Attention-Based CNN-RNN Arabic Text Recognition from Natural Scene Images
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Proposed CNN-RNN Attention Model
3.1. Dataset and Preprocessing
3.2. Segmented Dataset
4. Commonly Used Deep Learning Techniques
Algorithm 1 Proposed algorithm used for Data Preprocessing | |
1: | procedure PRE-PROCESSING(Dataset) |
2: | for Each image in dataset do |
3: | ImageBackground = PreBinarization(Image) |
4: | ImageGradient = CalculateGradient(ImageBackground) |
5: | ImageSmoothen = SmoothenGradient(ImageGradient) |
6: | ThresholdedImage = ThresholdedImage(ImageSmoothen) |
7: | DilatedImage = ApplyDilation(ThresholdedImage) |
8: | OutliersRemovedImages = ApplyConnectedComponentAnalysis |
9: | LocalizedTextImages = ApplyTextLocalization |
10: | return LocalizedTextImages |
Overview of RNN
5. Description of Implementation
6. Experimental Results
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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TV-Channels | Training Data | Testing Data |
Lines | Words | Lines | Words | |
AL-JazeeraHD-TV | 1725 | 7590 | 380 | 1286 |
Russia-Today-TV | 2076 | 12,999 | 301 | 1946 |
France 24-TV | 1821 | 5372 | 264 | 978 |
TunsiaNat-TV | 1900 | 8950 | 290 | 1094 |
AIISD-TV | 5840 | 26,203 | 812 | 5136 |
TV-Channels | Training Data | Testing Data |
Lines | Words | Lines | Words | |
AL-JazeeraHD-TV | 1430 | 5970 | 310 | 980 |
AL-Arabiya | 410 | 2230 | 265 | 1457 |
France 24-TV | 1690 | 4887 | 219 | 870 |
BBC-Arabic | 155 | 350 | 95 | 180 |
AIISD-TV | 5030 | 21,104 | 780 | 3013 |
Sources | Training Data | Testing Data |
Lines | Words | Lines | Words | |
1100 |3320 | 409 | 1110 |
Architecture | Alif_Test_1 | Alif_Test_2 | ||||
ChRR (%) | LiRR (%) | WoRR (%) | ChRR (%) | LiRR (%) | WoRR (%) | |
ConNet with LSTM | 91.27 | 54.9 | 70.29 | 92.37 | 56.9 | 71.9 |
Deep belief net | 89.98 | 40.05 | 60.58 | 87.8 | 43.7 | 62.78 |
HC with LSTM | 85.44 | 60.15 | 53.4 | 87.14 | 62.30 | 50.31 |
ABBYY | 82.4 | 25.99 | 50.0 | 83.26 | 26.91 | 49.80 |
Hybrid CNN-RNN | 93.2 | 78.5 | 40.5 | 96.2 | 79.5 | 39.5 |
MLP_AE_LSTM | 88.50 | 33.5 | 61.22 | 88.50 | 33.5 | 61.22 |
Hi-MDLSTM | 95.55 | 71.33 | 85.72 | 96.55 | 70.67 | 85.71 |
Proposed Architecture | 98.73 | 82.21 | 87.06 | 97.09 | 79.91 | 85.98 |
TV Channels | AcTiV_Test_1 | AcTiV_Test_2 | ||||
ChRR (%) | LiRR (%) | WoRR (%) | ChRR (%) | LiRR (%) | WoRR (%) | |
A1-JazeeraHD-tv and France24-tv | 94.9 | 60.51 | 75.55 | 96.29 | 69.54 | 86.11 |
Russia-Today-tv andTunsiaNat-tv | 95.33 | 70.28 | 88.31 | 97.72 | 78.33 | 88.14 |
AIISD-tv | 84.09 | 55.39 | 64.17 | 90.71 | 61.07 | 75.64 |
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Butt, H.; Raza, M.R.; Ramzan, M.J.; Ali, M.J.; Haris, M. Attention-Based CNN-RNN Arabic Text Recognition from Natural Scene Images. Forecasting 2021, 3, 520-540.
Butt H, Raza MR, Ramzan MJ, Ali MJ, Haris M. Attention-Based CNN-RNN Arabic Text Recognition from Natural Scene Images. Forecasting. 2021; 3(3):520-540.
Chicago/Turabian StyleButt, Hanan, Muhammad Raheel Raza, Muhammad Javed Ramzan, Muhammad Junaid Ali, and Muhammad Haris. 2021. "Attention-Based CNN-RNN Arabic Text Recognition from Natural Scene Images" Forecasting 3, no. 3: 520-540.
APA StyleButt, H., Raza, M. R., Ramzan, M. J., Ali, M. J., & Haris, M. (2021). Attention-Based CNN-RNN Arabic Text Recognition from Natural Scene Images. Forecasting, 3(3), 520-540.