Estimators for Time Synchronization—Survey, Analysis, and Outlook
:1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation
1.2. Problem Definition and Objectives of the Survey Paper
- Accuracy: The remaining time difference between master and slave, which cannot be compensated by synchronization, should be as small as possible. In this context, there are two parameters defined. The offset is the time difference between master and slave. Compensating the offset is referred to as synchronization. The skew is the frequency difference between both. Compensating the skew is referred to as syntonization.
- Scalability and bandwidth efficiency: Synchronization messages always generate an overhead. If less bandwidth is used for synchronization, more bandwidth is available for the actual tasks of the distributed system (control, data acquisition, data exchange, etc.). This is crucial for the scalability of an synchronization approach, as the synchronization of all devices might be impossible at some point due to limited bandwidth and thousands of devices to be synchronized. Additionally, reducing the number of messages also reduces the energy consumption. This is especially important in wireless scenarios with battery-powered devices (note that communication typically requires a lot more energy than computing [15]).
- Computational efficiency: The time synchronization requires additional computing power on devices. The less additional computing power is required for synchronization, the more is available for the actual tasks of the devices.
- Hardware (HW) requirements: The HW requirements are also decisive. This applies to both the end devices (e.g., networks interface cards) and the network infrastructure (e.g., switches). Lower HW requirements lead to lower installation costs and greater future-proofness.
- Robustness: Depending on the use case, it might be important that an approach is especially robust. Robustness is very relevant in highly dynamic IoT scenarios (high node churn and frequent topology changes). In IIoT scenarios, robustness against failing nodes and links is important in order to achieve high availability of the system.
- Security: One major concern in modern networks is security. Consequently, it is also relevant for synchronization. Especially, in IIoT scenarios, it is crucial that secure time synchronization protocols are safe against malicious nodes and attacks, as a failing synchronization can lead to failure of the entire system.
1.3. Structure of This Article
2. Classification of the Research Area
2.1. Time Synchronization in Computer Networks
2.2. Synchronization in Complex Networks
2.3. Alternatives to Synchronization
3. Comparison with and Differentiation from Other Surveys
3.1. Non-WSNs
3.2. WSNs
3.3. Summary of Comparison with Other Surveys
4. Methodology for Evaluating the Approaches
4.1. Quantitative: Which Synchronization Accuracy Was Achieved?
4.2. Qualitative: Is the Approach Compliant with a Standard?
4.3. Qualitative: Which Estimation Method Was Used?
4.4. Qualitative: What Conditions and Restrictions Are There?
4.5. Restriction
5. Time Synchronization Protocols
5.1. NTP
5.2. PTP
5.3. gPTP
5.4. PTCP
5.5. SyncE
5.6. Summary of Existing Time Synchronization Protocols
6. Research Approaches to Time Synchronization
6.1. PTP/gPTP Modifications
6.1.1. PTP/gPTP Modifications Using RTT-Based Estimation
6.1.2. PTP/gPTP Modifications Using KF-Based Estimation
6.1.3. PTP/gPTP Modifications Using PI-Based Estimation
6.1.4. PTP/gPTP Modifications Using Expectation Maximization (EM)-Based Estimation
6.1.5. PTP/gPTP Modifications Using LP-Based Estimation
6.1.6. Summary of PTP/gPTP Modifications
6.2. Wired Approaches
6.2.1. Wired Approaches Using RTT-Based Estimation
6.2.2. Wired Approaches Using EF-Based Estimation
6.2.3. Wired Approaches Using KF-Based Estimation
6.2.4. Wired Approaches Using PI-Based Estimation
6.2.5. Wired Approaches Using Convex Hull (CH)-Based Estimation
6.2.6. Wired Approaches Using LP-Based Estimation
6.2.7. Wired Approaches Using Other Estimators
6.2.8. Summary of Research Approaches Addressing Wired Scenarios
6.3. Wireless Approaches
6.3.1. Wireless Approaches without (Delay) Estimation
6.3.2. Wireless Approaches Using RTT-Based Estimation
6.3.3. Wireless Approaches Using CA-Based Estimation
6.3.4. Wireless Approaches Using KF-Based Estimation
6.3.5. Wireless Approaches Using LR-Based Estimation
6.3.6. Wireless Approaches Using Other Estimators
6.3.7. Summary of Existing Wireless Time Synchronization Approaches
7. Conclusion and Future Research Directions
- Achieving high synchronization accuracies (<1 s) without the use of a specialized HW remains an open research question.
