Ultra-Low-Power Architecture for the Detection and Notification of Wildfires Using the Internet of Things
:1. Introduction
- During 1998–2017, wildfires and volcanic activities caused 2400 deaths, and about 6.2 million people have been affected by suffocation, injuries, and burns worldwide [1]. Exposure to wildfire smoke affects the body’s respiratory and cardiovascular systems almost immediately [2]. It may also irritate the eyes and nose, and cause coughing and wheezing, lung diseases, such as bronchitis and asthma, and heart failure [1]. Witnessing the destruction caused by a wildfire can present mental hardships that may manifest as psychological disorders [3]. The proposed system will help to prevent the fire early on and help to reduce deaths, injuries, and physical and mental health problems.
- According to a Congressional Research Service report, over 44,000 wildfires have burned nearly 7.7 million acres in the United States in 2020 alone. In 2019–2020, wildfires destroyed approximately 10,000 structures and over 46 million acres of forest in Australia. Between 15,000–18,000 personal residences are destroyed and an average of 1.2 million acres of forest burn every year in the US due to wildfires [4]. The annualized losses are estimated to range from USD 63.5 to 285.0 billion in the US [3]. The early detection of wildfires using the proposed system can save structures and forests.
2. Materials and Methods
- Notification and data collection: in case of a fire, the system must provide real-time notifications to the smartphones with location information. The system should log the environmental data daily, which can be used for analysis, such as predicting wildfires.
- Less LTE data usage: the amount of LTE Internet data used by the hub must be minimized to reduce monthly data plan costs and power-consumption.
- Low power consumption: the sensor and hub nodes must consume ultra-low power as they will be powered using solar panels, and the availability of sunlight is sometimes uncertain due to cloudy days. Manual USB charging is also impractical in a large forest environment.
2.1. Sensor Node
2.1.1. Hardware
2.1.2. Firmware
2.2. Hub Node
2.2.1. Hardware
2.2.2. Firmware
2.3. Cerntral Server Software
2.4. Smartphone App
3. Result
3.1. Prototype Development and Testing
3.2. Current Consumption
3.2.1. Current Consumption of Sensor Node
3.2.2. Current Consumption of Hub Node
3.3. Comparison with Other Works
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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H. T. Wu et al. [7] | G. Saldamli et al. [8] | T. Blalack, et al. [9] | M. Antunes et al. [10] | R. V. Rodríguez et al. [11] | Proposed | |
Fire detection method | Flame sensor | Temperature, CO, and NO | IR image using PixyCam 2 | FIR thermal tensor | Using temperature, relative humidity, wind speed; 30-30-30 rule | Smoke and sudden increase in temperature |
Data communication method | Bluetooth beacon module and smartphone’s 3G | LoRa mesh and Wi-Fi | LoRa and LoRaWAN gateway | Wired UART and LoRaWAN gateway | LoRa and LoRaWAN gateway | LoRa and LTE |
Forest monitoring parameters | Temperature and humidity | Temperature, CO, and NO | Temperature and humidity | Temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, and VOC | Temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and CO2 | Temperature, humidity, CO2, rain, light, and wind speed |
Marking on map | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Smartphone notification | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Data visualizing dashboard | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Database | No | MySQL | No | No | Yes | MS SQL server |
Avg. current consumption of sensor node | >62mA | >24mA + LoRa transmission current + MCU current | >182 mA | >23mA | >192mA | 0.37 mA |
Avg. current consumption of hub node/gateway | - | - | >500 mA | >500 mA | >500 mA | 1.40 mA |
Power source | 9V DC battery | Rechargeable battery with solar panel (suggested, not implemented) | Rechargeable battery with solar panel (suggested, not implemented) | From wall outlet using cable | Battery | Rechargeable battery with solar panel |
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Khan, T. Ultra-Low-Power Architecture for the Detection and Notification of Wildfires Using the Internet of Things. IoT 2023, 4, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/iot4010001
Khan T. Ultra-Low-Power Architecture for the Detection and Notification of Wildfires Using the Internet of Things. IoT. 2023; 4(1):1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/iot4010001
Chicago/Turabian StyleKhan, Tareq. 2023. "Ultra-Low-Power Architecture for the Detection and Notification of Wildfires Using the Internet of Things" IoT 4, no. 1: 1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/iot4010001