A Performance Comparison and Enhancement of Animal Species Detection in Images with Various R-CNN Models
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work in Detection
2.1. Object Detection
2.2. Animal Species Detection
3. Overview of CNN
3.1. Regular CNN
3.2. D-CNN
4. R-CNN Models
4.1. R-CNN
- Network processing is expensive and slow due to the use of selective search algorithm, where hundreds to thousands of region proposals need to be classified for each image.
- R-CNN sometimes generates bad candidate region proposals as the selective search is a fixed algorithm which has no learning capabilities.
4.2. Fast R-CNN
4.3. Faster R-CNN
4.4. Mask R-CNN
5. Animal Datasets
5.1. Datasets Used in Our Study
5.2. Limitations of Datasets
6. Methodology of Animal Species Detection
6.1. Features Enhancement
6.2. Training
7. Experimental Results of Animal Species Detection
7.1. Performance Evaluation Metrics
7.2. Comparison Results and Discussion
- Three datasets of different characteristics have been used for training and testing.
- Deformable convolutional layers have been added to the R-CNN detectors, which have a great effect on enhancing the extracted features, which in turn improve the performance of animal species detection.
8. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Pre-Trained Models | Accuracy of Animal Identification |
AlexNet | 93.1% |
GoogleNet | 95.9% |
VGG-16 | 96.8% |
VGG-19 | 96.3% |
ResNet-18 | 96.8% |
ResNet-50 | 97.1% |
ResNet-101 | 97.6% |
References | Year | Dataset | Performance | Technique |
Parham et al. [39] | 2016 | 2500 images of Plain and Grevy zebras | mAP of zebra detection: 55.6% for Plain and 56.6% for Grevy | YOLOv1 detector |
Norouzzadeh et al. [37] | 2019 | Snapshot Serengeti | Accuracy of animal species detection 92.9% | Deep active learning |
Xu et al. [41] | 2020 | 750 images of cattles | Accuracy of cattle detection: 94% | Mask R-CNN |
Gupta et al. [42] | 2020 | MS COCO dataset [15] | AP of detection: 79.47% for cows, and 81.09% for dogs | Mask R-CNN |
Saxena et al. [64] | 2021 | 31,774 images of various animals | mAP of animal species detection: 82.11% | Faster R-CNN |
Yılmaz et al. [65] | 2021 | 1500 images of cattle | Accuracy of cattle detection: 92.85% | YOLOv4 |
Sato et al. [66] | 2021 | 2000 images of donkeys and horses | Accuracy of donkeys and horses: detection: 84.87% | YOLOv4 |
Our work | 2021 | Snapshot Serengeti, BCMOTI, and Snapshot Wisconsin | Accuracy and mAP of animal species detection, respectively: 98.4% and 89.2% in Snapshot Serengeti, 93.3% and 82.9% in BCMOTI, 97.6% and 87.6% in Snapshot Wisconsin | Deformable Mask R-CNN |
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Share and Cite
Ibraheam, M.; Li, K.F.; Gebali, F.; Sielecki, L.E. A Performance Comparison and Enhancement of Animal Species Detection in Images with Various R-CNN Models. AI 2021, 2, 552-577. https://doi.org/10.3390/ai2040034
Ibraheam M, Li KF, Gebali F, Sielecki LE. A Performance Comparison and Enhancement of Animal Species Detection in Images with Various R-CNN Models. AI. 2021; 2(4):552-577. https://doi.org/10.3390/ai2040034
Chicago/Turabian StyleIbraheam, Mai, Kin Fun Li, Fayez Gebali, and Leonard E. Sielecki. 2021. "A Performance Comparison and Enhancement of Animal Species Detection in Images with Various R-CNN Models" AI 2, no. 4: 552-577. https://doi.org/10.3390/ai2040034
APA StyleIbraheam, M., Li, K. F., Gebali, F., & Sielecki, L. E. (2021). A Performance Comparison and Enhancement of Animal Species Detection in Images with Various R-CNN Models. AI, 2(4), 552-577. https://doi.org/10.3390/ai2040034