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Journal: Chem. Proc., 2021
Volume: 5
Number: 80

Article: Developing an Electrochemical Biosensor for the Detection of Hemagglutinin Protein of Influenza A Virus Subtype H1N1 in Artificial Saliva
Authors: by Carlos Torres-Méndez, Jayendra Ellamathy, Maria Ines Mascarenhas, Yifan Liu, Georgia-Vasiliki Gkountana, Patrizia Kühne, Javier Sebastián, Ivana Jovanovic, David Bern, Sharmilee Nandi, Maike Lüftner, Viktoria Langwallner, Maria Lysandrou, Sam Taylor, Klara Martinovic, Abdul-Raouf Atif, Ehsan Manouchehri Doulabi, Masood Kamali-Moghaddam and Gemma Mestres

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