B. Sowerby I, 1833 (Mollusca: Heterobranchia: Aplysiidae), from Oceania, with a Redescription. Taxonomy. 2021; 1(2):48-59.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Nimbs, Matt J., and Nerida G. Wilson. 2021. "Saved by the Shell: Molecular Analysis Detects the Cryptic Sea Hare, Aplysia concava G. B. Sowerby I, 1833 (Mollusca: Heterobranchia: Aplysiidae), from Oceania, with a Redescription" Taxonomy 1, no. 2: 48-59.

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