- In the wireless domain, many broadcast-based approaches have been proposed to improve scalability. Broadcasts could also be beneficial for wired networks. Scalability is particularly important for IoT and IIoT scenarios due to the large number of devices to be networked.
- In order to place as few requirements as possible on the platform, an approach should be implemented in SW (if possible). This reduces costs and improves future-proofness. Some approaches, however, use HW timestamps if they are available to increase the synchronization accuracy. It is worth emphasizing that this only places a requirement on the end nodes but not on the switches.
- In the best case scenario, an approach does not place any special requirements on the switches and compensates for the delays that arise in the network using powerful estimators on the end nodes. Consequently, this survey paper focuses on delay estimators and their achievable synchronization accuracy.
- As such, an estimator, LP in particular, achieves very good results. Instead, LR is in particular used in WSNs. Compared to LP, LR has an even lower computational complexity while slightly sacrificing accuracy. LR was already extensively examined in the wireless domain but could be interesting for further consideration in the wired domain.
- One EM-based approach was presented as a PTP extension. EM could also be generally interesting for wired and wireless synchronization.
- A few works consider CHs in wired networks. From our point of view, CHs are an interesting approach and need further investigation.
- One work proposes SVMs for wired synchronization. From our point of view, SVMs might be interesting for both wireless scenarios and as extension to existing protocols.
- With regard to clock stabilization, it should be noted that the temperature is the main factor for clock frequency instabilities. However, this influence can be compensated, as some works show impressively.
- Although there are several approaches for secure time synchronization, secure time synchronization protocols in general remain an open research question [6].
Conflicts of Interest
AP | Access Point |
ATD | Averaged Time Differences |
AVB | Audio/Video Bridging |
BMCA | Best Master Clock Algorithm |
CA | Consensus Algorithm |
CCS | Consensus Clock Synchronisation |
CCT | Coordinated Cluster Time |
CERN | European Organization for Nuclear Research |
CESP | Coefficient Exchange Synchronization Protocol |
CH | Convex Hulls |
CKF | Custom Kalman Filter |
CMA | Cumulative Moving Average |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CWA | Confidence Weighted Average |
DC | Distributed Clock Synchronization |
DS | De Facto Standard |
DSR | Direct Skew Removal |
DSR | Direct Skew Removal (Technique) |
DTP | Datacenter Time Protocol |
EACS | Environment-Aware Clock Synchronization |
EF | Exponential Filtering |
EKF | Extended Kalman Filter |
EM | Expectation Maximization Algorithm |
FTM | Fault-Tolerant Midpoint |
FTSP | Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol |
FWA | Forwards Weighted Average |
gPTP | Generalized Precision Time Protocol |
GD | Gradient Descent |
GT | Gaussian Traffic |
GTSP | Gradient Time Synchronization Protocol |
HW | Hardware |
HW-TS | Hardware Timestamps |
IIoT | Industrial Internet of Things |
IMM | Interacting Multiple Model (Kalman filter) |
ISR | Interrupt Service Routine |
