4.2.1. The Intelligent Era Generates the Spiritual Awakening of Life Nature Come into Being
Currently people’ activities are basically around the acquisition of various material needs, life itself is constituted by what it devote to, the most time of people is used to fulfill material and outer requirement, so each life now is essentially a material life, rarely related to spiritual and intelligent life level. This time science and technology revolution has brought intellectual revolution to human beings, these material life and activities could be replaced by intelligent, so human life will be liberated from material creating activities, human labor is becoming not an essential factor to large production, and furthermore rise to lead on top of these. Then after life is liberated from material, where are the next entrances and exits of life orientation? That is developing from material life to spiritual life, get the exploring and sublimating of nature life essence start, namely the spiritual life. Make human life be fundamentally promoted at higher levels. Thereafter, human life will more and more turn to intelligence needs of spirituality. Human civilization then slowly and slowly transform from material stage to spiritual stage.
4.2.2. The Call of New Age: Eastern Culture and Philosophy will Direct Human Mind Forward
The opening of the Intelligent Age, human society enters into the age of internet of all things, everything is connected, a variety of traditional boundaries will gradually lose its binding force, such as the national division, culture distinction, region segmentation and so on. All human social mobility elements can be digitized into Data, which approach to an unified world, the future of human society will be towards a unified trend and direction, that is, China put forward the concept of “Community of Common Destiny”.
The nature of Chinese philosophy is highly consistent with the philosophical spirit of the information age, such as the holistic cosmology, the union of human and heaven, the universal origin theory, etc. There are two big issues that our world is now going through: First, China is rising, and the very first is the reviving of Chinese culture. Second, the intelligent era is coming, which will completely change human society and challenge normal thinking, promote rethinking of reconstruction of social ecology and social science researching. So I think there is destined philosophical association between the two big issues.
Each social form has a philosophical paradigm as a guide, so what is the guide philosophy in this new era? Human society extends too much vaster space. Oriental civilization, especially Chinese culture and philosophy, emphasizing the cosmology of “The harmony between man and nature” and the principle of “the doctrine of the mean”, yin-yang and five elements theory. The spirit of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are all of holism world view, all pursue ultimate of life and guide man to improve life.
I think that based on the coincidence between Chinese philosophy and the intellectual age, Chinese philosophy may become the fundamental philosophy of this era. That is, the cornerstone of information philosophy.
Oriental philosophy is mainly about nature life. The essence of Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism is of spirit life practice, and include systematic ideology, which guide human going into spiritual life cognition and awakening. So with the arriving of Intelligent Age, Chinese philosophy and culture may step on the way of taking this ideological mission and guide the whole world achieving to the unity in a broader sense.
We propose that Chinese culture will take on the ideological guiding mission in this new human society form, which generated by this new scientific and technological revolution. And the whole world will achieve unity in a broader sense.
4.2.3. The Growth Theory of Personal Inner Life
So what kind of spirit could be an inner growth guidance of the essence of life namely the spiritual life? In a universal sense, what kind of spiritual culture will become the leading culture of it? This topic may include the dialogue between different civilizations of mankind, the integration of the subject, I boldly put forward, from the individual spiritual life growth point of view, different civilizations may be at different levels of spiritual life. The spiritual growth of life follow a hierarchical order, such as the ultimate of Buddhism is Nirvana, but the middle process will experience a variety of sub-fruit. From the Christian culture, Jewish culture, Islamic culture, which are outside of China, to Chinese Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism culture, these represent the highest attainments of human spiritual civilization, if we put them to one study platform of life and reconsider them all from the view of spiritual life growing, then we will find that, they are at the different positions, plays the different roles relative to spiritual life growing. And furthermore, there are hierarchy relationships between them, and they point to spiritual pursuit in a unified sense, ultimately serving the spiritual life growing subject. So based on this human fundamental topic of spiritual life growing, different civilizations come to stand on this point of culture convergence and force the generation of dialogue, coordination and fusion mechanism. Following the systematic construction of human spiritual life, these different cultures will be reconstructed and then produce a new form of innovative civilization achievement. This will be an exciting subject.