Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of Polish Enterprises in the Face of Crisis Threats
:1. Introduction
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2. Economic Situation of Enterprises
3. Materials and Methods
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- Regions diversified in terms of development;
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- Various types of legal forms of the surveyed enterprises;
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- Number of employees in the surveyed enterprises.
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- The size of individual subcategories had to be large enough to enable statistically significant comparative analyses;
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- Attention should be paid to the possibility of conducting surveys among enterprises.
4. Results
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Q1 | How has the economic crisis affected your company? |
Q2 | Has your company used any special strategies to survive the crisis? |
Q3 | What factors do you consider to be the biggest challenges in the face of the economic crisis? |
Q4 | Have you noticed changes in customer behavior during the crisis? |
Q5 | What actions are you taking to maintain financial liquidity in the face of the crisis? |
Q6 | Have you used any government support programs for entrepreneurs during the crisis? |
Q7 | What actions are you taking to protect jobs in your company in the face of the crisis? |
Q8 | What aspects of your company’s operations do you consider most vulnerable to the effects of the economic crisis? |
Q9 | Have you noticed any changes in relationships with suppliers and customers during the crisis? |
Q10 | Are you planning to restructure your company in response to the economic crisis? |
Q11 | Do you have financial reserves in case of an economic crisis? |
Q12 | What actions are you taking to increase efficiency and reduce costs in the face of the crisis? |
Q13 | How do you assess the current effectiveness of actions taken to manage the economic crisis? |
Q14 | Do you see opportunities for the development of your company in the period after the economic crisis? |
Q15 | Do you plan to change your business strategy in response to the economic crisis? |
Q16 | What external factors do you consider to be the greatest threat to your company in the context of the economic crisis? |
Q17 | Have you observed changes in customer and market preferences during the crisis? |
Q18 | What marketing tools do you use to ensure business continuity during the crisis? |
Q19 | Are you looking for new sales markets in response to the economic crisis? |
Q20 | How do you assess the prospects for economic recovery after the crisis ends? |
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Sobczak, A.; Chomać-Pierzecka, E. Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of Polish Enterprises in the Face of Crisis Threats. World 2024, 5, 453-470.
Sobczak A, Chomać-Pierzecka E. Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of Polish Enterprises in the Face of Crisis Threats. World. 2024; 5(2):453-470.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSobczak, Anna, and Ewa Chomać-Pierzecka. 2024. "Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of Polish Enterprises in the Face of Crisis Threats" World 5, no. 2: 453-470.
APA StyleSobczak, A., & Chomać-Pierzecka, E. (2024). Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of Polish Enterprises in the Face of Crisis Threats. World, 5(2), 453-470.