Inheritance is a Surjection: Description and Consequence †
:1. Description of Study
2. Foundation Discussion
3. Uniqueness of Offspring
4. Identical Means of Reproduction
5. Kinship
6. Culture and Population Measurements
7. Forecasting Evolution
8. Conclusions
- generation–a defined limited but continuous duration of time, called t
- members–a non-empty set of “individuals” at time of some species alive at time t
- parents–a pair of members of the same generation who are assigned as creating new individuals at t
- offspring–a set of individuals who are created in generation t + 1 from the parents in t
- evolutionary process–a process that creates, or changes what may be created, by means of defined interactions between two individuals of the same generation
- genetics–an evolutionary process in which the parents are creating new individuals by means of transmission of genes:
- –the position in the genome where there are or can be variants is a locus.
- –the alternative forms of DNA at the position of a locus are alleles.
- mathematical anthropology–a mathematical representation of a cultural evolutionary process in which the parents are identified by cultural rules and to which offspring are assigned.
- surjection–a collection of two sets of non-empty objects P and O, where P ∩ O = 0, and where each member of P has at least one member of O linked to it. (Note therefore that the members of P can be called “parents” and the members of O can be called “offspring”.)
- (mathematical) group–a non-empty set G with an operation + such that for each g in G:
- –an object o in G such that for every g in G, g + o = o + g = g;
- –an object in G called identity or I;
- –for each g in G is an member g−1 in G such that for each g, g + g−1 = g−1 + g = I;
- –for any pair of objects g, h in G, g + h and h + g are members of G, and g + h = h + g.
- describing or transmitting cultural information:
- –are used to represent a particular cultural rule, also called a history.
- –the proportion of each generation population Gt using history is vt.
- –each cultural rule of marriage has a structural number s, which is set by the size of the minimal group representing that rule (page 4).
- –let s be the structural number of history.
- –let ns = average family size (average number of offspring to a set of parents in time period t) of a system with structural number s.
- –Define the proportion of (socially ascribed) reproducing females as ps. Let ps = 2/ns.
- –The specific values of ps, and ns are presented in [3 appendix 2]
- Part 6, Equations (1) through (4) show how to predict for each t:
- –the value of the expected surviving average family size n(t);
- –average percent of assumed reproducing females p(t);
- –average expected change in population growth r(t);
Mathematical diagram
- Let: Mean:
- D
- biological population operators of the population at the indexed time t,
- Gt
- is the population size at time t
- Mt
- the sets of married or biologically mating couples at time t, with Mt ⊆ Gt
- Bt+1
- a partition of Gt+1 into sets of offspring with the same parents, with Bt+1 ⊆ Gt+1
- μ
- a surjection corresponding to assignments of Mt,
- π
- partition of Gt+1 showing kin groups of a population within a generation t+1, as assigned by the genetic or cultural rules of marriage
- d−1
- a surjection corresponding to descent
- d
- an injection corresponding to ancestor
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Ballonoff, P. Inheritance is a Surjection: Description and Consequence. Proceedings 2020, 46, 12.
Ballonoff P. Inheritance is a Surjection: Description and Consequence. Proceedings. 2020; 46(1):12.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBallonoff, Paul. 2020. "Inheritance is a Surjection: Description and Consequence" Proceedings 46, no. 1: 12.
APA StyleBallonoff, P. (2020). Inheritance is a Surjection: Description and Consequence. Proceedings, 46(1), 12.