ITU-T | Telecommunication Standardization Sector |
KF | Kalman filter |
LCM | Least Common Multiple |
LP | Linear Programming |
LR | Linear Regression |
MA | Moving Average |
MAC Layer | Medium Access Control Layer |
MII | Media Independent Interface |
ML | Machine Learning |
MSR | Mean Subsequence Reduced |
MV | Mean Value |
NTP | Network Time Protocol |
P2P | Peer-to-Peer |
PHY Layer | Physical Layer |
PI | Proportional Integral (Controller) |
PLL | Phase-Locked Loop |
PTCP | Precision Transparent Clock Protocol |
RBIS | Reference Broadcast Infrastructure Synchronization |
RBS | Reference-Broadcast Synchronization |
RMSE | Root Mean Square Error |
RSS | Received Signal Strength |
RTSP | Recursive Time Synchronization Protocol |
RTT | Round-Trip Time |
SAGE | Space Altering Generalized Expectation-Maximization |
SDN | Software-Defined Networking |
SLE | System of Linear Equations |
SPiRT | Synchronization through Piggybacked Reference Timestamps |
ST | Self-Similar Traffic |
SVM | Support Vector Machine |
SW | Software |
SW | Sliding Window |
SyncE | Synchronous Ethernet |
TACSC | Temperature-Assisted Clock Self-Calibration |
TCTS | Temperature Compensated Time Synchronization |
TCXO | Temperature Compensated Oscillator |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access |
TKDS | Temperature-compensated Kalman-based Distributed Synchronization |
TPSN | Timing-sync Protocol for Sensor Networks |
TSC | Time Stamp Counter |
TSCH | Time Slotted Channel Hopping Networks |
TSN | Time-Sensitive Networking |
TTE | Trigger-Time-Event System |
VANETs | Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks |
VCO | Voltage Controlled Oscillator |
W7-X | Wendelstein 7-X |
WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network (IEEE 80211) |
WSN | Wireless Sensor Network |
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Approach | SC | Estimator | Accuracy | Cond./restr. |
NTP [47] | Yes | RTT | 1ms | None |
PTP [48] | Yes | RTT | <1s | Custom HW |
gPTP [49] | Yes | RTT | <1s | Custom HW |
PTCP [50,51] | Yes | RTT | <1s | Custom HW |
PTCP-KF [52] | Yes | KF | 20–200 ns | Eval. with Matlab |
SyncE [53] | Yes | Offset: MV Freq.: PLL | Freq.: 4 ppm | Custom HW |
c SyncE + Offset [54] | No | Offset: MV Freq.: PLL | NI Freq.: 4 ppm | Custom HW |
Approach | SC | Estimator | Accuracy | Cond./restr. |
[67] | Yes (PTP) | RTT (ISR) | 10–100 ns | Testbed |
[4] | Yes (PTP) | RTT | SW:20 s HW:10 ns–1 s | Analytically |
[68] | No | RTT | <1 ns | Analytically + Sim. |
White Rabbit [11,69,70] | Yes (PTP, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.3) | Offset:RTT Freq.: PLL | 200 ps | Testbed Custom HW |
ReversePTP [71,72,73] | Yes | RTT | aprox. 8 ms (SW) | Testbed |
[45] | Yes (PTP) | KF | NI | Sim. |
[74] | Yes | KF | 100 ns–1 s | Analytically + Sim. |
[75] | Yes (PTP) | KF | approximately 30 ns | Sim. |
[76] | NI | KF + PI | 25 μs | Testbed |
[77] | No | PI | 40–350 ns | Sim. + Testbed |
[78] | NA | SAGE | NI | Sim. |
PTP-LP [59] | Yes | LP/LR | approximately 100 ns | Sim. |
Approach | SC | Estimator | Accuracy | Cond./Restr. |
[35,36] | Yes (802.1Qcr) | None | None | Sim. |
[82] | No | RTT | 11 ns | Testbed (Custom HW) |
[83] | No | RTT | <7 s | Sim. (Custom HW) |
DTP [57] | No | RTT | approximately 25 ns | (Custom HW) |
TTE | ||||
[84,85] | No | RTT | 10 ns–100 ns | Testbed (Custom HW) |
PSPI-Sync [86] | No | RTT + SLE | approximately 100 s | Testbed |
[87] | No | EF | 5–20 s | Analytically + Testbed |
RADclock [88,89] | Almost (PTP) | EF | approximately 10 s | Testbed |
[90] | No | KF | approximately 100 s | Testbed |
[46] | Yes (NTP) | KF/LP/ATD | <30 ms (GT) <0.5 s (ST, LP) <0.75 s (ST, KF) <1.2 s (ST, ATD) | Sim. + Testbed |
[91] | No | KF | <0.5 s | Sim. |
[92] | No | KF | <1 s | Sim. |
[93] | NI | KF | ca. 0.1 s | Sim. |
[94] | No | KF | <100 s (RMSE) | Sim. |
[95] | No | PI | 6.4 ns (RMSE) | Sim. |
[96] | No | KF + PI | <18 ns | Testbed |
[97] | No | CH | 1–1.6 ms | Sim. |
[98] | NI | MW/DSR/SWI/CH | NI | Sim. |
[99] | NI | LP | NI | Sim. |
[100] | No | LP | NI | Analytically |
SLMT [101] | No | LP + IMM | approximately 100 ns | Sim. |
HYGENS [5] | Almost | |||
(entirely SW) | SVM | approximately 100 ns | Testbed | |
(HW-TS) | ||||
[102] | Yes (FlexRay) | FTM | NI | Testbed |
Approach | SC | Estimator | Accuracy | Cond./Restr. |
FLIGHT [105] | No | None | approximately s | Testbed |
[106] | No | Difference | <1 ms | Analytically + Sim. |
RBIS [107] | Yes (802.11) | Difference | 0.2–3 s | Testbed |
[108] | No | CFO + ECT | approximately 12–5 kHz (RMSE) | Sim. + Testbed |
Pulsar [109] | NI | RTT | <5 ns | Testbed |
TPSN [110] | NI | RTT | 16.9 s | Sim. + Testbed |
GTSP [111] | Almost (entirely SW) | MW | 4–14 s | Sim. + Testbed (HW-TS + ISR) |
[112] | NI | Sum | 76 s | Sim. + Testbed |
R-Sync [113] | No | RTT | approximately 50 s | Sim. + Testbed |
TCTS [104] | No | MW | 100–200 s | Sim. |
[114] | No | CA+MSR | <100 ms | Sim. |
[115] | NI | CA | NI | Analytically |
[116] | Yes | CA | 100–1 ms | Analytically + Sim. |
[117] | Yes | CA | approximately 1 s | Analytically + Sim. |
CCS [118] | Yes | CA | NI | Sim. |
TKDS [119] | NI | KF | NI | Sim. |
[120] | NI | EKF | 0.5–34 ns | Sim. |
[121] | NI | CKF | NI | Testbed |
[66] | No | IMM-KF | <1 s (RMSE) | Sim. |
EACS [14] | No | IMM-KF | 1 s–1 ms | Sim. + Testbed |
DISTY [122] | Yes | KF | approximately 8 s | Analytically + Testbed |
PulseSync [123,124] | NI | LR | approximately 2 s | Sim. + Testbed |
FTSP [125] | Yes (DS) | LR | 1.48 s | Testbed |
RBS [126] | Yes (DS, 802.11) | LR | 6.29 s | Sim. + Testbed |
DualSync [127] | No | LR | <100 s | Sim. + Testbed |
CESP [128] | Yes | LR/MA | approximately 2–3 s (MAC-TS) approximately 10 s (APP-TS) | Testbed |
RTSP [7] | No | LR | approximately 0.2–0.3 s | Sim. |
SPiRT [129] | NI | LCM | NI | Sim. + Testbed |
WizSync [130] | NI | Convolution | approximately 0.12ms | Testbed |
TACSC [131] | No | DSC | External: 15 s Internal: 160 s | Analytically + Sim. + Testbed |
[132] | No | NI | 0.2 ms | Testbed |
PISync [133] | Yes | PI | 20 s | Analytically + Testbed |
GraDeS [134] | Yes | GD | <20 s | Analytically + Testbed |
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Puttnies, H.; Danielis, P.; Sharif, A.R.; Timmermann, D. Estimators for Time Synchronization—Survey, Analysis, and Outlook. IoT 2020, 1, 398-435.
Puttnies H, Danielis P, Sharif AR, Timmermann D. Estimators for Time Synchronization—Survey, Analysis, and Outlook. IoT. 2020; 1(2):398-435.
Chicago/Turabian StylePuttnies, Henning, Peter Danielis, Ali Rehan Sharif, and Dirk Timmermann. 2020. "Estimators for Time Synchronization—Survey, Analysis, and Outlook" IoT 1, no. 2: 398-435.
APA StylePuttnies, H., Danielis, P., Sharif, A. R., & Timmermann, D. (2020). Estimators for Time Synchronization—Survey, Analysis, and Outlook. IoT, 1(2), 398-435.